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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Well, I went to see the doc, had a lil chat and apparently I had my thyroid tested in May and it was 'normal' but he didn't expand on that. I have to go for more bloods in the morning... they are doing a screening for hormones, thyroid and Vitamins. It will take a few days to come back and I have to book another appointment with him to discuss the results; so, probably in about 2 weeks time! The time waiting is so frustrating! In the mean time I am not doing well at all. The sweats - hot and cold - are so debilitating! I feel weak and really unhealthy at the moment. my sleep pattern is awful and I wake up from 2 -6 times a night, each time I am covered in sweat. Awful! i will let you know what happens... in between, if anyone has any ideas, please share them 'cos I feel like I am sinking! =/
  2. thanks Meg, I will defo put this forward when I see him tomorrow. The difference in body temp is really weird, it is like my thermostat is broken. One minute I am sweating and so hot I could be plugged in to the heating and the next minute I am freezing cold and basically feel so depleted of energy that I am like a floppy fish! Very strange sensation... The worse thing - well apart from feeling exhausted all the time - is my hair Lets hope that there is 'something' underlying that can account for this - I don't want to be 'ill' but I am certainly not right either... if that makes sense.
  3. thanks ladies... I have an appointment with the doc on weds, booked it over three weeks ago! I will let you know what he says. Meg - how did you overcome the thyroid problem? What other symptoms did you have/ are you having? Lack of energy? Sleeplessness? Crap skin/hair/nails?
  4. thank you my skinny friend!! i dunno... just feel blurgh! Perhaps you are right, I need to take some 'time out' again! What isn't helping are my hormones... OMG! They are all over the place. I'm getting hot flashes again - and they are nasty! They went with the tablets but for some unknown reason, they are back with vengance! I hate them. They leave me a bag of sweat and exhausted. Some morning, whilst I am teaching, I get 3-4 and hour...just sweep over me in waves. Another thing that I am a little worried about is my hair! Now, I know this is stupid but it is getting thinner and thinner. It isn't sleeve related, as my diet is really healthy now. It has to be hormones. The 'fringe' area at the front is so fine, the regrowth looks like baby hair. I am also thinning at the crown, if I didn't know better I would say I was a man! It is totally getting me down. Has anyone else had this or heard of it? My hairdresser said I should get my thyroid checked out? Any ideas? x
  5. well, it is now pretty much a year since this stall of mine has started... no wait! I've lost a pound! I am really disappointed that it has lasted soooo long, regardless of what I do or do not eat; how I eat and when I eat! I really can't reduce my calorie intake lower than 1000 as it really effects me and I get terrible brain fog. Goal isn't even worth that! I was positive in Jan, that by now I would be at my surgeon's goal, and maybe even heading towards my personal goal... So I really am thinking that this is me... Don't know what to think about this... a part of me is sad that I haven't 'finished the job' and the other half of me is proud of how far I have come!
  6. coops

    Hot Flashes?

    I am 41 now, and still getting the flashes... Been sleeved over two years! i hoped it would stop but my menopause doc said they could last from 1 -15 yrs. I am getting them throughout the day and the night... every morning around 4am they wake me up... I am covered in sweat - hot and cold at the same time. When I see my doc I will ask about alternatives... and yea, good idea to look up other ways of dealing with them, I di ask my surgeon, at the time, if it was related to the sleeve and he said no... I am not so sure!?!
  7. Brilliant!!! You look great! and soooo much younger too - not that you looked old before - you know what I mean! Congrats to you!
  8. coops

    Hot Flashes?

    I posted about this too... I didn't get much feedback either! I was wondering if the reason that I had stopped losing weight was done to the hormones? I have asked older sleevers who went through the menopause at the average age if it affected their weight loss and it hasn't seemed to ... a lot of the ladies I asked were at or ver near goal and a normal BMI... I hate it; hate the fact that it is early; hate the way they make me feel; hate the mood swings... you get the picture!
  9. coops

    Hot Flashes?

    Oh man, the hot flashes, I too started this but it was 4-5 mths after my sleeve. I was 39 then. I went for blood tests and they found my hormone levels indicated early menopause. I've tried a range of HRT and didn't get on with any of them...plus they made me gain weight, and as I am not at goal, I wasn't having any of that! I was put on tablets for the flashes and they worked a treat, until a few months ago and now the flashes are back, but not as bad as they were.... I have an appointment with my GP to discuss this,as I too find them horrible and embarrassing!
  10. coops

    Does Anyone Else Eat As Much As Me?

