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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Oh and as a foot note.... I have book a family holiday to the Greek island of Crete - this is a special place as it is where I met my husband 19yrs ago; a holiday romance that has changed my life. This year I will be going back the same size clothing as the day I met him! WOW! Can't believe I am actually writing that, it has just hit me how far I have come... Just gotta sort out some swimwear.... eeeek! x
  2. and that is why you have my respect... turning a negative situation int a positive one! GT, you are one determined lady! Please let us know how you get on, both on the job front and on the exercise front... I am a tad bit green of your crossfit -- I'm still out of the boxing gym, although due to the exercises that the physio has given me I do feel 'stronger' around the hip and lower back area. Hoping to return to the gym soon, but until then I will live my training through YOU!! You go for it! x
  3. I've booked a holiday! Two weeks in Crete, Greece, next month! I'd better sort some swimwear out...eeeek!

  4. Oh Meg, I hope the PPI helps big time for you, sometimes the lack of sleep, for me anyway, is the worst! Lets hope you'll find relief soon! How are you finding maintenance otherwise? I have never used anti acid tablets, I do get rumblings now and again, but nothing major! FYI, it will defo be interesting to see if they help with the hunger... does the extra acid make you feel hunger? I seem to go through stages... more recently I am not feeling hunger, not real hunger... If I haven't eaten much by say, 6.30pm - 7pm, then I do get a sensation, but nothing like it used to be. My empty sign is a headache more than anything! We have broken up from school now... this is our official summertime, and we have actually got a bit of sun! I am so relieved not to have to go to work! I do have work that I need to do at home; schemes of work and admin stuff... but I don't mind doing that from the comfort of my living room...lol Or the garden for that matter as we actually have some sunshine! On the weight loss front, still no real movement, but I am staying at the lower end of my bounce range... but, and this is weird I 'feel' smaller... and I am still getting comments that I look smaller! My clothes are certainly more comfortable - I will have to measure again! I honestly can't believe that I've been in a stall for 9 mths! I think I am 'over it' now - not as frustrated or desperate... I still want to get out of the obese range (I am just a few pounds away from being overweight...lol). Perhaps when I can exercise more I will see something happen. I dunno! If push comes to shove and this is me then I would be relatively happy with my appearance and completely happy with my health, so that is a win! Lets keep it going though... I really enjoy this post!
  5. ATeam, Your timing of this post is just perfect for me... I am just over two years post op... not at goal, and I have been in a stall since Oct last year... 9 mths!! Believe you me, I have tried everything and anything to break this stall, but my body just seems to be very happy here, even though my mind is NOT! So, to read your post has sort of put this into perspective for me... I seem to be focusing on the last 14-20lbs instead of looking at the 74lbs that have gone forever... there is no way will I ever see the numbers 238 staring up at me, so I have to be happy at seeing 164... right!?! Now, this doesn't mean that I will stop trying to get rid of the last bit of weight... there is no expiry on the sleeve, but I also have to realise that me and my sleeve have done a good job, not only to lose but to maintain this weight and size for the last 9mths!
  6. School's out for summer! Yey! 6 weeks away from that place - and the sun is actually shining! =]

  7. coops

    One Year Post Op

    Yep! What they said... I remember reading some of your earlier posts, it is great to see you now, completely at goal; you look so healthy and happy... and defo younger! Congrats on an amazing transformation =]
  8. coops

    Goal Weight?

    Ha! The goal weight question... my surgeon set my goal weight at 11 stone or 154lbs ... I set my own goal weight at 10 stone or 140lbs as this was where I used to sit when I was in my late teens and early twenties and I liked it there! However, to get to a BMI of 25 or below I would need to be around 135lbs, so that is pretty near my own personal goal. Now at that weight, 20 years ago I was in a UK 12/14 ... so my goal 'size' was a UK14 - which I am now wearing comfortably! I have even worn a UK 12 & UK 10 top; so my goal size has been reached with an extra 20lbs difference! I am two years out now and been in a stall for 9mths - the thought of reaching my goal weight seems like a very long way off now... I hope that I will get there one day; there is no expiry date to my sleeve and my restriction is still good, but I can't tell a lie - the frustration of being 'obese' in the eyes of the medical world still haunts me! I am just pounds away from being 'overweight' and to me that is a huge difference mentally and emotionally! I hate being obese. Even though I know that I am fit and healthy now! I really thing goal weight is very subjective; it is more about how I feel and look as well as the number on a scale - I will be happy to see 154lbs and stay overweight than where I am now. Size wise, I am not sure where this will land me??? Good luck on deciding what is best for you.. 'goal' is ultimately where you are happy, healthy and confident.=]
  9. coops

    Two Years!

