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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hiya Lorraine, I'm in Wales.. how you doing? Are you sleeved yet? If you have any questions, give us a shout! x
  2. Firstly, congrats on a great success so far! As far as getting things 'done' I say go with what you are happy with. It is your body and your decision; ok, your wife's too! I wear glasses and would love lazer surgery, but at the moment I am ok with funky glasses and contacts for the odd occasion As far as cosmetic surgery goes, that is a very personal thing. I am over 2 yrs out now and not at surgeon's goal (been in a stall for over a year now) and I think this is it for me, not that I am in a bad place... but could be better. I am definitely looking into a tummy tuck. Although my skin quality has improved over the last year, I have an apron that is just, well, ugly! Ok! So I can hid it in clothes but that depends on the shape and style. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was trying on a dress... it was a straight line shift dress... fitted perfectly except for the apron area... the next size up didn't fit anywhere else! Now, that might sound a little 'obsessive' or pathetic to some, but my body image really does effect me. You say about going away... I went on holiday this year, first time since losing weight. I honestly thought I would rock on holiday you know, the new me, the new body; but with the saggy belly I felt awful and very aware of the skin. Hence, it has to go! You know what is right for you... do what you feel is best and good luck!
  3. FYI... you look absolutely stunning,,, red is defo your colour - so beautiful! I love it! Made me smile x
  4. What contributing role would you say your sleeve (reduced stomach) plays in your ability to successfully maintain the weight loss (e.g., 25, 50, 75, 90 percent)? A huge role! 100% I simply cannot over eat anymore - and more importantly I don't want to. It has given me to power to say NO! And that might sound a littel weird but having that physical restriction is an absolute for me. I am not 'really' an emotional eater, not in the true sense but I do sometimes turn to food for comfort when I am stressed. Lately I have been really stressed and I just can't eat what my stressy little brain wants me to... and that ain't such a bad thing! Related, how much conscious effort does your continued weight loss require? That is, must you deliberately monitor your food intake on a daily basis or does the restriction of the sleeve necessarily limit how much you can eat so that maintenance is relatively effortless? Yes! I am very aware of the foods I eat; the quantity, frequency and quality. I now know my 'trigger' foods and foods that make me feel healthy. How has your relationship with food changed, if at all? Related, do you still enjoy eating or, currently, is food just something you must consume to sustain life? I still enjoy my meals, and because I don't stuff myself, the taste and satisfaction is a lot better. I eat to live not live to eat. Before the sleeve I would have huge portions because it tasted so good and then I would feel so bad, and beat myself up ... now I still enjoy the taste without the guilt. At 2yrs 5 mths out I can eat the maximum of 8oz (I still occasionally weigh my food and always, without fail, use a small plate). I did monitor my intake on an ap for my phone, but I haven't done so for a few months now. Compared to the type of hunger pains you had experienced pre-surgically, while on a calorie-restricted diet, how would you rate the degree and quality of your hunger pains now after the surgery? That is, do you still feel hunger pains and, if so, how is your hunger drive different now than it was before the surgery Hunger pangs have returned a little, but in comparison to before they are minimal. I get a little gnawing in my tummy now. The biggest sign of not eating for a long time is a headache - If and when I do feel hungry and it is not a 'meal' time, a small snack or hot drink easily gets rid of it. I hope this helps... Like I said, I am over 2 yrs out now. I never reached my surgeon's goal and I have been in a stall for over a year. Despite what I do or do not do, nothing changes on the scale and please believe me when I say that I have tried everything to shed the last bit of fat. I get so frustrated by this and at times I feel like a complete failure even though I have lost 74lbs. I am just 10lbs off my surgeon's goal and 24-28lbs off my ultimate 'when I was a young woman' goal. After reading this post I realise that my situation is bitter sweet as I haven't regained. I bounce between the same 3-4lbs and have been doing so for 14 months now. Perhaps if I had of reached my goal then I too would have regained? I don't know? It would seem that my body has chosen its own goal! My body is in complete opposition to my brain am at the stage now whereby I am getting bored of the whole 'losing weight' thing. Due to the lack of 'success' over the last year I have started to feel a little apathetic - I am working on this as I don't 'do' negative! I have to say a big thank you to the posters on here already - they have made me think of my situation in a different light. Good luck to everyone who is struggling at the moment... keep on keeping on and never give up! (cliched, I know,,, but so true!)
