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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    2500 Calories Today

    This completely reflects my day in work. There was an end of term buffet with lots of carbs and high cal goodies. I enjoyed every mouthful but I REFUSE to feel bad about it. And compared to what I could of eaten pre-sleeve I di really well!! This is the beauty of the sleeve. We can eat all sorts of foods and enjoy them! Neither of us are gonna stretch our sleeves from one day... but we both have this amazing tool that limits what we can treat ourselves to. So, like you, tomorrow it is back to normal! Try not to be hard on yourself, we are all human ... be kind to yourself and remember that you allowed this special day to be a 'free' day! You will defo recover from this, of that I am sure! Chin up my sleeve friend.
  2. coops

    So What Is Your Resolution?

    No surprise here... but mine is to reach my surgeon's goal!! Any more lost will be a bonus. On top of that I want to maintain my fitness, if not improve it! =]
  3. Well done PapaBob... you keep up the good work! What a brilliant Christmas present you've given yourself! 131lbs down! That is another person!! =]
  4. coops

    Rewarding Myself

    Great idea... sounds perfect! I like this idea of reward and me days!! =]
  5. consider yourself pinched! Congrats on a 100lbs lost! A dream come true! =]
  6. coops

    How To Set Your Goal Weight

    This is interesting... my recommended weight on the above link is 134lb (approx 9 1/2stone), now, I haven't been that weight since I was 15 and that was 25 years ago. My surgeon's goal is 154lb (11stone) so that is a 20lb difference... to me, that is a big difference! My ultimate goal of 140-138 is the approx weight I carried in my late teens and early twenties... now I really don't think I will get there... I will try, but I won't beat myself up if I don't. To weight anything under 11 stone would be amazing for me!! Time will tell my sleeve friends...
  7. coops

    A Little Discouraged

    I have to agree with the others... you've got some great feedback here. What struck a chord with me was M2G's repsonse. I agree that weights and cardio is the best combo... perhaps you could alternate. I also agree with the time out thing. I have done this through the month of Dec, so far so good on the scales, but if I see an increase so be it. I am trying to re - learn my behaviour with the pesky things. I am letting my sleeve do its job; by that I mean, if I have a treat and I am not hungry at 'meal times' I don't eat until I am hungry... It will be interesting to see how it pans out. Ouroborous, look at how well you've done. Look at the new you! It might be that the seaonal weight change is something that the new you will 'do'? I have a lot of friends who have no weight issues, but gain a few in the winter and shed them in the summer. They don't sweat it, just deal with it.... will this be our new cycle too? How are your clothes fitting... for me that is another factor other than the scales. I haven't lost a pound in many months now and I have dropped a trouser size! See that pesky scales isn't a true indicator of where we actually are! Good luck for what ever you decide to do, be sure to keep us updated!
  8. coops

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I wish I lived in Washington... it would be the four of us!! =]
  9. Once again, congrats on getting there mentally and [hysically... you are a different person on the outside, but I know you are still you on the inside. I love looking at your pics; how far you have come and how your body has changed - in a 'straight way' of course! The human body is a wonderful machine!
  10. coops

    Wtf? Rebound? How?

    Cludgie my friend, don't sweat the small stuff my lovely... from the look of your pictures, Christmas came early for you!! Those pesky pounds will go away as quick as they came... xx
  11. Sleeve of steel, the hair loss thing is the only down side to this surgery! My hair started to go really fine a couple of years ago... I kept it long but it started to look really fine and to be honest, pathetic! Limp, lank and dowdy. I had it cut shorter a few years ago... and kept it around my shoulders and face. Since the sleeve, it has gotten worse, growing back a little but not to what it was. More recently I have had it cut really short. Tapered short at the back, heavy layers in the front and a part fringe. The difference is great! Although it is still fine and thin, it looks thicker, feels thicker and I now have a trendy hair do! There can be an upside to it...?? =]
  12. I agree with the above ... you look great! Job weil done!! =]
  13. Hey Crosswind... just had to chip in about the year marker... since my one year, I have still lost. Yes, I am a really slow loser but there is no significant gains either. Currently I am giving myself some 'time out' from the whole diet thing. It was starting to get me down, so I suppose I have switched into maintance mode for the month of Dec! However, in the New Year, I intend to start the whole 'lets get to goal' thing started again, and I believe that I will get there regardless on how long it takes. My body is just fighting to KEEP the last 10-14lbs just like it has been fighting me since March time. I will win though... Personally, I have NEVER lost more than 7lbs on any given diet, at any given age and any given starting weight. So the sleeve for me has been a bloody Godsend! You will get to your desired place... it might take time, but it will happen. I love the way you think about food; that it doesn't rule your every waking hour. To me, that is a positive sign that you will not only get to goal but also maintain. You said you wondered if you will ever think like a thin person... Crosswind, you are thinking like a thin person!! Good for you =]
  14. Hey you! Just noticed your BMI... check you out being normal and all that!! Good work my lovely friend! x

  15. Woah! Raine... where have you gone!! My, my... check you out! You're looking fan-bloody-tastic my sleeve friend! Where the hell is the last 14lbs gonna come from??? x
  16. Congrats on getting to onderland before Christmas.... keep up the good work!
  17. coops

    Any Advice Welcome :)

