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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hey you guys... just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the lovely comments on the pics... that was a real ego rub I have to say! Swizzly, I know you said that you can't see the apple in me, but it is there...lol... however, in saying that my hubby said that I am seeing myself all wrong. He agrees with you guys, that I am getting small! I really think I need to work on my 'head space' now. Since the new year, I have remained positive (YEY) even when the scale doesn't move, so if I can do that with my food, then I have to do that with my self image. We'll call this part two of project Coops!! I've been thinking about how important this could be to my overall success... I read a thread about whether or not someone could get to their goal weight (130lbs I think it was) and I repleid saying that I would be happy with a couple of stone lost as it was more than I had done before! Anyway, al the other posters basically said that they had no doubt that the goal was achieveable. This made me think that since the beginning of this I never BELIEVED that I would get to goal... I think what I am trying to say is that I need to work on believing in myself? Not really sure how to do this but I am starting by 'seeing' myself at my ulitmate goal weight! And also wearing my ulitmate goal size... which is a UK12. I will work on maintance when either of these come along, and I don't mind which is first. All I really know at this stage is my sleeve is for life and there is NO EXPIRY date! And with that in mind, I am feeling really focused on 'me'! I will keep doing what I am doing, three meals a day 1200 cals max, I will add a good snack if I need to. I will continue to exercise and enjoy it...and find alternative things to do when my leg/groin is being naughty - touch wood it has been ok for a while - basically I will keep on keeping on! Over the last few days I have been feeling poorly - headache and sicky feeling, and had time off work - which I hate! Friday I came home early from work and slept the whole afternoon through. The weekend was up and down, and Monday and today I am at home. Monday I slept in till way into the afternoon... I haven't felt this tired for such a long time... but I think it did me good as I do feel a little better today and I have to go back to work tomorrow as we have parents' evening. I'm still at 166lb 'offically' - ie on my weigh day, which is Sat/Sun, but I have seen 165lb this morning! Lets hope that something is working!! Phew! Sorry this has been sooooo long! xx
  2. Yey! I found a way to add the photos... gotta click on the 'more options' button on the bottom right.... !! So here are the skinny jeans, front and side view... you can see the 'apple' in me from the side! Still I've come a long way from where I started! There was NO WAY I would of even considered these before the sleeve, I don't think I would of worn them this time last year even!!
  3. There must be a way, as Diva posted a pic of her post workout muscle show...lol... in which she looks fab!! I just can't see it! x
  4. coops

    7 Month Picture

    Ooops! I got that all wrong... I thought the pic was just before you were sleeved... july 10...lol... so your a year AFTER me...lol... oh well, the message remains! You look amazing...! I don't know where that 15lbs is gonna come from! =]
  5. So it looks like two sets of congrats are in order... first for the implants *turns green with envy...lol* and second for getting that pesky scale to move!! Well done on both! =]
  6. coops

    We All Scream For Ice Cream :)

    Hello, In the early days too much sugar made me go really 'funny'... I would get light headed and dizzy, sometimes have sweats! It wasn't pleasant at all. If you can stay away a little longer, I would if I was you. I understand the need for taste and flavour; could you try something different for the phase that you are currently in? I won't be long until you can chew again!! Good luck! =]
  7. coops