  5. just thought I would post a little update. Things have been a lil difficult just lately, and I really haven't been feeling myself at all. I haven't posted much lately, I have been around, just reading. Sometimes I think that due to not being at goal my opinion/experience isn't needed or wanted as there seems to be soooo much focus on getting to goal. So now, at well over 2yrs post op, I am starting to feel like a failure again. I can't believe that it has been nearly a year since I started this thread and in that time I still can't get rid of the last bit of weight. Feelings of frustration and anger are returning and I realise that this isn't healthy or warranted as I have done well, but I can't seem to control them at the moment. I suppose I should just be grateful for the achievements and progress I have made and quit moaning?! But you know me by now... I just can't seem to let go! I really don't know what to do? Nothing changes the scale readings; I don't lose regardless of what I eat or how I move. Whether I go to the gym or stay at home; if I eat just Protein or vary it. The same numbers are bouncing up and down and up and down... My bloods came back all clear - no deficiency at all, all in the good range - no thyroid or B12 issues as I had expected. Bitter sweet results to be honest. I am pleased that I am in good health but confused as to why I feel so bad all the time. My hormones levels have dropped and I am now 'in the menopause' as opposed to peri - my doc said that basically 'my ovaries have packed up!' Hmmm, no **** Sherlock! He offered me anti depressants, which I declined. I am not depressed, down in the dumps maybe but not enough to take medication for, not yet anyway. He offered me HRT which I have tried with no success and I don't want to go there again, not at the moment anyway. So basically, there is nothing the doc can do for me at this moment in time. Although my sleep patterns have gotten better, I am still not resting properly when I go to bed... I still wake at least once during the night. Same with my sweats, they have gotten better also (I started adding flax seeds to my food - read that it helped the sweats on line somewhere and seems to be helping) but I still get them. I think this is the main cause of me not feeling to great - no quality of rest/sleep; hot sweats that I can't get rid of completely and the lack of 'success' by being in a monster weight loss stall for over a year! I really would chop of a leg to get to my goal at this stage! Even my hubby has noticed a change in me.... so I know I am not imagining things. Over the last couple of weeks, I have started being really flippant with my food - i gotta put this out there as a way to stop myself. My diet isn't as clean as it was a month ago. There is a part of me saying 'balls to it, have those crisps cos you can't gonna lose weight anyway!' This is my old train of thought that got me morbidly obese in the first place. I realised what I was doing about a week ago; self sabotage! Anyway, I am pleased to say that I have stopped all that snacking on junk food now and I am back to my conscience eating of 3-4 times a day. I probably needed to have that period to become aware of my food choices again. One good thing though, I went back to the boxing gym last week. OMG!! The last time I trained like that was in March.... wow! I had forgotten just how good it is to punch that bag/pads. I really could tell a difference to the last time I went, I felt much weaker... so I have promised myself, that I will go at least once a week from now until Christmas and then in the New Year, I will go twice a week again. If my back hurts, then I will just do a variation of the exercise that the rest of the girls are doing... this time though, I can't stop. I am hoping that the exercise will help my mood, even though I know it won't help me lose weight! And I've been saving the best til last... my other hubby and my idol, Robbie Williams is touring again and my SIL has managed to get us tickets.... YES YES YES! It will be June next year and this really is another incentive for me to try and get to my surgeon's goal. He isn't doing Cardiff this year, so we have to go to London, Wembley Arena (shame) to see him and that will mean an over night stay - yey a long weekend me thinks... and my 'real' hubby has said that he will come with me this time!! Imagine me rocking up to the concert in a sassy pair of Levi or Bench Jeans to see my man! Well, that is my new goal! Sorry it has been soooo long, been meaning to post for a while. Hope you are all good and well... FYI glad you are back to your exercise too... feels good doesn't it! And thanks to you lot I don't feel completely lost and alone in this frustration... hugs to you all from across the pond x
  6. Hey GT, hope you are feeling better... have you been to see someone about the pains? Are they still with you? Hope you are well, I have been thinking about you...x
  7. Hey! I am 2 yrs 5mths out and I still have good restriction and have been like this for about a year. In a meal I can't eat more than 8oz of food (yes, I still weigh it occasionally although I am good at eye balling it now) and that amount will keep me full for hours and hours. I also still use a small plate, like a side plate, as I find this a good marker for the amount of food to serve, I reached this capacity about a year ago. When I first realised I could eat more, I did get a little worried... but it is still a lot less than before the sleeve. I have to say, I am happy with this amount of food as it means I can enjoy a meal and taste the foods I enjoy without feeling deprived and looking for more. However, I have found, over the last couple of weeks, that there is more room for junk food in between meals and that is something that I have to be really mindful of as when it comes to eating my 'meal' I can't eat all the good food... if that makes sense. Hope that helps ...
