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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops


    I have read about these three ladies... yes, it was a play... now let me remember the title... Oh yes, It is Macbeth! Just tell 'em to go stir their cauldron!
  2. I have to echo what has already been said... you look amazing! Happy, fit, healthy, confident and beautiful... look at that smile! WOW! You middle looks flat and toned and as far as the saddle bags... well... all I see is strong legs that got you through the race. That being said, I also understand what you say about seeing the 'bigger you' cos I do that too! Sometimes, and it is just sometimes, I see a smaller, fitter me... but on the whole I don't. And I agree it takes time for us to sort out the head space. When we are used to seeing a certain image of ourselves, it is really hard to comprehend and accept the new one and I believe that this too takes time. I also believe that one day, I will see what everyone else does. Congrats on an amazing transformation to health and fitness... you really do look great!
  3. Firstly, congrats on 80+lbs... and keeping it off for such a long time... that really gives me hope. I am 20mths post op and I am so on the same page as you! I have been the same weight for 6mths now and it is really bugging me... regardless of what I do the stupid scales doesn't move!!! Sorry, I am no help at all... but I will watch this thread to see if there is anything that I haven't tried. If you have a look there is a bootcamp thread to get back on track. Might be worth giving it a go.. it is all about getting back to basics and retraining the way you eat and think about food... have a look?! And good luck =]
  4. Globetrotter... sounds like you had a bad day! Listen... i hope this doesn't come across as rude... but you really are being sooo bloody hard on yourself. If someone else said the same things about you, as you say about yourself, what would you do? You have already lost a WHOLE person! Not just a few pounds... but a huge amount of pounds! We know the body doesn't want to get rid of the last of the weight... and you really are doing what you can at this moment in time... just keep doing it! I understand what you say, honestly I do, 'cos when I read your posts it is like you have been in my head. But I stop myself being mean to me... instead, I try to look for all the good things... and yes, this is hard and yes, it doesn't always happen but I am work in progress. I too feel desperate to get to goal... I too have between 14-30lbs of fat left on me, hanging around and it is horrible. But I am at the stage now, where I refuse to let it burden me as it did when I was 70lbs heavier. As far as the cals go... we both know that 600 cals a day is bloody awful, not only for the body, but for the mind! You can't survive on that...? Can you? I know I can't. Anything below 800 and I feel like sh*t! Stay with the cals that you feel your best at... where you funtion at your best physically and mentally. It might take time, but your body will thank you for it. Try to kick the rubbish food... perhaps give yourself a day or two where you can have your sugar fix without the guilt that follows it. GT... keep doing what you are doing, cos, whether you believe it or not, you are already a success and you have made such a huge difference to YOU already. Sorry that this is long winded... and I really hope that I haven't spoken out of turn... It is all meant with respect and love! x
  5. coops

    Understanding Food Craving (Great Article)

    It is interesting that you posted this. Over the last two mths I have been having incredible sugar cravings... I have often 'fancied' sugar, but been able to stay away.... the recent cravings are maginified and feels out of control. They absolutely and utterly correspond with my TOM, which I am now having 2 weekly since being on HRT! Sometimes I cave in and eat some choc, sometimes I don't... not rhyme or reason to either!! There just has to be a link as this is a habit that I really had kicked into touch!
  6. Just thought I would mention this... I measured tonight (thanks for reminding me feedyoureye) and in the last two mths I have lost an inch from my waist and 1/2 inch from my ribs- under the bust. So, ok the scales isn't moving but my body is changing albeit slightly! That makes a 41inch loss in total - that is 3ft 5inches... a little person's height...lol. It looks a lot when you see it on the tape measure!! I've been googling ways to bust a weight loss stall and I'm ticking all the right boxes except the exercise one. I REALLY need to see my physio, to get this back/groin problem sorted so I can start training properly. This is the only thing that I haven't changed in the last 4-6 weeks. The other thing I am going to try is to increase my Water a little more. I was rubbish at this at the beginning of the year, I have got better but there is still room for improvement... so I will stick with the food intake as it is and increase water. At least that way I feel like I am being proactive. How is everyone else doing... good weekend?
  7. Whoa, if I didn't know better I wouldn't believe that it was the same woman! What a difference. Mind, you had a beautiful face before... now, it is still beautiful, just looks a lot younger... sorry if that seems like a back handed compliment, but you know what I mean... I think it is the shock! lol =]
  8. coops

    Am I A Rebel Or Just Plain Stupid?

