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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Thanks ladies... I really don't want to stay in this body at the moment... at this shape and size most clothes aren't fitting well... to get it right around the apron area, the waist, bum and legs are too big! to get it right in those areas, the apron is too small... it has to go! The dress in the pic covers a multitude of sins, I borrowed it from a friend for my hols... it hangs over the lumps and bumps and emphasises the smaller area, i.e. my shoulders...lol!! Oh what are we ladies like! Do you really want me to upload the full pic? Really?
  2. Hey, how you doing... hope the CT result ok... x

  3. So, how is everyone... I've had a tough couple of weeks... back to work and the sh*t hit the fan... lots of stress and pressure (not needed and not appreciated!) when we should be celebrating a good set of results! I haven't turned to food - thankfully my sleeve is doing its job! I am seeing the scale bounce around again though... 163 - 167! I really am starting to think that my body has settled here and is happy! My mind on the other hand is saying 'c'mon, just 14lb more... that is all!' No matter what I do or don't do, nothing is changing... I really feel like this is me now! I have started back in the gym in work and am building myself up slowly... my hip is giving me a little grief, nothing to what it was and my back is ok, so I have to ensure I take it steady.. The good thing is that my breathing is great, no problems in getting winded like I did when I first started out. I am thinking about logging again for a week or so to see if that helps - or at least to see that I am not eating 'hidden calories' - if that makes sense. I am even thinking about doing liquids for a few days... yep! Desperate is the word here. I really hope that by now I would be sitting at goal and it is starting to get me down again. If I wasn't 'trying' then I would suck it up and stop moaning and droning on... I am even getting on my own nerves! One thing is for sure... I am defo getting the skin on my tummy sorted... it has to go. I tried a lovely dress on, fitted perfectly everywhere apart from the middle... you could actually see the skin - that overhang - it was really horrible and I hate the feeling. I am wondering if the hanging skin is putting pressure on my hip and back and that is why, regardless of continuing my physio exercises, it is still hurting, especially after exercise? This is keeping me going, knowing that (hopefully) by this time next year the skin will be gone and my clothes will fit properly!!
  4. after 7mths absence, I've been to the gym! Feels kinda good!

  5. coops

    London Sleevers?

    Hey! I'm in Wales... just over 2 yrs post op now... down 75lbs - 5 stone 5lbs. Not quite at surgeon's goal, but I ain't given up just yet! Best thing I ever did!
  6. Doesn't sugar have a weird effect on us... I think my holiday gain was sugar, cos I didn't go mad with food... I CAN'T!! But I did drink a lot of sugary drinks! I've lost my holiday weight, but can't get under 164/163! Dorries, I also hate the way the scale bounces around and I have to be honest with you guys... I am having a 'Oh sh*t to it' time at the moment. I am getting fed up of the same numbers, the same food and not feeling that I am making progress. My surgeon's goal is so close, I can almost feel it! I know I need to get back to the gym but to be honest, I've sorta lost my mojo and my energy! *sighs*
  7. coops

    Any New Uk Sleevers Out There?

    Hey... luckily I wasn't on any medication before the op. But the pain relief after was dissoluble tablets and I think I had to take it in that form for 2-3 weeks and then I could swallow small tables. I'm not too sure about the numbers - it might be how many posts they have made? You could ask the admin team; Alex, Susan or Lilmissdiva. If you find it easier, you could send me a PM? x
  8. coops

    Any New Uk Sleevers Out There?

