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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Oh Pammie, I sooooo understand your frustrations... really I do! But there is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. In the early days my weight loss was soooo sporadic ... it used to drive me nuts! But it kept coming off... and I am sure it will be the same for you too. I'm 19+mths out now and not quite at goal weight, but I've hit my original goal size! Honestly, this is the ONLY way that I have EVER lost more than 7lbs! The scale will be your friend, but don't rely on it as a consistent tool for measuring success. Look at the important things, like how your clothes fit bettter-are too big, how fitter you are, how healthier you are and how much better you feel. They are the things that consistently keep me focused and on track. I will get to my weight goal.. just don't know when! And so what if it takes to the end of the year... I am not racing with anyone! I keep saying that I am taking the scenic route... and it is rather beautiful! Good luck and keep on doing what you are doing =]
  2. Missus.... you've always been a star in my eyes... this is a fab NSV though... and no one deserves it more than you!!! Hugs from across the pond my lovely friend! x
  3. coops

    The Scale Lies!

    Reallyrosy, can I firstly congratulate you an an amazing weight loss to date. Secondly, I just wanted to say that you are doing bloody wonderfully in the walking dept. I started this at 238lbs and I couldn't tie my shoes without feeling light headed and putting my foot onto a step, I couldn't get a pair of tights on without taking my own breath away and winding myself. I certainly couldn't walk on a treadmill for 20 mins... and you are doing ALL of that , plus some with 30lbs more!! A-bloody-mazing!! Really... chin up and be very proud of where you are and where you are going. And I don't mean to sound rude, but I really don't like the sound of your surgeon. Mine hasn't disallowed ANY food for me. Yes, I had a strict post op diet plan for 2mths, but that is all good as I was healing... but when I got onto solid food he wanted me to eat EVERYTHING but in much smaller amounts. I know each and every surgeon is different, and each and every body is different but it sounds to me that he is making this much harder for you than you than it needs to be!! Keep working with your 'shrink' and remember that what he says isn't 'God's word'! Good luck to you
  4. Me too, me too... sleeved July 2010... but my friend, you know my story soooo well, cos you've cheered me on and cheered me up all the way! Still fighting to get to that damn goal weight, but I will get there cos I have this place to keep me focused! But hey, 73lb gone and in a UK14... that ain't too shoddy!! x
  5. Cludgie... I think this is two NSV... the first one is the weight one... and double yey there... but the second is to actually get a physio appointment! (I'm still waiting to hear about mine)! Be nice if mine was an adonis too... I probably won't be so lucky...hang on that is three NSVs...lol!! =]
  6. Thank you for your kind words... this is such a rollercoaster for me at the moment. Today I am at the top of it, just looking down! Ready for the 'dip' if that makes sense. I bought a pair of boyfriend cut jeans in a UK size 14... thinking that they would spur me on a little... I just had to try them on... they FIT!! So one minute I am feeling really low and sad and the next I am elated as my original size goal was a 14 jean! My head really is in the shed...lol... but I am proud and pleased with myself - and all this in the middle of a bloody long stall!! Phew! I really do need a holiday!
  7. OK, I did it... I bought a pair of UK14 boyfriend cut jeans... OMG... they FIT ME!! Oh and I am wearing a pair of 14 cotton combat style shorts!!! WOW!!

