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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    An Ole Timer Getting Tired!

    Thanks again for the replies... looks like I will have to get bloods done... best be safe than sorry! Might just be hormone related too... but it doesn't seem to be going away... feeling blurghhh again this evening!!
  2. Hi all, just thought I would put this out there ... I am always open to suggestions! Over the last 3-4 weeks I have been really tired, and I mean post op 'heavy' tired. I have been having nanna naps after work and sleeping quite heavily... I haven't done this for a very long time... well, since I got my sleeve! This tiredness, in turn, effects my motivation to actually do anything be it work related, exercise or general conversations... it isn't every single day, but many times a week! I have been under a lot of stress in work and and feeling a little blue on occasions... but normally, by this time of year ( my work stresses are predictable due to time of year for working deadlines etc) I am starting to get my mojo back. I haven't been training as much due to this fatigue either... sometimes, it is beyond tired, of that makes sense. I am still eating around 1000- 1200 cals and I am starting to wonder if my lack of energy, tiredness and general blurghhh is done to this. I am good all day, I get home from work and I am still ok for an hour or so, but anytime after say 6-6.30pm I go down hill and I go fast! I am sleeping ok at night, but I often wake up feeling like I have not rested enough. Any ideas on how to combat this awful feeling... I honestly feel like I did shortly after the op in regards to my energy level. As always, any suggestions are welcome from my sleeve friends...
  3. coops

    An Ole Timer Getting Tired!

    thanks for the quick replies... Good idea... I wouldn't normally complain, but it has been going on too long on a consistent level... we all get out 'tired' days, but these just 'feel' different! I might just have to go and see my doc *sighs*
  4. bought some 'shape wear' in a size medium... and it fits! Not too tight and something I could defo wear all day... NSV for me! x

  5. Feels so ill. Sore throat, sore glands, sore sinuses and nasty cough...blurghhh!

  6. Rebel, Firstly congrats on getting rid of 50lbs, that is a job well done. Secondly congrats on your new job, new home and relocation. Thirdly, my deepest sympathies for your loss. You have been through a really tough couples of months there and on top of that, grieving for you brother. You have pretty much ticked all the high stress boxes that we could encounter and all in a very small space of time. YOu have to give yourself time to readjust - if you haven't done so already... and then it is time to move forward, which I think you've done by coming on here... You've done the right thing by coming back and posting.. it is a great place to give and recieve support. The suggestions that you've already rec'd are excellent... back to basics and start logging again are exactly what I would do. But first and foremost, in my humble opinion, is to be kind to yourself and not to beat yourself up over a 6lbs gain ... I can gain 5lbs in Water in 1 day! Good luck as you move onto the next phase of your new life... remember, the sleeve is a tool for LIFE and it has no expiry date. Let us know how you get on... *hugs*
  7. Wow, I 'd forgotten about this one... just had a little re-read of some of the posts... and well, in the last 18mths things, for me, haven't changed. I've just checked and since I started this thread I have lost 28lbs... so yea, still a slow loser. I haven't lost a pound since Oct and I think my body has become comfy at this weight, it is just my mind that isn't. The strange thing is that in that time I have dropped several dress sizes... in Dec 10 I was a comfy UK 20 and now I am a comfy UK 14... doesn't make sense but who cares, I seem to be getting smaller even if the scale isn't telling me that I am losing weight! I have given myself until the end of this year to try and get to my surgeon's weight of 154lb as per my ticker... and perhaps (but unlikely my personal weight of 140-138lb). I started a 'gonna get to goal wanna join me' thread in the New Year, as I felt sure it was my time to shine... but unfortunately nothing I did (or didn't do) changed those pesky numbers! I think one of the reasons is that I am HRT patches as I am perimenopausal, although the doc assured me this wouldn't effect my weight loss, I am not so sure. I realise that I am 'nearly' there... but I would really like to finish the job now!! Good luck to all the slow losers out there... slow but sure my friends!
  8. Oh guys, it is the end of a very long day... I still feel like poop... the sore throat is worse, the sinuses are blocked, I think my glands are swollen, they certainly hurt more and I have developed a nasty cough... this is what I like to call 'man flu' (sorry guys, this is based on my dearest husbands reaction to the aforementioned symtoms..lol)! Anyway, I have not dealt with it very well... I have indulged in all sorts of crappy food... flapjacks, crisps, biscuits M&Ms and ice cream - that was good on my throat! I know the quantity wasn't huge, unlike the calorie value, but I've just had a 'I don't give a sh*t' day... I am going to bed now, I refuse to feel guilty about the sweets but ... well, I suppose I am aware that this close to goal I should be 'trying harder' to keep things in check. Tomorrow is a new day, and I am going to try and focus on Water, if only to keep my throat moist! Meg, I think you are right... this time of year is stressful, but usually calming down a little... however, at the moment work is just awful... not in the classroom but the admin and paperwork. This side of the job is relatively new to me and I am struggling a little with it; finding time and motivation is proving the hardest as it is so boring! And that isn't to mention the huge amount of marking that is mounting up.... *ugh* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FYE, your holiday sounds brillaint... glad you had a good time and those 3lbs will be gone in a blink of an eye... probably water?!
  9. I am definately on the same page as you today... I am 22mths post op now and today was the first day in a long time that I wanted to chuck as much food down my throat as possible... I did have a grazing day where I ate more than my three meals a day... and I ate a lot of junk too... just not as much as I would have like to... feeling really blurgh with a nasty head cold, sore throat etc. BUT, I know tomorrow will be a new day and today will not be tomorrow. Try to hang on in there and think of the wider picture, it is hard work in the beginning and your body is completly and utterly confused about what is going on now... try to focus on fully healing and feeling 'well' if that makes sense. There is also a lot of hormone changes going on that might contribute to your emotions... things will settle for you soon, they did for me. Be kind to yourself, you're only 4 1/2 weeks into the new routine. The waste of food will soon go as you adjust to the new amount that you can eat. And if you need to 'cuss a blue streak' then go ahead... anything that makes you feel better!
  10. coops

