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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. This is a great question yecats. I have always enjoyed 'sport'; in school it was hockey, late teens early twenties it was swimming, squash, aerobis, step class etc... And I loved every second of it and trained from 5-7 times a week! As I started to gain weight it became harder... I couldn't work to where I thought I should and then my body hurt. When I was at my highest weight, even a little walk would make me sweat and feel uncomfortable. I would feel embarrassed and ashamed and deep down repulsed by myself, considering how fit I used to be. One of the reasons I had the sleeve was to get back to my old fit self. I wanted to lose enough weight where my body would actually cooperate. I started slow, worked my way up trying different thing until I found something that I knew I would do and enjoy. I now go to a boxing gym twice a week and can jog on the treadmill for 50mins. I am very near my personal fitness goal, just gotta keep working on my confidence now as I would love to do the 5k Race for Life. I have some great muscle definition now and am started to feel strong again ... I think if you are interested in getting some exercise, which I think you are as otherwise you wouldn't have posted this? Then try lots of different fun things until you find somethig that you know you will do regularly! Good luck and let us know what you try out =]
  2. coops

    365 Days Ago

    Kim, what can I say? WOW... you look absolutely amazing... there is NO WAY would I put you near 50! Goodness, me!! You must reveal 'how to stay young secrets'!! Congratulations on an amazing transformation and getting to goal. Simply inspirational! =]
  3. Hey! What'cha looking for? I've got good ears... and and can kick ass if need be...lol! Would love to see you shed the last 25lbs! I've started a thread about getting to goal too... this has to be our year! =]
  4. YEY US... I feel a group hug coming on...lol... xx
  5. coops

    I Can Do Pull Ups!

    WOW... that is a brillaint NSV and something I would love to be able to do. Don't think I am strong enough yet, but who knows what is in the future...
  6. Hey Thin ... good for you getting in the gym again! I know you hate it but just think of the benefits!!! It'll be routine in no time. I find the journey there and the thought of it worse that the training! I have yet to see the scale move in any significant way... but I don't feel too bad about it atm! Did 'ok' today, carbs a little higher, but that's ok... not gonna beat myself up about it for sure. Oh and the cals were a tad over 1000 but I did go to the boxing gym tonight so it is ying and yang there...On the topic of the boxing gym, in the last circuit I came first!! We do a timed circuit that the fighters do (they do it 5 times and aim for 3 mins 10sec per circuit) I did it in under 3 1/2 mins and came first. Did I mention that I came first... out of 8 fit women!! Oh and three of them are size UK8-10!!! Yey me! It has taken this for me to realise just how far I have come... this time last year, if you had said that I would be going boxing I would have laughed in your face and called you a tease... now.... well, here I am!! Hope everyone else is doing well... =]
  7. coops

    10 Month Check In (pics)

    I simply love before and after photos like yours... my goodness, you look like 'your' younger sister! You have really transformed yourself... I also love the confidence that you have! Long may it continue and congrats!
  8. coops

    1 Year Post Op Checkup

    Absolutely fantastic... to reduce your weight and your BMI to such an extent is beyond the word congratulations! Well done on transforming yourself and your life!
  9. Today has been a good day re food... low carbs, high Protein and just under 900 cals... the xmas weight has come off now... just got to see the lower end of my 'bounce weight' .... then to get below 164lb! With the really low carb, I was hoping to see a little more movement...perhaps I am being impatient... yea, ok, I know I am being impatient! One thing that I have noticed is that I am getting headaches... now, this is probably hormone related with a little bit of low carb thing included... gotta push through this! I've been give HRT Patches to try again too... and put my first one on tonight, so this will be an interesting couple of week... let's hope that they won't affect my weight or moods too much... lol Glad to see you all adding your days, experiences to this thread... it really does help me to see others out there in the same boat. I still love reading success stories and when efforts are rewarded with either weight loss or NSV! Keep up the good work my sleeve friends...
  10. Hey swizzly, yea, the boxing gym is challenging, but worth it. I have been going since March and I really feel the benefits. it is hard, and I work my butt off... some floor/sit up exercises I have to moderate cos of my back... but on the whole I keep up with the best of them. What I like about it is the fact that there is fitness, core and strength training in the whole session. We basically do the same work out as the men, those who go for fitness and to fight, only we do less reps. It is also a great way of getting rid of any frustrations - of which I have many...lol - as I get to hit the crap out of the bag and mitts...lol I also go to the gym in work, where I use the treadmill. I am thinking about joining a running club, if I can get the courage, and find one that operates on the alternate days to my boxing. I really enjoy my exercise now, and when I can't do it, for whatever reason, it really effects my mood.
  11. Great post... At 18mths I can still eat between 6-8 oz of food in one sitting, this provides me with a good sense of fullness... anything more and I get horrible. I have started to weigh my food again, because I want to get to goal and to see how Mr Sleeve was doing... so, I can eat the same amount now as I could at 6mths with the same sense of fullness. Hope this helps ...
  12. Hey Cludige, I agree with circa. Let you clothes do the talking! As far as I can see, you have reached you 'weight goal'... now for me, if I was you, I would maintain that number and work on the toning. This part of you journey is ALL about YOU... not others. As you know, I struggle like hell with the numbers on my scales, and I am often told that there is 'no way' that I am as heavy as I look, and that I look smaller than the size clothes that I wear. That is fine, for them. However, I am NOT happy where I am, size or weight! So I continue to fight. Set yourself non number related goals based around fitness... watch you body change shape through exercise and get fit! Good luck and let me know how you get on x
  13. Ok day today... felt hungry in work but sipped on Water to get rid of it! Good on carbs, Protein and cals today and I went to my boxing gym! No change on the scales yet but I am feeling good... *chants to herself, you must stay positive; you must stay positive: repeat as nec!* How's everyone else doing...?
  14. Yey Becca... c'mon in! I notice that you have 10lbs to goal... hey! That's no problem for you... you'll get there soon and we'll be here to celebrate with you!!
  15. Ok, so day two has been good... up on the protein, low on the carbs and under 1000 cals. No real exercise today as I had to do a ton of marking ready for school tomorrow. Feeling pretty good. I pray that these positive thoughts stay with me for a long time...
  16. Hey Mini... good to see you! You are not alone my sleeve friend... I too had an amazing chrimbo and gained a few pounds above my 'bounce weight' (I love that saying)... I am back to basics and this is day two and doing well... you can do this... you know you can! I am determined to get to my surgeon's goal this year... so together we are in it to win it! Good luck and let us know how you're doing! =]
  17. coops

