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Everything posted by coops

  1. OK... I've just checked back and I started the 5 : 2 around the 10 June so just about 5 weeks and I have lost 4lbs... there has been a lot of bouncing around and I can't seem to get under 164lb - hence my question about the set point. Now, back in March after my TT I saw 159 - albeit for just a day or so, but it was there... my big question is, why am I stuck at 164 again? Is it just the same old story, whereby I just gotta keep on keeping on? I'm not going to stop the 5:2 plan cos I really do like the way it makes me feel. Today was a fast day and I went to Curves, did my best work out to date and didn't feel shaky or any negative effects and all I had eaten was 2 chicken legs and a salad! Such a good feeling... I'm gonna re post this in the 5:2 thread too... any ideas anyone? Much love!
  2. Georgia, you look simply radiant! Such a slight frame and sooo pretty! Loves it! x
  3. Thank you ladies... I appreciate the kind words - oscillating between feeling very fat and ok just lately, so positive feedback is lovely to hear! I think I'm hormonal....lol! Which is a weird feeling and one that I'm not used to now! It has been soooo hot and humid this weekend, I am puffed up like a good 'un and uncomfortable with it! Still, shouldn't complain cos we normally see a lot of rain here! Fast day for me tomo = bring it ON! Does anyone know about 'set point' for weight - apparently there is a weight that the body is comfy with and can maintain with relative ease... I think I am at that point cos I've been here - give or take my bounce range - for well over 20mths. I need to break it before I scream!!!
  4. I've had a good couple of days... prom went well! The kids looked amazing and all behaved perfectly. I was nervous about wearing my new dress but glad I did. I received a few nice comments. Last night in the 'big smoke' was a good laugh. I drank plenty of cider and danced for hours... NSV - didn't get food on the way home, even though my friends were chomping on kebab, chips and curry sauce! Even though I was drunk it just looked like poison! Normally, I would of had a portion - BOOM! Having a very, hangover free, day - been sunbathing in the garden all day - even got my tankini on! Whoop! That is a first in my whole life! Never worn a swim suit in my garden before... feeling a little more confident perhaps? Either way, nice to relax with my family. The kids found an old paddling pool from when they were younger - they blew it up and they have been sitting in it all afternoon....love it! Drinking plenty of Water today too - 165 on the scales this morning, so a pound up which I expected... back being mindful now until Monday when I fast again. I have started reading the 5:2 book and it is really interesting. Oh, Hubby has lost 34lbs now since the beginning of the year following the primal principles - he is really happy and the lightest he has been for about 10 years! All winning here today! Here is my dress...
  5. Georgia, if I can do it... you can do it. For sure! That is the great thing about this whole 5:2 - the control and ability to live around food at you/my convenience! As, I just posted on the 5;2 thread... thank you for inspiring, sharing and encouraging us to join you! x
  6. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    Second fast day of week 4 ( I think) done! Had a wobble earlier where I craved crisps... didn't eat them had a coffee with a teaspoon of sugar instead and that did the trick - damage limitation! Been a tough old day though and I'll be glad to go to bed. Didn't eat lunch til 2pm as I had been running around like a blue arsed fly all day... banging headache... humid weather and HOT! Well, hot for Blighty! Then the hubby decided to cook bacon and sausage for tea and totally did my head in... the smell was soooo goooood! I didn't crumble, I stuck with my porridge! On the up side, I am on target cals wise - been to Curves and got all my Water in - about 2 liters today, which is really good for me. So, I suppose I can't grumble! I have to take time to reflect on this - a month ago, I would of eaten the bacon, sausgae and crisps - and tried to fast tomo. Now, I just feel more controlled. I feel back in the game. And even if I don't lose weight, that is an achievement in itself - or at least, I feel it is. Does that make sense? I've come to realise that at this far out - small hurdles that are overcome as as important as seeing the scale move. I intend to be more organised with my food and learn to say NO! However, I also intend to live my life... this is hell of a ride for sure, but I finally feel that something is working in my favor. Gotta thank Georgia for putting this out there, sharing her experience in the first instance and encouraging us to give it a go. I am hoping to see the sorta success Georgia is having now I am getting my head around it all. Hope everyone else is doing good!