    Yeah! I'm 10 Lbs From Goal!

    Yea, I noticed that too... the similarities ... but I am nearly two years out and have been maintaing at this weight for over six mths.... you're gonna do it before your year!! WOW!! Whatever I do, just isn't shifting the last remaining fat cells... my ticker shows my surgeon's goal, which still leaves me in the overweight BMI range... to get to my personal goal, and in the top end of the normal BMI ( I based this on the lightest I used to be as a young adult) is 25lbs or so away... don't think I am going to get there... but, for now, I shan't stop trying. I just had a look at your blog... I love the bit about exercising now... I love using the treadmill, but I haven't used it for a while, and I started the same way... just one more minute, just one more level... in the end, I got to a 50 minute interval jog.... that was a great day!!!! Jogging, walking and running are great ways to get lean leg muscles and great cardio... good for you!! =]
  11. Erm, not for me... i really have to work on my self esteem and confidence in this department!! I am desperate for new underwear, saggy baggy knickers are really not attractive, but I am sorta confused on what to go for now!! I suppose I just have to pluck out the confidence to buy a few different ones to see what shape is best? I think it is the saggy tummy skin that stops me, it is just awful and I will do anything to conceal it!! On the clothes front, I am struggling to know what suits me now... is it too young? (I am ONLY 41...lol), too short, too long, too tight, too fitted... oh I could go on! Again I lack the confidence to go into the shops and try things on. I think I fear that it will either be too small or look awful! Like I say, I am working on this part of the new me! Good for you though... getting new clothes and undies is a great NSV, especially when they make you feel good! =]
  12. coops

    Yeah! I'm 10 Lbs From Goal!

    You're gonna smash those ten pounds into oblivion and beyond.... You go!!! =]
  13. I was on liquids for three weeks ie Soups, youghurts etc... then mushies for two weeks... onto solids after that. I didn't mind the long transition to be honest, as I was worried about prolonging the healing. Try not to worry about others, just concentrate on you and your surgeon's instructions. But yea, it is confusing when you hear conflicting info.
  14. Interesting article... thank you for posting.
  15. Fern, congratulations... I am in awe! What a fantastic achievement... x
  16. coops

