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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. physio appointment tomorrow, lets hope they can sort me out so I can kick some boxing ass again!!

  2. WOW... size 8 Lee jeans must be TINY!! I am trying to get my head back in the game... and yea, if I ever break this bloody stall I will be whoopinh my ass off!! x

  3. Lissa, I am sooooo bloody happy for you... really I am! I agree with Dorrie, you are such a great cheer leader on here and I too love reading your posts and replies. You have made such huge changes and commitment to yourself and that alone is something to be proud of regardless of what that pesky scale reads.... however, yey for the stupid bloody thing moving again - If mine ever moves below 165/164 you will hear me cry all the way over the pond! Keep up the good work my sleeve friend x
  4. Let me tell you now, for sure, that is one hell-of-a compliment coming from you my sleeve queen! I'm getting there, slowly but surely! I am working on my 'head space' at the moment, so keep sending those positive vibes! Honeslty, my lovely it is really down to you and some others on here that keep me going and have cheered me on all the way! And for that, I thank you xx
  5. loving this... and loving to see your new name... keep em coming!! x
  6. Well, you have all cheered me up no end... I am feeling a lil 'blurghhh' and those lovely comments put a smile on my face! Not sure about being beautiful, but defiantely better...lol I am currently in sorta semi maintance mode... can't seem to shift that last bit - and there is some fat left to shift - but I ain't in the right place at the moment. I will get back to it, when I am good and ready. I do want to make my surgeon's goal of 154lbs and would love to get to my personal goal of 138, but when I look back I really do see a huge difference now. It has taken a long time mind, only in the last couple of months have I considered myself a 'real' success - sometimes not being at a goal weight is just soooo bloody frustrating and, for me, it can lead to a negative train of thought. So now I amd trying to focus on all the positive stuff. One day I might break this 7mth stall... until then smile and say 'cheese'!!
  7. coops

