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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. these bouncy numbers are a pain in the arse, aren't they? Meg, I am with you... I put the two extra pounds back on my ticker cos I haven't seen 164lbs since Oct... I know it is just 2lbs, but I just felt that I was cheating myself... if I was like feedyoureye, then I too would leave it be. I am starting to feel a little more positive now ... went boxing last night and really kicked butt... and boy, do I know about it today... our trainer really went for it...lol! I am still trying to get the momentum to get back on the treadmill, I am still walking, which is good, but not good enough for fat burning at my stage... but my energy levels are still low. Perhaps when my sleeping pattern is better and things have settled a little more? Ladies... do me a favour... give me a week and then, start nagging me to get moving more. I think my body, although loving and benefitting from boxing, is getting used to the work out. I don't want to stop going, so I just have to do something else as well...
  2. coops

    Shin Splints

    Hey indy... no worries... it really did help a lot, so much so, I was able to do some sort of training. When I first got sleeved my exercise consisted of pretty much walking, walking and walking... the shin splints were there but not too bad... but I have to say within the first 4mths they had gone enough for me to start jogging on the tread mill... good luck and I hope the castor oil has the same effect for you! =]
  3. coops

    Shin Splints

    Hey! I've suffered from shin splints since a young adult... I used to massage my legs with olive oil before and after training. Now, after losing my weight, they have completely gone!! Seems like the cause, for me anyway, was being morbidly obese!! Fingers crossed this will be the same for you... good luck!
  4. coops

    Sorry I Have Been Distracted...

    Sending you, my sleeve friend, much love from across the pond. xx
  5. coops

    Size 10 Jeans! What?

    I am loving this... congrats on a great NSV ... my next goal is a UK14 jean (I think that is a US10?) so I am digging this !! Well Done! =]
  6. Hello all... Hope you are all doing well and still pluggin away! Well, we are back in work and getting through the school day minute by minute. It has been a hard week, but things are starting to settle. We haven't got a date for Jack's funeral as of yet, hopefully it will be soon! My eating is ok. I haven't pigged out like I thought I would, but I haven't been logging or tracking either. I would estimate that my cals are over 1200 now... I have had the odd cookie and snack, but nothing too damaging! My weight? Well it has stayed the same; still within my bounce range. Doesn't make sense does it? I eat 800-1000 and stay in the bounce range ... I stop logging and stay in the bounce range! I really don't know what to think! Perhaps my body is 'done' even though my mind isn't????? I am still exercising though, I am find this a great way to get rid of frustration at the moment. The only thing is, is that I am not sleeping very well, so I am really tired and have to push myself to go to the gym.. I am managing 2 a week and some walking at the moment, which isn't brilliant, but better than nothing. I have an appointment with the menopause clinic on Thurs and I am going to mention the HRT Patches and weight to see if that might be a reason why I am noting losing anymore.... this is the longest stall and really sucks!!! Let me know how you are all doing... =]
  7. coops

    Nsv - Job Interview

    This is great news... well done on getting an interview, that alone is an achievement... The suit sounds beautiful and I know you wore it with pride! I am sending you positive vibes from across the pond...good luck and let me know how you got on! x
  8. This is very interesting and very reassuring... it reflects the difference I have found 19mths post op! My max capacity, depending on the texture of the food is 7-8oz; my average is about 6oz (cooked weight)... That would take me all day at around the 4mth marker and hasn't changed since around the 10mth marker. Thanks for sharing!
  9. coops

    Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under

    I'm just under 5ft 2 and 19mths post op... can I play??
  10. Hiya Sara Ann, I am 19+ mths out and still not at my surgeon's goal, which is a a lot heavier than the BMI chart suggests I should be - he doesn't agree with the BMI, one size fits al - but I digress. Basically I just wanted you to know that the time limit of a year is not that important. Was I gutted that I wasn't at goal six mths ago - YES! Was I gutted that I wasn't at goal - YES! Have I done EVERYTHING I can to shed the extra weight... YES!!!! Snce the New Year, I have been vigilant; cals 800-1200, good on Protein, good quality but low(ish) carbs, 3 meals a day, no snacking unless my cals were too low and I would then add a protein based snack all this with plenty of exercise (4-5 weekly)... I haven't lost a pound! Infact, I haven't lost a pound since the end of Oct!! Am I doing something wrong- NO! Am I a failure - NO!! My body just doesn't want to shed this last bit of me, even though my brain does! Will I give up... not completely! At the moment, I am taking a lil rest from logging, but I continue to be vigilant with my food and still exercise. Please don't let 'time' discourage you. You have done an amazing job so far and you will continue to do so until you feel 'done'! The sleeve is with you for life and it is a wonderful thing. Take each day at a time and I am sure you will figure out what is best for YOU! Take care and let me know what you decide...
  11. coops

    Success Story...?