    &@$? What Is Up With My Scale

    Woah, that is one hell of a poop!! It just goes to show how wonderful the body is...lol!! I understand what you mean when you say the scale shouldn't be everything... it has taken me a very long time not to let that pesky thing get me down. In the early days it would absolutely determine my mood... now, well it is what it is... my cloths are my real gauge now... =]
  17. Minckle, I am now 22mths out and I eat like a 'normal' person with regards to quantity. I am not good in the morning with food, but if I do have an early Breakfast before I leave the house for work it will be a piece of wholemeal toast and half a cup of tea. If I miss breakfast at home, I will eat a piece of toast at break or I might have a small packet or assorted nuts or dried fruit; sometimes a Protein bar. lunch can be anything from a ham salad, left overs from the night before - mince, pork chop, chicken ... usually with some green veggies or red/orange peppers. Tea will be similar, protein based with greens, sometimes a poached egg or omlette (sp) with cheese or ham. In regards quantity I can eat, in one sitting, anything from 5-8oz at a time to feel full... and this will depend on the consistency of food. I generally eat three times a day and wait for 30 mins before I drink. I do eat treats now and again and there is no food that I can't tolerate - I have been lucky in that department. I chose the sleeve because I wanted to eat a normal, healthy diet... to eat to live not live to eat and so far so good. It has come to be a habit now, a lifestyle if you like. When I see the amount of food others eat, it seems way too much! I am more than happy with my sleeve and its capacity... I chose what I want to eat and on the most part I enjoy my food now without feeling guilty. As far as your family are concerned, they are probably worried about you and that is understandable... my parents were really nasty to me when I told them that I was going to pay a lot of money to get my stomach cut away. In fact my mother refused to discuss the operation with me. Did that stop me? Bloody hell no!! I had this done for ME! You have to make the decision based on what is best for you... disregard all the wonderful success stories, all the horror stories and work out what you need to make your life better, healthier and happier. Good luck
  18. Woah.... hang on a moment! Are you sure that is the same person in those photos... WOW!! You look completely different, and if you don't mind me saying... so much happier!! Seriously crosswind, not only is it good to see a face to the common sense voice that I love to hear, well read, but it is great to see what an amazing transformation you have made! Yea, your skin does look great! You look great!
  19. Crosswind, I've said it before and I will say it again... you make so much sense. You have clear words or wisdom and I for one am always eager to read your posts. I feel that the sleeve is a life time commitment to health... not just a 'tool' to use to reach a number. However, this has only really dawned on me over the last 6mths or so. I haven't lost a pound since Oct and regardless of what I do or how I do it, my body does not want to comply. So now, well I am just eating a proper healthy diet and enjoying it. If I want a treat i will have one, but it doesn't leave me aching for more like it did pre op or 73lbs ago. Not sure why... I don't even care why. In those same months, I haven't gained weight either... I do have a 5lb bounce range and I believe that is normal for any woman (or man). I also know that being on HRT isn't really helping the scale either. That being said, I would love to lose more and get to my surgeon's goal (and out of the obese BMI range) weight and ultimately to my personal weight (and into the normal BMI range) but if it doesn't happen then I am not going down the route of I am a failure, because I am not! Thank you for always being the voice of reason, normality and sense...
  20. WOW , simply beautiful! You look happy and healthy. Congratulations on your wedding ... may your marriage be a long and happy one. =]
  21. coops

    Fyi, A Pound Of Muscle.....

    Great post... they defo weigh the same...lol... but look totaly different! I think this is the main reason why I am 20+ heavier now than the last time I wore the same size... when I got married it was around 147lb... 18yrs later that dress fits again but I weigh 165lb!!! My body has changed; developed more muscle - probably due to carrying around a lot of fat!!!
  22. Just thought I would post a quick up date... been a long and tiring week. I am sooo bloody tired all the time! I am having a little trouble with food... get terrible heart burn and gas whilst eating... after eating and it continues for at least an hour or two after eating. Not had this problem before. I haven't really eaten much because of this over the last three days. I am also getting headaches again... could be hormones, could be stress from work - boy is it stressful at the moment!! To top it off, last night my thoat started to get dry and sore... blocked nose and aching glands! Could all be related? Just generally feeling blurghhhh... no energy to train either! Any ideas how to get out of this rut?
  23. coops

    Ok, Gym Rats. I Need Advice!

    Hiya Lisa, I;mm no expert, and from what I can gather, you are doing really well with your exercise. If I were you I would ramp it up a little... increase the weights slightly and then increase the reps. Don't be afraid of the weight, it will take a log of weight and a lot of useage to really bulk up!! I would also alternate your cardio with your weight training... this way your body won't get used to the exercise and become complacent. I also feel, and again I am no expert, that this will get you the best results. Good luck on the new stage of 'you' ... let us know what you decide and how you get on =]
  24. Love that outfit - the dress looks great on you! I just wish we did have a summer... if we do, I shall get photographic evidence and share it here...lol!
  25. coops


    Hiya... I'm in the UK, over the border in sunny Wales - I'm 22mths ount now! Any questions give us a shout. This is a great place and has a lot of lovely people who are willing to share advise, ideas and tips! =]

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