    Hey! You ask away, we were all in your shoes! I didn't find this site until after I was sleeved - unfortunately! It is a wealth of information... The surgery itself wasn't a problem... I had mine done first thing in the morning and slept all that day - it was painful when I woke up and to be honest, the next day was a blur - in and out of sleep. But I got up out of bed as soon as I could and although I was tender, I wouldn't say the pain was too much, it was bearable. The more you can walk around the better. I am a teacher and I was self pay, so I arranged it just before we broke up. I had two weeks off work, one day back in for an inset day and then the 6 weeks holidays... I would say that it was about three weeks until I felt like I could do some work! The liquid stage of the diet didn't really bother me... I like Soup and youghurt so I just kept to that. My post op plan was to eat three times a day and no more - and I still do that 95% of the time now. I had no real issues with acid but if, on the rare occasion, I had indigestion then I just had two rennie. That goes for now too... I don't get it often (nothing that a good burp or fart won't cure...lol... same as before really!). As far as hunger goes, all I can say is that it is different. I am never to the point where I feel that my tummy is grumbling for food - I just feel empty. If I skip a meal I get a headache and that is how I realise that I haven't eaten for a long time. I do have a little head hunger - not daily or even weekly - but it is there. To combat this I either have a cuppa or a little of what I am craving. Cravings are very different now. Before I could demolish a big bag of choc, now a few chunks will sort me out. Once I've eaten it, I move on. Job done! I must admit this is more recently - say over the last 6mths. In the first 12 - 18mths, I simply wasn't interested in wasting calories. As regards to the stallls... well... they are my demon! I have had a lot and long stalls. I am still in one that has lasted since Oct - so nearly a year! In that time I have lost a pound. I have lost nearly 5 1/2 stone, so I shouldn't complain. I was hoping to lose more... Regardless of what I do, my body doesn't want to part with the last bit of fat -perhaps my body is happy here? I have tried all the suggestions on here but the scale refuses to move. But in the first 6mths of this stall, I have gone down a dress size so all is not lost! I haven't 'given up' I want to get to at least my surgeon's goal with is 11 stone ultimately, I would love to see 10 stone something . One thing this stall has taught me, is that I am not worried about maintaining my weight now. I've not long come back from a holiday in Crete - I put on three pounds in those two weeks and had a great time (I was aware of what I was eating and tried to enjoy the different foods - being away from the scale was the worst part...lol)... they have gone now! No drama! I now know how to adjust my diet and work with what I have. I think the cause was the fizzy pop - I don't normally drink coke or anything fizzy or high in sugar anymore. The good thing with the sleeve is that there is no expiry date - you will probably reach your full tummy size at around 6-8 mths. I know I did and I can't overeat without discomfort. I is a huge learning curve, knowing your new capacity, learning what works for you and what doesn't and just getting in tune with your body. Sorry this is sooooo long - hope it helps. Any other questions, please ask =]
  9. coops

    Any New Uk Sleevers Out There?

    Hey there... another UK sleever here... I am 2 yrs and 2 mths out now! I can honestly say this is the best decision I have ever made for my health and my lifestyle. Good luck on your op... if you have any questions, just give me a shout xx
  10. Hiya, Im 2 yrs and 2mths out. Although not at goal weight I am at my original goal size - from a UK24-22 to UK 14 - and I am thinking of revising this to a UK 12. I, like Minime, am happy and healthy. There is nothing I cannot eat if I wanted to. I had a perfect recovery with no complications (although that is something that you have to keep in mind). I have NEVER lost 7lbs on any given 'diet' never mind 75lbs, so this for me, was a life saver. There is no expiry date with the sleeve and I refuse to give up until I meet my surgeon's goal, even if that takes me another 6mths. I opted into this with relatively good health for someone who was morbidly obese and I paid for the op out of my own money (I am in the UK and the NHS wouldn't cover me as I was 'healthy' - but how long that would of lasted is anyone's guess). I can also eat more now than I could at 6 mths... but this leveled out at around 10 mths. I can eat between 6-9oz of food (weight not volume) in any sitting depending on the density of the meal. I also eat my Protein first and I eat 3 times a day and no snacking 95% of the time. I am starting to feel 'normal' now and it is a great relief not to use food as a comfort and a friend because it would eventually lead me to ill health. I started exercising slowly at around 6-8 weeks post op and up until my back went I had built my stamina and strength; my exercise consisted of the gym in work, - runner, static bike, rowing machine, kettle bells, free weights etc to walking the dog for 2+ miles to going to my son's boxing gym. And I loved it. As I haven't exercised since March, I have to build myself back up - I have been released from physio so I intended to get on that tread mill really soon.! You have to make a decision by what is right for you... good luck for your upcoming surgery. Keep us posted on your progres.
  11. fantastic job... I agree with the others, you look great! Well done... here's betting you won't stop at your original goal weight... good for you I say... =]
  12. coops

    Plastic Surgery With Obese Bmi Goal?