    Gettinthinner, I don't think you are either stupid or a rebel! You are just YOU... do what is right for you. I am a re-formed exerciser... I did a lot of exercise when I was in my teens and twenties, then as the weight increased the ability to exercise decreased; it became painful and frustrating as I knew I wasn't able to do what I used to do and at the level I used to do it at. This might sound a lil weird, but one of the reasons that I went for the sleeve was to get light enough to be able to exercise again. Since I was cleared for exercise at 10 weeks post op I have been working on my fitness, and slowly but surely I am getting there. I agree with the other poster who said that the results in the change of the body and gaining muscle keep me going and it is good to 'see' results. That being said, I am currently suffering with a bad back/groin which is stopping me even walking at the moment. It is reoccuring injury that I am waiting to see a physio about... and I have to be honest, I am frustrated that I can't do my exercise at the moment. Good luck with that treadmill... fingers crossed you can at least try it and see how you feel. I too would love to live somewhere are tropical as you, I am afraid that here in sunny UK (Wales) it is not as tropical or hot! I think if I lived near a sea, I would have grown fins by now...lol Good luck to you ... let us know how you get on! =]
  9. coops

    Treadmill Instructions From My Doctor!

    When I was using the treadmill on a regular basis, I started with a slow jog and once I could manage 30 mins I started to do the interval thing too. I found it really effective for my fitness and endurance. Defo worth doing. I love the fact that your surgeon is giving you fitness advise. Mine just said, move more and eat less...lol!
  10. Nice one Cludgie... can't fault that for a bonus!! Nice to hear a good thread about the scales...lol x
  11. Hey Dorrie... I got it! LOL! You know my fight to goal weight... and you know that I haven't lost a pound in nearly 6mths but gone into a size UK14 in the last few weeks... yep! Our bodies really are a mystery! I honestly think that your finishing line will be where YOU want it to be... where YOU feel comfortable and where YOU look in the mirror and say 'Wow! Dorrie, you've made it!' If that means you lose another 14lb, so be it. If that means you go into a semi maintance type state and up your exercise, so be it. You get what I am saying here... you will know whe you are done. I agree with the other poster who said that weight is relative to the individual. I know that I am a lot 'heavier' than others who wear the same size as me... but I do have a lot of muscle mass and am getting fitter - back and leg permitting - lol! Let me know what you decide... I'll be cheering you on whatever you do! =] x
  12. Meg... just read that you had surgery on the 18th April? That my (and my daughter's) birthday! x

  13. Hey! Tried to find the thread with the BMI thingy... could you post the link please! Loving the sound of your puppy too... x

  14. GT... there is NO WAY could I survive on 600 or 800 cals. I have to get at least 1000 to 'feel' good. Let us know how the 800 goes... Dorrie, how tall are you? I'm just under 5'2 and that is why my BMI is still obese. I think you are a lot taller... I would love to have a BMI of 25, but would be happy with anything in the 20s. I hate still being 'obese' in the eyes of my docs! I am still trying to get more Water in, so we can cheer each other on with that one. My cals are still between 1000 and 1200 and I have to say I am happy with that. I rang the hospital today to find out how long the wait would be for physio; at the one hospital it is 16 WEEKS... that takes me into JULY FFS! Anyway, the other hopsital that I can go to is 8-10 weeks and I have already been on the list for nearly 8 weeks, so I have transfered onto that one. Let's hope it is sooner than later cos this is just horrible! My back and leg feels 'looser' today, but still stiff to walk and if I move too fast it just 'goes'! Tonight my kids have a friend over to sleep so it is gonna be a take away for tea, probably KFC and I am going to join them! And I am going to bloody well enjoy it and let my sleeve do its job! x
  15. Hey FYE... that is great, a result! And a size 12 is tiny at your height... ain't that a size 8 here... WOW!! And Ralph lauren! that is impressive! Are you still going for goal, or happy where you are? I am starting to feel a little like ' I am done' cos no matter what I do nothing really changes!?! GT - how is the plan working out... how are you finding it? Is it affecting your energy levels? Hope everyone else is good! Keep me updated on how you are... My bloody f'ing back has gone again... proper nasty! The pain has shifted to my pelvis/hip area on the right and I am as stiff as a board. There goes any ideas of training that I had for the next week or so! Gutted! My hubby thinks it might be linked to stress, as I have been really stressed and wound up with work over a fairly long period of time - since Feb! I think it is probably a trapped nerve or something along those lines. Still waiting for my physio appointment, we just can't afford for me to see one privately! *sighs*
  16. I am giggling a lil... how I would love to see 13? ...lol... you are doing soooo well to be anywhere near that... good work! =]
  17. Janerose... you talk a lot of sense! Congrats on such an amazing attitude to life and the new you. You sound full of youth and vigor, and that in itself it an achievement!! You will do well because you have such a positive attitude... loved reading your post. Thank you! =]
  18. coops

    Mini-Goal Met!