    Hiya rybecca, no! I haven't reached my surgeon's goal or my personal weight goal... but I have reached my size goal! Strange eh? I have lost a pound in the last year... yep! 1 lb in 52 weeks... regardless of what I do, I cannot get that pesky scale to move. There are, I believe, 'other factors' around this as I am compliant, even now, to my surgeon's rules and stick to them 90-95% of the time - the other time I am being human and enjoying my new life. With that said, I refuse to give up! I will reach my surgeon's goal (perhaps not mine) one day. There is no expiry date on the sleeve and my restriction is still good, even though I do get hungry sometimes. For me this is now my way of eating... and I am more than happy with the quantity and quality of food that I chose to eat, even the odd treat! Have you been sleeved? How are you doing? Please feel free to ask any questions, if you have any, ...lol!
  11. coops

    Does Anyone Else Eat As Much As Me?

    I think you are doing great! You are fueling your body with good quality food... that is important. You've received some great advise so far... all I would add is not to compare yourself to others... this is your 'journey' and you have to find the right path for you. I am over 2 yrs out now, and in the beginning I was soooo wrapped up with comparing myself to others I actually lost myself for a while. It was horrible especially as in that comparison I felt like a failure! I wasn't losing as much weight as others; not exercising as much as others; my clothes were bigger than others... you get the picture. It took me a long time to realise that I am different to others... my own unique self! As long as you are happy and you are seeing positive results, then keep doing what works for YOU!
  12. coops

    My APRON ----UGHHHH!!!!

    Blaqbeary, thank you for posting this and keeping us up to date with your recovery. I am currently researching a TT here in the UK and the biggest concern I have is recovery. I will be checking this thread for more up dates, so please keep 'em coming. Congrats to you !
  13. Wow.... you go... gotta be honest with you, I still weigh daily. Got to and I think it is part of the reason why I eat well most of the time... I have a comfy bounce range now, but if I go near the top end, then I re think what I have/am eating and well, change it. I am gonna 'fess... the water thing hasn't been going well... on track food wise but I am really struggling with getting my water in. It is one habit that I let slip and I can't seem to get back in the grove!
  14. Ok, so I have been feeling really down over the last couple of weeks... still not at goal, and I have lost a pound in a YEAR! Yep, that is right... 12mths! No matter what I do, the scale is not moving - but, and this is a big but... my body is changing... not sure how, but it is! So, I was clearing out my wardrobe, putting summer things away and having a general 'get rid of that' type session, when I found some old big clothes. I couldn't believe how big they are - and these are not in my biggest size either (I threw those out in a fit of rage, cos they looked so ugly... so much material!) Anyway, to cut a long story short, I tried them on, for a laugh like! Then I remembered seeing peeps, on here, putting two legs into one. Because I am not at goal, I never thought of doing this, as it is a 'goaler's achievement', if that makes sense. But as I was bored, and the jeans looked soooo big, I thought I would give it a go. Here is the pics, just for a laugh! Needless to say, I felt a little happier about my weight, and it just goes to show, that the scale really doesn't provide you with complete success!!
  15. iegal, well you certainly massaged my ego there... OMG! Thank you for such lovely words... I have never thought of myself of being a winner in this... but you have made me think a little differently. And to be held in high esteem... hmmm, that is also a new one! Thank you! Is it better to never get to 'goal', to not know how it feels than to get there only to regain and fight a struggle to get back? I honestly don't know! But yea, I have never had a permanent regain... my weight has been steady here for pretty much a year now, so I am wondering if this is 'me'. I posted in another thread, that if this is how I have to eat forever, and I mean forever, then I am more than happy with that. I can honestly say that food doesn't worry me, doesn't make me feel scared anymore and it certainly doesn't comfort me now. All it does is fuel my body and I chose that fuel now. I ain't perfect, but I do stick to what I know from post op 95% of the time... and for me that is as good as I can be without getting obsessed or upset about it. In saying that, what I would give to have your BMI... that is a major achievement in my eyes... seriously, a BMI of 22/23 would be a dream come true here in Coopsville!!! At my surgeon's goal, I am still overweight. But, I do realise that regardless of what numbers are around me, I am much healthier and fitter now! I am in the process of researching a tummy tuck; you never know, with the apron gone, that might help me to get to goal...lol hugs to you my friend =]
  16. will this chest infection ever leave me... just feels ukkky!

