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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. FYI, that makes perfect sense... and well put! Sums up what I have been reading very well! I am a little scared to eat enough to put weight on though... and I'm still not exercising properly, but all in good time. I've been tracking my food really well this week, the weighing and measuring hasn't been a pain as I thought it would be and I've been eating between 1200 and 1400 - very consciously! Some days I have had to add a snack to get me to the higher amount. Then I woke up today HUNGRY! Proper hungry too... not head hunger. So, I decided to eat when I was hungry... my total for today was a tad over 1900... bloody hell! Now, this is the bit that you will like... I do not, in any way shape or form, feel guilty. Ok the food choices weren't the best, but they tasted so good (fish and a handful of chips for dinner! yum!). Each mouthful was eaten in the full knowledge that it would take me over my 'allowance'. I just felt that I needed to listen to my body and eat real food. Not sure how this will affect things on the scale, or whether I will wake up in the morning and not want to eat anything all day...lol... but I don't care. In saying that, it isn't an excuse to eat like this every day and I won't be doing it again... we'll call it my re-feed day...lol! Hope everyone else is doing well... keep on keeping on ladies x
  2. coops

    Tactics for Eating at Buffets

    Interesting for two reasons... a buffet here in the UK is generally associated with a party... say an 18th or 21st birthday party, wedding or engagement party, as an alternative to a sit down meal... I had never thought of a buffet as a place where you 'pay' for food... we call this 'all you can eat'!! But yea, complete waste of time and money for me too. I agree that when I am confronted with this type of situation, I too use a small plate - have done since the first day of solid food and will continue to do so, great for portion control. I am also selective with what I put on my plate too... I go for the chicken based foods, that are real chicken not nuggets or crap like that, sometimes there will be ribs or pork. I also pile on the salad and maybe add a small sandwich that I never eat, cos by that point I'm too full, but I put it on there to stop people looking at the lack of food...lol! In this type of situation, people mostly over stuff their plates to get 'value for money'. I don't believe in that! I honestly don't like eating out now... I don't like the look on peoples' faces when I leave food on my plate and it is just a waste of money that I could happily spend in the cinema!
  3. iegal, you always make me smile... thank you! But I am sure your story is way more interesting than mine...lol And besides, I would love to have your BMI! Just 22, that is a dream for me! Even cutting off skin doesn't get me near that...lol! Thank you for your continuing support ... it really does mean a lot x
  4. BenisaMartim4, you are soooo right, once I am healed it will certainly help in the head work, I am actually starting to feel that I am looking good... it has been a long time coming. Once the swell hell has sorted itself out and I am back to 'normal' (might be several weeks more yet) I am sure things will get even better. I'm not sure about the WLS side of it re the weight of the apron. I know my surgeon has done TT on band patients but not on a sleever before. I am in the UK, so perhaps his experience is different, the most I have heard of, from a UK TTer is just under 5lbs - and that was through weight loss... perhaps the previous TTers with my surgeon were purely cosmetic... I don't know. I do know that it has already made a difference to how my back feels. At 8 weeks post op, I have not had any back aches or pains... now that really is good news! I honestly thought that the apron would weigh a lot more too... Now, I am just pleased it is gone. I will post some pics in the near future... once the swelling is better and I feel a little more confident! Believe it or not, I am quite shy...lol!
  5. Whoah, sublime... coming from you gmanbat that is a massive compliment... thank you x
  6. so, day two on the new tracking thing hasn't gone too bad... I was under by 300 cals yesterday, and I'm under by about 50 today, so getting there... I did add an extra nut snack to make up the difference. Globe, will this help? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/680246-tdee-bmr-what-they-are-and-what-to-do-with-them TDEE is the total daily energy expenditure... and apparently to lose weight, albeit slowly, you must eat between the BMR and the TDEE... that is why I raised my cals by 200. Like I said, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain...lol - excuse the metaphor - if it works happy days, if it doesn't after a good couple of weeks doing it, I will go back to 1200!
  7. Right ... I'm on a mission! I haven't tracked my food intake for ages... so, I decided that I am going to give it a go. The last time I did it I gave myself a target of 1200 or below... but after reading up on TDEE and BMR. thank you FYE, I am thinking of going a little higher? My new target is to eat 1400 or under that would mean that I am eating just over my BMR by 50 cals but and nearly 500 under my TDEE ... so, we'll see if this helps get the scale moving... or not as the case maybe! I am so close to my surgeon's goal... I really want to do this now! Wish me luck my lovelies... x
  8. Thanks ladies... you are right, it is all about the shape of the clothes and I am learning that now. I have to admit... it is nice to have a choice now, although confusing at times...lol. I was in a clothes shop today and as I was looking around, I realised that I didn't really 'like' anything enough to want to buy it! That is defo a first as normally I would of grabbed something if it was in my size! Yea, defo another learning curve and getting used to another new part of me! But I will get there. Once I feel better, I will post some new pics... I am also looking forward to posting a 3 year post op review, I didn't do one last year because I didn't make goal... now that is a distant memory and the numbers on the scale don't frustrate me as much. I will keep trying though... Now the apron has gone, I really want to get into good shape all over... This roller coaster will never end, just as well I like the adrenaline rush! Hugs from across the pond!
  9. coops

