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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. favoredone... It sounds to me like you have had, what I call, a 'light bulb' moment! I too had one a few weeks ago... I am now in the middle of a very long stall... and I MEAN stall... I haven't lost a pound since Oct 11!!! Yea, it sucks and I have been through all the 'why me?', 'what am I doing wrong?', 'I hate myself' and so forth. It then occured to me that I have lost 73/74lbs... that is no failure... not by any means.... and I am not gaining either, so I can't be doing anything 'wrong'! I mean, c'mon, I am wearing a sixe UK14 that I haven't been able to wear since I got married in 1994... so who give a sh*t what number is on that stupid scale... right? (well, I do care really, but I won't allow it to rule my life and get me down anymore.) I want to be at my surgeon's goal... and I would LOVE to get to my personal goal... but if I don't, well I don't. I am fit and healthy now and that is the MOST important thing to me... remember goal is a four letter word....lol I love your positive attitude, you are full of life and sooooo vibrant it just shines through. Good on you I say, make this work for you and no one else... *hugs*
  2. coops


    Yep! I'm with God's Grace... I started with light hand weights whilst watching TV... focus on the front and back -tri and biceps... pull out from the side etc. Start with fairly low reps and then increase as you feel stronger. Don't push it as you're only 4wks out and your tummy is still healing. You will feel the benefit before you 'see' it, but you will see it in the end. Once you are cleared for full exercise, start doing some press ups and arm dips. Localised exercises are great, you can do them at any time and they only take 10-15 mins. Have a look on youtube for some advise on how to do the moves correctly - if you don't know or have forgotten - and start when you are ready. Remember to take measurements too! God luck =]
  3. coops

    Anyone Wanna Do A 7-Day Paleo Challenge With Me?

    This does sound interesting... I'll be checkung in to see how you do! If I can get my ar*e into gear I might join you!
  4. coops

    One Year Surgiversary

    Nichelle, congratulations on your year surgiversary... you've done a great job and you look great! I bet you feel it too... =]
  5. Lila, good on you for seeing some movement on that pesky scales.. it all adds up my lovely... and training for a half marathon, goodness me, you are really putting me to shame! I haven't managed to go out for another jog as the weather has been against me here... terrible storms and severe rain! *sighs* Still, now that I have done it I know I CAN do it and I WILL do it again!! Any tips would be appreciated. GT... I love your complete and utter determination... you really are a motivator, not just for me but for a load of others too... I seem to be having fits and starts on the ole energy front. I think it is stress related as I am going through another stressful period in work...grrrr... but I am going boxing tomorrow night... I need to get rid of this frustration! Dorrie, I honestly believe that walking is one of the best all round exercises, it works on sooooo many levels... good for you for getting out there! Meg, each time I see your ticker, you are going more and more below your goal... my friend, what is the secret...lol... I love the idea of chucking my scales off a very tall building and watching the bloody thing shatter... I know I am a scale *****, I can't help it! The good thing is now though, is that I don't let the numbers effect my mood anymore, not like 6mths ago! I am starting to think that I have landed... that this is where I am supposed to be! Dunno.... Ladies, lets keep going... I really think I would have gone mad before now if it wasn't for this thread, forum and the lovely, lovely sleeve friends that I have on here... honestly, you lot really do cheer me up! THANK YOU x
  6. Southern Sleever.... YEY!!! Congrats on getting to goal... well done! I bet you are feeling over the moon right now!
  7. coops

