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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Fast day completed and all good - just under 500 today - had a few moments of hunger but for the most part, just CBA to eat! Not like me really...lol I did manage to go til around 4pm with out eating - that was weird but doable. Over night fast would have been nearly 19 hrs without eating! WOW! Had a lot of running around to do today, so perhaps that is why I didn't want anything. Gonna have a reduced cal day tomo - in between a fast and a normal day cos I am going to the pub on Sat night for a few ciders before we go back to school.
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    fast day again today - it is half 12 and I haven't eaten anything so far - been reward with my viligance and saw 163 this morning, so back to my pre holiday number! Yey! Looks like it was Water after all... now just gotta keep plugging to get back to 160 and who know, maybe I might see a 15* number? Hope everyone is doing well... x Laura, glad your surgeon was pleased as punch - or chuffed to Beans as I would say! That has to be a good confirmation for you! and check your ticker out... 158! Oh my! I want to be you!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Laura, keep us posted... glad it wasn't too bad, but a worry nonetheless. End of a fast day for her - totalled about 550 which I am happy with. I did join the 5:2 site and put my details in my TDEE came in at about 1800, I put in light exercise and my fast days recommended 450-500 so I am a little over today. Next fast day is Thursday, I will cut right back on the tea and coffee and that should help me stay under the 500 marker. I haven't done that for several weeks, so perhaps that might be one of the reasons I stalled? Who knows. This is defo a trail and error type experience ... but I do like the control I get from it.
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    hahahaaa... ice slice - not a slice of ice - hahahaa... sooo funny! It is a layer of pasty (pre puff) with a thick layer of set custard, another layer of pastry topped with icing sugar! Told ya! Full of sugar and carbs but utterly delish! My daughter is a demon when it comes to baking - but this particular treat was down to my mother! Doing well on the fast day - just under 200 so far - going out for tea later, our localish pub do steak for £5 and it is lovely. I will order a small steak and salad and give the chips to the kids!
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Over a year ago I tried a range of different HRT methods and didn't get on or like any of them! Not only did I gain a bit of weight, I also felt like crap. I'm not taking anything now, just kinda going with the flow - excuse the pun - and see what happens! GT I could never be comforted by comparing myself to you, not in a negative way! My God, you are one that I look up to! You have the inner strength of Thor! In your shoes, I really don't know how I would handle all the stress.
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Fair play, there are some very wise words here! I am glad to be associated with some very compassionate and intelligent people. Yesterday I had a great day int he garden, spent hours cutting down bushes, mowing lawns and generally cleaning and tidying up. The only problem was that my eating was crap! My daughter is a little poorly and when she is like this she likes to bake - reminds me of Cheri! Anyway, she was at my parents and came home with ice slices, cake and sausage rolls. I had done well all day until I saw those bad boys! Needless to say, I caved and ate the ice slices and it was delish! Complete overload on sugar and carbs! Fast day today, going into work - we don't officially start until Monday - but I have a lot to do and it has to get done! Got a manic week ahead too, kids appointments with dentists and sleep overs etc - hubby back on shifts after a good holiday and I've got an appointment with my TT surgeon Thursday, so it is all systems go. I've had a good school holiday so far and all good things must come to an end! I'm also going back to Curves after two weeks off... not looking forward to that...lol! They will weigh and measure me too today - cruel or what! Have a good day everyone x
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I can't believe how many of us are having a tough time at the moment... I'm sending you all lots of hugs from across the pond! As we say here in Blighty, chin up! x Ok... so I managed a fast day Sat - just over 500 I think ... gonna 'fess - didn't log but did check cal contents before I ate anything! Also managed a low cal day yesterday... went out with friends and I offered to drive so I didn't waste cals on alchol! I know... check me out... the best thing was, they had a take away at the end of the night - Chinese and I didn't even have a chip! Not a noodle or the lick of the plate. My control was in super drive and it was fantastic! Weighed in this morning, down a pound... gotta get this holiday weight gone! On a side note, I was re-reading the 5:2 on holiday - as you do! Anyway, I was interested in all the medical research regarding how fasting helps regenerate the body etc... It occurred to be that since I've been doing this, my aunt flo has returned with symptoms (not just a show)... not sure if you remember, I commented on it a few weeks ago. So I am wondering if this 5:2 has something to do with that? I am going to give it a few more months, say the end of the year, and then if she is still visiting me (I remember FYE said that she had a final 6mth party before they went completely - Mine restarted after my TT in March and is still partying!) and pop to the doc for some blood tests to see of the hormone levels have changed - the results of my last one were very low and my lovely doc said: 'Looks like your ovaries have final packed up!' Cheers doc..lol! I have to say, my body is completely bonkers...lol!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have to agree with GT - you (and GT!) are so hard on yourself... can you remember telling me to look at what I have achieved and not what I haven't achieved? Hmmm? I really think that you must Celebrate you ... and yea, let the ladies look at you with awe, let them ask you questions and hang off your every word, and yea, feel good about being the cheer leader! My GOD! You've done so well my lovely! You look amazing and although, you are currently having some issues, they would be a lot worse if you hadn't lost all that weight - your health is improving. I do, however, understand when you say that you feel 'out of control' - I do too. I get the ' less than the expectations too,; I honestly thought that when I turned 40 I would be some hot vixen, sat at my goal weight and looking and feeling the dogs balls - but it didn't happen. I felt like a complete and utter failure and it hurt. It still hasn't happened! And it hurts - really hurts! Then I have to look back three years; look at pictures of this woman who I no longer recognise; who I actually feel sorry for because there is no life in her eyes. At that was me... a different me! The whole early menopause thing, I feel, has really impacted on my weight loss and it has taken me so much strength not to bury my head in bread, butter and chocolate! I am sure the only reason that I haven't seen a massive regain is because I am so pedantic! What I am trying to say is that sometimes acceptance, although hard, has to be the way forward. To get over the negative thoughts without the comfort of food is not easy, but possible. Just remember all the kind words that you have given others, and replicate that on YOU! Hugs my friend... you are not on your own x
  9. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yep! Agreed... this is a fantastic support thread - everyone involved is so encouraging through thick and thin... good and bad! Right, so the scale reads 167 this morning - that is a 3-4lb gain from when I left! Not too bad I suppose and I am hoping at least half will be Water from the flight and travelling. Time to get my head out of holiday mode and back to 'gonna get to goal' mode!
