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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Help from the Ladies

    What a lucky pair you are... a carriage ride sounds fab! I agree with the others... cliche ain't bad! What about a nice stroll, somewhere peaceful? Good luck with your thank you ... let us know where and how it was received!
  2. coops

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    This subject carcks me up too... With a BMI of still 30 and in a UK14, at 5'2' I am still quite hefty... although a lot smaller than before... I am not foolish enough to know or think that I am anywhere near skinny! Yet, people in work, mostly women, call me 'skinny', 'tiny' and the such-like! I have been told everyday this week that I am not to lose anymore weight... I have been told that I have, and I quote, 'not tits', I have been told that I should stop now cos I am too old to get any smaller and I have been told that I will never lose the belly fat - again due to my age. People have also said that if I lose any more I will look old and I will look ill! I have also been asked how my I weigh now... I just let them say it... I won't get into an arguement over MY body! Over the last part of the week I have just replied with 'oh I want to maintain now'... just to shut people up. It is annoying but I can't get into a discussion with these women because I don't want to lose my temper in work! I agree with others when they said that NO ONE told me I was too fat; No ONE commented when my weight kept piling on and NO ONE was concerned that I wouldn't be around to 'look' old if I didn't get my health back on track. I suppose, what we have to do is take the high road... what ever is said to us in a negative, or what is perceived to be a negative manner, should be left on the shelf along with the excess cals that we no longer want or need. This is MY life, MY body and I will be done losing when I am good and ready... 'nuff said!
  3. coops

    I am officially overweight YAY!!!

    Hey Lisa.... congrats on the overweight BMI... great place to be eh? I'm looking forward to that day myself!! A far as tips go... well, I can't really help you there as I am struggling along in the same boat; 10lbs to surgeon's goal; 25lbs to my personal gaol! What I can say though, is stay positive! Stick to the diet that suits your body; drink the Fluid and exercise! With that combo I am sure you will make it... NO... I know you will make it! Wel, that is waht I am doing anyhoooo... sorry I can't be more specific =]
  4. Hey Southernsleever... 'awesome'? ... from you, that is a compliment and a half ... thank you x
  5. Hey Warrior...Firstly, well done on an awesome weight loss to date... you are definately a success story in my mind. And 25lb to goal is a great place to be ... You've already had some really good advise/comments... This is just a 'thought' to add to the mix. Now, I might be wrong, but from reading your post you sounded like a 'dieter' ... you know, like someone at a Weight Watchers meeting? Does that make sense? So when you said it was all in your head, that sorta struck a chord with me... It sounds like you are thinking like a dieter too... perhaps I am wrong? Is there anyway you can refocus your thoughts around food... look at it in a different way? I know that is a tough one but might be worth a try. Look at it for what it is... fuel; not a treat - use other things to treat yourself - and food is just something that helps you live. Make it less important?! For me, the sleeve isn't a diet... it is designed so we CAN eat normally... we can have the occassional treat without throwing up and getting the squirts???? I don't want to think like a dieter anymore because, for me, diets don't work. I look at my sleeve as a little vessel to hold the food that I need to live. I make good choices 95/90% of the time, the rest of the time I am human. I have NEVER been a succesful dieter... but I am seeing myself as a succesful sleever!! Not sure if that helps any?? I also think that it is good that you are back in the gym, Raine was right about burning off those extra cals. Could be a good reward too??? Anyway, you are in the right place here... come in and vent, rant of just comment... lots of support to see you to your final destination. Good luck =]
  6. coops

