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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. need2change, sounds silly doesn't it... when I was newly sleeved my nose would run or I would sneeze when I was full... my husband who is not a sleever has always had a runny nose when he is full but we only realised the correlation once I was sleeved!!
  2. Hey CT Fats, glas you've popped back! At 22mths+ I can eat between 6-9oz of food and that, is very similar to what I could eat at 8mths - so over the last year nothing much has changed with my restriction... sounds to me like you are 'there'! Congrats on an amazing weight loss and getting to goal, that is a brilliant achievement - you've lost another person! Oh and congrats on the wedding plans too... will this be a photo opportunity?? =] Let us know how maintance goes!
  3. Congrats on the plastic adventure, and thank you for posting the post op info... I for one am really interested in all three of your surgeries as they too are my 'problem areas'. Would be interested in the weight of the skin removed too...and I am also looking forward to your pics =]
  4. Thank you for your replies... I was with my doc last week, and I had bloods taken Friday morning... I didn't mention the Water retention... derrr... there was a lot of other stuff we dicussed and I simply forgot. I am on HRT Patches... would they affect me in this way... I've been on them since the beg of Jan, and it is the last 2-3 weeks that I have noticed that the bloatedness has got worse and the swelling is truly obvious. I will defo mention it when I go back for my blood results!
  5. Helloah fellow sleevers, So, once again I am looking for words of wisdom from my sleeve family! I am really suffering with Water retention at the moment... something I haven't had since before my sleeve, nearly two years ago! It is that bad, my weight has increased and I am at the top and occasionally over my comfortable bounce range. The bloated feeling is not only in my stomach area, but my ankles have also started to swell and I have even had imprints from my sock style slippers in the evening. My wedding ring, a usual indicator, is ok... not as loose as it used to be but not tight either. The bloatedness (if that is a word, but you know what I mean) is generally from the waist down. We are having a hot spell here after many, many months of cold and rainy weather - so that might be a factor. I am drinking approx 1 1/2 litres of water plus other fluids such as tea with milk a day... should I increase the water somehow? - I struggle getting water in. So, my question is; how do I comabt this and get rid of it? Any suggestions, as always, will be greatly appreciated cos this just doesn't 'feel' right. Thanks in advance!
  6. Whoah, how bloated am I? Blurghhh, this isn't nice - al ALL!!

  7. This is such a personal thing... what might be ok for one, maybe a nightmare for another. I haven't lost 100lb - I've lost 70+lb and am nearing my two year marker. Loosing 100lb would take me to my ultimate goal. I don't 'need' plastics to function physcially... my excess skin doesn't give me any issues as such. But mentally I absolutely hate it with a passion - especially around my stomach area. If I could afford it, I would get it removed tomorrow... however, I can't afford it and I am trying to 'deal with it'! In saying that, it is better empty than full as my overall health is more important than saggy skin.
  8. coops

    2 Years Sleeved

    gatacous, congratulations on your success... I am nearly two years out and although not at 'goal' I am happy so far with the weight loss and life style change that I have had. I am in an extremly long stall - no weight loss since Oct - any handy hints on how to get rid of the last 14-28lbs? (I am ticking al the boxes 90-95% of the time) One thing this stall has told me is that maintance, for me, will not be an issue....lol... how are you finding maintance?
  9. Hiya Meg... No, you haven't killed it off ...lol... sounds like you had an amazing trip! Love the fact that food is no longer an issue or cause for concern, I feel that this is a great benefit of the sleeve. I haven't posted on here for a while cos nothing has really changed. I am at the top of my bounce range which really pees me off and whatever I do, nothing seems to change... I've sorta given up at the moment. My back/groin has been playing up again too... I went to see my physio - after waiting 5mths - and am doing the exercises she gave me, so at least I feel that I am doing something to get it sorted. I just feel at the moment, that a lot of what I say on this thread is moaning and groaning and I didn't want it to be like that; more of a place for encouragement, support and good news to keep me, and others, motivated! Sorry for my absence... I will try and think of something good to post... Oh, one good thing, we have some sun in Wales... don't know how long it will last, but it is lovely! Hope everyone else is good!
  10. Wheetsin, I really don't know what to suggest or to say - lots of great posts already. But, I just want you to know that, as useless as it may seem, I am sending positive vibes across the pond to you. Keep ticking the boxes ... hopefully you will see results sooner than later
  11. I think I might buy some berries...
  12. I know it is all relative, and I know that it is YOUR loose skin... but, and it is a big BUT... your skin tone looks fantastic and the loose skin doesn't really look loose! BBJ, you look sooooo damn good! I a agree with everyone else... what I would do to have your loose skin! Be proud my friend, 'cos you really are a super sleever... I love your posts and your pics! =]
  13. coops

    Me In A Bikini... Say It Isn't So!

