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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. You look great! I love the dress in your current pic, so pretty! I can't believe how well you've done in such a short space of time!! You'll be at goal in no time at all... congrats on an amazing job well done!
  2. coops

    Lose And Loose Are Two Completely Different Words

    Oh Wheetsin, that is priceless...!! Bless her and her boogie!
  3. GT...! I think our stats are very similar. I'm 5 2 and bouncing between 167- 164lbs and have been doing the whole five months! I am soooo feeling this! I've struggled with the 'ho'w questions too... frustrating really isn't the word is it? I really don't know what the answer is... I wish I did! I read - I think on here, a long time ago - that some people get to a weight that they were for a long time before piling on the extra pounds. Then they seem to stay there for a while. I think that eventually they started going down again... sorry it is a bit vague but it was when I was first sleeved and I trawled this board for any info! I am sorta hoping that this is true... but who knows how our bodies are. They certainly are a mystery to me. I really wish I could help more... just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in being baffled!!
  4. Hey Dorrie, good luck with your appointment, do tell us what she says. I'll be interested in any advice on kick starting things. Funny you should mention the mountains, where we live there is a beautiful mountain walk. I tried it pre sleeve and couldn't make it to the top... boy I was winded, knackered and had cramo all in my legs. I came home and cried as I felt that I had let my whole family down. Since then the hunny, kids and dog have done the walk many times and all I get to see are the pictures. Well, this Easter break I intend to walk to the top and enjoy the scene and maybe a picinic!! I get what you say about a life style change... I agree 100%! This is just what I 'do' now. Not sure if the extra exercise will help signigicantly as it hasn't really in the past, but psychologically it does wonders for me, so it is worth the effort there if not on the scales. I have to remember that this just isn't about numbers but quality of life too. Oh and I've just noticed that you have a 'normal' BMI... WOW!! Congrats on that my friend! x
  5. Hello all... great to hear all the updates... good to hear that everyone is doing well and chuging along! Kris, your holiday sounds amazing! Just what the doctor ordered. And isn't it great that food just isn't an issue anymore. So chuffed that you had a good time. We haven't been away for 2 years but this year we are trying to save every penny to get a sunny holiday! We defo need one! I still haven't seen the scale move... starting to get on my nerves a little. I really thought that when I started the New Year logging thingy, that I would see a pound or two go... but no! I am still logging, sometimes I take a weekend off... I seem to be ticking the right boxes, but it seems the same ole; the body doesn't want to comply with the head! I am starting to think that 'this is me' again... this stall has lasted just over 5mths now, so perhaps I am done? Then this louder voice starts shouting...'NO WAY LADY, you're no where near finished'!!!! I just keep reminding myself that I must keep on until the end of this year... that will be the 'end' for me! I know I talk about being using patience in this journey of ours... but mine is starting to dwindle a little. One thing I need to do is to increase my exercise. I love the boxing that I do, and I am seeing great results in strength and fitness but I am wondering if my body is just getting used to it now. In May my work load will decrease as our oldest pupils will leave for study time prior to their exams. I will have more time then and II have promised myself that I will go back to the gym in work and start using the treadmill again. Time really is precious at the moment, days are turning into nights and rolling by so fast! By the time I have finished work; after school clubs and meetings, get home sort the kids and tea out bla bla bla, then plan or mark for the next day, I am finding it is 10pm and I am knackered! My hubby has gone back on to his shift pattern and this has changed time constraints too. I suppose it is just a case of doing what I can when I can at the moment. On the up though, things in work are getting better as the atmosphere is brighter and the pupils are more settled after Jack's funeral. This in turn makes everything feel better. I am sleeping better to, which lifts my mood and am starting to feel back to my normal self. SO all in all... no change but things are getting better... Oh and the sun is coming out to play more too... ANd, I still haven't had a biscuit!! =]
  6. coops

    Lose And Loose Are Two Completely Different Words

    Loves it... any of you guys wanna do some marking for me... I'm an English teacher...lol!!
  7. coops

