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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Adjusted My Goal

    Linda, your post makes a lot of sense... sometimes the numbers just don't make sense. Remember, when you get to that first goal, see how you feel! I should imagine you'll be jumping for joy! I know I would at 150-155... and I am only 5'2 ...lol! You're over 2/3s of the way there... let us know how you get on! =]
  2. My restriction is still good...As GreginMI said, the 6-12mths is the optimum restriction and in that time I have also learnt new habits and I believe that is the key! My restriction is very similar to what it was at around 8mths out and I too feel that I eat like a normal person. Of course, I can graze if I WANT to, but at 21mths out I am very mindful as what, how and when I eat. Good food choices has to be a factor... that doesn't mean you can't have a 'treat' - I do, just not daily or even weekly! This really is the best thing I have done for myself and my health!
  3. coops

    Seasoned Sleevers

    I am 21mths post op and my sleeve still has great restriction - the same as it was around the 7-8mth marker. I mostly eat three times a day as per my post op instructions and I find this has now become a habit. There are days when I include a snack but it is not every day. i am very lucky in one way as my sleeve can tolerate absolutely anything, and I have had no problems - although this is good I have to be mindful of what I put in my mouth... yes, the sleeve is a tool. I used to weigh everything... now I can eyeball my portions well... but, I do weigh to keep on track every now and again! At this stage for me it is about what, when and how I eat. Since July 2010 I am not interested in sh*tty food - especailly packaged foods and processed foods... if it needs to go ping in a microwave then I won't eat it ...YUK!! I eat a lot of fresh meat and veg now and I have found a huge love of red, orange and yellow peppers... they are my new 'sweeties'!! When it comes to treats, yep, I too eat them, but as the other posters said, they do not rule my world anymore...and say for instance, if I have a biscuit, one or two is my limit as opposed to one or two packets pre sleeve. I also don't feel guilty about treats now! This month has been a food nightmare...Easter, my dad's birthday, my daughter's birthday and my birthday... so lots of treats around and I have enjoyed a small piece of cake or a little bit of chocolate egg... I chose the sleeve because I wanted to be able to eat like a 'naturally slim' person... and it is doing its job well! Good luck as you grow into your teenage sleeve and onwards...
  4. Hiya Robin... just c'mon in! Good to see you join us! Back to basics really is a great place to start... you must keep us up to speed on how you do! Meg! Erm, lazy you are NOT! Just keep adding a little, like you are doing, and I'm sure you will get motivated! But I promise you this... once you start you won't want to stop - especially when you see the results! You should see the muscles I have in my legs... seriously! I get comments on them all the time! I understand what you say about muscle and weight, but when I was younger, as I refered to, I was equally as fit and strong... perhaps it is just my bodies new composition that weighs more due to too many years of being morbidly obese? Dorrie, you are right to focus on being hydrated before exercise... not sure about you but when I work out I sweat like a beast... and I mean, I've just got out of the shower look!! You'll know when you are ready... GT... I LOVE bread! I only eat wholegrain with linseed or other seeded bread now though... if I want a 'treat' sometimes I will have a white slice toasted but it is very rare. Funny thing is that it doesn't leave me empty... I get the same satifaction with just bout all food stuff, which I suppose is good!!
  5. WOW... That is one super-duper NSV... and check out that photo... you look seriously strong there! What an amazing achievement at just 5mths out! You don't look like you have EVER been overweight!!
  6. coops

    Top 3 Tips For Success

    WOW... fella, you are one strong guy!! I was in hospital for 5 days. I had my surgery in the morning and slept all the way through that day and most of the next... I am in awe here...!! On the handy tip thing, I agree with Pdxman... do not use the scale as the only form of measuring success... sure it is good to see the bloody thing move, but when/if it doesn't, look for other areas of success. Also take your measurements before surgery, this another brillant way to visually see how smaller you are getting! I've lost nearly 4 foot...lol =]
  7. coops

    Fitness Nsv

    Fair play GT... you got it sorted there with the running... I like the way you think. How did you go from treadmill to the real world? I can jog on a treadmill from 30-50 mins when I was doing it reg back last year - before my back/groin went - but for some stupid reason, I can't transfer that to the outside world as much as I want to! I've even imagined myself jogging a long the route that I set myself to do! Do I just have to GET THE HELL OUT THERE AND DO IT!!!??? xx
  8. coops

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    I love that phrase... 'feed the beast' that is genius is that! Funny, same friend popped in today, by chance, no warning. I'm at home, in a pair of combat shorts and a tightish tee-shirt... looking quite trim in a 'not trying' kinda way...lol... you know what I mean! Anyway, when I opened the door she looked me up and down and for a moment there was like an awkward pause. She was cklearly taken a back as when she sees me I am usually in baggy training gear! That was a fine moment for me! x Oh, and I defo smaller than that beast now...lol...
  9. coops

    Fitness Nsv

    GT... how did you take the first step? was it just a case of saying 'balls to this' and just doing it?! I really want to but for some reason something in my stupid head is stopping me... grrrr! x
  10. I agree... you do look younger... and is that the same cardy? Hmm? Need a smaller one me thinks...lol Great job so far, keep up the good work! Get some full body shots done (not to share if you don't want to) but I promise you that it is a great visual when you are getting smaller. I hated getting photographed too but I did and I am please that I now have the comparisions!! =]
  11. WOW... you show 'em how to do it! What an achievement! I bet you are feeling on to of the world! Congratulations... x
  12. coops

    Failte agus Slainte!