    Yep... what they said! You look great! Ful of confidence and happy! Fab NSV =]
  19. Well GT, I don't know what to say - again! We are defo both struggling with that pesky scale. You are doing way more exercise than me at the moment though... I am managing 1-3 weekly at the moment, which is less that I was doing a few mths ago. my update: I think I am going to try a new approach. Balls to the scale and focus on how I FEEL! All this stressing over numbers and logging isn't good for me at the moment. I am stressed enough in work and I refuse to beat myself up about missing a session in the gym or a tiny piece of cake. The sleeve, to me, is for living and I am now at a relatively decent weight where I can actually LIVE! Don't get me wrong... I am not giving up. I am desperate to get to goal... I mean I do have 'fat' left on me but it is a lot less than it was a year ago; two years ago. Work will calm down in a few weeks and I will be able to focus more energy on getting more exercise. For now, I will do what I can, when I can. I refuse to drop my cals lower than 1000 as my brain doesn't like it... I get headaches and feel like sh*t. I also get that way if I go too low with carbs... so, more recently, I have been having a piece of wholemeal toast before work, then another at break ... around 10.45am. I don't get that 'lul' now that I did back in Jan. I am also having a little potatoe here and there, especially on the days that I do exercise. Don't get me wrong, I still get my Protein in, I am just trying to be more balanced - like semi maintance I suppose. Another thing I have been thinking about it motivation. This time last year, I was getting excited about going to see Robbie WIlliams and Take That. I trained like a demon hoping to get to goal and be a size UK12 to see my boys! - there is still a picture of Robbie in front of the treadmill in work - I used to imagine running towards him...lol! Now, I don't have any major events planned... nothing to look good for and I am wondering if that be part of the reason that I am not pushing myself to exercise... dunno? So, I have started thinking about a holiday... somewhere nice and warm that isn't in the UK; Crete, Turkey? I am thinking that if we book somewhere I might give me the push to train harder... you know, to get that body ready for the sun and sand? This is work in progress at the moment cos it will all depend on cost! On the up side, even though the scale still hasn't moved below 165lb in months, my clothes are fitting better and my UK14s are really comfy, verging on lose around the waist. Not quite a 12 mind... but still. And, Ihad to buy new knickers... they are Uk14s and fit really well, no more saggy ass for me! It is really strange, and I might be dreaming, but I am starting to 'feel smaller' even though there is no movement with my weight. I know I have said it before, but the body really is a weird thing,.... sorry for the ramble! I feel better now...lol... Well done to everyone keeping this thread, and me going... seriously, I love popping on here and catching up with all the goal chasers!!! WE WILL GET THERE... eventually! Slow and steady wins the race my friends xx
  20. Lynda, YAY... OMG...YAY! Just look at your BMI, lady you reached 'goal' ages ago! But now it is yours 'offically'! I am soooo proud of you xx
  21. I second what emily said... you sound soooo full of life! But the transformation is fan-bloody-tastic! My God man, you look like another person! Congrats on an amazing journey! =]
  22. A beaytiful sunny day ... really helps lift the mood ;-)

  23. meggspeggs, I wish I could help but I am in the same boat! I keep bouncing around the same 2-4lbs since the end of Oct and it is really frustrating. The difference is that I am 19+mths out. When I was at your stage, I remember really slowing and stopping... but it DID start again. I suppose we just have to do what we know is right. Don't give up! I think the hormone thing will have something to do with it, they really are beasts when it comes to our bodies and weight. Have you spoken to your doc/surgeon about the effects of the thyroid removal? You've done an amazing job so far... keep on keeping on!
  24. This might sound like I am going against the grain...so please forgive me! Have you considered NOT logging for a little while? You are newly sleeved and therefore at you max restriction. I didn't log anything for the first 6mths at least. I do log now because I am 19+ out and not at goal so I need to be vigilant with my cals. Honestly, at your stage in the game the only thing I focused on was Protein and good quality food? Like I said it might be against the grain, but it would take the pressure of the 'diet monkey' from you? The association of good and bad food, I believe is in all of us... I chose the sleeve so I COULD eat a variety of food, as yes that includes a treat now and again! I want to eat to live, not live to eat. Good luck with the inner voice, it does get better.
  25. Hey Wheetsin... I hope you don't mind me saying, but I absolutely LOVE reading your posts. You are such a wise person and you make so much sense on so many levels. Thank you for educating me! Good luck with your forthcoming sleeve. =]

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