  7. Phew... ok, panic over... no, I repeat, NO crisps were consumed. Instead I had a cup of coffee and indulged in a teaspoon of sugar. Did the trick; damage limitation! And that concludes my second fast day this week - although I might fast Sat depending on how bad I am Thur and Fri...lol. Found it pretty tough today. Had a nasty headache all day - didn't eat my lunch until 2 pm and that was hard work. Then tea, time Hubby had bacon and sausage and the smell really got to me! He did this the day I came out of hospital after the sleeve and all I could do was drink Soup... nightmare. Kids were munching on pizza and garlic bread! I went for a shower to But they was completely oblivious to how I felt, they knew it was my fast day. I did feel a little put out to be honest! But, on a positive note, I got through it on target and I got all my Water in. Also, I went to Curves so even though it was tough I stuck with it. this morning I was still at 164 - so proper happy with that... Tomo and Fri are party time - damage limitation tomo at the prom but I intend to enjoy myself in the pub and hope I dance off some of the cals that the alcohol gives me...lol
  8. I want to eat CRISPS .... must. control. this. urge.
  9. I'm soooo jealous... I want a road trip... and although here in Blighty, it is beautiful, the weather kinda puts a downer on the idea... not great driving in the rain...lol... mind, we are in the middle of a 'heat wave' but I think it will short live.... boo hooo! 164 on the scale again this morn... so I am claiming that bad boi as a victory! Mid way through my fast day... didn't eat til 2pm so that was good and I wasn't really that hungry, but I went to Curves and I knew I needed 'something' in my belly. Had 3 chicken thighs and some grapes! Gonna have some frozen fruit and yogurt later. Just hope all this good work isn't ruined by the prom and drinkies over the next two days...lol!
  10. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    Sorry to hear about your MIL, that does sound stressful! Horrible when family members are poorly... I hope she gets better soon. Don't worry about the SIL - I haven't told many peeps too... I rarely get comments and if I do I shrug if off! What a great idea... I would love to meet up! Take advantage of the summer hols... where do you think would be the best place?
  11. training like a 20 year old... how cool and fit are you! I wish I could train like a 40 year old and I am 42...lol! Seriously though, that must of felt really good to hear... and perhaps it will show you how strong you actually are? I agree that the 5:2 is a great way of staying on track and staying focused. Plus, the flexibility of it really suits me.
  12. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    I gotta 'fess... I'm a daily weigher! It is a right 'mare to see the scale jump around... but I only take 'real' notice of it on a Saturday (that was the day I was sleeved). I try not to let it affect my mood; sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't! Not a fast day today, but I have really aware of what I am eating... I am realising that I need this awareness everyday - and that can only be good, right? There were Snacks available in work but I didn't bother... also made the hubby to a healthy tea of turkey and roast veggies... totally delish! Also went to Curves, and the trainers there told me that I had made huge improvements; that I had cracked the techniques and that I looked better. I was also told in work that I looked smaller and what a lovely flat tummy I had...lol... that lady doesn't know about my TT and she never will... I think she was fishing but I just told her that I am awesome at crunches and how wonderful Curves is for toning...heheheeeee! I am also pushing the Water as much as I can and although I am peeing like a race horse it does seem to curb hunger and the urge to nibble! I'm thankful for this thread... and I think Oregon's idea of creating a group is good idea... how do we do it? Fast day tomo ... kinda looking forward to it! But, I have prom night Thursday where there will be a lot of goodies, no alcohol as I am driving... and then Friday we have a works night out and I am gonna be honest, I am gonna sink a few ciders and enjoy them... I might fast Sat to try and balance things out... see how the hang over goes...lol
  13. GOAL!!!! YEY!!! Good for you my lovely... and with a low BMI, I would be calling myself goal too... so pleased and proud of you! Don't forget to stick around though... we still need your skinniness... hugs my friend! x
  14. the size differences is nut! My original goal size was UK12! It might sound 'small' but I promise you I am not small! There is still weight to go! BUT - thanks for all the lovely comments, made my morning! Oh and I've lost those pesky extra 2 Spanish pounds ... back to 164.. need to see 160 again now!