    7 Month Picture

    Hey, we were sleeved at the same time... You look amazing... beautiful and sooooo slim! I presume you are at goal now...lol... Congrats on a job well done! =]
  8. Hmmm, this is very interesting for me! Just to put a different slant on things...please tell me to shut up if I don't make sense! I went into this surgery thinking that even 14lbs would be better than nothing (I am 19mths out now btw!) ... I have never lost more than 7lbs on any given diet at any given time... then, once I started to lose weight I too couldn't see myself at my ultimate goal of 13? - my surgeon's goal is 154 and I am 12lbs away and I still can't 'see' myself there... so, my point is, that if I can't SEE it, is that sunconsciously stopping me getting there? I have struggled to lose my weight, and I have had really down times...again, since the new year, I have been working on being more positive and focused on what I have ACHIEVED as apposed to what I haven't achieved as I did in the past. The to completely contradict myself, I have now started to think that I HAVE to make my surgeon's goal at least. I have started to think that getting my lil sleeve and spending a lot of money on it means that anything below goal is not good enough... I want to finish this job, to at least the first goal post. I haven't lost a pound since Oct and as of the new year I have been tracking my food, going back to basics and staying under 1200 cals (95% of the time) and still no movement on the scales or in my clothes. I know I have to get in the zone mentally and I have been working on this too... don't get me wrong, I am better than I was a year ago; more confident in myself and in who I am but I still struggle to see that 72lb loss some days. Other days I don't recognise myself in the mirror as I look completely different. It is really weird. I suppose what I am trying to say, is that if you can really believe in yourself, I feel, that you have a better chance of realising that goal, dream... whatever you want to call it! Good luck on your weight loss journey... and I agree, we are all very different! =]
  9. I use myfitnesspal. I haven't come across a food that isn't on there! And there is a bar code scanner too. I find it pretty user friendly! I weigh everything on my plate too ... I find it a good way to keep control over portion sizes. My max is 8oz, depending on what meat/fish it is! Otherwise Lynda's idea is pretty good... Let us know what you find the best. x
  10. Hey Dorrie... My new avatar has the said jeans in...lol... I did try to attatch one to this thread but I can't see am option to do it... any ideas? Mine are green and I wore them with red Converse... yea, I know... way tooooo cooool!! LOL! I'm thinking of getting a red pair of skinnys now too ...lol!
  11. Hope you are ok Meg... I've just noticed that you are just a pound away from goal... please make it soon as I can't wait to read your 'I've made goal' post!!! =]
  12. Ok, so a lil update... weigh day is today and I am still at 166lb... that is ok! Better than 170lb at the beginning of the year, still striving for my lowest of 164 and below. On the down side I didn't make my date with the swimming pool... we have had freezing temps here and Fri I came home early from work feelimg like shite so I decided to go to bed! I stayed there all afternoon and in the evening, well I didn't fancy going out when it was -6! This doesn't mean that I won't go, believe me I will... just when it gets a tad warmer! I'm ok to wait now that my head has stopped spinning about it all! I'm staying on track with the cals; between 800 and1200 on any given day, so that is all good. My carbs are anything between 40-80 and I am happy with that. I still focus on Protein first and 3 meals a day, a protein snack if cals are too low. I am still finding this pretty easy, I think it is just a 'good habit' at this stage of the game for me. I am still feeling positive and focused on getting my surgeon's goal. WHEN I get there, I am really gonna have to re-think my personal goal of 13? But I will know when I am there, I think my clothes will help me and I might just do lil chunks of 7lbs at a time to see what happens. After all, I have all year don't I??!! Oh, and I wore my skinny jeans in public today...lol... didn't have any strange looks, so that helped the 'head space'! I am gonna wear them to work on Thursday, we have a training day, so casual clothes and no kids... see if I get any comments then! We have some snow here at the moment, so that has pretty much buggered up my plans for long walks over the weekend, which I have been doing over the last couple of week and enjoying them. never mind! Lets hope to see the scale move soon eh? x
  13. Hey Lynda, thank you, but I think the camera is being kind... I tried to post a pic on here, there is also one of a side profile where you can see those pesky pounds... I have a definate apple shape now! But your comment did make me smile... I am soooo hard on myself, I would never say things to friends that I do to me... if that makes sense... I am with you on the snacking front. It is really cold here and being cold just makes me want to graze. I am trying to control it but I ain't perfect. On the upside, apparently being cold you burn more cals...lol!! x
  14. coops

    If We Are What We Eat . . .

