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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Am I Being Ridiculous?

    Well, I have to say that I agree with all of the above. Yes we are all different... and what might be good enough for one is not for another. I refuse to stop until I am comfortable in my own skin... and for now, what I am using for motivation is my surgeon's goal. WHEN I get there - and I feel that is gonna take some time - I will re-evaluate. I too, didn't pay a lot of money to get half a job done. I don't care what people say about the honeymoon period etc, for me this is a life style choice and I NEED to be comfortable in my skin, healthy and fit. This is a long term project. I have mixed feelings on the lady you spoke with; part of me understands why she is complacent and has stopped trying - I have not lost a pound since the end of Oct! The the opposite side of me thinks... hang on... get a grip and finish the job!! Like I said, we are all different! That is what I love about the human race...lol!
  2. Lynda, Congrats on an amazing journey... wow! Just 5lbs to go! Goodness me you'll get there pretty soon, I'm sure! You speak such sense and it is sooooo true that the sleeve is a tool! And a powerful one at that. I am pretty lucky with head hunger and I find that when it does strike, I drink Water to get rid of it! I agree with the exercise thing, it is vital to find something that you enjoy and will stick to and get the results you want. Looking forward to you're goal thread! =]
  3. Oh Feedyoureye, You are one stylish lady, before - after and during! You really have been a great source of motivation, comfort and good sense to me! I am soooo proud of you! You are beautiful inside and out. Congrats on an amazing year, and yes, 2012 you will see goal! Looking forward to the goal thread with even more gawjus pictures... hugs from across the pond my sleeve friend! =]
  4. Well, 2 1/2 weeks into it and no movement! I've been doing well on the cals; Protein and carbs are variable and I've one 'bad' day! I'm getting a little frustrated but trying to stick with it. I've had moments of weakness where I want to say oh bugger it and have some choc... I've done this once! I'm an focusing on more Water this week. I am gonna stick to the 1000 cal til the weekend... and if still no luck then I will try to increase it. i can't go below... find it impossible as I get moody and ratty! My leg/back is still hurting and this effects my mood as I can't exercise other than walk, and then I pay for it with a days pain... what to do!! I have booked an apptmnt to see my doc, so perhaps she can shed some light on it. I'm reluctant to ring my surgeon as I just get the nurse who doesn't really help!! Any ideas? Hope you are all well and feeling good and positive! Keep me updated as even though I am struggling, I love to read others achievements as I find them helpful to keep me motivated and focused! Cheers =]
  5. coops

    Blew Into Onederland!

    Meg, what can I say that hasn't been said? Congrats to you ... and just 6lb to goal and a pound to normal BMI....*goes a tad green...lol* You'll be there in no time! Looking forward to your goal thread! Well Done! =]
  6. coops

    Something To Help My Thighs?

    Go with the boots.... sassy as hell! And at 31 you're a pup and you can wear what the hell you like...lol! Yea, things are certainly slow for me... and I know you are right, time is not important. But I have to say, I am getting really impatient now ...lol! I can't believe that your size is a plus size... just goes to show how different cultures really are different! What plastics are you considering? I would simply love to get a TT and lift... but it is sooooo expensive over here! And we need a family holiday first, so it is going to be a good while before I can get it done. Let us know what you decide... and Oh, we need photographic evidence of how fantastic you look! =]
  7. Loving your new profile pic! =]

  8. Hiya Raine...ain't seen you around for a while... hope you're ok or are you just rocking those size 4s!! x

  9. coops

    Something To Help My Thighs?

    Hey you! How's life at goal? Are you doing any exercises... I find squats great for the thigh area. Also jogging/fast walking helps tone up too. Not sure about the clothes dept though...
  10. Way to go M2G... you are sooo close now I can almost 'taste' it ...lol... defo with you on the new mantra!! Keep it up my lovely friend... and 3lbs to the 100lb gone marker... a new thread and new pics will be needed for that bad boi!! x
  11. coops

    Im Overweight! Hooray!

    Yey... good for you! I have been waiting mths to be just overweight. I hate being obese!! Keep up the good work! =]
  12. Hiya DoOver, Last year I was put on HRT Patches at the 'tender' age of 39.... my blood results showed early menopause but because I was still have irregular perionds, they said I was peri menopausal! I only had the patches on for about 6 weeks and I was hit with a severe migraine. I was taken off them immediately. We now know (something I have suspected all my life) that my migraines and bad headaches are indeed, hormone related. Around Oct time I started getting severe flushes that would cover my whole body in sweat, disturbed sleep, moodiness that was vile even for me, cravings and a weightloss stall from hell that I am still in! ( I havent lost a pound since 29th Oct). I went back to my doc who sent me for more bloods and then back to the menopause clinic. In the mean time the doc perscribed me with Clodine to stop the sweats and flushes. This has worked like a dream... I get, perhaps one a week? But it is done in seconds and no one else can tell. The menopause doc has put me back on HRT because I am so young and I don't want problems in the future, weak bones etc... I am hoping that the migraines won't return as Clodine is also perscribed as a preventative measure for migraine suffers... perhaps it will cancel out the migraines cause by the hormones? I have been on the HRT patches for about 3 weeks now and so far so good. On to the subject of weight loss... I completely relate to you. I am close to my surgeon's goal of 154lb and fearful that the HRT will impede my already slow weight loss. It is hard to stay focused and positive but I am giving it all that I have got. My menopause doc wants me to get as close to a normal BMI as possible and that is about 30lbs away! I really don't know the answers, I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone in this hormone battle...Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  13. I think that people write about stalls through frustration! Simples! =]
  14. coops

    Hit My Goal!