  8. Hey my skinny friend, At the moment I buy the Atkins ones.... I like the taste and texture and there are a few different flavours that I enjoy. I know they are high(ish) in calories, but they are a great breakfast! I haven't tried the pure protein ones... can you send me a link so I can see if I can get them here in the UK please. I did try all protein and reduced my carbs to very little a few mths ago. It didn't change the scale and I felt like crap! I've also tried 2 meals of soups and one of mainly protein and again, no movement. It just seems like what ever I do, nothing changes! I can't tell you how frustrated I feel. I went back to the boxing gym on Tues... still aching today, but I did enjoy it and I intended to go weekly to start with, build my strength back up and then, in the New Year, back to twice weekly - even if I don't lose weight doing it, I will get my physical strength back and it is suck a good stress buster - that I have missed! hope you are well ... hugs across the pond to you, my lovely friend! =]
  9. Mini... I am with you... I haven't lost a lb in over a year!! I am bouncing up and down the same 3-4lbs! and boy, does it frustrate me... whatever I do, nothing changes what the f******g scales say! I suppose the difference is that I don't know how good goal feels, and I haven't 'gained' but in principal we are close to each other. Now, that doesn't really help you, but I just needed you to know that you are not on your own. I get what you say about good restriction, me too. I generally eat 3-4 times a day with no snacking, but over the last 2-3 weeks this has increased and it has to stop! .... I get what you say about 'easy' foods/junk. As a rule I don't let junk food in the house. If I do buy it, then it is in small quantities and I make sure it is eaten - by the kids, hubby and whoever is near - in the next two days. I call this damage limitation. I do have a nibble now and again, but to stop this becoming a habit and part of my life again it is very occasional. As for Snacks and on the move food, I get Protein bars in bulk from Amazon... they are in my fridge and will do as a substitute if needed or a good snack for work. I also but small packets of pork rinds and nuts, again, a good snack food that doesn't do too much damage. One thing that I am out of the habit of is drinking Water... this could be a good avoidance tactic? If you have any other ideas, let me know... but remember you are not here alone...and I agree, that magic number is important 'cos that is where you 'felt' the best. I know I am not completely happy with my body and this weight.. there is more of me left to go - my body just seems happy here and I don't like it either! we just gotta keep on keeping on!
  10. Well, I am over two years out and still not at goal - I've been in a 'stall' for 13 mths now, bouncing up and down the same 3-4 lbs... so, the hardest thing for me over the last year is trying to accept, that despite all my efforts, I may not reach the magic number on the scale. As much as I am chuffed with myself and the weight that I HAVE lost, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't dissappointed that I haven't reached the place that I wanted to be. I am at my original goal size however, but there is still plenty of 'fat' left, especially around the torso area, that just refuses to leave me!
  11. OH God! GT, that sounds awful... I think you should get it checked out by a doc - might be nothing to worry about, but best to get it looked at? let us know how you are... I've missed you =]
  12. My Husband has had two knee ops and he has recently started spinning classes...he absolutely loves it and there is no problem with either knee... go for it! Oh, and congrats on your transformation!
  13. She is HOME!!! She is safe and happy to be back in Wales!!
  14. I am over two years out and have been in a stall for over a year... I too need to get rid of. at least, another 14lbs, 28 ideally, so I will be watching this thread to see of there are any ideas that I haven't already tried! On the up side, I haven't gained in that time, so I am not worried about maintenance - in fact, I feel like my body has decided that this is it for me. For now anyway!
  15. she is on the plane... can't wait to see her... and her she is, when we were on holidays! I know I am biased, but she is so beautiful; on the inside and the outside!
  16. Spoke with my girl earlier and they are coming home... the flight has been sorted and they will be back in Wales tomorrow night... around midnight! OMG - I am soooo relieved and happy! I can't wait to see her! Thanks again for letting me vent! x
  17. thanks for your kind words she is a beautiful 14yr old! This trip has been planned for over 18mths and was supposed to be the trip of a life time and it has turned into a complete nightmare! I don't know anyone in NY! I just feel so helpless, useless and frustrated! I know they are making the best of a bad situation and that the teachers that she is with are looking after her and the others and of course that is comforting... I just need her home now so I can hold her! Fingers crossed we'll have news of a flight back to the UK soon!
  18. Well I've had the week from hell and it isn't over yet. My daughter went to New York last Friday, got through the hurricane and is now stranded there. She is for accommodation and food, but she sooooo dearly wants to come home. And I am sat here, unable to do anything for her but tell her, though her tears, that it will be ok and she will be home soon. The stress is unbearable. I haven't slept properly since Sunday. I know this is a strange question, especially for us old time sleevers, but does the sleeve tighten with stress? Whatever food I eat, which admittedly isn't a lot, just feels stuck and uncomfortable. I've often wished that my sleeve wasn't so 'good' and would reject certain foods - in a desperate times when I wanted to be at goal so badly. One thing this situation has taught me is that goal or not... it really doesn't matter - there really are more important things than losing an extra 14lbs!
  19. coops

