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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. I am just over two years out now and I have been at this steady weight for over 10mths ( not at goal yet - regardless of what I do the pesky scale isn't moving! )! To be honest, I am not worried about maintaining or regain as I really feel mentally confident now. I know exactly how much I can eat, and each mouthful is a decision that I make. If I decide I want a 'treat' then I trust my tiny tummy not to let me over indulge and it works! i really think that to be truly successful, and long term successful then awareness is the key! This site is useful too... I try to pop on most days and even if I don't post, it is good to read and therefore realise that I am not alone in this Quest for health!
  2. coops

    Ladies What Is Your Type?

    I used to be a typical pear shape in my earlier days... around 140lb... pretty much kept that shape until I hit my top weight of 238lbs and then I just seemed very 'round' - only 5'2'. Now I am a typical apple shape... it would seem that all my excess weight is not mainly on my tummy... yuk! Still, not complaining as it is easy to hide with the right clothes...lol!
  3. Just a quick holiday update... we are on countdown now! The kids and steve are really excited and I am up to my armpits in suitcases and holiday clothes. I'm writing list upon list of 'to do s' and 'to gets' even got a list within a list...lol But I have had some light bulb moments whilst shopping for summer clothes for myself as my summer wardrobe is a little, well, shoddy! I needed some summer dresses etc. So, as I am shopping I am starting to 'see' my new size! I can now eyeball clothes as to whether they will fit or not and I have had great pleasure in saying stuff like 'oh no! That will be too big for me' *secret smiles!* So that has to be a nsv, right? ALL my new gear is a size UK14... no problems! Also I have bought me two tankinis (couldn't find any swim suites in my size, so I kinda had now choice but to try them)... I always hoped that one day I would be able to wear one! The one is a size UK 14 top and bottom and the other is a UK 14 top but a UK12, yes I said 12 bottom!!!!! When I looked at the 14 I just knew they would be too big! The best thing about it is the way my daughter reacted... if I put something on that she doesn't like, she is quick to let me know... very straight to the point and I mostly thank her for her honesty! So, when she saw me in the new tankini she said 'Oh Mam, that looks nice! It suits you!', I nearly fell over! NSV number two! Gotta tell ya, I am sorta walking on air at the moment and my confidence is coming back... and the scale is still sitting at 163! Hope everyone else is doing well...
  4. Momoslim... slow is good - slow means at that you/we are losing! I suppose I have learnt that I just gotta keep doing what I am doing... keep ticking the boxes 95% of the time and wait for my body to respond!
  5. Yep! What they said... you look incredible! I agree about the skin too... although you might see it as baggy, it look amazing, you can't hide those arms...lol... they look tight! I have to say, I think you looked beautiful on your wedding day... you radiate happiness! Congrats on an amazing transformation!
  6. I've actually lost a pound... not just any old pound though, this pound has made the difference; I am now overweight and not OBESE! Yey... I've waited over 2 years for this day!

  7. OMG... look at my ticker... I am no longer OBESE!!! This has taken me over two years... but at last I can say that I am just overweight... wow!!!!
  8. gotta tell ya... I 'think' I've lost a pound..lol I know that may sound weird, but I have seen 163... it has been sneaking in and out for a couple of weeks, but I didn't want to say anything just in case it was Water fluctuating... that was until now... I've seen it for a few days on the bounce now. An all time low from Coops...163 yey me!! I am sorta hoping now that I can get 10 15?... nearly 10 mths of bouncing all over the place from 164 - 169 and now I seem to be settled at 163! Phew! Please let this be the end of the stall, and please let me lose, even slowly, til I get to at least my surgeon's goal and perhaps my goal???? Oh, and I've been released from physio, so I can now build my training back up... could this be a sign ...lol
  9. yea, I agree with the water... when I was early out, I found that when I added more fluids I would lose more... but as aroundhky said, stalls are part and parcel of the process... just take your time, continue to do what you are doing and the scale will move again - try not to get discouraged; yea easier said than done, I know! Good that you are taking measurements. I found that when I didn't lose weight on the scales, my body will lose inches instead... I quickly learnt that it was a win win situation! Try not to let your success be determined by numbers alone... there is a lot more to this weight loss-getting healthy malarky than just numbers! keep up the good work! =]
  10. discharged from physio today! She's pleased with my progress and efforts... so, now to build my way back to the boxing gym...