    Hiya Vicki... welcome to the board, I am a Uk sleever, Wales! There are a few Brits on here flying the flag...lol! I am 17mths out now and not quite at goal... I will get there though, I am sure of that. I didn't pay over 8k not to...lol I think everyone's journey is very different. There is a wealth of information on here... try to go through the older posts as I am sure that a lot of your questions will be answered there. I'll try to answer some of your questions, but I am no means an expert! So, dumping... this is not so common with the sleeve, but can occasionally happen. It is when you feel 'weird' after eating certain foods, generally, like Rev me up said sugar. As far as lack of results go, again that is very individual and very subjective. What one might perceive as a successs another might perceive as a failure! I feel that this is the best thing that I have ever done. I have never, and I really do mean NEVER been able to lose more that 7lbs before. I have lost over 70lbs now and I feel like a different person. I also don't think the sleeve will ever stretch to a normal size. However, in saying that I can certainly eat more now than I could this time last year, but I still have good restriction. An example would be... this time last year, I couldn't eat two piecese of wholemeal toast. Now, I can, just about... and I am very full! With regards to energy, post op I was really tired... I cat napped on and off for at least two weeks .. it did get better though. I found that when I started to exercise, in the early days it was walking and the wii fit, I felt energised and I feel that helped my energy levels. I started this at around 6 weeks post op. Now I LOVE exercise... and I mean love it. I used to enjoy all sorts of sports in my youth and as I got fatter I just couldn't face them; squash, swimming, hockey, the gym, badminton... all sorts! Now I go boxing twice a week and use the treadmill in work once a week... no problem. I want to start swimming again in the new year... this is more of a mental block though ie being seen in public with my costume on! I am working on it! I don't want to sound like I am repeating myself, but again, the side effects are very different from person to person. I didn't have a real issue with acid or gas, just minor... nothing a Renni wouldn't sort out. I used to suffer from headaches on a regular basis and migraines would put me out of action for days.. these are rare now. I haven't had a migraine since Feb and that was caused by HRT patches! As far as sickness goes... that is a different matter for me. I have been quite poorly since my sleeve; I was in hospital with pneumonia, I am peri menopausal (early menopause as I was 39 when it all started!), I've had bronchitis and I recently had problems with my back/groin that put me out of action for many weeks. Now, I am not sure that this is related to the sleeve? I probably would have had these issues, if not worse/more if I had stayed at 17stone! Lastly, loose skin! Ahhhh, I can't lie to you here... I have a lot on my belly and upper arms. I am ok in the face/throat at the moment and not too bad on my thighs. The girls are virtually non exsisitant!! However, in clothes it is all covered and looking better daily! I would have a tummy tuck and an uplift tomorrow if I could afford it! Well, I hope that helps!! Shout if I can help ... =]
  18. coops

    I Have No Goal Weight

    I agree with sasicas... it might be a blessing in disguise not having a goal weight. Personally I have let the scales bully me and it has been horrible! I have dropped the attention of the scale for the time being and I am focusing on 'living' and enjoying the weight loss that I have had so far. I will re-evaluate in Jan, but for now I am just enjoying the new lighter and fitter me. I think you will know when you are in a good place due to how you feel...
  19. Fair play... you've had a tough time but come out on top! I love the pictures, especially the last one... but, may I say, you need to buy new jeans 'cos those bad boys are HANGING off you!! Congrats on a job well done! =]
  20. coops

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    Forensikchic, Sorry I am late replying to this... I've read the different comments and agree with all of them! Just thought I would give you one of my experiences in this dept... just so you know you are not alone... I have a really close friend whom I love like a sister. She started gaining weight a few years ago and at her highest she was probably UK16-18...(when I first met her she was a UK 10) at 5 6 she still looked good and carried the extra weight well. After she had her kids, she found it hard to lose the extra weight and didn't really bother to until I had the sleeve and started to get smaller. Once she could see that I was getting close to her size she went on the massive diet and fitness regime and lost a load of weight. She started to give me her clothes that were too big for her! This was fine as I was pleased that I didn't have to spend money... money is always tight in this household - like so many others...lol Anyway, she brought over some clothes for me ranging from an UK18-16 ( at this stage I was just getting into a UK16). In the bag was two pairs of trousers that she specifically drew attention to. She described them in detail saying they would be perfect for me and the cut was just right for my body shape. When she took them out of the bag, they were, in fact, maternity trousers size UK18! She proceed to say, 'I know you carry a lot of weight on your stomach, so I thought these would be ideal for you!; I was gob-smacked! In anger I tried the trousers on... just to prove her wrong and they fell to the floor. When I saw her next... when I was calmer ... I told her that they were way too big and that I had given them to a woman who was actually pregnant ( which I did!). The look on her face was priceless and worth the upset 'cos she was obviously gutted that they were too big for me! That was many months ago... Today, I am in a UK14 that are comfortable and although she wouldn't admit it, she is back in UK16! So, the moral of a very long story is that these people who think it is ok to use you as their motivation, as their competition and as their way of feeling better about themselves because they are so shallow and horrible, is that the tables will turn. That woman who was horrid to you will reap what she sows. I think you have two options... carry on like you are... or tell her to JOG ON! The last time my friend offered me clothes, I politely said... 'well, it depends on what size they are 'cos the last lot were ALL too big!' Revenge is a dish best served cold my friend! =]
  21. coops

    Slowly But Surely.. But Slowly

    Remember ladies and gents... slow but sure wins the race!!
  22. Nice update ladies... you are all looking mighty fine!! Can't wait to put my final ones up. I am having a lil 'time out' at the moment...Giving myself time of worrying about goal and just enjoying how far I have come! Then back to it in the New Year; the quest for goal shall resume in a few weeks!
  23. coops

    Woohoo, I Made Goal

    Congrats on getting to goal... you must keep us up to date with maintance now!
  24. Wow.... bootyliscious... you got one fine butt there lady! Congrats on getting those size 0s on my friend... you've worked so hard for it... my God, you deserve it! I wish I lived closer, cos I would run to you and give you a cwtch (welsh for hug!) Talk about merry christmas... oh and did I say WOW!! x
  25. Congrats on an great job! I agree with the others, you look amazing! Where the hell is the last 8lbs gonna come from!!! =]

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