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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Foxbins you're way too kind... you call me an inspiration, my hubby says it is bloodymindedness..lol... but yea, I refuse to give up! As far as I am concerned there is absolutely no time limit to losing weight with or without the sleeve. But yes, after 6mths or so it is a lot harder. But that is o, you gott keep your eye on the prize right? And this is the bit that I find amusing(?) I haven't lost a pound since Oct... but I have gone from a tight UK16 to a loose UK14... so work that out. It has recently dawwned on me that it isn't just the numbers on the scale that determines success...I haven't been a size 14 for over 20yrs, yet I weight heavier now than I did then... it is how we feel that also makes the difference. That doesn't mean I don't want to see the magice numbers of 15? but it does mean that I don't beat myself up and put myself down. Just do what works for you and it will all make sense in the long run! =]
  2. I know it is frustrating when that pesky scales doesn't move very quickly... believe me I am the Queen of Slow...lol! I am 20+mths out and still not at goal... do I want to be there... hell yea! Am I getting stressed about it... not any more. I am fitter and healthier now than I have been for the best part of 20years. My point? Don't just measure your success by numbers. Look at other factors too... think about how your clothes are fittng; how you are working out more and making improvements to your overall strength and fitness level; how you are looking; how you are feeling. These things, to me, are now more important than numbers. Don't get me wrong, the slow route can sometimes be painful and annoying... especially if you start to compare yourself to others, which I did and I did it often. This was a bad move for me as I got to a dark place and I convinced myself that I was doing something wrong or that I wasn't good enough. I set loads of personal goals and didn't make many of them. I stopped all that nonsense and started to compare myself just to ME! That was a real eye-opener. I then realised that I was a success, that I was doing things right and that my body will do what the hell it wants to when it wants to regardless of how I fuel it. Now, that didn't give me license to go mad with sugar and sweets; I just do what I can, eat good wholesome food and wait for my body to realise that it is healthy and to release some more fat. That is my logical side, which I see most days now - yesterday however, I was a raging rat bad who was full of hormones and agnst...lol!! Keep doing what you are doing... you will see results and believe me they are worth the wait. Remember the scenic route is the most beautiful way to go... =]
  3. coops

    Hard 3 Month Anniversary...

    Pookeyism, Wow, what a stressful and emotional several months you've had! And well done to you for coming through this time... your story so heart breaking but I feel underneath it love and respect that you have in your family and in yourself. May you long continue to be a strong and brave lady who faces things with grace.
  4. Congratulations... wishing you the best for you big day and I hope the wedding goes well too...lol =]
  5. Mini... I am starting to think that a TT is the ONLY way I will ever get to goal... *sighs* x
  6. thought I would give a quick up date... over the last couple of days I haven't been that good on the food choices that I have made... I take full responsibilty for this, and I don't feel guilty or bad about it - so, in a way that has to be a good thing? Starting to think like a 'normal' person? April is always a bad month... 3 family birthdays and Easter to contend with and these all include rubbish food. Anyway, I have indulged in a bit of choc, a bit of cake and enjoyed each mouthful ... don't get me wrong, I haven't been living of this stuff, and my sleeve really has done a good job restricting what I can eat. Over the last week my cals have been up and down each day and the day after I have had 'treats' I find that I can't each much? Dunno what that is all about... Funny thing is, that my scale is reading the lower end of my bounce range... why? I will keep an eye on this, but really? My body really does keep me second guessing... very confusing - and I'm not being ungrateful here, just my observations. Oh, I did the whole of lent without a biscuit too... actually, I still haven't had one even though I bought some lovely ginger bread biscuits! Meg - well done on that all time low... sounds like your body will finish when it is good and ready...lol. Glad you are in a good place my lovely! Hope everyone else is ok... and having a great Easter. Let me know how you all are... x
  7. I agree with the others, you look amazing! I hope you don't mine me saying but you look a lot younger too... congrats! =]
  8. No flaming from me either... we all have to do what is right for us - as an individual. You have basically echoed what my surgeon told me over two years ago... the sleeve is a tool for quantity control; it stops over eating and you have to make good food choices. Once I was post op he said, 3 meals a day, eat Protein first then veggies. The reason that I wanted the sleeve is because it allows me to be 'normal' in so much as that if I WANT a treat, then I will have it, but I am very aware of what, how and when I eat now. That has made a huge difference. And because at 20+mths out, I still have good restriction I am also aware of good foods and how important they are.
  9. coops