    Cheri, I've said it before and I'll say it again... WOW... you look absolutely amazing... you don't NEED shape wear my lovely friend! Congrats on the two year marker and congrats (again...lol) on your pregnancy! As a foot note, I just want to say thank you for sticking around and being a great sleeve friend! You've really helped me and cheered me on! xx
  10. Meg - what a strange reaction to ice cream! Do you think it was a combination of the sugar and processed ingredients as you are so used to organic foods? I can see why you turned to the funny side of things 'cos that experience doesn't sound nice at all! I don't get any issues with sugar or any kinds of food... I think I have the constitution of an ox! How long did it last? Hope you are better now! Dorrie... don't beat yourself up over a few 'bad' days with food choices... c'mon! Look at your progress and look how far you have come. With a BMI of 23, I consider you to be a goal so what is a few days 'off the wagon' gonna do? Try changing your train of thought... instead of thinking you've made 'bad choices' remind yourself that you have a low BMI, a good weight loss and that you are now allowed to chose a treat now and again. That way you don't beat yourself up about enjoying foods that you normally wouldn't eat. That is what I do. Friday for example; my kids went on holiday with my parents for two weeks... before they went, my daughter had a huge bag of Revels (one of my fav chocs), I was also given a small box of Maltersers (also choc). So as a farewell treat, the three of us ate the chocolate... and I have to say, I enjoyed every mouthful! When they had left for the airport, I had to go and get some milk... in the shop I bought another small bar of choc with the mindset of 'Oh well, I've just eaten a 'load' of choc, I might as well have some more'. That choc bar is still in the fridge and it is now Monday. Because my train of thought was that it was OK to eat the choc, I felt that I had eaten enough to satisfy my cravings, enjoyed the munching and being 'naughty' with my kids and that was that. I beat my own head...lol! Be kind to yourself Dorrie... remember all the good advice you give us... remember your words of wisdom!
  11. GT, I've just looked at your pictures and I have to say, I am in awe.... you, whether you like it or believe it, are a true inspiration to me (something I don't say lightly). Not only have you completely changed the way you look, your whole body language has changed too... you gotta get your head into the same zone as your body 'cos lady, you look fecking amazing! That blue dresss is beautiful!!!
  12. coops


    WOW!! Look at you... beautiful! So confident and sexy... I want those shoes...
  13. coops

    A shout-out to Ms. Monroe

    You look amazing... where the hell will those 50lbs come from?? Seriously? x
  14. size UK 14 skinny jeans... get on me and never leave me! WOW! and that is after a 9mths stall... how does the body work?

  15. Congrats to you my lovely friend... such great news! It has really cheered me up! Make sure you look after yourself and stay safe! I'm over the moon for you x
  16. coops

    Congratulations my lovely friend... I am soooo happy for you! I was thinking about you last night, and now I know why! You take it easy and keep ,e up to speed on your progress... xx

  17. GT... I know there is nothing I can say to help you, but just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you... this weight loss business is a right royal pain in the ar*e ... especially when we are ticking all the boxes and not getting the rewards on the scale! Try to keep your chin up! FYE... good to hear from you... glad you've enjoyed some time out... you know those pesky pounds will go as quick as they came... Nanny & M2G - yep! Carbs are the work to the devil... but a nice 'treat' now and again! I think, at this stage, we all know what we can and can't tolerate... doesn't make things easier though! Dorrie... you always have such kind words for everyone... you certainly are a great cheer leader and a voice of reason! Keep 'em coming, cos even if I don't post I enjoy reading ... Meg - I agree with Dorrie, your new pic is fab! You look great! and look at your ticker... below target weight! Good on you! As for me, well I am ticking along, counting the day/hours until we break for our summer holidays. I am soooo tired of working now! I need to get out of school. The weather here is absolutely shocking - we've had the wettest June and July for many, many years and I have to say, it really effects my mood... I hate rainy summers - I sorta feel short changed cos I want SUN!! My back is better - physio is going well and I am on to more and more exercises now! I am standing better and have more flexability - not so much pain and when I do get troubles; they are more of an ache than a pain. I can try the air walker now... so at least that is progress on the training front. I am hoping to try the boxing gym after my next session, which is in 3 weeks but I suppose I will have to wait and see. I have been really stressed in work and it is times like this when I miss my exercise the most as I have nothing to take my frustrations out on... and I can't eat them away either! I have stopped taking my HRT tablets; they did not agree with me AT ALL so for now I am just taking tablets to stop the flushes and I am going to see what happens over the next couple of months. The good thing is that I am back to the bottom of my bounce range, so I believe that the HRT were defo causing me a lot of Water retention... I have also rec'd a few comments lately saying that I look smaller.... I just wish the scale would bloody move down a bit! I really think that I would be happier being in the overweight section rather than the obese section of that stupid BMI! *sighs* Well, I hope you are all well... keep posting updates; good, bad or indifferent and together we will get to wherever we need to be! x
  18. just back from physio... going well, more exercises and I can start to use the air walker... on the road back to the gym!! =]

  19. wore a summer dress all day, no tights (bare legs); no chaffing..yey! That is a first in a very long time!

  20. So, I suppose you could add an extra 120-140lbs of weight loss... or extra baggage to your ticker! A true friend wouldn't use you to cover thier own insecurties! I have encountered similar, and it is such a horrible feeling. Just remember, this is no reflection on you... these are her issues, not yours, so let her deal with them! Congrats on a great weight loss by the way!
  21. Hey! In the title of the post, you asked if I would do it again for 'just 70lbs'... well, at two years out I have lost 74lbs, I am not at goal and I would do it again in the blink of an eye... absolutely, no doubt. There is no 'just' in 70lbs!! I say, that you have to do what is right for you... and no one else. This isn't an easy 'fix all' surgery, and I for sure, have had to work for each and every single pound... I am not complaining... but it ain't a magic wand. Good luck with your decision... do what is right for you, regardless of what the scales says...
  22. two years today I had my sleeve... where has the time gone?

  23. Yey... you can add any sound track that you want to.... thought it would make you laugh... and I am glad it did! Although these issues aren't funny, my coping skill is defo humour - I think being British, and more importantly Welsh has something to do with it...lol... Let the 'gun show' commence and get that pesky dragon!! x
  24. Dorrie, the next time you feel this way, and know, for sure, that you are not hungry... imagine me in my full boxing kit - slaying that dragon! Giving it what for... yelling at it to JOG ON! And if that doesn't work, well at least you've had a good laugh! Hugs my friend! x
  25. school prom tonight and it is raining hard... still, high heels and dress time!

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