    Sandy !

    Hello all... wishing everyone a very safe 24-48hrs. I am in the UK but my 14yr old daughter is in NY at the moment... I am praying that she keeps safe as she is soooo far away from me!
  20. coops

    UK Sleevers

    Hahaaaa... My daughter is 14 and she is hours away off going to NY with her school... I am sooo 'well jel'!! and my son is 12 too... how cool is that - both our kids are welsh speakers! I know a little - just enough to get me a pint and a sandwich! Yea, you could say I have a good sense of humor! No choice in the matter being welsh and all that... but I must admit, your post make me giggle; especially the bit about being 'fit' and 'gay'! My ultimate goal is 140, I am now sitting at 164, so I ain't sure that will ever happen... but yea, I will keep on keeping on! I started at 238lb - 17 stone and then I was one round mama!! Thanks for the compliment on the pic... that was taken in August so pretty recent. The dress hide the saggy belly. I am looking into getting a tummy tuck to get rid of the skin - it is pretty gross, but we'll have to see if we can afford it! I had to, and still am, paying for the sleeve, so money is a little tight! I reckon that size 12 will be on you in no time... let me know how you are doing and I will keep you posted if I get out of the boxing gym alive! ( I don't fight or spar by the way...lol... but I love going on the bags and the pads!) xx
  21. coops

