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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Yolanda... congrats on your success! I can only echo what others before have said! Size 6 V.s surgeon's goal... yep, the size 6 wins... every time! My suregeon would be elated by your achievements... you rock those skinny jeans and he isn't happy, tell him to kiss your not-fat-a$$!! =]
  2. coops

    Nsv Of Sorts!

    Cheers Cludgie... it has taken a while, but I am learning that food isn't a good way to feel better.. oh, and as a foot note... I didn't have a hang over... I haven't had an alcholic drink since July! I will have a few tipples over Xmas, but it doesn't bother me at all now!! Happy Days! =]
  3. Rev Me Up ... congratulations on all that sliding!! Great to hear that you have reached your goal... well done! Goal pics???? =]
  4. coops

    Fat Pant Photos...

    Love it, love it, love it!! Feedyoureye... these are awesome pics! You really do look amazing and I would NEVER say that you weigh 174...NOOOOO!! You, my friend, are rocking that sleeve and that body!! Congrats on some fan-bloody-tastic pictures xx
  5. coops

    By George! Dare I Say Thin?

    Sleeve... what can I add??? It has all been said! You look amazing my friend... soooo happy and healthy! Beautiful!! x
  6. I agree with the other posters... you have done sooo well! And, yes the last part is the hardest! I am struggling with the last 10lb and have been doing so for many, many weeks! There are lots of different things to take in to account.... Please don't compare yourself to anyone but YOU! Gauge your success by how far YOU have come! 85lb in less than a year is truly a success... you have gained your health back and that is so important! I went through a phase where I compared myself to others... it took me to a very dark place that I didn't like or enjoy. I had to find the courage to stop doing it and just look at what I had done and how well I had done. Before the sleeve I could NEVER lose more than 7lb, and like soooo many others it all came back plus some! And now, here I am 74lb down, 10lb away from my surgeon's goal and wearing a UK 14... a size that I haven't worn since the day I got married 17yrs ago. So, I am not at my weight 'goal', but I have my health and my life back to a place that I finally like. Congratulations on your success so far...
  7. Ok, so I am slowly losing the plot here... I am 10lbs (bouncing up and down the same 3lbs for a month) to my surgeon's goal and about 28lb from my personal 'OMG I can't believe it' goal - which is actually a dream rather than a reality as I haven't weighed under 10 stone - 140lbs - since I was about 16! So, I won't be too upset if I don't get there... however, my surgeon's goal is really important to me. Anyway, to stick with the marathon analogy, I am getting tired... I've hit the 'wall'! My motivation has started to wain. Through circumstances that are out of my control, I have been unable to exercise more than once or twice a week... I was exercising 4 times min a few months ago! I am constantly tired, for several reasons and just completely fed up with my obession to lose weight. I am good in the food dept 90% of the time, I allow myself a treat on the weekend but that isn't every weekend. I stick to the Protein first and no drinking for 20 mins rules all the time and although I do eat carbs, they are what I consider good carbs. I still don't eat Pasta, noodles or rice. I only eat potatoes now and again, same with wholemeal bread. I am happy with my food choices, my cals range between 900 - 1200 on any given day; I do track them from time to time to make sure that I am still on track and this helps me. I still only eat three times a day, as per surgeon's instructions, but now and again I have a good snack. My menopause symptoms are really taking their toll on me too... the hot sweats are absolutely debilitating, leaving me hot and flustered, especially in school! I am drained after them, tired and sleepy and my moods are getting really cranky. Probably a mix of hormones and frustration. The night sweats are awful, waking me up throughout the night, and then I am tired getting up, leaving me, once again cranky. And the cycle continues... I have come to terms with being a slow loser... and I was praying that I would reach my goal. I even joined the Christmas Challenge thread, but since I haven't lost a pound, I am afraid to look in on it... doesn't that sound like I am being a spoilt brat, I don't mean to be! This goal thing is just really hard at the moment... not being there is getting to me, especially when people around me are making comments like: 'Oh, you mustn't lose any more weight, you'll look ill' etc... bla, bla, bla! I know I am getting a little smaller, as I have, finally, bought and worn a size Uk14 trousers (not quite for the jeans dept yet!) and that really made me feel good... but that seems to have been engulfed by all the other 'stuff' going on! My hubby agrees with me, that I DO have more weight to lose, that I should continue the race... and I love him for his honesty. So, how do I get my mojo back... how do I get my motivation back and how do I get that bloody scale to move???? Please, my sleeve friends, throw me a line... Hugs from across the pond x
  8. Thanks again for ALL the reponses... I really am trying to stay positive here... I spoke to my line manager in work and explained how the flushes are effecting me in work and he agreed to let me go to the doc in work time... I have an appointment next week; 30th Oct ... I am hoping the doc will refer me for more blood tests. I am also going boxing tonight... feel like I have to do something to get rid of this frustration!
  9. Defo a success and defo a vixen who is vanishing...lol... you are looking great! =]
  10. Oh Sharon, what an amazing result in just 9 mths... you are looking fab; just fab!!! The confidence in work thing really rings a bell with me, I can totally relate to that feeling! Good for you my friend, you go for it!! I am sure the last part of your journey will be over very soon... I am defo looking forward to reading your goal post! x
  11. Hey you.. you look bloody amazing... and your skin is glowing. I love the dress, the hair and the SMILE!! Good on you; yes, you are a princess...x
  12. coops