  8. Great question Meggspeggs. I too will look forward to reading the replies. I am 19+mths out and not at my goal weight...I've lost 73lbs and been in weight loss stall from hell (lol) since the end of Oct, bouncing up and down the same 3-5 lbs... BUT ... today I bought a pair of size UK14 boyfriend cut jeans and they FIT!! I am also wearing a pair of 14 cotton combat shorts that also FIT.... so techincally I have reached my 'size goal'. I will however endeavour to lose 'til my I get to, at least, my surgeon's goal weight which is 12-14lbs more. Then I will review how I feel, look and what size I end up at. I have given myself to the end of 2012... and wherever I am then, that is where I will stay and stay for good!! Remember, I am a really slow loser... but a loser nonetheless... and I have to say, the scenic route is beautiful!!
  9. This is really interesting - re the cal thingy - i am defo eating under 1500 cals a day and not losing. But not gaining either... I am now seeing the lower end of my bounce range and will up date my ticker tomorrow if the scale still says 164 or 165... I think these things are good for awareness and guidance. They simply can't factor in everyone's individuality. I agree with you Meg... there are a lot of other issues underlying the way our bodies react and although the cal in cal out thing is the way forward it is a one size fits all train of thought - like the BMI scale - and again, doesn't factor individuality of each body. I really do believe that the hormones; the good, the bad and the ugly all pay a huge role in how we lose weight and how the our body reacts. I know for a fact that my body is struggling with hormones and although the HRT Patches are helping, it is going to take a while for them to settle into my system. So, for me, it is a case, of 'lets wait and see what happens'! But I have waited this long and will continue to do what I am doing... I actually feel comfortable eating around 1000-1200 cals a day and at the moment that is my focus. The low carb thing didn't work for me so I have introduced healthy ones that make me feel better and give me more energy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little update here... it has been a bitter sweet weekend so far! Friday I was proper sick it started with blurred vision first lesson, the I had a headache. I took some painkillers and hoped it would go away but it was followed with tummy cramps... I went over to our little office where we have lunch, to get some space as I had a free lesson and I just got really upset, tearful and 'wobbly' if that makes sense. Work is still very hard at the moment and I am doing as best I can but for some reason, Friday I was really struggling. I had a cuppa and a dry piece of toast, hoping I would settle and my tummy would behave but the cramps came harder and I threw up some bile -YUK! I asked to leave work as I knew I couldn't teach like this ... luckily I did as I hadn't been home twenty minutes when I needed to loo... I don't need to add anymore info here do I!! I spent the rest of the day asleep on the sofa, and I felt proper sh*t! Cold, dizzy, sweaty and the stomach cramps came in waves. Today the cramps have gone and I have been ok with the food that I have eaten... not great food, but at least it has settled in my tummy. I needed to get a dress for Jack's funeral, as his parents have requested that the ladies wear 'colours - no black' and there is nothing in my wardrobe appropriate... Anyway, long story short, the very first shop I went into I found a colourful dress (browns, beiges and reds) that would be suitable for a funeral, but also somthing I could wear again (I don't mean that to sound harsh but I can't afford a funeral wardrobe!). The only sizes left were UK 8, 10, 14 and 18. I knew the 18 would be too big, so I bought the 14. When I got home and tried it on, it actully fitted... and looks lovely too. I might need to wear 'big pants' but I am cool with that...lol. I hope Jack is looking down and laughing at me, 'cos he really would be proud to see me at my smallest size just for him!!!! To say that I am going through a whirl wind of emotions right now is an understatement... Sorry it has been a long one...lol x
  10. Yep me too... it is taking FOREVER... but when I get there, boy it is gonna taste soooo sweet!!
  11. I bought a UK size 14 dress and it FITS!!! Just gotta get into a UK14 pair of jeans and I will be really happy!

  12. Hiya GT, yea, what Feedyoureye said re the stats... looks like the 6mths option is the healthiest way. How you doing today, seems you've been a lil up and down (same here to be honest).
  13. oops... when I said to eat 1500 I would get to goal in 3mths, I miss read the numbers... it is actually 6mths. For just over 3mths it would be just under 1123. So with that in mind, I am doing the right things calorie wise!!
  14. Oh and before I forget, I wonder if I could get the those quest protein bars here in the UK... I did look at the site and some of the flavours sound really good... I'll have to shop around. Which would you guys recommend??
  15. Thanks for this ... I just had a look and it says I should be eating around 1500 cals a day to get to my ultimate goal ( minus of 26lbs) in just over three months. I am eating between 1000 and 1200 cals a day... not sure if I should add more??? I am ok with the quantity right now, but if this stall doesn't break it might be worth trying for a week or two? Interesting...
  16. Hello all, thought I would pop a quick update... I am starting to feel a lil better, just gotta get through the next few weeks and I think work will be less stressful, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel, albeit a dim one!. I am back to the lowest of my bounce range at 165 and I did see 164 today, but I won't change my ticker until it has stayed there or 'til the weekend, which is my offical weigh day... I am glad to see it go down a lil and I am sure this helps my mood too!! Went to see the menopause doc and she was really supportive. She said that she thinks I am doing really well considering all the stress that I am under at the moment and told me not to worry about my weight... It will come off! I told her I was logging and she was a little freaked out by that and suggested that I didn't do this, but to just eat to survive and exercise; which is, in essence what I am doing...lol! Still it was nice to hear that she thinks I am doing well. I have more HRT Patches and she wants me to continue on them, so I will. I have to go back in 3 mths just to make sure that all is well. Oh and she weighed me there... according to their scales I have lost nearly 10kgs which is 22lbs and that is in nearly a year. I looked a little disappointed but she was delighted! Just shows how different our perception of good weight loss actually is! I hope everyone else is ok... love reading the different post here and they really help me stay focused and keep my eye on the prize! For all of us who are struggling along... we just gotta keep going; keep doing what we are doing!!
  17. coops

    Nsv - New Headshots!