  11. I am 2 years post op... my restriction is very similar to what it was at about 8mths. I can eat between 6-8oz for a meal, depending on the density of the protein. I have never had a problem with drinking from around 4/5 weeks post op I could drink normally. As you get further out you will be able to eat a little more, that is when you really have to be mindful of what you put in your mouth! I still, generally, stick to my original post op plan of three meals a day as even this far out I don't want to slip into the old habit of grazing.
  12. Yep! The body is a weird and wonderful thing... I haven't lost a pound since Oct last year, yet I have gone down a full size in all clothes... more recently, people are tell me I look smaller; asking me how much 'more' weight I have lost, yet the scale is not moving - apart from my usual bounce - but never under my all time low! Oh, by the way I am just over two years out... not at goal weight, but I've reached goal size. Last time I was this size UK14 was 20 years ago and I weighed 28lbs lighter! So I completely get where you're coming from... Just go with it! Enjoy the smaller size and don't worry about it. Like someone else said, if the clothes look good, wear them regardless of what is said on the label! =]
  13. coops

    Didn't Know Myself

    Love it... but what I love more is that you had your photo taken in a swim suite... WOW! Double NSV!! =]
  14. got me some contact lenses.... kinda feel naked!

  15. coops

    Only Lost.... ?

    Agreed! I stopped using the words 'only' and 'just' a long time ago! Every single ounce is a bonus... celebrate all success I say!
  16. Dorrie, Nah, the 16 one fits ok, it is just the open back I worry about - you know, fat back syndrome! If I got the 14, although it would of been a better fit around the front, I think it would of been to tight around the opening at the back and I can't stand the thought of showing 'roles' of flesh!! I'll see how I feel when I get there! Sounds like you have a tough day ahead of you... perhaps you could give yourself 'permission' to focus on dealing with the situation and family not the food... that way you have one thing less to worry about? Taking care of yourself emotionally is just as important as what you eat. And besides, with a BMI of 23 you aren't gonna do any damage! You are already at goal in my eyes x
  17. coops

    14 Months Out W/ Pictures

    Whoah... are you sure that is the same lady... what a transformation! Defo pretty in pink! And such a warm smile! From a woman who is now two years post op, please share your secrets - diet and skin care - your arms look amazing - as I want to get to my GOAL!! lol =]
  18. GT... I know there is nothing I can do to help, but I really feel for you! You're right the situations is really stressful and I am not surprised that you are angry about it! I would be too! Meg - there is nothing wrong with lowering your goal! Good one you I say, I honestly think that a goal weight is a very subjective thing and you have to be comfortable in your own skin (something that I have not achieved yet, I feel better but not 'done') - and of course, your body will tell you when it is ready to stop. Meg & FYE... you both put me to shame with you organic food choices... it is really expensive to by organic stuff here, even in the markets! I do however, get a load of good veggies from my dad's garden when they are in season. He is a really good gardener and we get cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, peas, grapes and onions! I've been looking into the paleo diet - Blackberryjuice started a thread on it a while ago and it sorta suits me. I have to admit, I enjoy eating meat (sorry!), so that train of thought might work for me. In saying all that, I do stay away from processed foods now... don't like things that are ready made of go ping in the micro! I still don't eat much rice or Pasta perhaps once every mth or two and then it is literally a tablespoon. I do eat potatoes now and again, but not even weekly. At the moment I am really enjoying nuts and some seeds... they seem to be a great source of fiber if you get my drift...lol On the scale front I seem to be stable at the lower end of my bounce range... I am patiently waiting to see a downward movement...hopefully soon, as I am doing really well with my food intake and Water intake! On the holiday front, we are just over two weeks away...I am excited and nervous about going all at the same time. It is the first time I've been away since my sleeve and it will be the first time that I won't have a scale near me. As we are going all inclusive, I am going to have to be really mindful of what I eat! On the plus side, the hotel has a lot of activities so, with my physio's permission, I am hoping to get involved... perhaps try tennis (first time for a very long time - I used to love to play) and also the aerobics and water aerobics! And, I bought a swimming costume...drum roll please! UK size 14 - and it fits! It is a one piece and looks ok! Slight tummy control area, but it doesn't look 'old fashioned' I also bought a UK16 one that has a low back, but I'm now so sure about that... I will have to see if I am brave enough to wear it in public! Well that is all from me for now... keep fighting the good fight ladies... and keep the updates going =]
  19. M2G... You know I have been cheering you on for a long time now... but to see these pictures, side by side, makes me so proud to be your friend! You have done such an amazing job, and yea, if you never lose another pound you will be in a great place... but if I know you, like I think I do ... well, I just have a feeling that you will start to see the scale move at some point, when you are good and ready! Thanks for posting your pictures, reminding me why you are an inspiration to me... and thank you for your continuing support... hugs from over the pond my lovely friend x
  20. coops

    Last Five Pounds......

    I feel your frustration... I have been stuck at this weight; bouncing up and down but never below... for over 9mths! There is plenty left of me to lose...10lbs to my surgeon's goal and 23lbs to mine. I like you have tried everything and anything in that time space. The only difference is that I haven't been able to work out since May due to a bad back (which, is getting better now!) I will keep my eyes posted on this thread to see if someone thinks of something I haven't tried...lol Otherwise, at 2years post op, perhaps this is my 'body's' happy place even it is not mine head's! Keep up the fight ... our bodies have to respond eventually, don't they? =]
  21. coops

    Aug 22 Marks My One Year!

