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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. At last some good news for you... stay strong my friend, you and your family are doing us proud... hugs from across the pond xx
  2. You looked really good before; such a pretty and happy face.. and now, you still look great... and happy!! Congrats on the shrinking you, I bet you feel like a million dollars!! =]
  3. coops


    Yecats, please don't feel that you are doing something wrong or that you aren't gonna win this race, because you WILL. I am 19mths+ now... in the first 4weeks, I lost pretty much the same as you. There will be times when you see your weight bounce all over the place and that is ok... that is what our bodies 'do'. You will also see a drop soon too... might be tomorrow or next week but it will happen. Also, if you haven't I urge you to take your measurements as these will 'show' you how much smaller you are getting. I didn't do this until about 2mths out when I had already lost 21lb... this is a real motivator when things slow down, as they inevitably will! Also, and I feel that this is really important (well, at least to me) I have NEVER, EVER lost more than 7lbs on any given diet at any given time... and that includes when I was young and just overweight as well as older and morbidly obese. My sleeve has, without doubt, save and changed my life... and even though I am not at 'goal' per se, I see myself in a more positive light each day. Try to relax, go with the flow, follow your post op diet and enjoy this rollercoaster... getting to the finishing line will be just as sweet whether you sprint, jog or walk... and to be honest, the scenic route is rather beautiful... =]
  4. coops

    Does Your Mirror Lie?

    This is a very relevant post for me, thanks for posting it dorrie... i will defo try some of the hints as this is one area that I really do need to work on; my self esteem is shockingly low! I act like I am confident... but not 'really' ... if that makes sense!
  5. Happy St David's Day... the patron St of Wales! x

  6. Hey, sounds like you had a really good work out.. stick with it cos it gets easier... and you will see the difference, I promise! I LOVE my boxing classes! They just make me feel alive...x

  7. C'mon in Kris, the more the merrier!! Kris and Escape, when I first heard peeps saying the last 20 or so pound were the hardest, I didn't EVER imagine it would be this hard... I can't believe that despite what ever I do, the scale just isn't moving for me... infact, I am back to the top of my bounce range... grrrrrr! Ticking all the right boxes, bla bla bla!! It is soooooo bloody frustrating. If it wasn't for this place I really think I would have half given up by now!!! The one thing the last 19mths have taught me is that I am not the pathetic failure that I thought I was... infact, I have relearnt how to be a determined, verging on dogmatic, individual who refuses to give up regardless of the stoney road that I walk. Part of me REALLY wants to be at goal, be it size or weight... the other part of me is willing to keep plodding and then there is a small (really small) part of me that is 'ok' here! At this time, where I am in the stall from hell, I know that my body is still fighting. As a 'body' it is probably worried to get smaller as I doubt it can remember being this 'light'! And mentally, I think it is scared too... but I haven't worked out what it is scared of yet! Then add to the mix, hormones, stress and just 'living' and there is a whole conundrum of other stuff floating around. SO, if it takes me to the end of the year to do this bad boy, then 2012 will still be my year... If I don't get there, well, I will truly know that this is where I am meant to be and by that time, I will probably be more accepting of the new me! Keep us posted of how you are doing... Hope everyone else is ok... Lila, are you still kicking a$$ in that gym?? I'm thinking of us all... x
  8. Hey Meg, Have a great time at your conference... I am sure there will be a LOT of comments and compliments heading your way!! Take 'em and enjoy 'em! Let us know how it went... and the experience of being scale 'free' for a few days - I too would dread the thought... x
  9. Hiya verysoon... how things? Just thought I'd give you a quick shout! =]

  10. Holy Moly... just look at your new profile pics... Seriously Blackberryjuice, you look incredible! I want your arms... no scrub that... I want to look as fit as you full stop!!!! x