  15. Oh, and as a side note... I had to buy a dress for our prom which, is Thursday. I tried a UK14 on and I thought it looked ok... the sales assisstant came up to me and told me how lovely it looked, but it would look better if it was the right size! She brought back a 12 and it fitted like a glove! Another NSV for the books! If i get some good pics I will post them for you x
  16. Well, I licked my wounds as I said I would over the weekend - I didn't not turn to food though..lol Today was a fast day and it went really well... and I managed to get lots of Water in which, is a bonus. I've lost 4 of the 6 pounds and I am hoping to see the other two go really soon... I feel a lot more in control today and I have to say that the fast day was easy today! I also went to Curves and kicked butt! What I am starting to realise, and it has taken me this long, is that on the feed days, I still have to be vigilant and aware of what I am eating... I might go back to tracking in a week or so if I don't see movement on the scales. Here's a NSV for you... at the moment we are having a lot of hot weather - 28+ degrees... very unusual! Anyway, I was sat in my garden yesterday soaking up the rays, and I realised that I wasn't sweating like a fool... this time 3 years ago I would of been a hot mess of sweat and blubber! Then today, in the same heat we had sports day in school... we had to walk the pupils to the field -about 20 mins - and guess what... no sweat! I sat and watched the field events - no sweat. I walked back to school - no sweat! OMG! It felt so good to be in the heat without melting like a chocolate fireguard.. result! Hope everyone else is feeling better!
  17. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    Did my fast day today and it has gone really well... felt in control all day and not hungry! I like this feeling, long may it last. Lost 4 of the 6 Spanish pounds - defo poop and water! I've also been really vigilant with my water today - we are actually having some hot weather here in the UK and this has made me more aware of what I am drinking... all good I say! Now to get those other pesky 2 Spanish pounds gone and down to my all time low...
  18. And this is why I paid a lot of money for this surgery... this is why I can't give up... and this is why I have to make it to at least my surgeon's goal (before I die...lol)! This really is no easy fix... ok, I've maintained pretty well... but I can't tell you have p*ssed I get at the fact that I am still obese and that I am still 'chunky'! Ok, a smaller chunky but nonetheless chunky! I get so angry and frustrated when my best efforts are not rewarded. I've had a really tough day or two emotionally and I worry that the 'dark place' of failure is calling my name again! Thank God we have this site and this group to come to... we all understand each other now and we are all in very similar positions. I suppose, we gotta keep on keeping on!
  19. I'm always full of sh*t!! :ph34r:
  20. OMG! I could actually cry ... when I weighed yesterday morning I had put 6lbs on... that is a pound a day! I was so angry, frustrated and upset with myself. I thought about the week away and there is NO WAY have I eaten enough to gain that much in such a small space of time. I didn't gain that much when I went on holiday for two weeks, all inclusive last year. My tummy is super swollen again too and quite tender - not sure why as I didn't exactly 'hit the gym' in Spain. Although, I did a lot of walking, a bit of swimming and lugging around heavy bags - perhaps that did it? I had planned to fast yesterday but I didn't - not sure if the number on the scale threw me off course. I didn't go mad but I did have 4 small sweeties that were left in work at around 11am, and that sorta put the tone for the day down. lunch was better; two chicken legs with salad. Tea was good; pork chop and stir fry. But I grazed on pork rinds. My cals wouldn't of been too high but I just felt so disheartened that I couldn't resist the chocolate! It really isn't like me...once I set my mind to something I normally do it. I weighed again this morning and I am down 3 of those 6! So I am hoping it is Water retention - my legs and ankles felt really tight yesterday too. I am starting to feel frustration and that sense of desperation again and I don't like it. Perhaps I should just lick my wounds over the weekend and refocus next week? *sighs* I'm also starting to feel 'fat' again and I really don't like that either. It is such a horrible feeling and one that I thought I had overcome... and so the battle continues!
  21. Thanks ladies... I can't believe how fast the three years have gone. I honestly thought I would be rocking my goal weight by now.. or at least under 140lbs but alias the fight continues!
  22. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    I normally add flax seeds to my food to help with no 2s! I also use benefibre in Hot Drinks. But whilst I was away I didn't have them with me and boy, am I suffering for it! Although I don't 'go' every day, I know that they do help as before I used them I would be lucky if I went once a week! Try the flax seeds... can't do any harm!