    Wow... what a transformation; I lurve the white outfit...only a slim person could wear that with the confidence you do! Defo not ugly... beautiful before and after... congrats! =]
  22. Lissa, that my friend, is a great plan. I would defo concentrate on the core muscles! Having a strong stomach area will not only help with the results but also the recovery. Here's a thought... When I was going to the boxing gym, we did a lot of core exercises, with and without weights - medicine balls and kettle bells. Now, my back has gone and I can't train for the time being. As you know, I have been going to physio for a few months and I am seeing great results - she told me that the core exercises that I was doing isn't that effective! I thought I had a strong core, but clearly that wasn't the case...the exercises she has given me aren't weight bearing and are very gentle but I am seeing results around my waist and lower ab area. Sounds completely bonkers I know... have a look for some good toning exercises for you core area, and do the ones you feel will benefit your body shape... Sounds like a TT would be the best idea, after the c-sections and incredible weight loss that you have had! Keep us update my sleeve friend...x
  23. Lissa, I honestly think that you will 'know' when you are done... you've done such an awesome job to date and you are so aware of your health and fitness, that I feel you will re-evaluate once you reach your year marker. If you are currently happy with how you look and feel, perhaps lowering you goal is the first step? Again, I just have this feeling that you will know when the time is right to go into maintance. Regarding the skin... a year out maybe a little soon. As you know, I am now just over 2 years post op and I can honestly say that my skin is better now that it was a year ago. In saying that I would not hesitate in getting the tummy area sort; the 'boys' lifted and possible a little work on the upper arms. The only real area I don't like, no - I hate, is the tummy. This is due to the texture of the skin and the apron. My GP said that I would be a good candidate for a tummy tuck and should get good results (I just gotta find the money for it). Now, my apron isn't that big now, there is some fat left there but not that much, however, the overall shape of the apron is a nightmare in clothes. I feel that is 'mishapes' dresses and the general line of the clothes... if that makes sense. One day I will get rid of it! If I was you I would give it another 6mths or so to make your final decision re goal and as far as the tummy tuck goes, well I would definately do it. Please let us know what you decide x
  24. coops

    Still In Stall.

    Hello! I am 2yrs post op, and been in a stall since Oct - 9 mths, I am 14-24lbs away from goal; miy surgeon's is 150 and mine is 138... I don't want to sound like this is a stall competition, just want you to know that stalls are very normal, albeit frustrating! During this stall, I have lost at least one dress size all over, and I am now in between clothing sizes; in Oct I was a comfortable UK16... now UK14s are baggy on me - I've yet to attempt a 12...lol. This stall has been the bane of my life until recently, as I have come to realise there is nothing I can do to change it! I tick all the boxes re Protein, carbs, cals Water etc 95% of the time. The other 5% I am just human...oh, and I have hit many stalls (and I mean periods of no weight loss for longer that 2-3 wks during the two years. The first one was at 2 1/2 weeks and lasted about three weeks). But the weight loss resumed until this Oct - I have lost 74lbs so far. Now, there are more factors than just cals in and cals out for me... I was put on HRT Patches and then tablets and I think this messed with my body - I have stopped taking them now btw. Also since May I haven't been able to train - I was doing really well with my fitness routine until then. I am currently seeing my physio and doing exercises to gain strength in my core so that helps the pressure on my back and hips, and I think I will be ready to start back in the gym soon! Just a bit of background on me to let you know that even though it feels rough at the moment, things will change, even if the pesky scales don't say so! Try not to get stressed about a stall... firstly, have you taken measurements - for me this has kept me sane, especially in the first year. When the scale stopped moving or moved very slowly the tape measure showed a inch loss - that is a great feeling. If you haven't done so already take your measurements as another indicator of your success (I have lost over 3 foot of me with 'just' a 74lb loss - some maybe more, some maybe less). As regards food at water, keep following your plan - you are still in the early days and your body may be taking a little longer to adjust to the changes and that is just fine! I love the fact that you are walking - this really helped me in the early stages, even though I think I was later starting than you are... but it is a great exercise and I still enjoy walking. Another handy hint, is not to compare yourself to others... I did this and it took me to a very dark place. I would constantly and consistently beat myself up that I hadn't lost the same as others who were sleeved around the same time. I learnt that the only person I can compare myself to is me. I have NEVER and I mean never, lost more than 7lbs on any given 'diet' or exercise routine in my whole life - from when I was just a little over weight, to being morbidly obese. Remember, you are you. This is your journey and whatever route it takes, the final destination will be equally as beautiful! I hope this rambling has helped...
  25. Thanks Swizzly, thank you... x I only realised it when I wrote it! Different 'shape' but the same size... I'll take that one for the team (won't mention that I am about 17lbs heavier...lol... but I am carrying it well...heheheee!)

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