    Calories In, Calories Out

    Keep us updated GT... it is all a learning curve x
  8. coops

    Calories In, Calories Out

    Hey GT... I love and hate this theory... I should be at goal now 'cos I've been in a calorie 'deficit' for nearly 2 years!! As you know I had a really strict crack from Jan- March of this year, weight measuring counting training... no weight loss. My BMR is about 1500... I didn't go over 1200 a day, mostly at 1000-1100 which means I was in a minimum of 2100 cals deficit and that is on 1200 cals... more with the 1000, 1100 and occasional 900 days... plus the exercise! I didn't lose a pound! I am not sure what my hormone levels do to this equation though... Not that I am saying you won't - my God I hope you do! I know you struggle as much as me. I will be interested to see how you get on and look forward to you reporting a loss! x
  9. OK, I realise that this is going to sound desperate.. and I suppose in a way it is! I think my scale is broken... it still hasn't moved... I'm still being 'a good girl' and being mindful of what I eat 95% of the time. So, why do I think it is broken... here is my example... Friday night I weighed before bed (yes I know... let me finish) and the scale said 171...OMG! Out of my bounce range in the wrong direction, leading to nightmares and all sorts; sweats, panic, shivers...lol... realisitcally; Water weight as I was sooo bloody bloated. Anyway, Saturday morning I weighed in at 164... huh? Got off, go on again ... 164! Huh? Third time lucky ...164! Back to my all time lowest. Chuffed or what! 7lbs overnight... check me out eh? I brushed my teeth pondering as how can this be real... but I'll take it for the team! In my excitement I thought 'lets see that magic number again... I can change my ticker and proudly announce that I have lost a pound and I am back to my all time lowest' ... got back on the scales and it read 167... huh? then 165... then 166 .... arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I HATE the scales... I am sure that there is a little devil in there messing with it just to wind me up! Then, Saturday evening, I go visit a friend, nip to the loo, see her scales...I can't resist (I think I have scale issues) pop on ... 162 fully dressed, in jeans... WHT! I love her scales, they have angels in it! At 162 that would make me overweight and not obese.... *Sighs...* I am seriously considering buying new scales....lol!
  10. Sharon... I am brimming with pride over you!! Well done my lovely friend. You are such an inspiratation to me and it has been a pleasure to share your journey and watch you shrink in size and swell in confidence. You must let me know what you wear for the first day! Congratulations, you deserve this and then some... =]
  11. Crosswind... seriously, if you don't want the money I'll have it!! LOL Look, you've earnt it ... enjoy it! And I don't give a sh*t how old you are... do what you feel is right... if that is TT and boob job, get it. If it is put it in a pesnion fund for when you are REALLY old, do it. If it giving it to the starving children in Africa, do it. Just don't feel guilty about getting yourself to look good now you are fit and healthy! Hugs
  12. crosswind, this is a no brainer...do it! You are not old, far from it and I agree with the others, this is now about you. You have doen a brilliant jpb in getting fit and healthy, and now it is about finishing that job so you 'feel' complete! If it was me, and I have been discussing both a TT and uplift ( not really bigger, just rounder...lol) and I had the money, I would be making the calls and booking my dates. We aren't in the situation of having the funds available to us at the moment, or in the near future so I would have to get finance, but honestly... I am seriously considering it. I feel I need to 'finish' what I have started. At my 2 year, and final appointment with my surgeon I am going to ask him about the process and results as he does a TT as well as WLS. Please let us know what you decide... and good luck to you.
  13. losingnva, Congratulations on an amazing journey to date... I agree with the other poster... I can't see why you will stop losing after two years, for me there is no expiry date to the sleeve - I am not at goal at 21mts+ and I refuse to give up trying. Yes it will take more discipline and exercise, as our bodies get used to what we are doing ... I am very mindful of what, when and how I eat but that doesn't make me perfect. Good luck to you as you continue to move forward... and downward!
  14. Woaw, Sharon, that sounds amazing.. what a great experience! i am really pleased that you have been rewarded for your success ... you are such a positive and insightful person that you are definately the right choice for the WLS campaign! I can't wait to see the finished product! xx
  15. Hiya Lissa. thanks for the lovely comment about my new profile pic... you are very kind. I am glad that you are in the NSV gang... there is a lot more to getting healthy and fit than that pesky scales - I currently hate mine with a passion...lol x

  16. Hey Dorrie, thank you for your kind words on Capt Derel's post, thought I would reply here cos I don't wanna hi-jack his thread...lol! I would love to lose another 14lbs or so, or be a UK12. I am a UK 14 now and it isn't as tight as it was a few mths ago! I haven't measured for a while, but I don't 'feel' any different. I am having fits and starts with frustration about this stall at the moment... even considering buyin a new scales...lol! Hope you...

