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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Oh, and Sharon, you have such a calming voice... is was lovely to 'hear' your story as well as see it! x
  2. Yey for the photos ... Sharon your smile says it all for me! You look truly beautiful... congrats! x
  3. Hey Cheri, I get this completely but for different reasons... I am perimenopausal and the HRT Patches I was in, I am sure, was a contributing factor to my huge stall and massive weight fluctuations... I could go up 5lbs in 24-48 hours. I am now on HRT tablets and although it has only been a week of taking them, I feel better. I wish you all the very best with the IVF treatment... and as far as the weight goes, you know you will be able to shed whatever you gain during the treatment and pregnancy. Like you said, there isn't much of you left to lose now, so that is a really good place to start with! Keep us updated on your progress... hugs to you my friend x
  4. What a great story and inspiration to all us sleevers; it just magnifies my theory that there is no expiry date to the sleeve! Thanks for sharing your mother's story... =]
  5. Just quick update from me ... I am feeling much better, I have taken your words of wisdom and used them! I'[ve taken a little time, worked on my head space and I feel that I am back in the game. I've really been focusing on getting positive again and to do that Ijust had a few days where I let myself cry. Boy that felt good... like a huge release and that in turn helped me see clearly again. I've changed my diet, it more like a new sleeve diet now and my bloating and swelling have gone, and I am now down to the lower end of my bounce range. Just wanted to say thank you all for being my support network! I really feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel now... hugs from across the pond x
  6. You are not THAT big... the word 'that' is the problem for me. I agree, it is a back handed insult and one I have received many times. it is good to hear that I am not alone feeling offended by this sort of statement; in the past I thought it was me being paranoid and my low self esteem beating me up!
  7. Fern, thanks for making me smile... I have just had this mental image of me whizzing around my house on my belly!!! But seriously, I think swimming is a great idea. I have physio tomorrow and I was going to ask her about swimming and other gym ideas. Very similar to you, when it is 'good' it is very good but when it goes - bloody hell I'm in agony!! I'll let you know what she says =] 30k walking is some distance, just brillant. I think walking is one of the best exercises - good on you my friend!
  8. I am now 23 mths out... not at goal and I would still give my sleeve 10/10! Even though I haven't reached my goal weight goal yet, I have reached my personal size goal of a UK14. Yes I have more to lose, but what will be will be and I will continue to try because with the sleeve there is no expiry date. It really has transformed my life regardless of what the scale says. I too wish I could have done this many years ago. I was one of the lucky ones in many ways, no pre op problems, and good clean recovery and no complications. I moved through each food stage with minimum discomfort and I am now able to eat anything without problems. The bascially means that I can now feel 'normal'. In saying that, this is my personal experience and we are all different... many have issues post op; some issues can be dealth with relatively easily, others are more serious. You have to do what is right for you... go with your instinct! Good luck with your decision =]
  9. coops

    Rude Comments!

    Yea, unfortunately, women can be mean and jealous! I don't like this aspect of our kind!! I have too have experienced this first hand ... I've told the story before, but I will tell again (now I find it amusing). Just after my sleeve - nearly 2 yrs ago - a friend of mine saw how I was losing weight. She had just had a baby and was caring extra weight. OUt of the blue, like so many other stories, she became a diet and exerise 'expert'. She worked out 7 days a week and hardly ate a thing - her mother had her two kids for her to do this btw. She kept telling me how many inches she was losing, howmany pounds she had lost and what size she was. This would be followed by a half hearted question about my own weight loss. She knew about my sleeve. She used me as competition. She couldn't stand the thoought of me being smaller than her... I have ALWAYS been the biggest in our friendship group. She even gave me her clothes that were 'too big' for her, these included several maternity trousers. She explained this by stating that: 'I know your problem area is your tummy, so these are perfect!' Implying that I looked pregnant! Anyway, fast forward two years... here I am currently maintaining at my 72lb weight loss and I fit nicely into a UK14. My friend however, has put a lot of weight back on and is now a good 14lbs if not more heavier than me and at least one clothing size bigger. I have not said ANYTHING about her weight gain. I have been tempted to pay back her back handed compliments, but I am being the bigger -metaphorically of course - person! Try to ignore comments with negative undertones and outright negative elements... this is your experience. This is your time to get healthy, fit and happy.... bugger everyone else!! Good luck to you ... =]
  10. coops

    Not Sure What Is Okay To Post

    Cantbelieve ... I am 23mths out now and I have been on her for pretty much the whole time - wish I had found this place before my sleeve date! This really is my support network... it is a great place to come and read posts; take notice or not! I have made good cyber friends on here, and if distance wasn't an issue (I'm in the UK) then I know I would have had a coffee with these people. If you have any questions, just ask... anything you want to discuss... go for it! I agree with the others, if you get negative responses just ignore it - I suppose it is the law of averages that someone will post something you don't like. I have only had two expereinces of this - the first one was directed to me where my words were sorta twisted - and as Lissa said, I was defended by other members who 'knew' me! More recently I read a post that wasn't directed at me personally but I didn't like it, so I ignored it... if that makes sense. Just think, this time next year, you will be helping someone else who is 5 weeks out... each and every one of us who are active on this forum have a wealth of experience to add regardless of how far into the sleeve journey we are. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress... =]
  11. I just love this... an external reminder of the new you! Great idea and it looks great!
  12. coops

