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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    My story so far .....

    Omg! Look at your ticker, you list yourself and then some! Congratulations on an amazing achievement! I bet you look and feel amazing!
  2. coops

    Years later

    Hiya, great question! I'm 2 2/12 yrs out now and I think that they way I eat now is how's it will always be. I can eat between 6-9oz of food for a meal, depending on the consistency. This hasnt changed since about a year out. I can eat more if I 'try' but the feeling of being stuffed isn't worth it. I generally eat three times a day, rarely will I snack, but when i do snack it is normally a Protein or nut based snack. i still use a small plate and I don't drink whilst eating, I wait for at least 40 mins but often I'm still too full to drink. I used to miss it but not now. I've never wolfed my food down so that part hasn't changed, what has changed is that I chew more! One of the biggest differences, for me, is the quality of food now, I refuse to eat processed food, preferring to eat fresh food with no additives! Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, you just brought back a distant memory! I am 2 1/2 yrs post sleeve now but I remember the day I came home from hospital, 5 days post op too, and my hubby cooked bacon and chips for him and the kids! You're right, the smells we soooo good, and tauted me too. I settled for some asparagus Soup... Good, but I imagined it was bacon soup! Don't worry, this highented sense of smell will soon go! Try not to worry about all the different requirements at this stage, just focus on recovering and healing. Good luck!
  4. coops


    *gasps in horror* ... No! Not an English accent, a Welsh accent...lol! I can cope with an Aussie accent...hehe, at least that is exoctic!! My hubby is English and he has picked up a bit of a Welsh twang!
  5. coops


    I'm in the UK! So, probably not an option...lol! Good luck with your research.
  6. coops


    Hey frumpynomore, How are you doing now... Just read the thread again as I'm 6 days post TT! Gotta be honest our recoveries are very different but that is ok. I'm not in as much pain as expected. I haven't seen my scar yet, go tomorrow to get the dressings changed, however, I can see a huge difference even with the swelling! Hope you are still doing well.
  7. Helloah! Just a quick call out to anyone who has had a TT post sleeve. I am now 5 days post op TT (2 1/2 yrs post sleeve) and I've noticed a huge difference in how my sleeve is handling food. I've never had real issues with acid, heartburn or indigestion but since my TT I do! It is really nasty too, with a terrible feeling of being sick, although I have not vomited. Once I've eaten I get nasty acid and awful wind, not very lady like but amuses my kids and hubby no end. Also, I can't eat as much- it's like a new sleeve, to the extent that today has mostly been a liquid day. I'm planning a small (even for me) evening meal. I think I will do the same for the next few days to try to avoid the painful acid. Just wondering if others have had the same experience? Any comments or suggestions, as always, appreciated. Cheers in advance.
  8. I know the feeling...lol! The best advise I had was keep up with the pain killers, I'm on co coda mol and slowly reducing it. How did you find the swelling? When did you see a difference? Thanks for your help
  9. Phew! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone with this...did it just last a week? I've had a crumpet for breakfast, a rare 'treat' and I'm stuffed!
  10. Yea, prob the anaesthesia (sp). Only had two ops in my life, this & the sleeve so I have no other comparison. Just wondered if anyone else felt the same thing. Not complaining though. The liquid has defo helped today.
  11. Great job! I'm 5 days post TT and I'm looking forward to wearing jeans, like you, that fit properly! Tell me it feels as good as it looks...
  12. coops

    Yesterday I Ate My Feelings

    I agree with the other posters, for you to realise and understand your eating pattern is really important in this life long road to health. The fact that you are aware of why you ate out of your normal pattern really does mean that you are not only in synch with your body but honest with yourself. This, I feel, is a good receive for success. Good on you for posting this and making others aware. I hope you feel better about your situation soon, any sort of emotional distress is hard to deal with. I have a lot of respect for honesty and integrity.
  13. Wrong? Your weight loss is superb! My only suggestion would to stop comparing yourself to others, so what if they've lost more... Who cares! Just compare yourself to you and what makes you happy and healthy! Keep doing what you are doing...
  14. coops

    Top 5 Running Songs

    When I am in the gym, my favs are the red hot chilli peppers, Robbie Williams- take the crown cd and anything by the jam! It gotta have a good beat to get me motivated!
  15. Congratulations on your amazing transformation ... Your post just oozes happiness and confidence! Oh, and you look amazing too!
  16. Just thought I'd chip in on the end here... I started the thread in an attempt to help folk who, like I, didn't lose in double quick time. Two and a half years later, my weight loss is 74 lb and I am easily maintaining that. That equates to 90% success as per my surgeon and 74% as per the bmi chart. So you see, just cos it takes time, it doesn't make it any less successful. And remember, the scenic route is beautiful!
  17. Callling all slow losers... OK, so normally I am bleating on about how crap it is to be a slow loser, or that I am in another stall... so, as I am trying to regain my positive attitude, glass being half full again and all that... I thought I would start a thread that lists all the good things about being a slow loser. Any comments, ideas or just a good thing... Good things about being a slow loser * gives skin a chance !! * easier to keep the sleeve a secret if you haven't told anyone * the weight will stay off (?) OK... anyone got any more???
  18. coops