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    Haha... I know... but they would probably be too small now...heheheee... I gave them to a friend who was actually pregnant!! I did have one little moment of glory though; we were talking about my school prom that is coming up in July and that I will probably need a new dress. This friend kindly offered to lend me one of hers, 'Oh I have loads of dressed in size 16s that you could wear' (as a footnote I am a UK14...lol)... another friend - there were three of us in this conversation - chimed in; 'Not sure if your stuff will fit her now... have you seen how SMALL she is...' *insert me blushing.* The friend replied 'oh, yea, I know she is tiny now, I've probably got 14s and 12s that would fit'. I didn't say a word... x
  10. coops

    Want To Break Your Stall?

    Interesting.... might just give this a lil go...lol... thanks for the tip! I love coffee!!
  11. coops

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    This might sound a little weird, but I sorta understand balloon poppers... I certainly have read others' stories whereby they have lost 100lb by farting and I wished that I too could fart that hard! Especially as I am a really slow loser and not at goal. But I have NEVER commented on it... instead I take myself away, lick my wounds and tell myself not to be bitter and twisted, to be happy for that person and most importantly remember that I am ME, not them! This isn't a competiton with anyone else except myself. An example: I have a friend (who I love dearly), who when I was losing started a diet. She did everything she could to get smaller than me - she was already smaller by the way! She made a lot of comments about how much smaller she was, constantly telling me what size she was knowing damn well that she was smaller than I; she even gave me maternity trousers saying they would be perfect because my tummy is my 'problem'! Anyway, long story short, she has regained and is now a size or two bigger than me. I am a lot fitter and trimmer than her. She recently told me that she had gained 20-24lb. I made NO comment. I could of, and she would of, but I am the better person. There was a part of me that wanted to say, 'oh, so I am now smaller than you!' *insert smug grin* bu I didn't. I just told her not to worry, and to stop eating sh*t! Some people just focus on themselves and do not consider others... and that is fine because it is their problem not mine. So yea, we have all experienced these people, some we love, some we don't even know... but it's how to respond to it makes the biggeset difference.
  12. coops

    No Concept Of My Size...

    This is definately something that I can relate to also. I have had big issues with not realising how well I have done. I am now 20+mths out and only just starting to see my own transformation. I was looking through old pictures of holidays from 3-4 years ago and I really was shocked to 'see' how big I was compared to me today. Clearly I knew at the time that I had a weight problem, but I suppose I had become blinded by it and I think that I was at the stage where I just accepted that I looke horrible no matter what. Now I realise, logically, that I am smaller... the clothes are smaller and I fell much fitter, but there is still a part of me that sees that fat girl from those photos. This is getting better and with more time I know it will improve even more... like wheetsin said, when you spend such a long time being a 'big girl' then it will take time to readjust, not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.
  13. coops

    On The Fence

    Jared, I agree with the posters who said that ultimately the decision is yours... because it is and it is a huge decision to make and not to be taken lightly. Having 85% of your tummy removed is not an over night thought and I also agree that you should continue to research the procedure, its effects and read all the information you can; here and else where. I am 21mths post op now and personally this is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I am not at goal yet but that is Ok. Don't get me wrong, I do have more fat left, and I am sure that it will go when it is ready ... but I am getting less stressed about not being a 'goaler' as my overall health and fitness is the best it has been for nearly 20 years. I have NEVER lost more than 7lbs on any given diet or 'life style' change before so to lose 70+lbs is an absolutel miracle for me! My primary reason going into WLS was to get fit and healthy; to be able to exercise and be strong again - I loved exercise when I was in my teens and early 20s but when I started to gain weight, I found it too hard and painful. So, I have acheived that goal regardless of what the scale reads. Now I am here my focus has changed a little, and to my surprise, as I have started to think about 'looking good' again.. didn't think that would happen 2 years ago, but it has and although it is kinda weird, it is good to as I am regaining pride in myself. SO you see, it is not just about weight loss... the process is much more than that. You have to do what is right for you.... you have to think about the pros and cons of this surgery (and others) and make an educated decision as this really is for life. Good luck to you Jared...
  14. coops