    Hi Cheri, just wanted to say, once again, THANK YOU for your kind words... I didn't want to take over the thread, so I thought I would pop on here. I just can't seem to get the last pounds to go away and I am currently working against a back problem and going to physio, so I can't exercise at the moment. I just can't seem to give up though!! You always make me smile and cheer me on. It means a lot to me xx

  13. Lila, Thanks for your kind words ... as much as I want to, I can't give up - not yet! Congrats on the half marathon *goes green with envy*! How cool is that! Boy, what an achievement... I am so proud and chuffed and so proud of you! I think when the physio clears me for exercise I will go back to the gym and running machine... I think I am gonna have to build myself up to the boxing gym - make sure my back and groin are strong enough! So, just as I thought things were looking up and I started tof eel a little mmore positive... I rec'd some more bad news! An old school friend died suddenly on Sunday morning; he had a diabetic fit, knocked his head and died in hopsital! I was talking to him Thursday, we had a right giggle - the man always had a way to cheer me up! He has left a lovely wife and two teenage daughters. He had just celebrated his 41st birthday. Clearly, this is all a bit overwhelming and shocking and I feel it is another emotional obstacle to overcome. Just as I start to get my head around losing Jack, my student, and accept his death this happens. This time though, I have to face my own mortality. I am sure that I will get through this but it is just going to take time!
  14. Fern, interesting post... I am not at goal yet, but I am fighting my way there and still trying! So, although I can honestly say that the bad habits I used to have aren't with me, they do show their ugly head now and again... they pop up for a day or two and I have to fight them away. However, I can completely relate to your injury issues. SInce having my sleeve, I have done my best to get fit, strong and healthy and in that process I have damaged my back/groin area that has now rendered me unable to train. I am going to physio to try and sort the problem out but I am finding the lack of exercise beyond frustrating. I haven't trained for nearly a month, put on top of that no weight loss for 7 mths and I am finding myself wondering 'what is the point'. I have recognised that this is my old mindset and I have to remind myself that I have done well and I have made a huge difference to my health! But yea, it is a strange place for me at the moment. I have said it before, but I feel that my body and my mind are battling each other and my body is definately winning by maintaing this weight - my head reacts by getting frustrated and cross as I am still 'obese' on the BMI scale and after all this effort and weight loss that hurts 'emotionally'! But, to answer your question 'why did I get this surgery?' For me it was a permanent commitment to ME; a commitment that can not be undone - that means that for the rest of my life (and hopefully and longer and happier one) I have to be aware of my diet and health. I'll be looking forward to reading other responses...
  15. coops

    Things At Home ..