    slow losers discouraged?

    I am nearly three years out now and I too am/was a slow loser. I don't make my original goal (my personal one or my surgeon's) BUT I have lost 78lbs and KEPT IT ALL OFF! No regain, no worries! Don't stress the small stuff... you are only 10 weeks into this new life! It will happen... remember the sleeve has no expiry date. I will make goal one day, I'm in no rush now, I was at one stage! But I know that I will NEVER return to being morbidly obese and suffer the consequences of that... Keep up the good work, and remember, slow but sure wins the race!
  10. Laura-ven... that actually made me laugh... I think I will adopt this in my house too, then I will be the smexiest woman in Wales!
  11. Oh Ms Skinniness, I wouldn't call it an addiction... YET! Lol. I just need clothes that fit me properly! It is a tough problem to have...lol! Cheers Smoggy! I'll be cool soon...lol! Actually according to my kids, I'm too old to be cool but it doesn't stop me trying! =]
  12. Ms Skinniness, you'll do it... 4lbs! HA! I dear you to stay on my friend... be gone and be gone NOW!! SO, yea, size 12... and I've only gone and bought some more...lol... a pair of shorts and a pair of trousers! It is all getting a little too much here...lol And how about this for a laugh... I bought 2 sun dresses (short sleeves) and I bought a 14 cos I wanted them loose! HAHAHA... I wanted them loose! I've also ordered a bikini... not a tankini but a proper bikini! Whether it will fit or not is another matter, and whether I will wear it in public is also up for debate - I'm sure my 15yr daughter will put me right on whether or not it is a good move! We shall see! Seriously, I think I am going a little crazy!
  13. thanks for the replies, they all make sense! As Gok would say; 'it's all about the confidence!' Which, by the way, I still lack! But I am working on it. I have got the knack of good underwear now, it has taken me some time, but I am there! Makes a huge difference to the overall shape of the garment. I suppose I just have to get used to the feeling of clothes on my skin, as opposed to baggy clothes that just brushed over the skin! Time to re think and build up my wardrobe! I'm looking forward to being able to exercise again, fully, so I can continue to shape and tone... I think that will help. On the topic of the muffin top, even after my TT I still have one, albeit much smaller... I suppose I expected it to be gone! But I think once I can do proper ab work that will at least reduce it - I don't think I will ever be perfect... just want to 'look good naked!' - God! I love Gok!
  14. coops