    I am ared pepper... with an assortment of meat and fish! lol x
  15. Hey Swizzly and Meg, The out of breath thing sounds horrible? Hope you are both ok... please let me know if you find out what is causing it because it would freak me out... thinking of you both! x Lila, glad you are hitting the gym hard, I like the sound of the buddies... looks like you guys spur each other on... that has to be good. I prefer to work in a group, that is why I like the boxing gym... I make sure I keep up the the skinny ones there! Diva...Bloody hell... 1000 cals burned a day! That is some going my friend... super fit or what! I seriously haven't got the time or energy for 2-2 1/2 work out so fair play to you. That is what I call dedication! Hope everyone else is doing well too...
  16. Hey Sleeve... get and do some squats... they are brilliant for the legs. I have to admit that since I started taking exercise seriously, I have found a huge difference in the shape of my legs. I have really strong calf muscles, no fat there... infact they are a lil too muscular - my hubby said he wants them! And my thighs are pretty good too... ok, so there is fat there but I can see muscles underneath! We do a lot of squats when I go to the boxing gym as part of our circuit and inbetween the rounds. Another good thing for legs is running/jogging ... but you've already got that in the bag!! As far as the tummy goes, try a range of sit ups... crunches, v sits, chinnies.... a variety will target the whole core, which is what you want. Oh, and don't forget to stretch out afterwards!! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress... x
  17. YEY... globetrotter, I am loving that plan!! You sound soooo positive and I really think that helps us 'slow uns' ...lol!! Funny how our weight is soooo close, and our height! I am 5 2! So I am still obese, just a few pounds off overweight! My surgeon's goal is 154, so even they are on a similar wave length and like you I don't want to be overweight... The running will certainly help things along. When I do it, which hasn't been much just lately cos of a groin/back problem, I love it. Just getting in that zone, and losing myself there for a while... in work I have a picture of the scrummy Robbie Williams, and when I started out I used to pretend that I was running to him ...lol ... I know, I know, I am weird. Can you imagine if that was true... me all sweating, red faced and gasping for air! He would probably **** himself - unless of course, he likes chubby, red faced welsh women...lol! Bascially, do what you gotta do my friend...and remember to come on here and let me know how you are getting on... xx
  18. Hey Globetrotter... why don't you try 1000 cals a day? What harm can it do? As you move about a lot, your body might be holding on to every pound? If I go below 1000, which is rare, I feel like crap! Headache, grumpy and mega tired... Since the New Year, so over a mth now, I have gone back to my pre op routine... 3 meals a day, sometimes a good snack if I am low on cals, plenty of water and movement as much as I can. Ok, so I am not rocking the world but I am back to my 2lb bounce of 166lb... I did go to 170lb, my lowest 164lb so at least I am going in the right direction - I even put the weight gain on my ticker cos it wasn't shifting! I find the food and exercise thing pretty easy to be honest... the water is tougher but I am aware and trying my best. The hardest is staying positive and motivated. I've started tracking too, and finding that it helps keep an eye on things, then when I feel I need a rest from it, I take the weekend off tracking but still keep in mind what I am doing... Rest assured, I and others on this thread, know exactly how you feel... how can we not shed weight when eating like we do and exercise like we do? Some might think we are kidding ourselves and 'cheating' but I can promise you that I am honest here and honest with myself. If I make a cock up , I will fess up! Oh, and for the record, you ain't fat!!! Like I said before, 18mths later you are 130lbs smaller, lighter, fitter... that is a ****ing MASSIVE achievement. In saying that I also appreciate how fat 'feels' as I have fat days and not so fat days. Use this thread to spur you on, vent, celebrate... whatever, knowing that you aren't alone... hugs from across the pond and remember, we are in this together... x
  19. You really do look amazing. You looked good before the sleeve... and your smile is beautiful, as are your teeth! What a great set of nashers you have.... keep smiling =]
  20. Globetrotter.... my oh my! Welcome back... Check you out at 130lb down... I am loving that!! You are a success!! (even though you don't feel like it you ARE...) well done my sleeve friend. Our stats are very similar, as is our slow loser journey! I am also around 13lbs away from my surgeon's goal at 20mths out. I've been stalled since Oct...booo hooo... but I too refuse to give up the fight. I am 28lb away from my ultimate goal. I feel your frustration... and I know what you mean when you say those last 'few' pounds (remember it is all relevant from where we started) bug the crap out of me too... I started a thread at the beginning of the year called 'Gonna get to goal, wanna join me' ... pop on board. It is just a place where a few of us, who want to get to goal this year, go to share, moan, vent or just Celebrate the little things that being so 'near goal' mean. I do find it helps me to stay focused, positive and motivated. It is really good to hear from you again, glad you back! Remember, slow but sure wins the race ... x
  21. Hiya, Lady push ups are half push ups; either on your knees in a box type shape... or on the knees where you lean forward! I can only do about 10 full push ups... but I am working on that and this challenge will help me. I think any thing that moves and shapes the muscles using resistance is all good... x
  22. hey Cludgie... I've done my sit ups... crunch style! I can do full ones but it pulls my back and bruises on my cox! I did them nice and slow, so plenty of control. I managed 110! Did 115 lady press ups, ones and did it in three sets with my 11yr old son cheering me on...lol! This is a great challenge for me as I can't rely on my groin/back to stay strong enough for me to train properly!!
  23. Oh. don't know if this makes a differnce to the sizing of things - perhaps I am being vein here - but the skinny jeans were from the teenage section...lol!
  24. Love this challenge... the sit ups.. piece of cake...lol... thanks to my boxing training! If there was no fat on my tummy, I would have a fab 6 pack...hahahaa. Now, the push ups are another matter... do 'lady' ones apply? If so, I'm in...lol! x
  25. It is great to see all these posts... loving the updates. Well done Southern sleever... sooo close now. If it is any help - which I doubt lol- but I would love to see 15? lol! You keep at it my lovely! Diva and Co, the no snacking appeals to me... my plan since the New Year, as post op, is three meals a day. When I increased to 1200 cals I had to have a snack to make the cals up but it was 'good' cals; Protein based or nuts. So I ok with that. I think I am going to keep to the 1000 cals this week, see what happens and perhaps do one week 1000 one week 1200 to try and 'trick' my body a little? What do ya all reckon? I really hope that me watching the cals will have some benefit soon... I just feel that I need to see a reward of some kind; be in on the scale or in my clothes, I don't mind...lol Also gonna get to the boxing gym twice this week too... and I am also considering trying the treadmill too... perhaps just for a short time to see how my leg/back holds out. With this pesky menopause nonsense, I am really aware that I need to build muscle and strength now, to help me in my later years! Oh and of course, this is the week where I promised myself that I would go back to the pool... I have penciled in Friday! Wish me luck. I was going to add a recent photo on here, but I can't see how to att'ch one? I bought a pair of green skinny jeans and although they are a size UK16 they fit lovely... just didn't know if I should wear them in public....lol...Any advise? Keep the updates coming in my sleeve friends! x

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