    Erm... are you sure that both pictures are YOU ...lol... you just look sooooo different! Well done on a beautiful transformation; beautiful before and beautiful now!! =]
  18. Het Feedyoureye, you always speak so much sense... I think I will start to log again... had a bit of time out and I haven't gone mad - but I think seeing it written down will just be reassuring that I am still 'doing things right' as such... at least that is a part that I can tick and stop doubting myself... Those 4 party pounds will soon vanish I am sure... isn't funny how now you miss salads... this is defo a way of life now! I find that if my food isn't 'colourful' it doesn't taste as good... I always try to get some peppers, green Beans - things along those lines - to cheer up my plate! And I think you are right about the weather too... we've had a sunny spell and it has been nice to see the sun... however, we have been warned that it might get a lot colder over this week... I think warmer weather is what I need...lol! =]
  19. Hey all... hope you are all well... M2G... Oh I've missed you... glad things are settling down in work and that you are working out... how do you fit it all in!! Manic days for you my lovely. GT... I still feel your frustration... how is the cardio going? What are you trying? Perhaps things will move a little... I am hoping they will! Kris I am loving the sound of that DVD... sounds like a good routine! Lynda, getting veggies in, I feel, I really important to overall health and I always get some in per day. So me, funny sorta time here across the pond... On an up note, we had World Book Day celebration on Thursday and we had the chance to dress as a character from a book... I chose Pippi Longstocking this year- adorned with a ginger wig! - and it was really fun... the kids loved it. I got a few funny looks form the neighbours and peeps as I drove to work mind!! As for the rest of the time well I am really getting frustrated now. Now movement and at the top of my bounce range (which seems to be getting bigger but I know it is Water as I am feeling really bloated some days). I am starting to feel a little blue. I think it is a combination of a lot of things. We still haven't had Jack's funeral (the pupil that died suddenly) and although we now have a date, the atmosphere in work is still very enmotional. Just Thursday I had a burly lad break down in tears and Friday at our St David's day celebration there were a lot of the older pupils upset and emotional as one of our musicians had composed a 'tune' (sorry Meg, I don't know the proper word) for him and played it at the end. Just heart breaking and I am still struggling to get my head around it all. On top of that I am just feeling really down... I think that this stall has something to do with it and I also think my hormones are giving me hell too (got another visit from aunt flo that is 13 days between this and the last)... suffering with a lot of headaches. I go back to the menopause clinic in just over a week and I will definately ask there... I am trying to stay positive and keep upbeat, but I have to say that it is definately hard work at the moment. I seem to be swinging from mood to mood... putting a brave face on in work and in public but then coming home and going into a 'zone' where I just feel down. I am hopinh that this will soon pass... perhaps I just need a holiday!! Sorry to sound all doom and gloom ...
  20. I'm with Amanda on this... I'm 19+mths out and half the time I see myself in a better way... and half the time I still see and feel fat! I think that as time goes on the percentage will change... and lets face it, I have a lot of time...lol. I don't 'hate' myself any more, so that is a good thing. I do think that once I get to goal that will mentally change things too. Self esteem is such a personal thing. I know a lot of very confident people who are carrying a lot more weight that I am and they are happy with themselves regardless of some stupid number on the scale... that is my aim I think, self acceptance!
  21. Hey Meg, I know it is horrible to have really thin hair, I am the same... Not sure if this will help, but I had to have mine cut short and sort of swept to the side to conceal the thinness... it does the trick to a certain degree... Just remember though, you are NOT UGLY!! Your hair does not define YOU... ok, so it helps us along the way... but you are still You and still beautiful! Hugs x
  22. Hiya Rickym, I understand completely what you say... makes sense to me. The only thing that bothers me about my stall of 3+mths and the metabolic rate thing is that I have a lot of muscle! I train hard and have great core strength now... also I've built up strong arms and legs(not butch like..lol... but if there was no or less fat on me I would be really lean)... I was hoping that, as you said, the muscle would sorta reboot my metabolic rate and burn the last pounds. Unfortunately that is not happening right now *sighs* I've tried all the tricks that I've read here and elsewhere but no movement... Perhaps this is me now? Any ideas? =]
  23. Great question ... I am in the same boat... definately in a calorie deficit and no scale or inch movement... I will be watching this post. I am sure there is someone here with words os wisdom!
  24. Het Wishes... great to see your pics, you really do look fan-bloody-tastic! Congrats on an amazing 6mths! =]
  25. coops

    I Am Peeeeeved

    Globetrotter, you know how I feel your frustration... I am in a very similar boat! Regardless of what I do, I can't shift anymore and I have been bouncing around the same weight since the end of Oct... it is a right royal pain in the a**e and I have tried all the tricks under the sun to change things but my body just isn't responding! Not sure what else to do but keep plodding along... sorry that is of no help! Just want you to know that you aren't alone in your frustrations!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
