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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Silicone scar sheets?

    I haven't used them either... my surgeon told me to use vaseline on the scar, and it has worked beautifully, I am very pleased with my scars to date!
  2. M2G! My sleeve sister... Where has the time gone! It's been a long road travelled, and so glad that we've been together throughout this journey! You have made such a dramatic difference to, not only yourself, but your whole family! You simply look amazing and you're an inspiration to me and many others here. Thank you for your honest post; this isn't about a quick fix or the easy way out... It is about changing how we deal with food for life! Congratulations on taking control... Hugs from across the pond x
  3. Just a quick up date from me... I think I am on the mend...lol I have been devoured by this TT! But I think I have turned a corner both mentally and physically; feeling a lot more positive and I have more energy, which is just as well cos I go back to work on Monday after a very long 5 weeks off to recover. I think the worst is over now re the healing. I do suffer a lot of swelling during the evening but this is all very normal. My eating habits have been crap to say the least - not doing well at all. I seem to be 'off my food' and that means I grab bits and bobs through the day and I haven't really focused on quality of food. The only good thing is the quantity is low. This will change when I get back to work and back in a routine. The scale is bouncing around again - I go from 161- 165lb on any given day! Haven't seen that elusive number of 159 for a good while, but I am hoping that we will be reunited again once I am cleared to do more. So all in all, not too bad, not too good but I'll take it on the chin! Hope everyone else is good ... keep on keeping on my friends!
  4. Love it! Especially the grumpy old man...lol Looking good post TT... How far out are you now? I remember you had your drains in for ages... How did you cope with the swelling? I'm 5 wks post TT on thurs and I'm living thru the swell hell... Any advise?
  5. See... You know you're own mind! You have clear goals and you probably can visualise yourself post TT... I couldn't do that! You also have more confidence in your appearance that I do... Something that I continue to work on! At this stage in the healing process I really am all over the shop! But, the future is bright... What you said about moving/ working out with no skin flapping around is absolutely spot on! In my utter boredom over the weekend (I did absolutely nothing to try and rest to combat the swelling) I watched a yoga thing on sky. I was looking at the different movements thinking: 'yea, righto! I can't do that cos my tummy would get in the way!' Then it dawned on me... The apron has left the building... 3 1/2lbs worth of skin and empty fat cells! Holy moly- I WILL be able to do that. A light bulb moment that lead to me realising that when I am healed and have my surgeon's permission for full exercise, I'm gonna be able to kick ass in the boxing gym; I'm gonna be able to get on that treadmill and run/jog without my tummy hurting my back and hips; I'm gonna be able to climb that mountain that has been teasing me for years! So, my point... Things have to get better regardless of the outcome- Lara Croft or not, Coops is gonna be a better and fitter version! Having this sort if surgery, for me, is so much more than looking good, although that is always a bonus. It's about quality of life, a further improvement to my health and fitness and also overall well being. I'm sure you feel the same way. If you need any advise or want to chat/vent, feel free to give me a shout!
  6. Hiya CowgirlJane, I had an extended TT with muscle repair and boob uplift in one go - will be 5 weeks post op Thurs. The boob uplift is fairly easy to recover from, a little tenderness but no biggie... the TT is another matter completely. The actual operation was a breeze, in fact the first week was a walk in the park! Now, from around day 11 things got worse. There is no 'pain' per se, but the discomfort, swelling and general feeling of blurgh is really hard to deal with. I am still slow walking around and not stood 100% straight, but I know this will change in time and get better as my body heals. It is also a massive emotional journey... I really have had moments of 'OMG! What the fook have I done!' - and then of course there's the cost and justifying that in my own head isn't easy! But - saying all that, I would still go through it again, and again, and again ... to get rid of the apron, well... no words describe the relief. My only real advise is expectations... I swing from being grateful that I am not a ball of blubber any more to wanting to look like Lara Croft! Stupid or what! When I went into this, I genuinely wanted just for the apron to be gone - I keep changing the goal posts and I am not sure why! Just last night, my hubby reminded me what an amazing surgeon I had and his words - 'I can only work with the genetics that you were born with...' and this is sooooo true. Realistically, and I have been assured by others, that my tummy is a million times better, but all I can see is the swelling and not a flat tummy that I had at one day post op! As far as having the two procedures done at the same time... no problem! I know you are realsitic and you have done a lot of research and I am sure that you will be great! Just wanted to give you my story... others are different! Remember, results my vary; expectations may change! Let us know what you decided... and good luck!
  7. coops

    Can't believe its been 2 years...

