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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Crosswind... hey!! I am soooo pleased to read your post... good for you on getting that scale moving, but better still, not driving yourself nuts about it! I agree with Feedyoureye, 5lbs a mth is pretty good... I would be happy with that! Keep feeding your body the good stuff, and live your lighter life and that last 50lb will be gone before you know it! Good to hear from you again =]
  2. coops

    M2G's Ramblings

    Hey M2G... I, once again, am relating to you! Especially the thing with the scales... I have been on another stall, this one has now gone into its 6th week. I am bouncing up and down the same 3lbs. I am also having issues with my hormones - flushes and messed up periods... so I am getting off the train until the New Year! I haven't given myself permission to binge or eat crap! Just permission not to get upset if the scale doesn't move ... or, if I do want some white bread or choc (or whatever) then I will have it and see what happens in the scale dept. I know that come the New Year, I will pick up where I left off. My doc wants me to lose another 14lbs or so, same as my surgeon, and I have to agree that that is the min where I would enter maintaince for good. Lets keep each other strong in the final stretch... then we can Celebrate together... x
  3. Hey Lex! WOW... you look fan-bloody-tastic! Oh, and did I say WOW! What a transformation! Congrats to you!! I notice you're in London... nice to see another Brit on the board! =]
  4. KImmes, Congrats on the 150 marker... bloody brilliant! Well done you, and boy, you look amazing too... your face says it all! And your hair! My God, what I would give for a head of hair like yours... it looks so thick and shiny! Good luck with the gallstone surgery... here's hoping it will be a smooth op and a smoother recovery...x
  5. Hey you! I loved reading this post! I know it shouldn't make a difference, but getting that pesky scale on your side is brilliant! Ans, having good blood results is such a reward! Congratulations on turning your health around... not obese...wow! That is my dream! What an awesome 9-hoping-mths you've had! x
  6. What a great post; and a great place to be! I am so happy for you! That feeling of content must be worth a million weight related goals all rolled into one! I truly cannot wait to be where you are today! Congratulations on the final stage of your journey; self acceptance! xx
  7. I knew I would see this post soon... WOW fella! What a great success you've had! Congrats on getting to that goal! Indeed it is a good christmas pressie. Enjoy the new you! x
  8. coops

    Did Someone Say 159?

    Cludgie... I am loving the rise in feeling to amazing!! Good on you my lovely... or as us welsh would say, 'tidy, like!' x
  9. OH YOU!!! This is bloody fantastic news SS... I am soooo happy for you! And yes, get some recent pics on here! Can't wait to see them as in your previous ones you looked amazing... Congrats on those size 6 skinnys...x
  10. I think this is a NSV... Today my hubby insisted on getting a Mac Donalds - it was a hangover cure for him... yea, whatever! 18mths ago, with no movement on the scales for 5 weeks, I would have joined him saying 'what the hell, this stupid diet isn't working' and gorged myself on a Big Mac Meal - or whatever they are called! Today, however, I did not. The smell made me feel sick. The look of the food made my stomach turn. The whole idea of eating that sh*t and paying good money for it repulsed me. I have never looked at food in that way before. I am soooo proud of myself as I have been a little down and stressed lately that I didn't use food as a comfort and a friend. Instead, I have the sleeve and my health as my friend and they are both nicer!!
  11. coops

    Nsv Of Sorts!

    Hey mnbsleeve! Thank you for your kind words... I can tell you that, that morning really was a defining moment for me! It is possible to get rid of destructive thoughts and actions... something I have never really focused on before! Now, if I want something that is considered a treat or a 'waste of calories' it is a very conscious decision! x
  12. Hello Ladies, So of you might recall that a few weeks ago I posted that I was getting a lot of headaches and hot flushes/flashes... well, I bit the bullet and went to see my doc. He said that I am too young for the menopause, but it is possibly... I am getting a blood test for that and thyroid next week. He said that my headaches, flushes and irregular periods could all be linked and that this MIGHT be the reason why I am a slow loser... I really was hoping that when my weight had decreased that my body would synch itself back to 'normal'! Anyway, to cut a long (and boring) story short, he has perscribed me with a drug called Clondine (Dixarit) to help stop the hot flushes and ease the headaches. I was wondering if anyone else had taken this and how they found it? I have checked the side effects and I am not too sure whether I am happy to taken them or not... Also, if you have taken them, how was your weight loss... did it change, or was there no effect? Any words of wisdom, as ever, greatly received! =]
  13. coops