    Hey ouroborous, Of course you have put this thread in the right place... you defo are a success story!! I agree with the other, you look great and I can't see any loose skin! We certainly are our own worse critics! Enjoy your holiday... and strut your stuff being confident in you new body!
  12. Thank you all for your kind words, they really do mean a lot to me... Just a little update... food isn't going well... not so much the meals, but I am grazing very subconsciouly... only realising what I am doing half way through a munch attack! I have to mention that the snack attacks are mainly Protein based; nuts, cheese, cold meats... or wholemeal crackers - but they are still unwanted calories. Also craving sweet things really badly right now... so, there are no goodies in the house!! I am not going to log my food for a little while, I have to focus on the weeks that lie ahead in school... how to deal with grieving teenagers on mass???? Needless to say, it is going to be a very difficult and stressful time. I don't deal with death very well at all... never have... so this shocking loss has hit me like a ton of hot sh*t. That being said, I have a fantastic family and friendship group in work... the pupils are amazing and together we will get through this very said time. The only thing I can say for sure is that I will continue to exercise, at least my boxing classes. I went Tues, and the sense of relief punching the crap outta that bag was just immense. The only problem is that I pushed myself that hard, that my back is still hurting today, and I didn't go tonight... *sighs* Hope the rest of you are well... Well done Diva, you exercise guru you...lol Globe - take that compliment and then some... keep going my friend... this have to change soon, don't they? Keep up the good work everyone... this is a temporary blip in my matrix and as soon as I am ready, I will jump back on the goal train with a first class ticket!!!
  13. Hey Dooter... glad to hear you are up and about... good luck with your recovery...=]
  14. Just a quick note from me... I rec'd some really tragic news on the weekend... it was one of many emotions! A pupil at my school, who I taught, died very suddenly. Needless to say this was an awful shock to all of us. We are currently on half term here, but yesterday the school was opened for pupils and staff to gather to show their support fot Jack's family. It was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do... the pain in the youngesters eyes was overwhelming and just awful. His mam, dad, grandparent and younger brother also came into school... that was unbearable. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through right now. The only positive I can take is that the sense of community and love is very real and present for all that those that this tragic death has affected! While I am getting my head around this, I just can't face logging and worrying about cals and the such like... I need some time out to reflect and gather my thoughts. I think that when something like this happens it sorta puts things into perspective!
  15. I have just been given devastating news... one of the boys I have taught at my school has passed away today. He was just 15 years old. He was fit and heathy, a great sports man and a fantastic student; a very bright pupil who had the world at his feet. I need to embrace this life that I have been given as this news just hammers home that it can be taken away as soon as it is given. I know you guys understand...
  16. as a side note... I am still on HRT and medication for hot flushes... not sure if this has something to do with it... but if it is cals in V cals out then I should be seeing some movement... shouldn't I??? xx
  17. Hello everyone, thought I would post a lil update. This week has been poo! I have felt like poo and really struggled getting my Water in. Mon Tue Wed, I logged and did really well with cals Protein etc. Thurs, no logging, bad day with carbs and sugar - went boxing though which was great. Fri no logging, ok day. Sat no loggin ok day and walked 4 miles. Sun no logging and good day so far! Anyway, apart from the last four days, I have been plodding along, doing what I do and staying focused and positive... however, the pesky scale and tape measure are not playing ball with me. I still haven't seen my lowest bounce weight... it is now just over 3mths with NO WEIGHT LOSS! I have lost 1 1/2 inches which, I feel, is a little rubbish for the effort that I am putting in! I really don't know what to do... I sooooo want to say that I have reached my surgeon's goal of 11 stone and to drop that extra pound to be 10 stone something... 153lbs, would be absolutely amazing for ME! I don't feel like I am DONE! But how do I do this, because I feel that what I am doing, simply isn't working for weight loss. I refuse to go lower in cals because I just feel weak and ill when I go below 800... 1000-1200 I feel the best in my physical and mental self.,.. so that is where I intend to stay. The only thing I can think of is to change up my exercise a little...I will continue to go to the boxing gym, as I like it a lot and I feel amazing once I have finished the hour. I think I will try the treadmill again this week, see if my back and groin can work with it! I still haven't gone swimming as the temp has dropped here to minus figures here, and it is too cold for me... I don't want to get ill again. I will go when the weather is a little kinder, so it might be another couple of weeks yet. If anyone has got any ideas or comments, please feel free to let me know. I don't want to give up....
  18. I think I am standing taller... does that count? A friend of mine said my posture was better...? =]
  19. Well done on your success fo far... I am hearing you loud and clear...there are a couple of ways to get back on track: Track your food, as you eat currently for a couple of days... including the sweets... see how many cals, carbs and Protein etc you are getting... then adjust it accordingly - to what you feel comfortable with in terms of intake and quantity. This might take a week or two to tweek and work out what is best for you, but it is worth an try and if defo keeps you focused. As, you get full quick, then - if I am reading this right - you snack on sweets? - you draw up a 'meal plan' for the day... Say, brekkie - you usual cup of Water snack - protein cup of water lunch - ususal cup of water snack - protein cup of water dinner - usual snack - protein cup of water It might seem a little perscriptive, but it will keep you focused and hopefully too full to eat sweets? Diva has also put a boot camp, back to basics, thread on here, which a lot of people use to get rid of the carb/sweet monster... you could try that? Have you got much more to lose? Let us know how you are doing and what you decide... good luck =]
  20. coops


