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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Just thought I would give a little up date... now change on the scales, but at least I am in the lower range of my bounce... sitting nicely at 165 ... feeling a little more positive on the whole and that makes a massive difference. Getting a little more water in too - thanks Dorrie! Trying to focus on exercise a little more while my back/groin is ok... did well at boxing Thurs- took my dog for a power walk ...lol... but the best, and this is thanks tos GT for the encouragement - I went for a proper jog in public this morning. Proper mind! My hubby bought me an ipod nano for my birthday, so I put some tunes on there and 'just did it'! Turned up a bit of Red Hot Chilly Peppers... and off I went. I started with a brisk walk, then I used the lamposts as measures - jogged one -walked one etc... then I got brace and jogged two- walked one. I did manage to jog three-walk one too! I suppose it is a form of interval training. I just did what my body and breathing would allow and I have to be honest, it felt good! I am defo going have to do this more often, especially as it is free!
  2. Hey GT... you've inspired me to go jogging... I did it my lovely and remember what you said about counting steps... thank you xx

  3. I did it... I bloody did it! Took myself for a JOG...in PUBLIC!! I am sooo chuffed! 1.71miles in 26mins! YEY!

  4. Well, bizzle my shizzle... I've just beaten my fastest dog walk time by 9mins... I just power walked 2.3 miles in 39mins! My poor dog is knackered...I feel brilliant!

  5. coops

    Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!

    Thin, I can't really add anything as it has already been said. What I do want to say though, is that you are an amazing woman, a strong, kind and inspirational lady who has given me a lot of hope and support over the last 20mths. Please don't internalise this stupid comment - ok, easier said than done - but, my friend, you are not fat anymore... you've lost another person! Sometimes we just need time to lick our wounds when we get hurt... and that is ok... take your time and then remember that you are a success and you DO NOT need permission from others to be YOU - regardless of your weight. Hugs from across the pond my lovely x
  6. Hello dawnr... good for you for getting your mojo back! Back to basics is always a great start... what is you plan of action? keep us up to speed... and lets whip off that 10lb for your 1yr surgiversary!! Robin, good luck with the bootcamp... it is a great idea and soooo amny have had great success with it! Remember to pop in and tell us about your progress!
  7. coops

    Happy Birthday Coops!

    sandyd, you're right... this place is just brilliant! I really feel that I have friends here... so much support! I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for the peeps here... they really cheer me on, lift me up and keep me going! MG2 ... don't worry my lovely friend... I know your up to your eyes in it right now! Betty didn't make cake for our birthdays, we bought a huge choc cake...lol... but she did make some last night! *sighs* So far I have been good and stayed away from it! I'm all caked out!! xx
  8. coops

    Are You Kidding Me?

    crazy4pluto, how awful for you... I can't imagine what you are going through - the worry and uncertainty of your current news. The only thing I can think of, and I am not sure it will help, is to try and make some good quality Soups or broth to get you through the next phase. Please let us know how you get on... hugs!
  9. coops

    Weight Loss

    Hey! 5dogma has pretty much summed it up for you.... the sleeve is an amazing tool but must be respected as any other surgery. Now, that being said, I can honestly, utterly and completely tell you that this is the ONLY way that I have ever achieved any sort of weight loss - the most has been about 7lb, which took me many, many months of strict dieting - and kept it off over a long period of time. I also agree with setting an achievable, attainable and healthy goal weight... if you surpass it happy days... if you don't make it, then it is devastating and can really mess with your head ( I am 11lbs away from my surgeon's goal, which is completely and utterly realistic, and I am struggling with that mentally as I am 21mths out and whatever I do doesn't effect the scale. I am dealing with this but it can be really tough on the ole self esteem and confidence!). Good luck with your forthcoming surgery... follow your surgeon's rules, relax and try to enjoy the rollercoaster ride that awaits you!
  10. Yea, constipations is a complete and utter pain in the a*se...pun intended. I too suffer from it and have done all my adult life. I am sure that high Protein + sleeve= no can poo! I use benefibre in my Hot drinks - tea, coffee - and if I have a Protein shake I put it in there too... it really does help and it is gentle. might be useful? Unfotuntaley coffee doesn't have any effect on me...*sad face*!
  11. I kicked some serious ass at the boxing gym tonight... even my coach was impressed! Cake - what cake ...lol!