    Well done Weightbegone... so tell me, how does it FEEL!!!
  15. coops

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    You got that right Mini... we're defo on the same wave length! =]
  16. Hey Downinsocal... You can defo do this... remember the sleeve is tool for LIFE! It might not be as easy as the first time around... but you can do it! Good luck with the carb monster. I did the 5 day pouch test this time last year, and it defo helped with cravings... a good start to get you back into the groove! Good luck and keep us posted in your progress...=]
  17. I've missed this place when the site was down!! Anyways, time for a vent! My groin/back has gone again this week and it has really put a dampeners on my mood. I haven't been able to go to the gym or bosing this week, can't even walk my dog... and it is bloody horrible!! I've been doing really well with my intake though (until today when I ate a fairy cake that my daughter made for my mother in law!) Under 1000 cals a day, overall good on Protein and carbs! And to put another downer on it... I'm back to the top of my 'bounce range'... bloody hell!!! Will I ever see the pesky scale move again... I am tracking everything I eat... I can't go lower as I really don't think I could function. I will see what happens over the next few days, which are gonna be a bit of the rails as the MIL is here... I will still track though... and if no improvement I am thinking of bumping up my cals to 1200 a day to see if that helps. What on earth am I doing wrong?? Words of advise and encourgament, as ever, appreciated! How is everyone else doing...? x
  18. Yep... me too, slow loser! But that doesn't stop me!!! I will get to goal; at least my surgeon's goal and any more will be a bonus! And once I am there, I need to work on my confidence and self image... that is when the REAL GOAL kicks in... I really don't want to look at this as a time dominating thing because the sleeve, for me, is a life long commitment to a long, healthy and fitter life! So, with that said if it takes me another year, so be it! Just as well I like the scenic route...lol Good luck to all you on your journeys... =]
  19. Hey Victoria, I am a UK sleever too... in Wales. I had my surgery here in Wales and it certainly was the best thing that I have done. The previous posters are right, the first couple of weeks are the hardest. Follow your surgeon's recommendations to the T and you will be fine. As far as weight loss goes... I have lost 74 lb, 5 stone 4lbs and that is 10lb away from my surgeon's goal so way about the 70%. My ultimate goal is to be below 10 stone which means a loss of 100 lbs and that means I am at 74%, which isn't too shabby...lol I am 18mths out now and on the final stretch to goal where I am back to basics; 1000 cals, high Protein, low carb and plenty of exercise... I would love to get to my goal by the summer where I see my surgeon for my 2yr and final check up. I say this in all honestly, the sleeve has given me my life back.... goal or not! It is simply the best thing that I have ever done for myself and my family and I too, wish I could have had it done years ago! If you want any advise... give us a shout!
  20. Oh I forgot to mention my NSV... my hubby decided he wanted to weigh our dog, a golden lab who is 4yrs old. He weighed in at 74lb... this is what I have lost! I have lost my dog! When I see it, actually see it in another form/shape it blows me away! When my hubby, who struggled to lift him, put him down, I asked him if he could imagine having that weight all over his body and go about his day to day business... he said 'No, that would be bloody awful!' Imagine his face when I told him that our dog represents my weight loss... yep, he too was god smacked! So fellow goalers... what represents your weight loss to date? My ulitmate goal of being 139lbs would mean that I would of lost my 11yr old son ...lol ... that really would make me smile! =]
  21. Crickey, how fast has the weekend gone? Been doing really well with my cals etc and that is a great lift! I struggle with water at home though... I remember about it late on when it is too late! I am chuffed to bits with this thread, all the encouragement is really helping me (and us) to stay focused and motivated! I know I've said it before, but when there are people here, who understand,it makes the struggles less hard. I honestly know there is nothing more I can do to get to goal without surgery... and let me tell you, if I had the money I would have it last 10-24lb cut off and sucked away...lol! Until that day, let's keep it together! =]
  22. Unfortunately this has not happened to me... I have to be very mindful of what I eat and when I eat it. Since Around Feb/March of last year I have had to struggle with each and every pound lost... *goes a tad bit green with envy...lol* I ain't being negative, infact I am well proud of anyone who does well with the sleeve regardless of what they eat. It is a tool to stop indulgence! And it works! It is the ONLY way that I have every lost more than 7lbs! After 18mths of being post op and hanging around here for over a year, I really appreciate that everyone is very different. What works for you might not work for me and vice versa! That isn't to say that one way is right and the other is wrong 'cos we are all individuals wanting the same outcome! You gotta do what is right for YOU. Good luck on your (and everyone's) continuing success... =]
  23. YeY... Feedyoureye, you give me encouragement, just when I needed it!!
  24. The encouragement from this is just brilliant... I'm doing well and saw a small drop to 166lb, so that is mid range bounce. Gotta get to 164 and below now. Keeping to the cal limit and averaging at about 900. If I don't see a better drop I think I will up to 1100-1200 for a week to see if that helps. Doing well with exercise, but not so good on Water... something that I am trying to increase. Southern, you night out is sooooo worth that half a pound, it will come off quick! That is why we had the sleeve, so we can go out and have some drinkies and some fun! Keep up the good work my friends... and keep checking it! We're in it to win it...lol =]
  25. Great FGF Thread Diva... I love seeing these pics, they give me a lil smile on my face! Soooo inspirational! Well done to one and all! I will have to get a new pic soon... Oh, and Southern Sleever... YOU LOOK AMAZING... where are the final pounds gonna come from my friend ??? =]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