    Can't Seem To Get Off My Butt An Workout

    The only exercise I did pre op was walking my dog... that took it out of me and I didn't really enjoy it. I still walk my dog... but now I love it. Once I was cleared for exercise I started on the wii fit... if you have one, or have access to one I would recommend this especially with a lil one, as you can do it together! I found it a really good way to get back to exercise... I didn't have to leave the house, I could see my progress and it didn't matter what I looked like. I then progressed to the gym in work where I used to exercise bike, stair walker, rowing machine, free weights and treadmill. I did try a range of different classes when my confidence and fitness grew, to see what I liked. My favourite now is my son's boxing gym... they do a ladies session on a Tue and Thur night and I have been going there for over a year (I am 22mths out now). Although I am not at 'goal' weight, I have reached my first goal clothes size and I have a great level of fitness and core strenght. I can actually see muscle now where there once was a lot of flab! That is a good feeling and great motivation. I agree with baby steps, it worked for me... do somehing you like, something that you know you will enjoy but most importantly do on a regualr basis. Honestly, exercise is really worth the effort when you see the results - but I appreciate how difficult it is when you work such long hours and have a little one to look after. Good luck and let us know what you decide... =]
  8. Thanks Lila... it ain't getting any better to be honest. I am trying to stay positive and all that... but the tiredness is really getting to me... I am going to go to my GP and ask for some bloods to be checked. I have an appointment this week with my physio - been waiting over 4mths - to see why my groin/back keeps playing up, so that should be helpful as it has been going on and off for a week or so. I will let you know how I get on. On the weight front, well no change... still in the bounce range and getting nowhere fast. I stopped logging a while ago, and I don't miss it... the scale still reads the same and my clothes still feel the same so I ain't doing anything 'wrong' at the moment. I think, for now, I just have to focus on trying to feel 'well', if that makes sense. When I get back into the right head space I will try again to lose the last bit of weight. GT... I am loving the description of crossfit, it sounds like an amazing work out (I just don't have the energy at the moment to do any form of exercise!) ... are you 'seeing' any results? However, I am not loving your scales... how can that even happen. You are soooo bloody right... it is not effing fair... why are we struggling soooo much and currently you more than me. You deserve to see the scale move, I don't so much as I am not being uber vigilant as you are!!! I really don't know what to suggest... but I DO know that the work outs aren't doing you any harm!
  9. I agree with everyone... you look great and you've done so well... the only thing I can think of is to stop logging and stressing over what you are or are not eating... ok, don't shout at me yet, I haven't finished...lol Say, for about a week, if you can... or at least a few days. Just give your mind a rest, and let your body do its thing? Dunno, like I said it is just a suggestion. I have been in a stall since Oct and I stopped logging about a mth ago, I don't miss it and my scale is at the same place, so I know I am doing ok... but I kinda 'feel better' if that makes sense! Good luck on whatever you do... but above all, remember you are feeling amazing, looking amazing and you are much healthier now than you were... keep up the good work!
  10. sounds to me that you are in a 'good' place now... perhaps you've entered maintance mode without realising it? I love what you say about self respect and confidence... that is better than being at a certain weight - well, I think so anyway. Why don't you just 'allow' yourself to stay where you are for, say another month or so, and then kick it up a gear to get rid of the last bit. Enjoy your success that you have achieved in a short amount of time... I mean, 92lbs is a teenager!! Perhaps your body needs to gather itself? I don't know... I just feel that you have done so well in a short amount of time. Good luck to you what every you decided.... Actually, this hasn't been of any real help has it...lol!
  11. I will use my Jedi powers *goes into a mind bending trance*.... consider 'what if' now removed!
  12. You've already had some really good responses... Just a little note from me... firstly, you have maintained your weightloss, regardless of how much or how little it feels... that in itself is a positive thing that you should focus on... give yourself encouragement and a pat on the back for that alone. Also, fail, in my books, is a four letter F word... you are not a failure! You might of slipped off the wagon as such but that doesn't make you a failure. Be kind to yourself. It sounds like you already know what to do, and it also sounds like you are now ready to do it which is why you have come on here... get back on the losers bench... be patient and things will start to move again. Try not to fixate on the scales either, this will send you potty... measure yourself and use other ways to determine you 'overall' success. Remember, the sleeve has no expiry date... you can work with it. Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on. =]
  13. Loving this... to be reacquaited with a long lost 'friend' is truly an awesome NSV... I remember the first time I had a bath and ALL my tummy was under the water... no little belly island for me now! Thank you for the reminder ... what a great day! LOL... keep the NSVs coming!
  14. coops


    aviiva, the 5 day pouch test was orignally desgined for bypass patients... it is a 5 day 'reset' style thingy... first 2 days is liquid proteins, then soft mushies proteins such as fish, then the last two days are meats.. google it and you will get more detail. I did it over a year ago and although it was tough in the beginning... I like to chew!... I did find that it helped reset my sleeve and I felt more restiction afterwards. I am thinking about giving it another to see if I can break my stall... just gotta get in the right head space first!
  15. I completely understand your fears and worries... before the sleeve I have never been a successful 'dieter' and believe me I have tried everything and anything. The most I have ever lost on a 'diet' was 7lbs and that took me several months. I have lost a total of 73lbs and maintaing it without really 'trying too hard', just letting the sleeve do its job, eating a healthy and balanced diet! You have to go into this with a positive attitude and believe in yourself... don't let those doubting thought sabotage your health. There will be times where you might stall, there might not. We are all very different and each have our own blueprint. One word of advise - don't compare yourself to others... that, for me, was a nightmare! I am a really slow loser and others who were sleeved around the same time as me were not... they reached goal a lot sooner, I am still 14-28lbs away from my goal. At one time the comparisions got me to a real dark place... I had to snap myself out of it and I realised that the only person I should compare myself to was me... then it all changed and I realised that I was a success... I have lost a lot more than my all time record of 7lbs!! Good luck to you... enjoy it as much as you can, keep coming here to read the posts, just remember that you are an individual!
  16. coops


    rodswife... slow but sure wins the race! When were you sleeved... I am 22mths out now, so I expect long periods of nothing... in saying that I am not gaining so all is well. When I was first sleeved I went through many stalls and this has been my pattern. Try to stay positive and you'll get there... let your body do what it needs to.
  17. coops