    Great topic... just bought and worn - in public - green skinny jeans... my goal jeans are either bench or Levi! =]
  21. Globetrotter... I am really feeling for you and aside to what the others have said, I don't know WHAT to say or to suggest! Can you ring your surgeon's office and ask for advice. Something isn't right here as you are hitting all the right buttons! Sending cal free hugs from across the pond! x
  22. coops

    Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.

    Loving this... Nope, I have never been to Jamaica... but I would love to go! (side note, I live in Europe ...lol) Q - what is your favourite film and why?
  23. Lacie, what an inspirational story... this is more than a NSV in my opinion... this is such a HUGE success. Although, I don't binge per se, I certainly used to use food as a crutch... so I can relate on a certain level. What I appreciated about your post was the 'realness' of it and the process you followed. You should be walking on air now... really, this is fantastic!!! With this train of thought, and how you overcame such an emotional issue, you really are gonna get to wherever you need to be! Congrats!!
  24. Meg, YEY!!! You have no idea how relieved I feel for you... something as simple as iron... my goodness! I bet you are feeling over the moon. So, does this mean you'll be hitting to pool soon???? LOL Great news my lovely!
  25. ,Hey guys, I'm starting to distrust myself. When I still had faith that I would lose weight, when I saw it coming off steadily at a pound every other day, I was so sure of myself and my sleeve that all manner of evil foods could pass under my nose and have little affect on me. Now, I can't be trusted, and that makes me sad. Also, even though the scale hasn't moved, I just feel fat, and no it isn't TOTM. Sigh. I ate bread over the weekend, and carrot cake, and lemonade =( Is my only choice to empty my house of everything and go back on liquids? I'm starting to have a sweet tooth like never before in my life, always I have been a savory/salty snacker, I never even liked carrot cake! =( =( I know I'm slumping big time, my house is a filthy mess, I'm not putting any effort into my appearance, etc. etc. Hey Globetrotter, Sounds like you are in a bit of a dark place my lovely friend... I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you are being SOOOOO bloody hard on yourself! Ok, so you are having a few moments with some empty cals ... so what?! Isn't this why we had the sleeve, to lead a normal eating lifestyle. I don't know if this will help but I have seen this pattern with my 'naturally thin' friends...The one that comes to mind immediately is tiny... she is a UK 10 and weighs around 133lbs. She will eat like a mouse for weeks; healthy wholesome food and no snacks... then for a week or so she eats like a beast! She will chuck in as many biscuits and chocs she can on top of her meals, which are chips, pies, pasta etc... then she naturally goes back to the healthy stuff. I think she basically gives her body what it wants. She doesn't stress about her weight... she doesn't stress about her size... she just gets on with it! Infact, she enjoys her food; the good, the bad, and the indifferent! I think we have a lot to learn from this. Back in Nov I was starting to feel the same as you... fed up with all of it... tracking, calories, protein, carbs... just food! So, I took the month of Decemeber off... I didn't worry about anything that I put in my mouth. I can tell you now, it was very liberating and I maintained my weight until Christmas week... that is when I did gain above my bounce weight. Now, I feel that this did me the world of good, as I could see that my sleeve did its job! I know exactly why I put those pounds on. This time out also gave me the momentum and focus to get back to it seriously in Jan... which is what I have done. All but one pound of my bounce weight has gone... Not sure if this is an option for you... but perhaps some time out of worrying will help? Stay with us though... don't vanish again...lol!! Remember, we are here for you... x

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