    Fitness dilemma

    70lbs in 5 mths is absolutely fantastic... looking good and feeling great. Imagine that x 100 because when you start exercising and toning you body shape will change; you will gain strength; your clothes will look better on you and you will feel great! Is that enough motivation ...lol Like DonRodolfo said, start slow and build up. Chose something you enjoy and that you know you will stick with... then start to increase activity and intensity - once comfortable change things up and try new exercises. Good luck - it will be so worth the sweat!
  15. Hiya GT, As you know before my back injury that stopped me training I did boxing and jogging... during this training period, I didn't lose any weight but I dropped a dress size. I found the boxing really effective for strength and reshaping my body, getting lean and overall fitness. I intend to go back, probably around Sept. Jogging was good for cardio and I liked the feeling of controlling my breathing. As a foot note, I think natural weight bearing exercises such as squats (I've started the 30 day challenge), push ups, pull ups (if you can and have the right 'space') planks etc are really good for toning the body and getting nice definition. I haven't used any weight machines, but I did use free weights and kettle bells... I enjoyed using both. I think you're right to focus on reshaping as well as losing ... sometimes the focus on the scale numbers out shadows our actual size. People do not believe me when (if) I tell them my weight and that I still need to lose 20-24lb to get to a normal BMI!
  16. Hiya ladies, Thanks Bookleen... I haven't worn a size 12 in over 20 years! Mad to think that flap of skin that was removed made that much difference as I haven't lost a pound! But yea! I realise now that it is a big deal... Although the jeans are tight right now, once the swelling has gone they'll be good! In saying that, a friend gave me a pair of work trousers in a uk 12 and I wore those to work, no probs! Oh and nannies, none of us are gaining anything near 50 or 60lb! No way! We got this! And we got each other! (Sorry for the cheese!)
  17. Aw, proudgrammy... fank oooo!! Yes, three years is approaching fast and things are just getting better and better. I think it has something to do with gaining confidence and strength, both physically and mentally!
  18. I agree... you look great! And yes! Relief from the apron is only second to relief from the excess body weight! Nice one! Good luck with your training =]
  19. M2G... THANK YOU... you know what, a compliment from you means so much! You have been there all the way for me and I hope we continue to connect! Hahahaaa, I love that 'Brit speak'! It's just the way I roll....lol x
  20. Thank you both... Lynda, photos, me? Why I'm so shy...lol! Three pounds of skin is huge amount from such a tiny area.I never thought of it like that, but yes, you have a very real point! I think the pressure and extra weight concentrated in that area added to the back problems I was having that stopped me exercising! My plan now is to focus on some strength work, especially in the abs, overall toning and light cardio to prepare myself to return to the boxing gym! Well, that is the plan!! When the swelling is under control I will post some... promise x
  21. It wasn't a dream... They still fit thus morning!
  22. coops

    I feel like I'm new again

    Cheri my lovely friend... Please don't take this the wrong way but... C'mon! Give yourself a little slack! You have a beautiful baby, twins, a hubby and a new home... 9lbs is nothing compared to that! You know, in your heart of hearts that it will go when it is ready - and for that to happen you have to be ready. So chuck out the pesky scales for a few weeks, settle into your new home and enjoy these precious moments with your family! They won't come back. You are always such a voice of reason and some one who I admire for your sheer determination and strength. Take some time out for yourself - and then, with time and more energy you will get rid of those 9lbs, you know you will. I think the WLS group is a great idea, a place to chat to people in the same boat, that is why I come here... I don't know of a WLS place where I live. Take care of yourself and you will reap the rewards... hugs x
  23. NO! I don't either... in fact, I don't look at exercise in that way and I never have. Exercise for me, is a way to get a stronger and healthier body. Simples! =]
  24. coops

    my plastics emotional rollercoaster

    sorry... wrong post - having a dull moment! Plastics is a huge physical and emotional roller coaster - whilst the pain of the actual surgery isn't that bad, the recovery is long and arduous. There have been days over the last 6 weeks when I have wondered what the hell I am playing at - there have been tears for no reason, mood swings, anger and frustration... but as the weeks pass it all lessens and I am slowly returning to my normal mood swings...lol. As long as you expect the unexpected you can't go far wrong. And however much you read peoples stories' and research each procedure, remember that each and every one of us are unique! Good luck on your Quest for the new you.. keep us updated! Oh and your weekend sounds amazing!!
  25. Hey... good to see you back! You've been missed. Hope you are doing well, I know you've had a tough year... you know where I am if you need to vent! x

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