    Hey rev me up! It's good to hear from you... Great update! Pleasing to hear that you are maintaining and living your life to the full. Sorry to hear about your father, no idea what you are going through and words cannot place the sentiment you deserve, but my best wishes are with you. Good luck with your future plans to expand you family! What an exciting time. All the best and don't stay away for too long...
  8. coops

    Boxing and getting enough calories

    Hi. I used to go to my local boxing gym, before my bak gave out. I was about 7-8 mths post op then (I'll be three year post op in July). Like you I started walking, but I built my fitness up by going to my work's gym before I found the courage to go to the boxing gym. I didn't change my diet at all... Kept to protein, veggies and some carbs. If I had had a tough/busy day in work I might have some cheese and ham, occasionally a slice of whole meal bread, before the class. Afterwards I would sometimes have a protein shake but not always. When you start, just go with the flow... Everyone is different... But I would take your time with exercise as you're so early out! Defo get guidance from your 'team' and good luck!
  9. Taken together, these findings indicate that in obese persons who have lost weight, multiple compensatory mechanisms encouraging weight gain, which persist for at least 1 year, must be overcome in order to maintain weight loss. These mechanisms would be advantageous for a lean person in an environment where food was scarce, but in an environment in which energy-dense food is abundant and physical activity is largely unnecessary, the high rate of relapse after weight loss is not surprising. Furthermore, the activation of this coordinated response in people who remain obese after weight loss supports the view that there is an elevated body-weight set point in obese persons and that efforts to reduce weight below this point are vigorously resisted. In keeping with this theory, studies have shown that after adjustment for body composition, people whose weight is normal and those who are obese have similar energy requirements for weight maintenance11 and equivalent reductions in energy expenditure30 after weight loss. If this is the case, successful management of obesity will require the development of safe, effective, long-term treatments to counteract these compensatory mechanisms and reduce appetite. Given the number of alterations in appetite-regulating mechanisms that have been described so far, a combination of medications will probably be required. Several such combinations are undergoing evaluation,34,35 but none have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Bariatric surgery has well-documented favorable effects on appetite-mediating hormones, hunger, body weight, hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and mortality.36-38 However, because of the attendant costs and long waiting periods, bariatric surgery is not readily accessible to most people. So, looking at the last section in particular, it would appear that although it may be difficult to lose and maintain weight loss, and that we,after losing a significant amount, may have hormonal challenges and have to eat a low calorie diet, we as WLS patients might be ahead of the game?! And, I'm also wondering that after a year or more of being at the same weight, the body might readjust its needs....did I read that right? Does that mean that once the body has adjusted to the new and lower weight it might shed more fat? I'm also interested in the leptin discussion... On marksdailyapple.com, I'm sure I've seen a thread about leptin reset? Gonna have to look it up and see what this leptin hormone is all about! Anyway, I suppose this information at least helps us understand why our bodies are hanging on to that last 10-30 extra pounds.
  10. Oh dear... So these bmr on line calcs are over estimating our intake by up to 300 cals... That is quite a lot! And in translation, by me eating 1200-1400 Cals a day, with no exercise, I'm actually eating to maintain! Drats! That means, to lose, I need to eat less... Hmm, not sure if my body and mind could cope on 1000 or less a day now! Oh well, when I'm ready looks like I'm gonna have to rethink food choices and exercise! I suppose it does make sense... I did read the article... Interesting and depressing at the same time!
  11. Oh nanny I feel you're pain! My body is sooooo happy at this weight, and like you I'm pretty ok with it but unlike you my bmi is too high! I know bmi is just a guide but I would simply love to be in the normal range!!!!! Frustrating doesn't even come near to it! My weight, at the moment, is all over the place- I can go up and down 5lbs in 24 hrs! I know it is Fluid cos, FairPlay, I am severely swollen from this TT! But c'mon! I just want my body to cooperate with my head! My eating pattern is all over the place at the moment and although I'm trying not to worry about it, it is sorta second nature now that I have engrained a good food habit into my life!!! Thank God for this thread- and a few others- it gives me hope and strength to keep on keeping on!
  12. Hey you! How's things? Hope you are well... Just noticed you've been away... The Bahamas is on my holiday tick list! Is it as wonderful as I imagine? X

