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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Helloah! Hope youare well... how is maintance going? x

  2. I didn't get to the boxing gym Thurs as I had my son's parents evening in school... I didn't get back in time, I do intend to go Tuesday though. So, to try and make up I've been walking a lot more; Fri, Sat and Sun. My leg didn't bother me either, so hopefully I have turned a corner for the time being. I went to my doc about it and she has refered me to physio but the waiting list is approx 8 weeks... still, I know that the time will fly by and I feel better that I am being pro-active and trying to get it sorted. I also asked her about cals in and cals out and she said: 'Yep, it is that simple...' Hmmm, thanks for that!! Lol. She was happy with the 800-1000 but didn't want me to go lower than 800. I told her what I have been doing, and mentioned that the scale hasn't moved and her response was: 'In that case you need to increase your exercise...' Hahahaaaa... I am here cos I can't exercise! Doh!! SO, this makes it all the more important that I get it treated and sorted. The upping to 1200 didn't make any difference on the scale front, no loss-no gain, so I am gonna play it by ear now... keep doing what I am doing and just sit tight. I am now back in my bounce range at 167lb and I've changed my ticker to reflect that. I've had a great weekend... managed to get a night in the pub with the girls... had a few ciders and thoroughly enjoyed them. I haven't drunk for such a long time (had a lil over xmas and before then it was July)... and it was GREAT!! LOL ... we had a good laugh and a lil dance. I really needed it, a de-stress time for me! Hope you are all doing well ... keep me posted! x
  3. C'mon on in and join the party... 2012 is OUR year!! I bloody love using the kettle bells and medicine ball. We use them a lot at the boxing gym and I find them a really good aid to the work out. Good for you!!
  4. Congratulations to you my lovely friend; this is such a huge achievement... I am soooo proud of you. Thank you for all the support you've given me so far... may it long continue ... hugs from across the pond x
  5. Sharon, I think this is an amazing idea. I don't have this kind of post op support system and as soon as my two years post op are up, my surgeon will completely discharge me from his 'care' - hmmm, not sure if that is the right word! So, I would be very interested to hear any news or information regarding the long term habits to remain successful. There is noooo way do I want to face a big gain!
  6. Yep! It is a great NSV, I agree with a lil vest underneath and away you go! You're looking great! Congrats x
  7. Hey Sleeve 4 me... sorry to hear your bad news, and I can understand why you are feeling down, Have they given you any advise on what to do from here on in?I'm think of you my lovely, and sending you love from across the pond x
  8. Good luck Amanda... looking forward to seeing the pics and hearing how you got on! =]
  9. Hey you! I've noticed your BMI is 25 now.... YEY!! Well done my lovely, you're there!! xx

  10. coops

    Muscle To Fat

    As usual your posts makes soooo much sense. ouroborous, you defo think outside the box! Funny, as since Nov I've lost nothing, gained 4lb over christmas and only shed 2 of those... but this week I have had a lot of people asking me how much more weight I have lost...When I say that I haven't they are, shocked! Perhaps the gym is doing more good that I realise? I would love to get an accurate test for body composition but I ain't sure where to start in the UK!
  11. coops

    My First Before And After Pics

    Yep! I agree with all of the above. You look younger and soooo happy and healthy! Congrats on a job well done! =]
  12. Hey...how are we all doing? I managed to get to the boxing gym tonight. I took it easy(ish) and managed to complete the whole hour. I have to say, I feel sooo much better for going. Second day on the 1200 cals, and hoping that this will help the scale move. Not sure though, but we'll see. I am just trying to change things to see if they work for me. Not sure what I am doing 'wrong' here... but I ain't giving up on myself!!
  13. coops

    Check My Math...

    Hiya Dooter, yea it would seem that way ...lol My ticker reflects my surgeon's goal of 154lb and at 5 2 that would still leave me with a BMI of 28! To get to a 'normal' BMI I need to be at the highest 134lb. I know the BMI is only a guide and I would be chuffed to get to 154lb! But I can 'see' there is more than 13lb of body fat hanging around! *sighs* I haven't lost a pound since the end of Oct and I am at a bit of a loss as to why! *sighs again*. Still, I have renamed myself Coops the Determind!! Just wish this body of mine would co-operate with my head...lol
  14. coops

    Check My Math...

    I'm with dorrie on this... been eating between 800-1000 cals a day since the New Year and I haven't lost a pound... I've increased to 1200 this week to see if it makes a difference? I really don't understand it at all... any clarity would be much appreciated here too =]
  15. Hey, I've seen those 'suck em in' ones but doubted them ... lol ... ever the cynical!! I've just gone for a Speedo type thing. Mid leg and racing back. Hoping it will fit me now as I am starting to get in the zone. Oh I love the thing about looking athletic...heheheeee... not a word I would normally use to describe myself!! x
  16. Swizzly, my friend, you are right! And thank you for being honest... I have to MAN UP and get the hell on with it!! But it isn't my legs that I worry about! It's the tummy! Big flabby belly... ergh! I will have to practice walking around the house, breathing in whilst keeping a 'normal' look on my face! It is all about the confidence, I'm hoping that going swimming will help my confidence as I really struggle in this part of 'me'! Megs, good on you my lovely! Getting moving will really make you feel great! Find something that you LOVE.. it might take time trying new things, but the rewards are worth it! I have a lot of muscle now; my husband who is a hairy arsed copper (policeman) said he would die for the muscles in my calves! My thight muscles are ok too - the inside is a lil wobbly but that is ok! I have a strong core and there wasn't a load of fat on it I am sure I would see muscle definition there too! I still have bat wings but they are getting better and my pecs are looking better and better. This is why I get soooo frustrated when I can't train! I am hoping to go back to the boxing gym tomo, see how it goes! C'mon girls... lets get moving...lol I will do ANYTHING to get to my bloody goal at this stage! =]
  17. Hello my lovely! Just readint the info on Omega 3... very interesting stuff. So you simply sprinkle flax seed onto your food and cook with canola? I am seriously think of doing this. I did use flax for constipation and I found it worked like a dream!! x