    I really think that the ulitmate goal is not only to own a bikini, but to weare one... Diva! You've reached that ultimate goal! Seriously, you look fan-bloody-tastic! x
  14. WOW... what a difference... you're tiny!! Congrats on a great job! =]
  15. Hey all.. thought I would just drop you a quick note... went to see the physio on Friday after a waiting for nearly 5mths! She was really good, actually - the same one my hubby had post op for both his knee surgerys, so I immediately felt at ease. She asked me the general questions and then had a little look at my hip, back and groin area. Not really sure what has caused this, but it would seem that my back and hip flexor are taking it in turns to support my groin and surrounding area. She has given me some stretches to do at home and I have to go back in two weeks. She basically said that I am not to do any exercise that will aggreviate the area, to modify the circuit training in the boxing gym and rest when it hurts. It looks like having two kids fairly close together and being morbidly obese have left me with a weakness in this area ... but I can work on it to get it stronger! So, that is good news... I have an appointment with my GP on Tues to discuss why I am soooo bloody tired all the time... I am just gonna ask for some bloods to be taken. I've felt like this for too long now and it is just awful. On the weight and diet side of things... again no change... I am still not logging, and generally watching what I eat, making pretty good choices 90-95% of the time. I am trying to up my Water, but I find this quite difficult. How are the rest of the gang doing... well I hope... let us know x
  16. coops

    I Just

    crosswind... that is brillaint! Size 8... what a dream! Good for you! Here's wishing those last 20 go away pretty quick! =]
  17. coops

    Relationship Troubles

    BBJ... I've just gotta say I LOVE your SPIRIT! Now, I am assuming you realise that you did the right thing... and besides which, all exercise is good for you, right? Oh and what is wrong with a YArs *HMMM*... I have one....lol!
  18. Oilsooner, I am 22 mths out and I can a very similar amount to what I could at 8mths or so... perhaps a lil more if I tried, but like Foxbins, I don't try. My typical meal will weight - yes, I occasionally weigh my food to stay on track - between 6-8oz depending on the type of food it is. So to answer your question... you are nearly at you max restriction, and by the sounds of it, that is a good place for you! Congrats on a jpb well done to date!
  19. Superb transformation Lissa... congrats! =]
  20. M2G... I've said it before and I'll say it again... you are and you look amazing! Such a wonderful person who deserves every single inch of success... these picture are fantastic! You've been such a good friend to me and I am so proud of you and the way you've changed your life... you look so much younger and happier! WE WILL get rid of the last pesky pounds... don't forget, we are in this togther! Congratulations, not only for being such a massive inspiration to me and other, but also to achieving a healthy, happy and positive YOU! Hugs from across the pond my sleeve sista! x
  21. Ok, so at 22mths post op I am still not at goal... and I am still obese... but you know what... photos don't lie! I am attatching two pics; fir from May 2010 at my heaviest 238lbs and the second from May 2012 at my current weight of 165lb. Like I said, I am 14-24lbs away from goal and still obese... so work this out! Now, I don't want to sound cocky but I think I am looking ok in the second one... I absolutely hate the first one, and this is one of my 'better' pre op pictures! Those of you out there who aren't at goal or in the stall from hell, I hope that seeing these pics help you to realise that the scale and the BMI are JUST numbers and there is more to success than the numbers.
  22. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dancing... I am dancing with you and your brilliant news... Oh and 100 lb is bloody amazing too! More happy dancing...
  23. favoredone, I agree with the others about your surgeon... tell him to jog on! You, my lovely, are doing really well and your photo proves it! Use his words as motivation and turn them on their head... you don't need or want that sort of negative reaction because YOU ARE DOING NOTHING WRONG! I've been in dark places on this journey, for many different reasons, and it isn't a great place to be. Since my stall started in Oct, I try to focus on all the benefits of a healthier life and the positive things that I can now do and achieve... Good luck to you and remember, you are never alone in this!
  24. Grannyk... I've has those words said to me too ...'So, Coops, how much more weight have you lost?' and when I reply 'not a pound since Oct!' Peeps think I am lying... why would I lie...!! I suppose as long as we are getting smaller we are winning! MG2 - you know without you I would have given up by now... you are my inspiration; through thick and thin! I'm so glad and proud that we are sleeve sistas! And when I get a compliment from someone like you, I know I'm on a winner... thank you xx I really do appreciate all the lovely comments... always cheer me up!
  25. Spatters. thank God they caught it ...Sending you positive thoughts... good luck with the treatment

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