  13. FYI! You so rock! No way are you near 60! Oh, I'm jealous of your hair! (Mine, although better, is still fine and and I don't dare to colour it) Your diet, and out look is perfect for long term success, health and well being and that is why I hold you and your opinions so highly!
  14. M2G, Sleeve sisters we are indeed... And you know I echo your kind words back to you! You have often been my shining light at the end of a dark tunnel... I'm so pleased to see you back and sharing your amazing journey! Hugs to you from across the pond!one day,we will 'do coffee'!
  15. coops

    Hello new and from the UK

    Hiya musiclover, I'm from the uk too... Been sleeved for nearly 3 years ( in July) and this was the best decision I've ever made! I've lost and maintained just over 5 1/2 stone - I still want to lose more but my body seems to be happy here. I've tried all the diets going with no success, so like you surgery was the only way forward! I'm sure you'll do great, especially as you've done so well in the past with weight watchers! And check you out.... I've seen your surgeon on the telly and he comes across as such a gentle, kind and skilful man! This is a great site for info and support... If you have any questions, just ask!
  16. Thanks NannyG! My apron was just horrid... It was well below my knicker line, my skin had just had it! Lumpy and bumpy so bad that control pants didn't hide it at all! When I exercised it jiggled (even with Lycra on) to such a degree that it pulled my back... The only thing that wouldn't affect it was walking! So, it had to go... Just want this stage of recovery to be over with!
  17. Good for you... I'm 3 weeks post TT, be prepared for an emotional ride, but so worth it!
  18. coops

    She's here!

    Oh she, like her mother, is beautiful! And you... Wow... You are made of Iron my friend! What a busy time, and then a new baby! I think I would be a blubbering wreck! Congrats, again, not only on the birth of your daughter, but also on getting into your pre pregnancy jeans! You continue to be my hero... Xx
  19. coops

    Baby Announcement

    Oh cheri, congratulations! I had a suspicion that you had been busy as I've not seen you on here for a little while! I was thinking about you the other day.... Hope you, your new baby daughter and the rest of the family are doing well. Hugs to you my lovely friend! X
  20. coops

    burpees are evil

    When I was training in my local boxing gym the evil burpees were part of the post bag circuit... We weren't given a number but we had a time- between 60-120 secs depending on the training we did before hand. Like you the circuit was repeated 3 times. I couldn't do 15! Started out at around 5 and built my way up to 10... So 15 is really impressive! I haven't been to the boxing gym for a long time due to a back injury and, although it is a brutal work out, I really miss it. I'm going to slowly build myself back up; my aim is to be fit and ready by sept. Keep on burping...
  21. coops

    over developed deltoids? thoughts?

    CowgirlJane, There is nothing wrong with those pics... You arm looks strong and defined to me! Plastics is a whole different journey and it will play with your head! But rest assured your arms are looking in great shape!
  22. coops

    burpees are evil

    So true, but once you get them right, the benefits are huge! One day I will master all that is evil...lol! Now, go and sweat!
  23. Agreed! At 3mths away from my third year anniversary, I am still learning! This site is a great source of encouragement, information and support. I found it a few weeks post op, wish I had the knowledge pre op though.
  24. Swizzly recommended this to me... We started to eat primally at the start of the new year... And although I only lost a pound ( remember, I had been in a stall for nearly 18mths) I felt and still feel so much better- it was relatively easy to follow... We did it in stages, a couple of days reducing then eliminating different foods. My hubby has lost 28lb! In three mths! By eating this way! Have a look at the web site- I even bought the book, very interesting. Oh, and it does like intermediate fasting too... Can't be any harm in trying it!
  25. coops

    Plateau From Hell.....

    Hey Lisa, just wanted to ask how you're doing now? How's the tracking going? Have you taken recent measurements. My stall started oct 2011... Not a typo... I've lost a few pounds in the last couple of weeks (mostly due to having excess skin cut of!) but, in the time of the stall I went down a whole dress size! I'm wondering, and I have no medical knowledge, experience or evidence, if our bodies just need time to readjust, recompose before they let go of more ? What do you think?

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