    In the early days I felt very similar, although I wasn't really hungry, I thought of food - the lack of it - often. I made myself get 'busy'. I couldn't do much so I would play scrabble on facebook or read to keep my brain focused on something else. I would also lift hand weights when I was watching telly... distraction is the best way to get around it! Good luck =]
  16. Hey! Thank you for all the help... I am defo gonna try the writing thing and I love the idea of the 'thought funeral'... I am a very visual person, so this idea is just perfect for me and how my (very strange but wonderful) mind works! I will let you know how it goes. FYE... isn't it strange how the 'smallest' thing just puts us off our 'normal' self! Hope you pick up soon. I'm feeling a little better today... just a little lighter in myself; I had a good chat with my hubby and that really helped! Gotta be honest, this is such a huge help for me... being able to pop on and just share stuff and know that you just understand without a great deal of artuclation... Really, I can't thank you enough xx
  17. Wishes, you look amazing... congrats on a fab transformation in just 9mths!
  18. Hey Tiff... It really is good to hear from you, and now I understand why you haven't been around! All the best for this pregnancy, sounds like you're getting your butt kicked! You take plenty of care of yourself and enjoy your blossoming family... love and best wishes from across the pond! x
  19. Dorrie, what kind of things do I write... I did try this years ago and as soon as I had a pen in my hand I went blank and started writing things that were so comical they could have been turned into a screen play...lol! I do talk to Steve, but honestly, he doesn't get it!! Bless, after all he is only a bloke! In his defence he does try, but I think I am so confused myself that I don't really speak clearly and at the moment I am that tired I find it hard to articulate how I actually feel; that and the fact that I am not really sure in what I am currently feeling apart from a lot of frustration and a little anger! I'll keep working on in... thanks for listening... you have no idea how helpful it is just to pop on here and have a vent to those who know what I am going through x
  20. Dorrie and GT, thanks you... Dorrie, I am peri menopausal as well... started when I was 39 (I am 41 now), but looking back the symptoms were there, I just blamed my weight! has the Mirena stopped you losing weight... doesn't seem to have effects you in that way as you're doing so well. I suppose I am frightened of something 'alien' in me! I know that sounds weird, my meno doc didn't really understand it...lol... She said it is the best way to get the hormones in, in a regular way. I have got tablets now so I am prepared to give them a go... gotta go back in 10 weeks. Then there is a part of me that just wants to stop the HRT all together cos I just don't feel 'right' ... Oh I don't know!!! GT, My regular doc suggested that if the bloods came back clear then it could be psychological... not sure what that actually means but you might be on the same page as her. Steve reckons that the weight stall, back problem and headaches are all stress related... I just don't know how to deal with it! I certainly can't comfort myself with food now... I suppose I am a little lost at the moment... I think I need some time to sort my head space out, but I don't really know where to start. Counselling is a toughie for me. I've been before but I lived in a different area. Not sure what kinda facilities we have around here? And to be honest, I don't know if I could deal with it at the moment. And as far as that nurse goes... OMG... I really don't want to see her soon!
  21. Thought I would post a quick update... Prior warning - not in a happy place; lots of moaning... I'm still not feeling great, my back has got to the stage where I needed to take time of work and I haven't trained for 3 weeks now...grrrr Also went to my docs for a range of bloods to be tested as I've been feeling exhausted for several weeks; they've come back normal. I haven't seen the doc, the lovely lady on the phone told me - I hate it when that happens! I have mixed feelings on the results, not that I want to bring an illness on myself, but I sorta hoped they would flag something up that could easily sorted eg low Iron, thyroid etc. So I am still none the wiser as to why I feel soooo bloody sh*tty! Also been to see the meno doc, she said that the HRT is why I am retaining Water but didn't offer me any solution. She also suggested for me to take the tablet form of HRT, Kliofem, as the Patches are making me 'show' pretty much daily since I started them. I have to pick the new tabs up later; I will try them and see what happens. She did recommend the IUS - coil? - but I said no... can't remember where or when but I am sure a lot of ladies have had trouble with this and it caused weight gain! Anyone had any experience of this... Talking of which, the nurse weighed me and I have gained on their scales... I told her that I have gained at home and she said 'oh my dear, you must stop eating so many calories... aren't I a cow?' and chuckled... how I didn't smack her smug fecking face in I don't know. I replied 'oh I do watch my calories and believe me when I tell you I don't over eat'. She said; 'the weight you've gained is due to too many calories, weight is as simple as calories in and calories out'... I told her that my caloires are between 1000-1200 daily and that I can't function on less and she looked at me as if I was lieing...'Then my dear, you just have to exercise more won't you' ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! At this point I just smiled and walked out cos I could feel my blood boiling and I didn't want to cry! I just hate the fact that this woman who doesn't know me feels that it is ok to judge me... she did it before so I should of been prepared... but alas I wasn't! I am sooooo angry at her... and to be honest, I am starting to feel a little helpless! Nothing I do is working for me right now and am at the top of my bounce range and have been for over a week... this is seriously doing my head in and then to hear that from some stupid old cow didn't really help matters! I am hoping that this is a blip in the matrix and things will get better as I am starting to feel low and I don't want to crumble now when I have done sooooo well! Sorry for the rant ! xx
  22. At nearly 23mths out and the same weight for over 6mths, I really am getting that dreaded feeling of being 'done' and with 14-28lbs left to goal, I don't like it at all... I would LOVE to see my scale move instead of bounce around. I am really pleased that you broke through you stall because you are right, they get you down big time... I am desperately fighting not to go to that place at the moment, so your words are encouraging! Thanks for posting =]
  23. coops

    Common Stall Schedule

    They sound about right to me... I didn't stall or plateau at 6mths, but things really slowed down and since Oct I've been stuck bouncing between 164-169lbs regardless of what I do. I was this weight for a long time many years ago too... funny how the body works. In my case, my body and mind are out of sync as I don't feel that I am at the 'right' weight at the moment and I can physically see that there is more fat left to get rid of. However, regardless of what I do, nothing is shifting at the moment! Hopefully one day soon, my body will realise that it doesn't need these extra pounds and get rid of them!
  24. coops

    21 Months Post Op Today

    Hey Sleeve... how did I miss this! WOW... what can I say that hasn't been said before? You are (and always were) beautiful... and you've had such an amazing time with sleevie! You certainly deserve everything you've achieved, Why? Simply because you are one of the most positive people on here. You constantly cheer me and others one; without fail! When I am down I know you will and do cheer me up! You deserve to be called an inspiration - and I don't use that word often or lightly - because you ARE! I love your before and after pics... and would love to be a step behind you! Congrats on getting to goal in such a short space of time and maintainig it. You look amazing! Hugs from across the pond my sleeve friend! x
  25. coops

    Losing Slow At Very Beginning?

    Not sure if this will help you guys in the early stages - or later on - but are you drinking enough? Within the first 6-8mths I need to keep my Fluid intake up to see the scale move.. doesn't effect the scale now but that could be down to other stuff that is going on i.e. the dreaded hormones that are racing through me and messing me around...lol. Try it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