    Hello... First off... confession time! I'm not Irish but Welsh...lol... can I join in too!! Just wanted to say well done Emma on your amazing weight loss and on your pregnancy... how are you feeling? 12 stone is truly incredible! You were sleeved 2mths after me! Hope everyone else is doing well, those newly sleeved and seasoned sleevers... great thread! x
  13. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Cheri... OMG!! You look absolutely bloody stunning! That is definately a good look on you my friend! xx
  14. Hey Meg... wow... check you out qhooping that scales ass lady!! Loving it! Hoping you will achieve your 120lb loss for Wednesday... my goodness that is incredible! You've lost another person! Glad maintance is working out too... and it sounds like you have it more than sussed with a busy schedule ! Good to hear some good news, there seems to be a lot of threads about stalls lately, so to hear an 'ole timer' still losing is really good and certainly picks me up! I've had a weird couple of weeks.... April is a hard month on the food front, what with Easter, my dad's birthday, my daughter's birthday and my birthday (we share the same birthday, which is Meg's surgery date too!)... so you can see I have been surrounded by treats and sugary foods. I have been eating them too.... and I stopped logging for a while! Just to take a break as I was trying sooooo hard with no results - just needed some time out like I did over Christmas, and like Christmastime, I have continued to exercise as and when my back/groin allowed. This week I have been back to the boxing gym after a 10 day absence, but in that time I did walk my dog - a 2.2 mile circuit, several times. Anyway, the weird thing is that, with all the sweets and simple carbs, my scales still remains in the same place! Still bouncing around the same numbers - 165-168lbs... I just don't get it. Ok, so the quantity is low and my cals in general are around the 1200 marker, but whatever I eat the scale just stays in the same place. I don't get it... at all!! I did post some of my more recent observations, but the thread has disappeared in the abyss...lol... so if you don't mind I'll put them here to see what you think... Recently I have been thinking about how my body is changing... I haven't lost a pound yet I am in a smaller size, top and bottom... I am starting to wonder if this is really it? if this is the weight that my body likes as I have been at this weight for 6mths+ It has also dawned on me the different shape I now have. My weight is mostly around my middle making me the apple... whereas, in my youth I was a classic pear. In my 'hayday' I wore a size UK14 ...sometimes a UK12 on top ... and I weighed a good 20lb less than I do now. i don't think it is the sizing as my wedding dress, which is 18yrs old fits me well... now, how does that work? I am twenty pounds heavier but in the same size? Yea, I am confused - and frustrated by this. So, I have been looking at other things to measure my success by... to try and remain positive, if that makes sense. In saying all that, I don't think I am ready to stop trying... I still want to see my scale say 10stone something or 15*lbs... but I suppose I am getting a little less stressed about it at the moment. I am going to keep doing what I am doing and let my sleeve work its magic. I will log again, but not just yet. I suppose I am enjoying the 'freedom'! Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts or opinions/ideas... please feel free to join in! Or do you feel the same way? Experienced the same train of thoughts? Cheers all... hugs x
  15. coops