    UK Sleevers

    hahahaaaaa... I was gonna ask my daughter to translate it into welsh too... just as well I didn't ...lol! But it is all good, my hubby is English! Yea, the last two and a bit years have been really 'interesting'. I've done pretty well... lost nearly 5 1/2 stone but I am not at goal... can't get below 11st 9lb which is still pretty beefy for my 5ft 2 frame. Although I am in my original goal size of 14... but I think I should be in a 10 or 12 when/if I get to goal. I would love to have a normal BMI again, mind, it has been over 20yrs since that happened. I also have a lot of muscle, as I trained like a demon in the earlier days... then this time last year my back started to give me grief and by March I stopped going to the gym, running and boxing training altogether! BOOOO!! Now we are in half term, I am going to try the boxing gym again this week... see how my back manages it! I have been in a stall for a year now... no matter what I try to do to get rid of the last stone or two, I can't make that bloody scale move... it is sooooo frustrating as I don't feel like I have 'finished'; if that makes sense. I think there are other factors though, I am peri menopausal and over the last two years I have flirted with HRT (not on it no) but it didn't agree with me. I often wonder if that has inhibited my weight loss, but then I see ladies on here who are fully into the menopause and they have lost well and got to goal. I have recently had bloods taken, so we will see what they came back with. My dr is also baffled to this stall as my cals are good - they range between 1000 - 1400 daily, so I am under what I should eat to maintain. In the last year though, I have realised that I am not worried about keeping the weight off... as I have been stable for so long, it isn't a worrying thought for me now. I pretty much stick to the rules that I learnt in the beginning; 3 meals a day and sometimes I add a snack when I am in work. I don't snack as a rule. Over the last month or so, I have had a little hunger come back and I can eat a little more, but I don't push it - oh and I still do the protein first rule. That being said, I do have the occasional treat but it isn't that often and I don't really look to food for comfort. Do you have a goal weight in mind... Take full advantage in the beginning... it is great to see the scale go down and I remember it was such a high! Oh and take measurements too... that is a great way to chart progress, just in case you stall. I've lost 41 inches which is well over 3 ft!! Sounds good doesn't it...lol Give us a shout anytime if you need to vent or to generally have a chat!
  22. coops

    UK Sleevers

    Hiya Best of British! I am a fellow welsh woman... south Wales! Congrats on your sleeve! I'm over 2yrs out now, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
  23. Ladies, thanks for letting me know that I am not alone in this ... I haven't had a good nights sleep since August and it is taking its toll on me. I just feel so crappy all the time, even my 12 yr old son asked me if I was ok!! Whe I asked him why he said that, he just said that 'you're not yourself mam, you're quiet!' - bless him... I must be different for my kids to notice. On the topic of kids, my daughter, who is 14, is off to New York tomorrow... Can't tell you how envious I am! She is there for 5 days with her school... she has such a jammed packed schedule - the whole trip is simply going to be amazing! Meg & Swizzly - doesn't it drive you crazy! With the lack of sleep, do you find your body aches and is sluggish! I have no energy and I haven't exercised for weeks... not good. I am also waking up really thirsty... I must drink at least a pint of Water through the night! That doesn't help cos I need to get up to pee! A vicious circle! We break up for half term tomorrow... a week off work - well at least a week away from the school. I have some marking to do, but I intend to take things easy - in saying that, I might try a session at the boxing gym, to see how my back manages. Is anyone eating more? Over the last week or so, I am starting to get hungry! I don't think it is head hunger. I think I am eating more too... I don't want to go back to weighing everything, but I need to keep an eye on portion sizes... am I on my own with this? I know I have said it before, but I really can't believe that I have been in a stall for a year... especially when there is more of me to go... there is defo fat left on me that I really don't want to carry around anymore. I really don't know what to do or to change to get things moving... it is really weird, and my doc seemed surprised too! Oh well, at least I am not gaining - just bouncing 2-4lbs up and down and up and down... I suppose that means the scale is moving...hahahahaaa!! Ok, so that wasn't that funny, but if I don't laugh I will cry!
  24. Hey Skinny... nah, I can't access any of my records online... I don't have private insurance... here in the UK we have the NHS... it is a little different to the US. I nearly peed myself when I read about the x-tech's sister... I am hoping to change my car soon - I hope that isn't an omen!
  25. blood tests are taken! The nurse had plenty too... felt a lil shaky afterwards! The results will be back in around 5 days. I have to ring at the end of the week to book an appointment with the doc to discuss options, whether they flag up anything or not! FYE - I will have a look at that book - it is pay day soon, so I might indulge!! Thanks =] Skinny-friend (lol) thanks for all your support... I think I would have crumbled by now if it wasn't for this thread! *hugs* (in welsh *cwtches*)

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