    Hey, great question and one that has been on my mind a lot lately. I am just over two years out now, 5'2 and 163lbs. So very near the stats in your post... I am not at goal, but just 9lbs from my surgeon's goal of 154lb or 11 stone. He doesn't believe in the BMI as an indicator of health. My personal goal is 140, but I really don't think I will ever get there! I've been this weight since Oct last year, and regardless of what I do I can't seem to shift the last bits of fat, so my thoughts are turning to, 'well, perhaps this is it and now lets get rid of the skin!' So, to answer your question, I think that it is perfectly ok to consider plastic surgery once you've reached a comfortable weight/size regardless of the BMI. Not sure how it would effect your insurance (I'm in the UK so I will have to pay for my TT). Good luck on your journey...
  13. Hmmm, that pesky BMI stikes again! Goal is relative! I have lost 75lbs - that is 75% of my excess based on my ulitmate goal which would take me to a BMI of just under 25. I am 9lbs away from my surgeon's goal which will leave me in the overweight range which makes me something like 93% successful. My surgeon doesn't believe or give credit to the BMI chart... at all!! I am 2 yrs and 2mths post op now... still not att goal, and what ever I do, try etc, my body doesn't want to play ball - lots of different factors going on, but basically I have been in a stall since Oct last year. Now, I am looking ok right now... I am fit and healthy and in a size UK 14 - started at UK22-24 so size wise I have reached my original goal! I've actually changed it to a size UK 12 which should be doable, if my body decides to shed some more belly fat! I really feel that the scale is just one tool to determine success... when (if) I tell my friends how heavy I am, they are shocked - at 5'2 and weighing 163lb I look a lot smaller - according to others. When it comes to goal, as others have said, it is very relative... you will know what weight/size is right for you personally... when you reach a place where you say; 'yea, this is me!' that will be your goal. Try not to get too fixated on numbers and statistics... as it can drive you wild! I know it did me! Good luck!
  14. coops

    Chia Seeds

    Yep! They're great in yogurt... I put flax seed in too, also helps with the number 2s!
  15. Hey swizzly, to be honest, looking at your stats, I would be doing the same thing! You've done a great job. I don't know about you... but I ain't afraid of maintenance at all! Are you try to get rid of that last 5lb, or just see what happens? My surgeon's goal for me is 150 and I'm just 5'2'!... =] I am looking into a tummy tuck now though...after spending two weeks in a swimming costume, the reality of my tummy has really hit home! It has to go - I am sure I would lose a dress size from around the waist too! Also gonna look into boob job. Get some prices, work out recovery time etc and see where that takes me. my hubby is on board 100% now, so that is a relief!
  16. Helloah! Just wanted to pick your brains... A little background on me - for those of you who don't know - I am now over two years out and not at my surgeon's goal yet... I ma just 9lbs off. I have been this weight since October and I am starting to think that 'this is me'... I will continue the Quest of weight loss, but part of me has started to accept that this might not happen now. I've gone from a UK 22-24 to a UK 14, with a total of 75lbs gone. Most of the fat that is left on me is around my middle!! My legs are ok... I have got a lot of muscle there, ss I am not too worried about the bit of thigh fat that is left - I am too old for mini skirts now...lol So, my thoughts are now turning to finishing this job and getting rid of the excess, saggy and wobbly skin that is really bothering me. I have just returned from a beach holiday, and having to wear a swimming costume, I now realise that the skin is more of a problem than my weight... it really does effect me both physically and mentally. I want it gone... my hubby agrees... and we will have to pay for it. My sleeve surgeon does a TT at a good price so he will be my first port of call. Also the boys are in pretty poor condition now... pretty much skin - no shape left - sorry for TMI! Again, this is really effecting me mentally and I would also like this sorted... I don't want to go big... just round...lol! Now, the actual operations don't bother me at all... what worries me is the time in recovery. So, for all those that have had either one or the other, or both can you please answer: How long were you in hospital? How long was recovery? How long did you have off work? Are you happy with the results? Also, is it possible to have the two operations done at the same time? If so, how much extra recovery time is needed... or is this too much at one time. I am a teacher, and my school's sickness policy is very strict. I would tell them about the TT; and stress that is it for medical reasons, not vanity (ok, so that is partially a lie, but you gotta do what you gotta do) - however, I wouldn't tell them about the uplift!!! I would be very grateful for any replies, comments or advice that you have for me; the good, the bad and the ugly! Thanks in advance =]
  17. thanks for your quick replies... I will defo look at the teardrop implant O.T.R.sleever... thanks for that! The reason I am not bothered about size is that I don't want them to look false... I am 41 and as I work in a school a big bust line would just be soooo embarrasing! Especially as I am so small now! thedogsmommy, you might have a point there... not sure if my tummy skin is 9lbs, but if it was gone, the overall shape would look a lot smaller than the number on the scales! That is why i want it gone - to look good but more importantly 'feel' good!
  18. Hey... how is everyone? How are things with you all over that pond???? Gotta say, I missed this when I was away!! But I'm back now! We had an amazing time in Crete ... it was very hot and sunny, something that I am just not used to here in Blighty! So needless to say, we took advantage and spent a lot of time around the pools and on the beach! We went to a Water park and the kids and Steve has the best time... they absolutely loved every minute. The hotel itself was awesome and somewhere I would defo go back to... the only problem is that the room was too small for the four of us, it was basically a double and they squashed 4 into it! But for the amount of time that we actually spent in there, it didn't spoil our time. The food was good too... good quality, good choice and plenty of it! Thank God for my sleeve... I did pretty well to be honest, I had a few moments of panic; no scales and eating empty calories scared me a little. But I had a good chat to myself and put things into perspective! I kept to three meals a day, and didn't snack inbetween... so if I wanted a mouthful of cake I had some... but it was little! Anyway, the damage was 3lbs and already a pound of that has gone... it will all be gone soon...! Of that I am determined. I start back to work on Monday... I can't believe that the school holidays have gone already... honestly, the last 6 weeks have flown by! So, back to work and back to having the routine that working in school brings... I am also allowed to go to the gym now, so next week I will use the school's gym and start to build up my fitness and strenght. My aim is to get back to the boxing gym by half term, which is mid Oct. So that is pretty much that... let me know how you all are... I've missed you! =]
  19. Hiya... I'm two years and two months out now... I haven't got to goal, I am just 9lbs away from my surgeon's goal! I haven't given up cos I think that there is no expiry date to my sleeve... and one day I will get there. However, I have lost 75% of my excess weight (as defined by my surgeon, not the BMI - he doesn't agree with that as a marker of health) and from that stat, I am considered a success! I have easily maintained the weight I am at now for nearly a year - since last Oct I've lost a pound - but that isn't down to me eating the wrong foods. It is a combination of many things, the main being I went on HRT and it messed with my body, I'm off it now! I also suffered a back problem and I haven't been to the boxing gym or done any sort of exercise since March - I am released from physio now, so next week I am going to get back to the gym in work. I haven't got any problems with nutrition or any health issues other than the ones I have mentioned and they are not sleeve related... I feel great! I am not perfect, I don't want to be perfect! I am healthy and I am beginning to accept that I am a success regardless of what the scale tells me. I have gone done from a UK22-24 to a UK 14 (my original goal size - but I think I want to go to a 12 now...lol) Good luck with your upcoming surgery and your weight loss journey... if you have any questions, please feel free to ask... =]
  20. WOW... is it really a year... I remember when you first started posting and it has been great to watch you shrink! I love reading your posts... I really do! Congrats on a great year. The reason you are successful is, simply, because you are motivated to get healthy and I love that about you... well done my friend, you'll get to YOUR goal! =]
  21. is back from the beautiful island of Crete... what an amazing family holiday - I really didn't want to come back!