  17. escape pod... there is no way can I be an inspiration to you... look at where you are! I would give anything to have the same BMI as you do... OMG!! What a compliment... phew! I have to stay on track with my eating... there is NO WAY am I ever gonna get big again, I didn't pay this much money for me to get fat again! To be honest, if this is how I have to eat for ever - and that is a long time - then I am more than happy and satisfied. I now realise that my sleeve is a good boy! If I choose to have a 'treat' I know that I can only tolerate a little... that makes it taste so much better and it stops my cravings - not that I get that many! I suppose my adherence to the 'plan' is why I get frustrated that the scale isn't moving.... I am sooo compliant!! Still, I am in a better place with my weight than I was 3 yrs ago, so that has to be good...right?!
  18. this is a great site to get cheered up... all the comments made me smile! I forgot to say the clothes size... I was in a UK 22-24 (the jeans are 'only' a 20) and I am now in a UK 14... people don't believe me when I tell them that I weigh 163lbs, I suppose I do have good muscle tone which probably makes me look smaller than my weight, but I really, really, really, want the scale to say 154 - or less ...lol Oh man! That would be soooo good! I will keep fighting the good fight! You never know, after having nearly a year off, by body might decide to shed some more fat! Fingers crossed and all tha' ...
  19. M2G ... I have MISSED you! Thank you for being soooo kind! Aw, man... is there any part of us that aren't in sync ! But you're right... let us focus on what we have done, and then what we haven't done is almost irrelevant! Hope you are well my lovely friend ... hugs from across the pond
  20. Carly - thank you for being kind but believe me there is more...lol... not as much as before but enough to stop me from getting to that shiny number on the scale! I am between the obese and overweight cat. on the BMI now, but would love to be sitting further down. I am only 5'2' so every ounce counts! savedbyamazinggrace - hehehee... I wish it was the scales fault! I recently changed the batteries and it read the same pesky numbers, it is also very similar with my Dr's scales... good suggestion though!! Made me chuckle!
  21. Ladies, I like this... my eating is pretty good, but I can definitely 'clean' it up a little, so that is my first one. The seond one is going to be get more Water in. I won't make an exercise goal this week cos I am still struggling with a chest infection that started out as a cold, but I might try the gym in work and see how it goes! I'm back down to my lowest bounce now and that feels a little better - emotionally if not physically! As a side note, I had a little clear out yesterday and found some 'big' clothes that I had saved and forgot about. I managed to put both of my legs into one of the jean legs...lol... I've seen others do it (at goal) but never thought I would be able to do it. My daughter was sooooo impressed! She thought it was amazing and kinda admitted that I 'used to be fat' ...lol. My son, well he just said 'WHOAH, MAM!!!!!' That was a good feeling!
  22. I've lost 75% of my personal goal and nearer 90% of my surgeon's... that being said, I am not at goal yet! 9 lbs off my surgeon's and 20lbs from my personal goal!
  23. Meg... what can I say, you are my hero!!! What an achievement... now, get to that gym and work your new body! I promise you, after the initial shock, you will love it! =] And yes to a new goal pic...
  24. Hey! Words of wisdom again Meg! Loves it! I particularly relate to the 'choice' mantra - I practise this most days - mostly my choices are good and when they are not, I don't stress anymore! I suppose that is an NSV of sorts. It certainly helps with the mental side of weight loss and struggling to get to goal. I have been home from my holidays for ages now... over a month. Lost the holiday weight, and now bouncing around from 163-164-165 ... I still weigh most mornings - got to to make sure that I don't go over the bounce range and I think partly to torment myself...lol! Would love to see the scale lower, but, well we'll see how the ole body reacts. Next mth the stall will be a year old... thinking of starting a new thread...lol! I am really convinced that my stall is hormone related... although I am still taking my tablets to stop the hot flushes, they are back! Not like before but they are getting worse - I am trying to get an appointment to discuss this with my doc, perhaps I need to change my tablets now?
  25. Oh and I forgot to say, to top me feeling pretty miserable, I now have a bad cold!!! Been feeling like crap all day, weak and tired... *sighs*

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