  18. Ok, just thought I would make this public...lol... I've bought myself a new swimming costume. Thought it was a good idea to go and now that I will have one that (hopefully) fits, it might spur me on to go and sort my head out...lol All I need now is for you guys to nag me to go!! I should be here by the end of the week, so I am thinking the Friday after? That gives me two weeks to work on my head!!
  19. coops

    200+ Miles Powerwalking - Down 131 Lbs

    PapaBob. I love reading your story... you are such an inspiration! ANd I love the fact that you and your beautiful dog are continue to rake up the miles... good for you! Best of luck with the next 36lb and your next mile(s)! =]
  20. Oh Sleeve... your pictures sum it up for me! What a fantastic achievement! I am sooooo proud of you! And hey, who care about the rain...lol... You look sooooo fit and healthy! Congrats on getting that New Year resolution in the bag! x
  21. So, it is three weeks now... and still now scale movement! Arghhhhh! This week I upped my cals a lil, 1000-1100, still in my bounce region! *sighs* I did start to think that I should work on accepting where I am and letting go... but then I just CAN'T!! I feel that if I do that, I will let you lot down, my family down but most importantly, I will let myself down and settle for second best. I am worth more than that, right? I am hoping that once I get back to exercise that things will get better, if only in my head space! Frustration is here and doesn't seem to be going away... but I fight it every day and I am renaming myself Coops the Determined! Lol! This might sound a lil weird, but I still love reading your posts about losing and getting nearer and nearer goal. So, please... keep em coming! This site really does help me and the friends that I have made here are invaluable, and I really mean that. I just wish we could all get together and have a group hug!! (sh*t, does that sound a lil too cheesy...hehehe! You know what I mean though!) Thank you for your continued support, kind words and encouragement... 2012 will be our year, one way or another!
  22. Swizzly, Have you been speaking with my hubby...he says I am like a dog with a stick and that I won't let anything go...lol I simply can't give up... not yet. I have moments where I want to put my face in an ice cream tub and drown in sugar... but I don't. I keep reminding myself that this lil tummy of mine cost the same as taking my family on hoilday twice over... that said, it is hard when the scale isn't behaving and I can't train! But the groin/back is getting better. Thank you for kind words... they really do help!
  23. Hiya Lila.. great suggestion re swimming, in fact my hubby mentioned this to me also. The only problem with it is the psychological one... I can't stand the thought of going to the swimming pool, in public in my swimming costume. Now, this might sound really stupid as before I lost weight I used to go weekly. It makes me feel sorta pathetic... I am 'working' on this... I need to 'fix' my head as well as my groin/leg...lol. Perhaps I should buy a new swim suit - one that fits me - and then if it is there I would feel guilty about spending money on something that I haven't used...??
  24. ava2011, frustration is the worst part of this! and 4 weeks with no movement is certainly frustrating. However, Lissa makes some great points...are you getting smaller? Take measurements as they can show a more accurate figure than the scales. When I stall, which I do frequently I tend to lose inches. I haven't lost a lb since the end of Oct but I've lost nearly 2 inches? - I am 19mths out now BTW! In the early days, and around the 6mths marker, my weight loss froze too...but I got smaller and dropped clothes size. This might just be a time for your body to readjust again...try not to get too stressed over it because I can tell you, from my experience, is that you will lose more. Have a look at Diva's bootcamp... that might help you kick start the weight loss again. Good luck and let us know how you get on =]
  25. coops

    Self Esteem And The Gym

    I too, can relate to this topic. I am 19mths out now and still haven't got the courage to go swimming! This time last year, I wanted to go to my son's boxing gym... they do a ladies hour which is the same routine as the men's training but with less circuits. I had this image of really fit and beautiful ladies going... you know, Lara Croft and co! I talked about it for many, many weeks; asked friends if they would come with me etc. Anyway, long story short is that my hubby went to the men's training and he saw the ladies waiting to go it. When he came home he described them to me.... they were just like me! Some smaller, some the same size. Not Lara Croft for sure- and I mean that in the nicest way! I suppose what I am trying to say is that anyone who uses the gym or fitness suite of any kind is just like you and me. Normal! Ok, so it took me weeks to pluck up the courage and last March I went for my first session... a friend, who is a lot smaller than me, came with me. I got through the hour, modified some of the exercises to my level of fitness and felt great; not only because I had completed an amazing work out but the fact that I conquered my fear and got in there. On our way home, my skinny friend admitted that she was shi**ing herself before we went! We both had the same fear! And I kid you not, this lady is a UK8!! See... we are all the same, regardless of size and weight. The only thing I can say is that I still go boxing and she doesn't! I will go on my own now too. Sometimes the 'thought' is worse than the action... all I have to do now is apply this to swimming, which I love! (it is the costume more than the action...lol.. bearing all in public scare me to death!) Good luck in finding the courage to get in there... you can do it and I promise you, you will feel soooo proud of yourself!

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