    Good for you, loving the encouragement with your hubby and then the bonus of the scale moving. Sounds a little like the beginning of the 5 day pouch test. When I am in the right place, I might just give it a go... =] Keep up the good work!
  18. coops


    Yep! I've been bouncing around the same 5lbs for over 6mths and lost a full dress size! The scales are only one way to measure success! The body is a weird and wonderful machine and operates on many levels... as along as I am getting smaller, I am starting to not care that much about the numbers on the pesky scale!!
  19. coops


    Oh Amanda, congrats on seeing that pesky scale move in the RIGHT direction... you really have given me hope as I have been the same weight since Oct...grrr! Looks like perserverance works well with the sleeve! Lets see onederland for you really soon... hugs!
  20. It baffles me too... I haven't lost a pound in over six mths but am down a dress size!! Weird I know, but hey, I ain't complaining about getting smaller... pesky scales lie anyways...lol! Glad you broke the stall... I might just break my scale and have done with it all...heheeheee!
  21. Right! Joojoo, let me start with the simple fact that you have lost well over 100lbs, you've maintained that loss so therefore you are NOT a failure. I am not at goal and I am nearly two years out and I do not consider myself a failure... far from it! It is time to change your train of thought and look at the positive things that you've achieved... I mean, you've almost lost another person!! C'mon... that is bloody amazing. Don't let the numbers on the scale get you down... they are mean and evil (lol)... other factors have to be taken into consideration; overall health, well being, lack of medications, fitness etc... they are all as important - if not more important - than the scale numbers. I'm not saying that you don't have to get to goal... just don't get fixated on it whereby you percieve the numbers to equal a failure status for yourself. I have been at the same number on the scale since last Oct... not a pound gone... but I have gone down a dress size. I have tried EVERYTHING in my power to get the last 14-28lbs off but at the moment nothing is working, so I am just relaxing and in semi mantance mode at the moment (sounds familiar?). When I am ready, I will give it another go - track and log and count calories and carbs and protien, but for now I am not in the right 'place'. If you feel ready, have a look around here, there are some great tips... try the 5 day puch test and perhaps the bootcamp as mentioned. Stay in touch and let is know how you are doing... but most importantly remember that you are not a failure...
  22. coops

    Relationship Troubles

    BBJ, Not much to say here... but I am thinking of you and although it seems a little harsh at the moment, in time it will get better. I suppose it is a little like the greiving process. Take care of yourself x
  23. coops

    1 Year Ago 5/9/11!

    Meggiep, you have a beautiful smile, regardless of weight!! Well done on not only transforming your body, which by the way looks amazing, but also your life. Your truly have turned it around and are now embracing every moment... well proud of you and congratulations! =]
  24. coops

    Relationship Troubles

    Hiya BBJ, I've gotta say, my heart goes out to you, really it does. This is a really tough place for you to be in right now... I just wanted to say this: the first time I saw my husband, my heart flipped over. He was handsome, sexy, funny and flirty with great shoulders... my perfect man. We met in Crete on a '20s' holiday, I moved 150 miles 6mths after we met to be with him, got married a year to the day and that was in 1994. We were both in our early 20s getting wed. Now, in 2012, my heart still flips over when I see him... he is still handsome, sexy funny and flirty with great shouldrs... we are best friends and lovers and he is absolutely my world. 18 yrs later, with two beautiful children, I feel the same way about him now as I did then! I can honestly say I love ALL of him, the good the bad and the ugly. Yes, there are parts that I could change, but if I did... he wouldn't be who he is... In saying that, I am very lucky to find my soul mate... many don't and spend a life time looking... My point? I dunno... I just feel that deep down you know that you're not happy with your partner... marriage is such a massive commitment... go with you instincts as I believe they serve you best. Good luck my friend. *hugs*
  25. coops


    Great question... hindsight has 20-20 vision! I don't consider myself as unsuccessful even though I am not at my 'goal' weight... I am at my first goal size though...lol i think if I could change anything I would of added Protein shakes in the first instance; when I was in the liquid stage. i started exercising 4-6 weeks post op, gentle stuff at first then I got stronger and my training got harder and harder... I often wonder if I should have stayed at the gentlier side of exercise! Apart from that small aspect, I am, overall chuffed to bits!!

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