  12. coops

    80 Pounds Down! New Pic!

    Yep What they said!! Fab, fab, fab! You look fab!! What an amazing transformation - loves it!! x
  13. right GT... with you now... I'll have to google it! Sounds like a good idea to shake up the exercise routine a little... perhaps you are ready for the next level... get out of the comfort zone again perhaps? Let me know... =]
  14. Dorrie ... thank you for my 'thread'! Such a fantastic birthday present.... you really have made my day... hugs from across the pond my lovely friend xx

  15. coops

    Happy Birthday Coops!

    OMG... Dorrie... you've made me CRY!! Thank you so much for this! Such a lovely, lovely thought made a HUGE impact on me!! Cor bloody hell... Thank YOU!! Yea, I had a great birthday, my daughter shares it wit me so it is great to watch her have a great time. I tend to let her have the day now, so technically I am still 27...lol! Over ate on the cake front... but who gives a sh*t right? LOL! It's my birthday...heheheh Thanks for the lovely wishes... this is my best pressier... xxxx
  16. GT ... you gotta run with that Protein craving my lovely... get it in ya!! Good job! What is crossfit... as you can see, I haven't done it! Dorrie, how is the Water intake going... have you settled into a pattern now? How are you feeling?
  17. Wow, thank you for your honesty in this post... it is really relevant to me at the moment cos I am seriously considering a TT and I've just started looking at prices and how to afford it - I think, if hubby agrees, it might be a loan. My sleeve surgeon does a TT, so at my 2 year appointment in July I will ask him for more information. Even through the infection and issues you have faced, your post feels very positive and I remember reading about this when you first started considering it. I am glad that you've went ahead and had it done as you sound more than happy with your decision... good on you! Do you know feel that your weight loss journey is 'complete'? Keep us updated on the whole recovery time... =]
  18. coops


    Well done on getting to goal... good luck in maintance, not that you'll need it!! Congratulations! =]
  19. Ladies... I am in awe of your confidence and self image... mine is sh*t!! Please, balls to the weight loss, tell me how to get that confidence in myself!! Seriously I am in awe!! x
  20. coops

    Need Stall Help

    Hello all, emlefe, you've had some great responses so far, and I agree, you keep a mighty detailed record and for what is it worth, I feel that you are doing an amazing job! I am interested in the hormone theory though... I am peri menopausal and have been for over a year - started when I was nearly 30 turning 40 - I'm 41 (today ... lol) and been on HRT for just over three mths. I haven't lost a pound since the end of Oct and believe me I've tried everything and then some to shift some more weight...and I have been thinking that it's down to hormones. Now, when I mentioned this to my meopause doc she said that the hormones and HRT will have NO effect on my weight loss as it is a case of cals in v cals out and exercise. OK... so with that being said, I have been consuming anything between 900-1200 cals a day (apart from the last two weeks where I have stopped logging but I guestimate that I am about 1200 most days) and I've seen no movement on the scales. I really do feel that hormones are responsible for a lot more than we think ... that being said, it is not a case of 'Oh I give up it's my hormones' but more of a case where I have to be extra vigilant and patient and carry on waiting to see some movement. And here is the strangest part ... during the last 6mths of no weight loss I have gone down a dress size and that includes jeans!! What is that all about...!! Stick with your programme... things will happen and your body will respond and change! Good luck!
  21. You'r definately shrinking... looking great! Don't let that pesky scale rule your world! x
  22. Yep... loving the water focus too... it is one thing that I haven't 'beaten'! I do make an effort, but I just keep forgetting! When I am in work, I do sip from my water bottle, but at home, well ... I do drink a lot of tea though! Does that count...lol! After this week, when all the birthday celebrations are finished I think I will join the water challenge! Nice one Dorrie! x
  23. Happy surgiversary sweetie... xx

  24. It's my birthday... where's the cake! hahahaaaa!

  25. coops

    Adjusted My Goal

    Catracks ...110lbs-105lbs! OMG! I just can't imagine an adult at that weight- well actually my mother is probablt in that range and she is, at 78, all skin and bones; she is weak and frail and looks bloody awful! (In general good health but doesn't eat... of should I say eats very little!) I am nearly 5'2', so not much difference in our height and I honestly can't see myself at such a low weight... my surgeon said I should shoot for 154lb, which I felt was too heavy ... still not there mind, but that is another story! I am really not interested in being anywhere near the bottom end of the BMI, at BMI of between 27-24 would make me happy! This just goes to show how very subjective the weight loss goal actually is!

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