    Migraines and VSG

    Hi! I am/was a migraine sufferer too. I am 2 1/2 years post op now and my migraines have substantially reduced. Before I would get them regularly, not any more- now they are connected directly to my hormones whereas before there were a lot of triggers; foods, lack of sleep, lack of Fluid, stress etc. I was amazed how, by eating a good quality diet can dramatically change my migraines.
  19. coops

    Body image

    This is a topic that I can relate to and have been struggling with my entire life; fat or thin. I think it has a lot to do with out internal mechanisms and self esteem. I know my self esteem is still pretty low, better than it was pre sleeve, and it is an area that I continue to work on a long with my diet. When I consciously look in the mirror, I manage to find many problems, many areas of fatness! Yet when I catch a glimpse of myself by accident, it it another story... I am sometimes shocked to see how small I am. I am 2 1/2 yrs out now and my head still hasn't caught up with my body! I suppose the best thing to be said is to be kind to ourselves... Focus on what we have done and the incredible achievements that we've made, both weight related and non weight related.
  20. Hey! Just a quickie from me! I'm home and doing well. Both ops went well and although I'm still swollen I can see the difference. I'm hunched over like a little old lady, but mobile. Not too much pain to deal with, more like general discomfort really. I'll let you know hoe I progress. Hope you're all well x
  21. Skinny... you and Cheri are two of the main reasons I keep coming back! Thank you for always cheering me up and cheering me on...x
  22. Thank you Mary... I appreciate your kind words. I know I am being hard on myself in some ways, but it also stops me letting myself 'loose'! I used to feel like a failure, but I have to say that I have turned the corner now and see myself as a complete success regardless of what the scales says... perhaps I should change my signature?!! I might take you up on the offer of friendly advise post TT. My main concern is post op recovery... I have, at the moment, 4 weeks off work. I am hoping that will be enough. I am also hoping that once the saggy baggy skin has gone and I start to look like I feel, I will have the confidence to get back to the gym! Any handy hints would be gratefully received...
  23. Just had a thought... if I'd lowered my goal to 163 I would be at goal...lol!!!
  24. Hey! *waves* Just found this and was compelled to post! Just want to say, thank you to each and every one of you who posted kind words about me! Heart warming indeed! The reason i don't post that often nowadays is because I feel that many newbies and not so newbies don't think my journey is successful cos I ain't at goal. Often I will post and my comments are over looked... I guess I can't be bothered to be ignored! However, I do pop on here most days and stay in touch with my sleeve friends! I am sure my story is not uncommon, the fact that I am still around here is more to do with me being proud of my achievements, regardless of that stupid scale, whereas others might see not reaching goal as a failure. I have to be honest, I was in that failure place... and believe me it was dark, damp and ugly. I really had to kick my own ar*e - with the lil help of my cyber friends (you know who you are) - and get on with it!! I've said it elsewhere, so forgive me if you've read this before... Over the last 2 - 2 1/2 years there has been many 'issues' in my personal life that has really knocked me for six, and only now on reflection can I see that I have come through them as a better, stronger person - with no weight gain - NSV right there. I was told that I was peri menopausal 2 years ago, but I have had the 'symptoms' a long time before that - I just blamed my weight! I am now menopausal at 41 yrs of age, and although it is not an excuse, I do feel that is part explains why my body has stopped losing and would seem rather comfortable at this weight! Stupid body.Since being sleeved I have also had other health complaints... are they other reasons for my lack of weight loss? Who knows! The upshot is that I've been in a stall for nearly 18 mths. I've exercised, dieted, done the refeed, taken time out and so on with no results on the scale. Do I stop trying... hell no! My sleeve is precious to me, it has given me a life back that I never thought I would ever get! There is no expiry date on this bad boy! Will I make goal? Dunno! Do I care... yes!!! For those of you who know me, you will know that I will keep on keeping on... I've got my eye on the prize! Oh and to Celebrate my 'failure' *coughs*, I mean success I am getting a TT with uplift this week. And that will only mean one thing... yep! Me rocking a new pair of skinny jeans...lol! Seriously though, if you consider yourself a slow loser, cut yourself some slack. Take a deep breath and remember the bigger picture. I used to say that my journey to goal was the scenic route because it is much prettier!!
  25. Supersweet is the right name for you my lovely! Thanks for the shout out.. I try my hardest to stay positive and have learnt to focus on what I have achieved and not what I haven't achieved. And yea, not being at goal isn't too bad because as you said I am happy and healthy... I certainly wasn't in that place 3 years ago! That doesn't mean I won't stop trying to get to goal...ok, it might be sporadic and I will get frustrated... but hey ho! I am reassured that I haven't gained though... that is a bigger fear than not getting to goal, for me anyway. I also agree with the BMI thingy... apparently I am still obese, hmmm! I don't look obese; I don't feel obese and I don't move as if I were obese... in saying that, I also hate the label of obese. I will get to being 'just over weight' one day! And that day will taste sweeter than any food!!

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