    Body Shape After Weight Loss

    Hey! There is plenty of 'fat' left on me...lol... I do exercise (gone off the boil just lately due to an injury and working my way back to it) my regular is boxing. We ladies, do the same as the men, and that includes a lot of strength work; sit ups is a defo! I can feel the difference, but as I said there is plenty of fat left on the surface.!! As for the leg/thigh area, as well as skipping and light jogging we do a lot of squats and leg work in the circuits and the muscle I have there is pretty obvious now! My hubby, who is a hairy arsed policeman, said he would die the for muscel definition in my calves...lol...x
  14. coops

    Body Shape After Weight Loss

    Hey, Great question ... Before I put on a lot o weight, I was always a typical pear shape... Small up top, flat(ish) tummy and in relation, larger thigh/bum! Since surgery my weight and shape is definately different. I am now a apple shape... more weight around the middle section than anywhere else. It is taking ages for the last 14lbs to too.... That is my experience, we are all different... good luck =]
  15. Libbe, I missed this the first time around - when you orginally posted. I am so sorry that you are still going through this nightmare... now, this might sound weird, but your post 'feel' really positive?! Not sure why? Anyway, I think with you positive attitude you will get through all of this. Sending you hugs from across the pond x
  16. Great results... and interesting what you said about eating more... something I have been toying with for a while. I upped my cals - good cals - to around 1000-1200 but I haven't seen a difference on the scale, although I do feel a little better! Keep up the good work you shrinking woman you!! =]
  17. I'll take being cold to sweating all the time! Mind, with these hot flushes I am freezing one minute. boiling the next... repeat unti; I'm 60...lol
  18. coops

    Clonidine... possibly for the menopause

    Hiya Hunydew, thank you for your response. I have been given another perscription of Clonidine as I didn't take them last time 'cos I was put on HRT Patches. I came off the patches after 6-7 weeks 'cos I got bad migraines. We now think that the migraines are hormone related. So, I've taken my first does of the Clonidine today... 2 tabs twice a day. i hope they work as the hot flushes are really severe at the moment and effecting my whole life; work, socially, sleep, moods etc! Not nice at all. My doc was really supportive this morning and I have been referred for more blood tests. Then back to the menopause clinic. If you have any advise I would really appreciate it 'cos this is really doing my head in! Not only the physical symtoms but mentally as well... I was 39 when it started and am now 40 and feel that I am too young for this nonsense!! Thanks in advance =]
  19. Hiya fairyfaye... hope you are well and not too cold! Good to see another UK sleever here...how's it going? Thank you for the comments on my UK14 post! So close to goal and it is going so slowly! I will get there... eventually! So how are you doing? x

  20. Oh good for you fella... that pesky BMI eh? I had an interesting converstion with my doctor (not my sleeve surgeon but he doesn't agree with the BMI chart) this morning... she told me that if I got to a BMI of 25 I would be too thin and it wouldn't really benefit my health or my 'looks'... so, now that both my doc and my surgeon agree I feel that a weight has been lifted off the BMI thing. What was good to hear is that they both agree that I should aim for a weight of around 10st 7lb- 11 stone - 147lb- 154lb - which is a really good feeling. I am soooo close... I am waiting to see your goal post, 'cos I have a feeling that it will be here very soon!!
  21. coops

    My Bad Habits Are....

    Erm, bad habits! Well, food wise I am ok with what I am doing now. I allow myself a lil treat now and again... But my real bad habit is not believing in myself... not recognising how well I have done and generally being too hard on myself... booo me ...lol! I am working on these mind, and slowly getting better x
  22. coops

    Camisoles Are My Friend

    Hey, this is great! The weather here has started to change and I find myself wearing my summer vests underneath my other clothes for extra warmth. They are good to add a layer of colour too! Great Job!
  23. Hey Julie ... congrats... another great NSV! I too have started to wear belts with my trousers and jeans... it is saving me a fortune in new clothes too! Especially when I was in between sizes. I am hoping that one day I can wear one, like you, for 'fashion' and to pretty up an outfit!!
  24. coops

    Nsv - By By Belly

    Great NSV... congrats! I agree the tape measure is more of a friend to me that the scales; I haven't lost a pound for 6 weeks... but in that time I have dropped a trouser size????
  25. coops

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I will be looking into this thread again, as I would love a TT! My overhang is gross... it reshapes my clothes and is difficult to hide - I think - and I agree, if it wasn't there I would be in a size smaller trouser! I have quite a few pounds left to lose yet...but would love one in the future...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