    Hrt After Weight Loss

    Wow... you were young going through all that... Oh yeah, being a woman is amazing... I have all my bits intacked...lol... and yea, the HRT is just oestrogen. Doc did mention giving me progestrone too but nothing was mentioned at my last appointment. I go back in 3mths,,, do you think should mention it? As far as fibroids go... don't think I have them? I do get some of the symptoms of PCOS; facial hair - how attractive), some body hair,spots along my jaw line, thinning hair - why can't my hair growth just be concentrated on my head...lol! At first the menopause doc wanted me to have a normal BMI... but when I spoke to her a couple of weeks ago, she told me not to get stressed over my weight...ha! Talk about a turn around... anyway, I am gonna keep on keeping on, trying to get rid of the last bit of me that I don't want! Good luck with your surgery... not long now! If you want any help/advice/support... just give me shout! =]
  8. Pap Jack... you look great in your new profile pic!!! How's the dog? =]

  9. Balckberryjuice... this is brilliant news! What a HUGE compliment! but then you have made a huge change to your body and look amazing! Congrats to you! =]
  10. Meg... please don't leave this thread...lol... you have to stay here with us! We NEED you!! Congrats on getting that goal, what a great achievement! I've replied to you goal thread too... you've made my day! I love hearing that those last pesky pounds will eventually bugger off and leave us alone. xx
  11. Oh Meg... What a great day... I am sooooooo proud of you, really I am! You are such an inspiration and a lady. You're words are always kind and positive, and for that I thank you! You really do deserve your success... I love your NSV... and to the woman who did it 'hard way'... well, she can JOG ON!!! You take each and every compliment, box them and keep them 'cos, you deserve them all! Well done my friend and congratulations xx
  12. Emily, firstly I want to echo others congratulations... you've lost an incredible amount of weight in such a short space of time. The best advice I can give you is to have patience- yes I know, it is hard... I am currently in a 5mths stall but I am 19mths post op and sorta expected things to be like this (I also think my hormones are a contributing factor!). MY body is soooo stubborn to change, but I refuse to give up and refuse to believe that there is this window of opportunity. My tummy is the same size now as it was nearly a year ago, so I am going to stick with what I am doing and practice what I preech... employ patience! Stick with what you are doing and let you body have a 'whiff', you will continue to lose. It might be a little slower, but that isn't such a problem... is it? If you feel that you need to 'do' something, try changing things around a little to shock your body... perhaps switch foods? Change your exercise routine? Add more liquids? Increase/decrease cals... anything that you feel will be beneficial. I have tried the above and although they didn't work for me I have read on here that they work for A LOT of others - we are all different - and like I said, my body is a stubborn lil minx! Remember our bodies are sensitive things and they don't really like change! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Good luck in getting to goal! =]
  13. Yes! Great comparison... in fact both my kids, now aged 11 and 13 both eat a lot more than I do at meal times - we're old fashioned here and all eat our meals, at the table together...lol! They used to comment on how little I ate, but now it is just me being 'normal'! Using a smaller plate is a great way to guage food too, if you haven't got a scales in front of you. =]
  14. I'm19mths out and I still weigh my food (desperately trying to get to my first weight goal) and I eat between 6-8oz of food in a meal depending on consistency. This is VERY similar to the weight I was eating at approx 8mths out... so I feel this is my limit now! I am more than happy with this as it is enough to enjoy the taste of food and to keep my cals low(ish) they range between 900-1200 daily. This amount also keeps me satisfied for a long period of time and therefore allows me to stay with my 3 meal a day post op plan... yes I am still sticking to this for 90% of the time! Not sure if this helps... hope so! =]
  15. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Omg... Sleeve 4 me... you look amazing and yes! You have great arms... I want your arms... xx M2G... 100lbs...100lbs...100lbs! That made my day, and boy did I need cheering up and then the dress...fan-bloody-tastic! You look amazing and then the shoes... my those shoes!! Seriously, ladies you are two hot mamas!!
  16. Yep... what they said...lol... You look amazing! Congrats! I'm sure we'll be seeing a goal thread from you soon =]
  17. coops