    Starting year 2

    DoOver, what a brilliant success you are! Sorry to hear about your family worries... it must be an awful time for you and it is a good thing that food is no longer your crutch. I am also glad that you are being proactive with your depression and seeking help. I am sure that will be of much benefit to you at this time. Regarding the weight loss and how each and every body is different... I think you have hit the nail on the head and your words are those of wisdom, knowledge and experience. Thank you for posting your experience.. it reflects mine in many ways. A 10lb loss by Christmas or the new Year, will certainly, be the best present. Good luck with your cont'd success
  7. Diva, as per usual you've left me speechless... you look absolutely-bloody-amazing! I know 'looks' aren't the reason for your motivation, but hell... you look fantastic! ( always did in my humble opinion!) I feel soooo proud of you... and want you to know that each and every word that write is really important around here. You put the positive spin on ALL situations and that makes a real difference. Yep! You certainly are our cheerleader... right, I'm off on that treadmill...lol... Congratulations on a fantastic journey Irene... love and hugs from across the pond! x
  8. Congrats on a job well done .... I agree your arms are to die for!!
  9. For what ever reason, I defo feel the cold more now I am smaller... Interesting...
  10. Congratulations on reaching goal Cheri! What an awesome achievement! Good luck as you maintain ... let us know how you get on! I love the idea of waiting to see where your body settles before getting that all important goal wardrobe. That is going to be one fun day of shopping!!
  11. . Literally, this is the stuff my nightmares are made of. I feel as though I just escaped prison and I am waiting for the Marshalls to find me and haul my a$$ back in. I don't want to be a fugitive in weight loss. I love this analagy... I completely relate to you... over the last 6mths, I have cheered myself on and beaten myself up within hours. When people say that this is a rollercoaster... well, they are right on the money! Unlike you, I have NEVER EVER lost more than 7lbs on any sort of diet! So, this for me is a real testiment of how the sleeve works! I think time, too, will be your friend... it has become mine. When my year post op came and went and I wasn't at weight goal I sorta freaked out. Since then I have continued to lose, ok slowly, but it IS coming off. We have to believe in ourselves... this is our time and failure is a four letter F word in my head and not an option. Believe in youself my lovely ladyeee... those nightmares are what they are... in your head. Don't, under any circumstances, let them become reality. Remember the dream? Well, we are living it! Chin up Amanda, sending you positive vibes from across the pond x
  12. Once again... THANK YOU ALL! You all know, just where I am coming from... my nonsleeve friends, whilst being happy for me, just don't 'get it' like you do! It has taken me a while but it has been worth it. I wore the trousers today, and they felt great!! Working on those last 10lbs 'cos a goal thread fromt he Coopster would just be the best thing for me... Hey Feedyoureye... I have had many comments, all positive, about my booty... seems to be quite peachy these days...lol... and yea, I defo think boxing helps... all those squats has to do some good. I also run on the treadmill and walk my dog.. so good lower body toning! Do you do any exercise... I highly recommend boxing. Since I started in March, I've managed to shift about 14lbs... but gone down from a UK 18 to a Uk14! Has to be something in it?! I have a lot of muscle now... I was thinking about posting a pic of my thighs and calf muscles...lol... my hubby said he would give anything to have legs as strong and toned as mine and he is a 6ft hairy arsed police officer - handsome too of course!! x
  13. M2G... I completely agree... I think that the surgeon's goal will come first for me, then I am gonna see what size and how I feel there. To be honest, it is getting a little tiresome now and I really feel that I need to settle soon... I need to stop obessing over my weight!! Been going on tooooo long....lol
  14. Oh well... I thought I would treat myself to a new pair of work trousers... I only have one pair that fits me and they are really lose and baggy... I can just about get away with them with a belt! So, I popped into my shop on the way home and bought a pair of UK 14 trousers... nothing fancy, just a plain black pair for work. I got home, feeling a little excited, feeling that they are bound to fit me nice.... alas, I was wrong! I honestly thought I was going to write a size goal post today...* weeps silenty* Ok.. so I did them up, got in them - but there is NO WAY I can wear them out in public... Feeling a little gutted and frustrated now! This belly fat is really tough; resisting all efforts that I try to rid it! I am not chanting... 'I will do this.... I can do this' - repeat as often as possible! OOOPs! ... should read... I AM CHANTING...lol... see!! that is how frustrated I am!! =]
  15. Thank you... not sure if tiny is the right adjective... but I am defo getting there!! And, as a footnote, I am not wearing any make up.. so that has to say something about my confidence!! 16mths ago, there would be NO WAY a picture would be taken without some lippy, at least!!
  16. Yey! Looking good there fella... I've just posted updated pic too... great to see out progress in colour!! Only 5lb left eh? Fingers crossed they'll be gone in no time... then a goal thread...yey!! =]
  17. Hey! Yea, I put some pics on another thread... a size goal thread...lol! Been wanting to do that for soooo long! =]
  18. Thanks Cludgie ... I will have a look in M&S, the only part of my wardrobe I haven't replaced are undies ... and I am getting a saggy butt in them now! I will have to ask Santa...lol x
  19. coops

    Week Long business trip

    Good luck Sharon ... no that I think you'll need it... you sound very prepared, focused and determined not to get into your old habits. Just remember how far you have come... safe journey(s)! =]
  20. coops

    Loose skin rebound

    who cares if it is 'real' or not...lol... it is how you feel that is more important! And if hubby is noticing too... well, I would just take that one for the team! Good job! x
  21. OK, so for once I took my own advise... I bought another pair of size 14s...different shop, different shape and *drum roll please*# THEY %$^*$ING FIT ME!!!!! I am sooooooo happy! Size 14 trousers, that I can do up, wear out and sit down in!!! Lesson to be learnt, it ain't so much the size as the STYLE... I have to learn, yet again, what fits and suits my 'shape' as opposed to my 'size'! I love my sleeve!!!
  22. Check you out... you should rename yourself to, extra-small-lil-miss-DIVA!! Seriously thoug, what an amazing journey you've had my friend...I know it is cliche, but, you really are an inspiration to me!!!
  23. I am soooo glad that I am not alone with this. I really don't want to buy the bigger size, just in case I manage to get rid of the last 10lb to my surgeon's goal! But, in saying that... the weather here has really changed for the worst, and winter is setting in. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing dresses to work now... but I know that soon it is going to be too cold for a dress; even a winter one!! I might venture out and try another pair of UK14 trousers in a different shop... The compression thing might also be a good idea... You are right SleeveStalker... pesky muffin top!! lol
  24. I am 16mths out and although I don't lose pounds on a regular basis... I am still losing, just very slowly. My body, at this stage, seems to drop 2-4lb over several weeks... then goes in to a long stall... then drops another 2-4lb over several weeks... you get the picture. This has been happening since around Feb! However, I think that this cycle is also related to my hormones as I am peri menopausal (my hot flushes are really bad atm, so I know I won't lose much at this point) and therefore, my body is a little all over the place. Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? I tried it at the beginning of the year, and although I didn't lose much weight... 2lbs I think... it really helped me focus on the 'amount' of food that I could take in and put me back in touch with portoin control. Basically you go back to a post op style diet... liquids - Soups, shakes etc for three days, then focus on Protein... might be worth a try? Oh, and congrats on losing 122lb... that is a fantastic achievement in 14mths... you didn't mention how much more you wanted to lose? Good luck and let me know what happened...=]
  25. Hey FionaB, Good luck with your revision... I am in the UK too... and was self pay! I you need any support.... give us a shout! =]

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