  11. coops

    I Went Swimming

    YEY! Those of you who know me, know that I've been threatening to go swimming for a few weeks now... I kept putting it off and putting it off, you know that 'fat girl syndrome'... I didn't want to be seen in public in my costume etc! Well long story short, I bought a new costume... one that fitted me... and after some lovely people on here encouraged and cheered me on, I've done it. I have had a really stressful couple of weeks and I needed to do 'something' to get my mind off the stress... I have to say that swimming did the trick! It wasn't easy to get there... I was a little anxious at first, but when I got to the pool it was all 'ok'. I did a few lengths and just thought 'oh balls, go for it Coops!' I ended up doing 32 lengths - half a mile - in 31 and a little minutes! Not too bad for someone who hasn't swam in over 2 years! I will definately be doing this more often and I feel a lot more confident now! Oh and I don't feel 'fat' now! Double YEY!!
  12. As always, such inspiring words of wisdom... it really has been a pleasure following your journey and seeing your success. Your pictures are simply, beautiful as are you. You've done an amazing job and you really do look amazing too... Good luck with the last 7lbs, but in my humble opinion, I am not sure where it will come from... Congrats and thanks for sharing x
  13. Hey you lot! Thanks for the suggestions re measuring... I measured a couple of weeks ago and there was no change! I'll have to do it again soon. As for adding veggies and healthy foods, I eat a lot of greens... mange tout are great as they don't take up too much room, same with green Beans and peppers... I eat a lot of peppers, red, orange and yellow are my favs! I have also tried some curly kale as Feedyour eye suggested and it was lovely, again in a stir fry. I usually put the greens with a portion of chicken/pork/beef/ fish and I feel it makes a really balanced meal that keeps me full for a long time! I rarely eat processed foods now too... i don't like the texture and prefer to see what goes into my food... however, I do like tinned Soups and baked beans now and again. I really believe in moderation, so the opening a tin now and again isn't gonna do any harm. I weighed this weekend and I am back to the top of my bounce range again... I know it is Water as my rings are tight ... I am also having another visit from 'aunt flo' second in 20 days and this one has lasted over a week... as did the other one. It isn't heavy now... but still there if that makes sense...TMI??? I shouldn't really be getting visits now I am HRT and this is leading me to believe that my hormones are affecting my weight? I am not looking for excuses here... ust trying to work out what the hell is going on...
  14. coops

    Just had a look at your new photos... OMG!!! I would LOVE to look like you... seriously! You are where I want to be.... well done on looking so bloody fantastic! xx

  15. Awww, thanks my lovely sleeve friends... you really know how to cheer me up and cheer me on! Peeps who ain't got a sleeve just don't 'get' it... all these little things that mean a lot to me/us mean very little to them. This really has boosted my confidence, just when I needed it. My one problem at the moment is that I really am starting to get pee'd off with the lack of movement on the scale... I just want to see a 'little' move!! I know it won't magically jump to that magic number that I soooo want to see... but a pound down right now would really be the icing on the (UMMM) cake???LOL I really am starting to wonder whether my hormones (HRT Patches and peri menopause - but other women lose well in this stage?) are the reason why I am proper stuck... and this is no minor stall of a day or two; a week or two ... we are talking since F'ing October ... four mths now with the same bounce! I know others have experienced this and got through it, I suppose I am just uber frustrated! Ok, ok... I know you are saying; 'yes, but Coops, your clothes are fitting better and you look trim and great' and I appreciate that, really I do and I LOVE the way I am starting to feel! I just can't feel 'done' yet! I can't stop when maybe I should think about stopping as I really don't want to get to a 'dark' place with my weight loss again... do you know what I mean? So, any handy tips on how to 'mentally' get through this ... you guys are such a wealth of experience, information and ideas... hugs xx
  16. coops

    Anyone Tried Boxing?