  23. I'm back! Happy July 4th!!! Hope you are all having a great Independence Day! Sorry I haven't updated whilst I was away - wifi was cr*p at the hotel! I've had a great time in Spain - 5 adults and 44 teenagers on a school trip is defo an experience! We spent 26 hours on the bus there and back and a whole lot more travelling around different locations! I can't believe how much time I have spent on that bloody thing! I didn't manage, as predicted, to do any fast days... and I am pretty sure by the bloated feeling I have that I have gained. I will weigh in the morning. I am prepared to see a higher number! I did manage to keep an 'ok' tab on my food choices, but I have to say that there were treats (the kids were loaded with jelly sweeties and it would be rude to say no!) - also some lunch times bread stuff was the only choice, so I ate it! However, when I did have the choice I stuck to Protein first, some veg and salad too. I would prob say the food I ate was 50% good and 50% not so good! I also had a few glasses of wine each evening - not too many - but more than normal ... as you all know, I don't drink in the house or on a regular basis... I do go out with the girls for a few cheeky ciders and that is once in a while. I did however, throughout the day, drink a lot of Water. I am also severally constipated - if I have no movement by tomorrow evening I will take some laxatives as a last measure... I hate it when I get like this! Sorry for TMI! We also did a lot of walking around - and I have to say that 3 years ago I would of been a bag of sweat - this time, no sweating! That is an awesome NSV, especially in the heat of Barcelona! I am not messing around here - damage limitation is in order so I am back to my fast day tomo even though it is Friday! I might even do Sunday this week too... I'll see how I feel. That is the beauty of this diet plan - I get to chose when I fast. I've got a big few weeks coming up - we have the school prom on Thurs - I won't drink cos I always drive but I know there will be an abundance of rubbish food on offer, so I will have to be super vigilant! I also have a works night out on the next day, that will be a big drinking session with plenty of dancing and giggling! The the following week I have another works night out which will also involve a lot of booze! I am gonna have to be ultra organised because I don't want to gain... but I do want a life! I think I will have to be happy with striking a medium over the next few weeks. Then I will have to be really focused as we go on a family holiday around the 9th August and I don't want to go away with extra weight on me. This time though, I might be able to squeeze in a fast day - or an attempt at fasting; perhaps missing a meal? Oh and as a foot note, it is my third year surg-aversary! How quickly has that gone? I need to find some time to post a little thread to recall my experience to date! Hope all of you are ok... great to see things are going well for you all ...
  24. I have been struggling to see anything near goal for 21 mths... is this my goal? I hope not. I refuse to live the rest of my life under the heading of 'obese' - even if it is by just a few pounds. I can relate to so many of these posts and to be honest, I have no words of wisdom or advise because nothing has worked for me to get the last 14-28lbs off! I can't tell you how much I hate not being at goal... how this changes my perception of myself from being a success to a failure in the matter of minutes. Every day is a struggle and the smallest of 'slip ups' will be punished by upward movement on the scales. However, I refuse to give up. I refuse to be 'done'. And I refuse not to finish this stupid race! This is not the finished 'me'! I am not a quitter; never have been and I never will be ... and like I have said before; perhaps never getting to goal has stopped me regaining more than 7lbs. I don't know. In fact, I am going for a new title of -'the longest sleever to get to goal'! Now, that would be a thread to watch out for...lol
  25. coops

    The 5:2 diet

    Hey! I'm back from my trip to Spain with the school... 5 adults and 44 kids! It has been a long week but very enjoyable - the journey was by bus (coach) and took over 26 hours... that was really hard work! I didn't manage any fast days - as I predicted.. and the way my belly is feeling I have defo gained. I won't weigh til the morning... but I am scared...lol. I didn't go made with the food, but I did eat more than normal and also had a few glasses of wine each night which I don't normally do. Although it is Friday tomo, I will do a fast day gotta get rid of this horrible feeling of being bloated to the verge of discomfort... that is also down to not being able to go to the toilet! I suffer terrible with constipation - but on holiday it is always worse and I think this is half the reason I am feeling so bloated! Wish me luck for the morning...lol

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