    New To Forum

    Hiya Bellatrix... I'm a Uk sleever... just over the boarder in sunny Wales! I'm 21mths out now and loving the new me! Any questions fire away... and good luck for the 24th! x
  16. Cookies... that is a great picture... thank you! Doesn't it put things into perspective. Yea, I've been exercising since 6weeks post op and I vary what I do. My main 'fix' is boxing. I mostly go twice a week to a womans' session where we shadow what the men do just lower reps/times. We start with skipping and floor work, then we go on the bags/pad and end with circuit training of some description. It is hard and I love it... been going for over a year now! i also walk a fair bit ranging from 2.5 miles to 4 miles. I do a kettle bell fat burn curcuit and I used to go to the gym where I would jog on the treadmill for 30-50 mins... I intend to start this up again in the near future - I've stopped due to working hours and my back/groin started giving me problems, so now, I do what I can around that but still get a good level of training done. Sometimes I have to take a break, but it is never longer than 10-14 days and then I still walk. I know I have a good amount of muscle - I can actually see it now under the fat! If there was less fat on my tummy I am sure I would have a six pack...lol!! My hubby regularly comments on the muscles in my calves and thighs... saying he wants them! I think my calf muscles are horrible and over defined but I suppose they are better than 'cankles'! I've always loved exercising... and I still do! Even if I never lose another pound I won't stop doing my fitness!! =]
  17. Hello all! Just a little background for those who don't know me... I was sleeved in July 2010 and I've lost 73lb so far. I am still fighting my way to goal but over the last 6mths I have watched the scale bounce around the same 5lb... not getting lower that 164 and not staying there either. Lowest is 165 as per my ticker. I think it is fair to say, that I am definately in a stall! Regardless of what I do my body doesn't want to release the last bit of fat left on me... and it around my middle... YUK! I really have tried all the tricks under the sun, and I know there will be peeps thinking that if this is true I should be getting results. Well it is true. My cals are around 1000-1200 daily (90-95% of the time) sometimes a little lower and sometimes a little higher. I am still in calorie 'deficit' as on line calculators suggested my BMR is around 1600-1700 cals a day. I still have great restriction and all in all I am in a very good place right now - this has taken me a long time to get to by the way! So, I've been thinking a lot about my goal... whether to change it and call myself 'done' and move into maintance or whether to continue fighting the good fight. I do realise that there isn't that much fat left... in a perfect world I suppose I should be able to shift another 20lb or so but I am quickly realising that life isn't perfect! I am peri menopausal and have been for over a year. I am back on HRT and wondering if this is effecting the scale; hormones are one thing that I really can't work out. On to my observations... and this is the bit that is confusing me. A little back track - life before morbildy obese Coops was a healthy and fit one. At my 'best' I weighed between 140 - 147lbs and wore a UK 12-14 depending on cut and make. Not too shabby. I didn't 'look' my weight. I was really fit and exercised everyday without fail and loved it. I was a traditional pear shape and some tops a UK10 would fit me. Ok, today I weigh 165 (20lbs heavier) and I wear the same size UK14 top and bottom, including jeans... I know it is the same as my wedding dress fits me now and I weighed 147lb on the day I got married 18yrs ago. What's all that about... how does that even happen? 20lbs difference, same size, same person??? I know that our body changes shape as we get older... and I certainly an apple shape now. I also realise that I have a lot of muscle as I still train as hard as I can and vary what I do from walking my dog for 2.5 miles to boxing and bits inbetween. My biggest wonder is this - as I sit in this weight stall, my body seems to be changing shape. Since Oct I have dropped a size! I 'seem' to be getting smaller (and loving that) but no change in weight. To me this seems weird. I am starting to think, that my body is taking another period of readjustment before it sheds more fat... like it has to get used to this weight to realise that it is ok and isn't going to starve or anything silly like that. Or is this just me and wishful thinking... as there are days (not weeks or months now) that I long to be at my 'goal weight'! I still feel the weight I am is too heavy?! has anyone else thought along these lines? Experienced a similar story? Ideas, opinions, thoughts are welcome... Sorry it is soooo long!
  18. Hey Suzannesh, thanks for this information... at 20mths out I still struggle to get my water in; not so much due to restriction now, but forgetfulness. Great idea about having water with you... I do this in work all the time and sip at it all day. But at home... well, that is another story! I must get this habit sorted too! =]
  19. Now this is wht=at I am talking about.. and it has only just occured to me that the number on the scale, although useful, isn't the only way to measure success.... nice image!
  20. Carly, you have a great attitude and one which will determine your success! Good for you for staying positive when it is so easy to let those negative thoughts get the better of you! Good work... hang in there cos that pesky scale will move... you will give it NO choice!
  21. coops


    Hey Dorrie... what an awful situation... but I am pleased to hear that you are ok, and yea, lesson learnt eh? I haven't been dehydrated to that degree but I know when I am getting there as I start to get a headache. This is a great warning sign for me and after a few decent gulps and 10-20 mins the headache subsides. If it is still there I just keep on drinking. I really do struggle with my Water intake and have done from the beginning... not the actual physical drinking of water but remembering to drink it between meals. After a meal and for over an hour I am too full to drink! It is something that I am working on now though... Sip, sip, sip my lovely...
  22. coops

    Slow Losers

    Hey! I'm a slow loser too... I am not sure there is a magic formula that will get the scale moving faster - well, not for me anyway. BUT, a lot of others shake things up a bit and see great results. Try adding more carbs, cals - then lowering them... drink more water and if are not exercising do some! If you are change what you are doing! Our bodies just get used to doing stuff and stay there... might work, certainly worth a try! Good luck =]
  23. coops

    Defeating The Vsg

    I would rather die than be morbidly obese again ...lol!
  24. coops

    Fitness Nsv

    GT... you've made my day! I am in awe! I just don't have the courage to jog outside... and I so wish I did! I am working on the mental aspect to do it but it is taking a long time! To run with a personal trainer, keep up and TALK is fan-bloody-tastic!! Good job my lovely! I am also impressed that you are recoginising the positive changes that you've made to yourself... the NSV has more than one level my friend! x
  25. Sharon, What a great post and an awesome reminder that we are the leader of our own destiny. Mostly my glass is half full, there are times where I feel it is completely empty... but they are few and far between these days. A positive mental attitude is really important, not just with the sleeve, but I feel in life in general. My hubby always says that I can find positive out of negative and to an extent I do... Thanks for posting this - perception is very subjective!

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