    Pookeysim, OMG... that is sooo distressing to read never mind experience! I am sorry that you went through this; but I am also impressed at your 'fight' and recovery. You are one strong lady!! Sleeve... yey boxing! As a training routine it is amazing and has been my life saver. I go to a local boxing gym where the women's sessions mirror the mens' training only we do less circuits. My coach is amazing, he is currently away with the GB Olymic team coaching them... so he really know what he is doing! We don't spar or fight, that was never my intention.... I just wanted to get really strong. We start with skipping and floor work, then we move onto the bags and pads - I love that bit - and then we do circuit training which sometimes incorporates kettle bells and medicine balls... no two sessions are the same and I find it such a massive benefit; not only for my health and fitness but also for stress and frustration. It is my son's fault that I go... he started a few years ago 'cos he was being bullied in school and my hubby wanted him to be able to 'look after' himself! Next month it will be a year that I have started... The weird thing about it, is that although I haven't lost a pound since October, my clothes are getting looser and there is a definate change in my body shape again. All I can say is go for it my lovely... get lost in the zone and enjoy!! Let me know how it goes! x
  17. I'm not sure that my opinion/experience is relevant here as the great British summers aren't well known for the heat or humidity...lol... but what I did want to say is that after my sleeve I found the heat a lot more bearable; I could sit in the sun for a lot longer reading and wouldn't be covered in sweat! Also moving around in the heat is a lot easier, again, less sweating! I also noticed that I didn't get headaches from the glare of the sun either... not really sure why that happened but I am not complaining either! I am hoping to go for a summer holiday to a country that is actually 'hot' this year, so that will be the real test!
  18. coops

    I Went Swimming

    Kelly... ain't it a great feeling... I am hoping that this will continue for me! It is a great exercise too... =]
  19. coops

    I Went Swimming

    Heheheee.. that last bit made me giggle, but what a motivator to get swimming... shame about the shoulder, as I really did find it relaxing and a great way to get rid of a shed load of stress... I wanted/needed to change my exercise routine up and what I am doing now doesn't seem to be helping with losing the last of the fat. My next 'big thing' is running outside instead on the treadmill... again it is all in my head but I am working on this. The best thing about the swimming tonight is after I had finished the laps I wasn't out of breath. My heart rate was up, but no huffing and puffing... which has got me thinking that I must be getting fitter as the last time I went I managed 24-26 lengths and was out of breath! Got any good suggestions BlackberryJuice for good fat burning exercises... I really wanna shift the last 14lbs or so! And you are in great shape!! =]
  20. coops

    One-Year Surgiversary

    I've said it before and I'll say it again... congrats to you, my lovely friend, on an amazing year! I am really proud of your achievements. You really have been a tower of strength for me when I am struggling and I thank you for that! Hugs from across the pond! x
  21. Wow... it has been a stressful week in work and I am dreading my weekly weigh in over the weekend... I've been bouncing up and all over the place through the week... But I have managed to destress tonight by... wait for it... drum roll please... going SWIMMING!! OMG I DID IT.... I WENT SWIMMING! First time in two years and I did; 4 lenths warm up and 32 lengths - half a mile - in just over 31 minutes! I really am proud of myself!!
  22. Happy Surgaversiary Swizzly! You've had an amazing year and I am sure that it will continue... congrats on a great job well done! ANd a BMI of 24 is bloody amazing!! xx
  23. coops

    Morning Wood

    Great post... yep! Gave me a chuckle too... A NSV is a non scale victory... or in this case a 'new state of vertical'!!!!!
  24. On a side note... I meant to say that I have given up biscuits for lent (I usually give up crisps but I don't eat them now). I fond that biscuits are my trigger food and although I can't eat more than 2-3 at a time, I am usually ready for more in an hour or two. They also activate my sweet tooth... so for damage limitation, especially whilst I am not logging, I have said goodbye to buscuits for 40 days and 40 nights! Anyone else giving up anything for lent?
  25. coops

    Just One Pound

    Wow... that looks a lot more than it 'sounds' ... no more complaining about 'just a pound' then... thanks for the pictures!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