  22. Dorrie... you are, to me, already at goal!!! Seriously, if my BMI was 23 then I would cruising into maintenance now! Just remember how far you have come, how brilliant you feel and how great you look! Hugs my friend =]
  23. Me too... I was diagnosed peri menopausal at 39 but I had the symptoms long before I went to the doc to get it checked! Believing that I was way too you...ha! I also feel that this as inhibited my weight loss... for 10 mths I have lost a pound, and that was 2 weeks ago - -during that time I tried different hormone Patches and tablets but they just didn't agree with me... at all! So, I am not on anything now and my weight is stable at 163-164. I have at least another 9lbs to my surgeon's goal weight and 23 to my personal one. I am not sure that I will ever reach my personal one, and therefore a 'normal' BMI but that is ok. I need to reach my surgeon's goal though... to feel that I haven't let him down! Oh and I am over 2 years out now! I will keep plodding along though. On the topic of exercise, I am not sure that it actually helps me with my weight loss... as since May I have been unable to train. I will get back to it though. Not to lose weight - but to get strong and continue to tone up. I have some really nice muscle definition coming and I don't want to lose it now...lol!
  24. Lissa I agree... if you think 170 is too low, then basically it is! I am in a similar prediciment myself. I've asked my GP about at TT on the NHS (our health service here in UK) and to be eligable for even a consultation I have to have a BMI below 25 which means at least another 28lbs, which, like you is too low for me. I don't want to look too thin/skinny or old!! I can still get it done, but it will be 'private' surgery and I will have to pay for it. Is there another surgeon that you can ask advice from? I think if I was you, I would continue to do what you are doing... perhaps another 10-15lb loss - perhaps not. You're happy so that is irrelevant at the moment - but it sounds like the tummy area is your main problem. Continue with the core exercises and overall fitness training you do and perhaps a consultation with another surgeon or if that isn't possible tell the surgeon that you do not want to lose too much weight! Good luck and let me know your next step... hugs
  25. loving the closing ceremony of the Olympics... proud to be British! xx

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