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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Constipation has been a pain in my ass (literally and metaphorically...lol) for ALL my adult life and when I was newly sleeved it was no different. At first I would take flax seeds to help and senna tabs... I found this would help. Now, I have benefibre every day mixed in my hot tea and the relief is just magic!
  2. This thread made me smile! Loving the trials and tribulations of the skinner you!
  3. I'm with M2G... agreed! I've been hovering there for months now... It is a HUGE achievement to get out of the obese range!! Congrats Former... this is a fantastic achievement! =]
  4. Laura, I've been waiting for your goal thread... and here it is!! Congratulations on getting to goal and good luck in maintance, not that you need it...lol! You've done an amazing job in transforming yourself... well done! =]
  5. M2G...Stunning! You look great... can't wait to join you in the quest for goal over the forthcoming months... my sleeve friend, we will get there together... kickin' and screaming if need be! You encouragement and determination has been a torch for me when things are a little dark over here! Thank you x
  6. WOW... 100lbs... what an amazing start... Impressive results so far and you're looking great already!! Keep up the good work and looking forward to goal photos...=]
  7. OMG!!! I'm blown away by the speed of your weightloss... you look amazing! You were beautiful before and you are now! Congrats on such a speedy journey; talk about hitting 5th gear!!
  8. coops

    So... 2011 In Restrospect. How Was Your Year?

    Great post Rootman, and well, what a fantastic year you've had. 2011 for me was a double sided sword... a roller coaster ride for sure; both in the world of weight loss and on a more personal level. My highlights are: I turned 40 in April.... that was an ouch moment ... lol I am lighter now than I have been in 15 - or so - years I am fitter now than I have been for 17+ years; I can run for 50 mins on the treadmill and keep up at the boxing gym with the lightest! I don't feel 'out of place' in the world of exercise I am feeling more confident and although I have a little way to go, I can, at last, see the finishing line I feel more secure in being 'me'! And... I can now take a compliment by just responding with a 'thank you' instead of putting myself down. Phew... what a year ... bring on 2012!
  9. Whooooah! Lynda and Cludgie... I am loving these pictures. I still enjoy the transformations of others; at goal, near goal and on the way to goal. I really gets me motivated and is sooooo encouraging. I really want to have a whole photo whoring session when I get to goal....lol =]
  10. coops

    Almost A Year Out

    Kimmes, I've said it before and I'll say it again! You look amazing! You are soooo trim! What an amazing transformation. As you know I have been sleeved nearly 18mths now and I still love looking at goal pics and reading other people's journeys... when I see successes as brilliant as yours, it really does motivated me to get to my goal too! Congratulations on being a motivator and a big loser! =]
  11. When I was in the early days, and needed a 'sugar fix' I would have a milky coffee with a sugar in it. That hit the spot for me... Could it be worth a try for you? =] Good luck
  12. Love it, love it, love it... I too remember the feeling of the towel 'fitting'...lol! It might seem silly to others but it was a great moment for me too. I also like having a bath now and virtually all my body is below the water... just a lil island of the tummy left to be submerged...lol! Congrats on a great NSV! =]
  13. An amazing job Becca... to be you are 'normal'! You've completely transformed yourself... what an incredible journey you've had! Congratulations =]
  14. What an amazing transformation! And your hair is soooo full and thick! Your smile sums up what goal must feel like! Congrats on a job very well done! I am nearly 17mths out and you have inspired me to get to my goal too... thank you! =]
  15. starting at 291...NOOOOO WAY! Goodness me... looking great at 204... I really can't see where another 40lb is gonna come from! You look great then and great now! =]
  16. Well Done Cludgie... good job my lovely! And like the others have said, an amazing Christmas present! One that can't be beaten x
  17. coops

    Help! Saddlebags!

    As I have lost weight I've noticed this too... the front of my thigh is great as are my calves... but the inner thighs and the saddlebags are not so pretty! Mind, I have more to goal than you do!! I am hoping that when I start trying to lose again they will get a lil smaller?! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for sure!
  18. Hey my lovely! Congrats on getting to goal for Christmas... what a bloody brilliant present that was! I've given myself the month of Dec 'off' but will be back on the losers bench come the New Year to get to gaol. I don't want to let the UK sleevers down...lol! x

  19. Merry size 4 Christmas Raine! I think that is a fabtastic present. If I ever get anywhere near your size I think I will cry...lol! Congrats on a chrimbo-tastic NSV!!
  20. coops

    I've just noticed that you're at goal... congratulations my friend and a very Merry Christmas or Nadolig Llawen as we say here in sunny Wales... much love xx

  21. Congrats! You look AMAZING!! You should defo put these pics on the before and after thread! A brilliant transformations! =]
  22. What else is left to say... Congrats on that pesky BMI being normal! I am realy chuffed for you! I am sure the las 10lb will soon be gone. Looking forward to a goal post from you in the near furture! =]
  23. coops

    Slowly But Surely.. But Slowly

    Hiya Kathy... Don't worry,won't throw any eggs... they are too nice poached...lol I am 18mths out now and experienced slow weight loss since Feb/March of this year. To be honest, I don't know why it is slow. It is what it is! What I do know is that, I have NEVER lost a lot of weight before; the most that I have managed is a merge 7lb!! and that took many months! The sleeve has been my only way of losing and I am currently maintaining with ease. I just think that we are all different... some the weight will melt off, some it will be a steady but sure loss and some will struggle and fight for every pound lost. I am in the latter! However, regardless of speed, we are all losers. I suppose there are pros and cons to both! More recently I see myself as a success, whereas back in the summer I didn't because I didn't reach goal by my year marker. I will get on the wagon again in the New Year and reach goal, at some point, in 2012! Good luck with your surgery and weight loss, may the demon of the stall leave you alone...lol... take care!
  24. Kemo46, Congrats on that 100lb marker. I completely understand when you say it was a dream... and yet here you are! You've lost a little person! 100lb is a deram for me too... I will be happy to lose 84lb to get to my surgeon's goal and then re-evaluate! I like the idea of lowering cals and doing more areobic workouts to get to goal... I think you might be onto a winner there. In the New Year (I have given myself time out in Dec) i will, too, be lowering my cals to see if I can shift the last few pounds! Good luck on that final stretch... I will look out for you goal thread! Keep us posted on your progress =]
  25. I agree... a mix of cardio and weight resisitant training is the best for all round physical training. You will get good aerobic training from 30 mins on the treadmill, and great legs! The weights will then help tone up... don't forget to work on your core.. some good sit up routines will help there. I go to a boxing gym and do the work out that the men do - I don't spar, just the training that includes the bags and the pads. This has a great combo of aerobic and resistance. I have found that my whole body is changing shape and developing nice tone in some areas. My legs are quite muscular now...lol... I also use the treadmill in work and I like this for aerobic exercise. Start off at a comfortable place and slowly build up. The most important thing, I find, with exercise is that I have to enjoy it... that way, I will keep it up! Good luck in the gym... =]

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