    Hrt After Weight Loss

    Caradina, I was going to start a thread about this myself. I was given blood tests last year and told that I was peri-menopausal at the age of 39. I went on HRT but I suffered with severe migraines and taken off them; I only last 6-8 weeks on the Patches. The last year, the symptoms came with a vengance... sweats, sleepless nights, moody, emotional and all for 'no apparent reason'! I was horrible and I felt horrible. I went back to my doc and she gave me tablets to control the sweats, whcih worked a treat. I was also refered back to the menopause clinic and put back on HRT patches and I am still on them 3 mths later. No migraines this time as the flush tablets also stop migraine attacks. I feel a lot better, moods are calmer, I can concentrate for longer and I have better sense of well being... all in all going good. Now, my concern here is two fold - firstly I am spotting every 10-20 days and it is not pretty (sorry if TMI) i also get cramps and pains that I didn't get before, although my monthlys were very erratic! And secondly, I haven't lost a pound since October and was wondering if the HRT has 'something' to do with this? Since the New Year I have been logging food (with a couple of breaks) and my calorie intake is looking good - between 900-1200 a day. I do exercise, but the last couple of weeks it hasn't been as regular but I still ... I am in a bit of a quandry about it! I am 19+mths out and not at goal, although I am happy with the weight I have lost, I do feel that I would like to get rid of another 14lbs or so. According to the BMR charts and all that malarky, I 'should' be losing about a 1lb a week? I was also interested in the oestrogen being stored in fat comment that you made... I didn't know that until recently and am now wondering if the weight loss that I have achieved might have spurred on the menopause a little earlier that it might have been. However, I really do think that I was going to go through it early as my symptoms, albeit minor, were there anyway. Any thoughts would be appreciated as I am a little confused... Whatever happens, I am going to continue all my efforts to getting this last 14lbs off... and when work calms down, my exercise will go up! Good luck to you and sorry for the lengthy response!
  18. Wales won the Grand Slam... so proud to be welsh! Cymru am byth!

  19. Lila, I am really suffereing in the sleeping area at the moment ... and yes, it has effected my motivation to go to the gym. So, I have stopped logging carbs! I get in 'good carbs' and it is making a big difference to my mood, energy and sleep. I have come to realise that under 50g of carbs is not good for ME! Another thing I ry to do, whne possible, is to just sit down and 'have a whiff' - just do nothing for 5 mintutes or so. That gives me a little mental boost! Sleep is such an important factor to our lives, and when it is disrupted it makes a huge difference. Do you know why you can't sleep... stress, worrry? If you can pinpoint the reason, then sometimes that helps ... at least it does for me. Hugs!
  20. Hiya Carly, I am 19mths post op and was told that I am perimenopausal this time last year. My hair has thinned ... but it isn't too bad. I did have it cut off into a shorter, neater style and if you don't look for the thinning you can't really see it. Not sure if that helps! Are you on HRT or any other medication? Have you been sleeved?
  21. Benefibre and flax seeds are my life line when it comes to number twos... gotta have em daily or no go for Coops!
  22. Oooops, Lilee, forgot to mention how utterly brilliant your photos are... and what a beautiful smile you have ... you really need to change your profile pic...lol =]
  23. This is a great post... great words of wisdom! and I can concur... I have not lost a POUND since the end of Oct, but over the last 2 weeks, something has 'changed' I am getting a lot of comments asking how much more weigt I have lost and when I say none, people look confused and it is swiftly followed by, well you look like you have! Hmmm, so I bought a pair of jeans in a smaller size; UK14... and they fit. Seriously, they fit. Remember no weight loss on the scales since Oct... did I mention that...lol... and a size smaller...did I mention that...lol Basically, what I am trying to say is that the scales are just ONE way to measure success, not the only way!! Thanks for puttin this out there, I wish I had read it when I first started out!
  24. Hey Luck... 7 years out and just 15lbs... that is brilliant!! It is really good to hear from a sleever with this much experience! Thanks for popping on and letting us know. I am sure that those 15lbs will soon go away... good luck and work that sleeve! =]
  25. Pammie... I am also with you on the comparison thing... not that I know many others in my friendship circle who have had WLS... but on this board - and others - the peeps who were sleeved the same time as me seemed to have lost much quicker and are at goal now. At the time it was a nightmare to read... at one point it took me to a dark place where I played the 'it's not fair game'. That was not a good move. I know it is hard, but try not to compare to others... just compare you to you... that is what worked and is still working for me! let me know how you get on. =] Dorrie... do you like nuts? They are a great way of upping cals in a good way. I eat them a couple of times a week - great snack - yummy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