    Losing Slow At Very Beginning?

    Please don't get disheartened at the rate that you are losing, because you ARE losing. I completely understand how you feel as I too am a slow loser. But, at 18mths post op, I am still positive that I can get to goal. Try to remember that in the early weeks your body is in a lil bit of a tizz... just had major surgery and it is thinking, what the hell is going on here? It will take some time to adjust but I promise you that the weight and inches will come off. Stick with your surgeon's recommendations and if you haven't done it already measure yourself: calves, thigh, hip, waist, bust, arms and neck. Then if the scale is being a pain, take your measurements instead. When I was in a stall, especially in the beginning, I would be losing inches instead of pounds. Finally, please try not to compare yourself to others here... I made that mistake and it took me to a real dark place! I got frustrated and angry that I wasn't at goal along with others who was sleeved either at a similar time or after me. I know appreciate that I am ME! My body has fought to keep every pound and it is still doing that, but I know that I will get the better of it and get to goal... at some point. Good luck ... and stay positive! =]
  18. coops

    M2G's Ramblings

    Hey Sharon, I've just checked my weight on the link and it recommends that I should get to 134lb... that is 5lb of my ultimate personal goal... and would be a dream come true for me. My surgeon is happy for me to get to 154lb, so as you can see... a substantial difference. I really think that after his goal it will be personal choice; whether I can be bothered to fight for the extra and how I look and feel. I don't want to get too thin, where I put ten yrs on myself!!! (Hmm, I forgot for a moment that I am the queen of slow losers...lol)! Anyway, at 154lbs I will decide what I am to do! I would also love to get some plastics done. My 'problem' area is also the mid region... saggy belly and deflated boobs. i don't think I can afford to address either of these, certainly not this year as money is sooooo tight! Please let us know what the surgeon says and good luck.
  19. Glad to see you can join us too... yey!! The first day back to basics and I am on track! Low carbs, no bread or treats, plenty of Protein, three meals and a 2 mile walk! I think my biggest demon will be staying positive... so I apologise in advance if I use this thread to vent or just journal!! Onwards and downwards my friends! =]
  20. Hiya Bryn, your post makes complete sense and from the sound of it - I think I am reading it right - you seem to know what to do. You are also quite positive too and I think that is really important! It does take some time for the brain to catch up with the body, and I think there will be a 'light bulb' moment for you very soon! The losing inches over pounds thing is really common, and I have noticed that during each and every one of my stalls (they range from 2-8wks in duration) I have continued to lose inches! I am sure you will make it to goal ... you have done an amazing job in just 8mths!
  21. Great to have you on board Swizzly and dorrie... don't know about you, but I need all the support I can get and this place is such a good place to start! I don't want that goal thing to taunt me anymore... I am gonna kick its ass...lol!! Well, I'll try to anyhoo...
  22. coops

    M2G's Ramblings

    Oh and on a side note... we have both lost well over 70% of our excess body weight, so in the realms of stats... we are already successful sleevers... x
  23. coops

    M2G's Ramblings

    M2G... you are going to finish this race; we are going to finish this bloody race!!! I don't care if I run it, jog it or crawl over that finishing line on my hands and knees... Look how far you have come... we cannot NOT get to goal! I mean, we both deserve to look at that scale and think 'Hell yea... I got that bad boy!' 2012 is gonna be our year my friend...
  24. This is for us M2G... we ARE going to do this, if it takes all bloody year... we NEED it!!!! Lets do it!!
  25. I love this... it such a reality check to visually see the difference in the size of clothing! I bet your ironing takes less time too... I know mine does! Looking forward to seeing the one legged photo!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