    At Goal...for Now.

    OMG... You've lost another man. then some... I can't express how impressed I am! Congratulations ...
  13. I agree with Feedyoureye... it has to be water weight. I too bounce up 1-3lb on any given day! I believe that this is natural for us ladies... try not to stress over it, easier said than done I know, but it will go back down. I promise you the sleeve is the ONLY way that I have ever lost more than 7lbs! Good luck
  14. coops

    Success In A Wall Shadow!

    I am loving that pic there Diva! Great NSV! x
  15. Thank you all for your kind words... I knew this place would cheer me up! I had a really bad nights sleep las night. Woke up many times covered in sweat and aching...been thru the mill with flushes today, defo getting worse! I rang my doc when I got home... they can book me in for an afternnon appt, with my chosen doc, on the 20th Dec!! My work is funny about letting us have time off for apptment that can be made after school, but I am going to have to talk to them 'cos I can't wait another month!! This is doing my head in!! I am sure the hormones are the cause of my mood!!
  16. Hey, thanks for the quick replies... I have been to my doc at the beginning of the year and had a load of bloods done... oestrogen levels were abnormal and I was referred to the menopause clinic.. The doc told me there that I was peri menopausal as I am still getting periods, even if they have a mind of their own and no real pattern; the cycle can be anything from two weeks apart to 4mths apart... grrrr! Anyway, the doc told me to lose more weight, as that will help (?) and put me on HRT Patches. i wore them for two mths but I had severe migraines with them and I was taken off them! I was thinking about going back to the docs... getting more bloods? I seriously, can't go on like this!! Sharon, I will seriously think about that vacation... unlike others, I don't dread maintaince as I only lose a few pounds every other month, I have a feeling it will be fairly easy for me... I certainly don't worry about being unable to stop the weight falling off... it has never fallen off me...lol! Perhaps some time out will help?? I will have a little think about that one... thank you
  17. Loving that curvy pic... but you already look like that!! Can't wait to hear all about your final recovery and see the pics... take it easy, with plenty of rest xx
  18. coops

    Down 100 Pounds! Yay!

    OMG... you are a different woman Meg!! And, you were sleeved on my birthday...lol Congratulations on an amazing success journey so far, and you haven't got 'ways to go'... it is just 16lbs and compared to what you have done that is a drop in the ocean!
  19. Hey, I've just noticed your ticker... 100lbs off!! Congrats, that is bloody amazing,,, and just 16lbs to goal! Well done you =]

  20. coops

    Super Nsv (sort Of)

    Loving this... what a great boost for you too! I get told the same thing, I don't believe them...lol... my brain is taking A LONG time to catch up!
  21. coops

    Bald and depressed...

    Oh Megs, I am really feeling for you! My hair went really thin - it has always been fine, like you - after my surgery... and it hasn't really recovered now, at 16+mths post op. I have recently had it cut really short, trying to hide how fine it looks! I think it hasn't grown back due to hormones too... and you are soooo right. It is depressing! Hope you find a solution, be it wig or whatever, that makes you feel more confident and happy. Hugs
  22. So, AT 16MTHS POST OP, I have reached my original size goal... UK14! was this size when I got married ( but 14-18lb lighter!) 17 years ago And, I am really pleased to be here. I still want the scale to say my goal too... and who knows, that might result in a smaller size clothes. I am a UK 14 in trousers - gotta be careful with the cut/style; dresses; tops and jumpers; skirts and training clothes! I have had a hard couple of weeks with the scale bouncing around so this really has cheered me up... here are my latest pics
  23. coops

    Nsv - Slender And Young! Me?

    Yep... I agree with everyone else.... but, what a fab NSV... just take it and enjoy it!! =]
  24. Good luck with your surgery... will b e looking out for updates soon... x
  25. coops

    I have embraced a new GOAL!!

    I love your non weight related goals... and love to see the progress that they give you! Take it easy my dear friend... looking forward to your report on the final phase of project Diva... x

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