  17. coops

    Wow It Just Really Hit Me Today

    I agree... the more candy coated something is, the sweeter it tastes... and that is what got me fat in the first place! Yes, a lot of the info you share has interested science behind it and I really do enjoy learning new stuff... I also enjoy learning how my body is working and the reasons behind how it reacts. Once again , thank you!
  18. coops

    Wow It Just Really Hit Me Today

    Capt Derel, although I don't know what the USCG actually is... I agree they can jog on!! And I know you will get rid of those 32lbs and then some. I really enjoy reading your posts, they are very informative and make complete sense! Thank you for being an active member and sharing your knowledge!
  19. coops

    It's Sad...

    I also find this a sad situation, yes as a western culture we are getting used to the 'larger' body... yet we are bombarded with skinny images of models etc. It gives out a very confused message to the general population! As regards what others think... I agree with the above, it really doesn't matter (that much...lol)! When others are used to seeing you/us a certain way, they get a little freaked out by change, now that doesn't allow them to be rude or imply ill health! It just scares them... and you've lost a lot of weight FAST - good n you by the way! I've been told that I shouldn't lose any more weight - even though I am still classified as obese... I've been told that any more weight loss and I will look to old/too thin/ ill etc... but I don't listen and care about that... I DO care about my overall health and fitness though! So I will continue to fight the good fight and do what I can with this amazing tool. I think you should just hold your head high, take it as a back handed compliment and try to let it wash over you. Congratulate yourself on your amazing success and good health and enjoy the new 'slim' you!! Well done on getting to goal... and good luck with maintance, not that you'll need it! =]
  20. Ooo... tough call GT... what will give you the best overall results? What do you think you can stick to? Could you afford to go another time or two to crossfit?
  21. Ladies... WOW! I'm loving these updates... well done nannieg... you got it sorted now Meg!! WTH... I agree with Dorrie, you need to get some new trousers...lol... great NSV! Dorrie... you HAVE the DRIVE... get out there and do it! It feels really good to get that heart beating! =] GT... I am loving your crossfit update... you go my lovely sleeve friend! What an achievement... I am well proud and a slight bit envious! Sometimes I really wished I lived over the pond!! I'm just chugging along at the moment... nothing to report, no changes anywhere but all good! x
  22. Pipula, I just wanted you to know that this is the only way, and I mean only way, that I have ever lost anything over 7lbs. I hoped to lose weight; I wanted to... but I too had doubts as it really was the last option for me. I am happy to say, that I lost over that initial 7lbs...lol... and am now up to 74lbs lost - and staying off - in total. Although I am not at my weight goal, I hit my original size goal a couple of months ago... and that is feeling that is just amazing. Make sure you have positive thoughts, even if you hit a stall, focus on the good stuff not the pesky scale and its numbers... honestly, the sleeve is a great tool to get you where you want to be. Good luck =]
  23. coops

    Vsg Fall Back

    ooops... didn't finish... I meant to say ... I am 21mths out now and not at my surgeon's goal, or my personal goal (although I have made my first 'size goal') and I am not giving up... not yet! I haven't lost a pound since the end of Oct but I have gone down a dress size... remember out bodies work in mysterious ways... so try not to focus on just numbers, but the whole YOU. Get back on track and work your sleeve... log your food and aim for Protein first, then green veggies; drink plenty of Water and exercise as and when you can. Please let us know how you get on... and stay in touch. This is a great site for motivation, incouragement and information... Good luck!
  24. coops

    Vsg Fall Back

    prettypebble, you've already received some good advise... and I agree with all the above. It is never too late, remember there is no expiry date on your sleeve, it is with you for life and a tool that we have to learn to use for its beneefits. I am 2
  25. Hey feedyoureye... I completely get about the 'number thing'... and the so close yet so far... I worked out that I am three pounds from being overweight...just three pesky little pounds!! Enjoy your vacation... and enjoy the freedom of no scale! And good luck, not that you'll need it, I am sure! You must give us all the details when you get back... x

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