    Flab On Front Of Arms

    Yep, I agree with Lisa, the low weight high rep is a good way forward... I started with this in the very early stages! I don't do them so much now, but I do go to a boxing gym which has definately helped tone my arms and given me extra strength. I think push ups or half push ups are really good for upper arms too.
  15. I defo agree with taking measurements... they are a much more accurate way of seeing how much smaller you are getting. The scale will move again, just keep doing what you are doing and try not to stress too much - I know, easier said than done!
  16. Yep! What they said... You look absolutely stunning - tiny!! And you arms look sooooo firm and good! Congrats on an amazing transformation! I wish i worried about losing too much...lol... this 6mths stall is a bi*tch!! Good luck going into maintance and keep is posted on how you manage maintaing and also your new journey into plastics.
  17. coops

    F'ing Hormones >:(

    I agree, the hormone element of this is a nightmare... but it will get better, and as you've stated it is just a matter of time. Can you use any make up to make you feel less aware of them?
  18. Hey Loooou, You look amazing! Love the skirt, you look so slight and trim! Good for you my lovely! =]
  19. Congrats on your promotion Fern! Sounds like you have worked hard for it and deserve it! =]
  20. This really does ring true to me. I have a friend in work who I love dearly, she really is a great woman - mid twenties and morbidly obese. I believe that she eats for comfort and has depression issues - she has had a really hard life that has made her the beautiful woman she is. She is constantly going to a slimming club, spending a lot of money to be told that she has 'stayed the same' or 'lost a pound' and to have that 'pat on the back' for not giving up like she is some sort of child. I have walked in her shoes so many times... and cried the same tears as her when the public humiliation was over. There is a part of me that really wants to talk to her about the sleeve... but I just can't. Only two people know in work and that was because I felt I had to tell them.... not a comfortable secret to have. I feel really bad, knowing what I know, and not sharing with her... we have discussed WLS in general and she doesn't seem confident about surgery. I know that sounds like I am being really selfish... I do support her in other ways...
  21. NIce one Sharon... what a massive achievement and compliment. So proud and happy for you xx
  22. Cheers me dears, I will defo find her and have a good look... you never know, she might inspire me to cook something!! You crack me up... pointy lips! Love it. Sounds like you are in hot demand there my lovely... and good for you! You enjoy. but don't forget to keep me updated! x
  23. GT... sounds like you did good!!! So, the big question... will there be a part two?? Another date?? The cake suggestion sounds very interesting, especially as my daughter loves to cook and bake - unlike me who hates cooking of any sorts- where will I find the blog? Is it on here or do I google it? Thanks for the suggestion my lovely! x
  24. Hey all... Well done Lila, great news about that pesky scale moving! I am loving it... fingers crossed it will continue! Meg, how is maintance going? Smoothly I hope - let us know what the transition is like. GT - how was your date and the cinema? Did you have a good time? We've broken up from school here for 2 weeks. I have to go in for some revision sessions but that is fine. I have a tough couple of weeks with food as it is mine and my daughter's birthday soon and that always involves cakes and goodies. I am going to have to be very aware of what goes in my mouth as I really don't want to see a gain...
  25. coops

    Almost 70

    Linda, my lovely sleeve friend! You know my story... 6mth stall... one inch loss... bouncing around the same numbers week after week! Am I giving up? Mostly NO... sometimes yes! I totally feel for you and understand exactly what you are saying because I feel the same way. I am desperate to get to goal... I don't want to be obese, I don't even want to be overweight which is what my surgeon's goal would put me at... but I am trying to be positive. That being said... Just recently I have decided that the stupid evil scale WILL NOT dictate to me anymore. It will not effect my mood and ir will not make me feel that I am a failure. We have both lost pretty much the same amout... and lets ne honest, regardless of what the scale says, it 'feels' bloody amazing ... don't you agree! While the scale remains stuck, I am focusing on all the good stuff that has happened over the last 20mths and that is a GREAT feeling! You know I am here for you... any time you need to rant and rave... you do it! But don't give up my lovely. You have done such an amazing job... the stall can jog on! You've got muscles and health and beauty inside and out! Remember, slow but sure wins the race, and the scenic route is rather beautiful! x

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