  10. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm back.... tried to have a catch up on the thread but there is a lot and I'm tired! Firstly happy belated birthdays to GT and Dee... hope you both had a good time. It is great to see many of you at new lows or seeing new numbers on the pesky scale. Always gives me hope. I had an amazing holiday - and I do feel like I have actually relaxed and chilled out a little. I actually wore a bikini - and it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. I was really nervous for the first few days and stuck with my tankini but after doing a good recce and realising that I wasn't the biggest and there were defo ladies rocking bikinis who were bigger than me I took the plunge. My tummy hasn't seen the sun for nearly 20 years and after a few days it started to feel very liberating. I did my 'best' re food choices in an all inclusive restaurant; always had Protein first. Skipped a few meals here and there and if I had lunch it was light, sometimes just fruit - OMG - the peaches are simply beautiful! Will weigh in the morning and I am expecting to see a gain - hopefully not too much. I will attempt a fast day tomo - won't commit 100% because I am expecting to feel knackered after travelling all day today. However, there will be a fast day in the next few days. i wan't to get back on the wagon and I also want to see new numbers on that pesky scale! Good to be back ladies!
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just checked... 42 is about 109... Been hotter today, but as Dee said, us Brits love the sun cos we rarely see it! And yea OD, being without the scales is killing me... I must admit though, I am doing pretty well all things considered! Filling up on salad and chicken most evening meals. Oh, and the peaches here are to die for... Simply lush! Catch up soon... Well done to all you losers!
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh how I miss you all... Haven't managed to read all posts ... Hope you are all well! In turkey at the moment and boy, it's hot hot hot! Mid 40s! The hotel is lovely, as is the copious amounts of foods on offer, but the sleeve is working well! No idea how many cals I'm getting in though. Not fasted yet, have skipped meals in an effort to stay in control but it is really hard. I am choosing as wisely as possible - trying to find the line between 'treats' and being piggish! Sticking to the diet coke and water rule... But also enjoying coffee and hot choc! However, the cups are tiny - prob a 1/3 of the mugs I use at home! On the up side, I've been to the gym, swam and taken some lovely long walks. Oh! And I treated myself to a massage! NSV right there! Weird not having my scales here... Clothes feel the same though so fingers crossed... Early days of the hols though...lol! You all take care and I'll pop back when I can! Hugs x
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    lots of ups and downs on my 'catch up' ... sending hugs to you all... I hate bad news, but I am impressed with how you all handle it! So, supposed to be fasting today, and well, it hasn't gone to plan. Didn't eat til late, then being unorganised has meant grabbing whatever is in, which isn't a lot as we go away tomo! Defo haven't eaten too much, but more than my fast day allowance permits. Never mind. Oh well... perhaps tomo I can be 'careful'? Not sure how this holiday will pan out... there is a gym and I've packed my work out clothes, hoping to make some time to go for a lil jog? I've decided that I have to watch the liquid cals this year, as I know that last year they caught me out. The sleeve did its job on the food front! So, no pop for me, and if I do, it will be diet or light! Ok... back to sorting my suitcases out... there is wi fi at the hotel so I will try to pop on whilst I'm away... xx
  14. A really good friend of mine (not sleeved) started to exercise to try and lose weight... she lost about 21 lbs then stalled for nearly a year. She stopped exercising, followed a diet plan - focused on good quality food and portion control and went on the lose at least another 20+lbs! She refuses to go back to the gym until she is at her goal which, is 3lbs away! For weight loss (disregard toning, well being etc) I don't think exercise is all it is cracked up to be! Remember when I stopped all exercise cos of my back problem... I didn't lose or gain! Just something for you to think about?
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You rock my lovely friend... -9 is amazeballs.... I am chuffed to beans for you too!!!! Loves it! x
  16. When following the 5:2 I can easily eat 1600 cals on a feed day... don't panic! If you've been ill perhaps you needed the extra cals? And remember, you aren't allowed to call yourself negative words... x
  17. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry! I will banish the word from my vocab forever! You are right, words matter... I wasn't putting myself down, honest! I was trying to say that the BMI chart is a load of crap because I don't look, feel or 'act' obese - if I am in a size UK12/14 that is not obese and if I can wear a 15yo onsie (albeit a lil tight around the thighs...lol) that is not obese. I have learnt that the BMI chart is outdated and doesn't 'fit all'! GT - I am feeling the love my sleeve sista! x
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    yea, pork scratching are pork rinds - yes primal so a good replacement for crisps if you like them... the onsie was as funny as F... Steve wanted to take a picture, he was rolling laughing! Scale was kind to me today and I saw 161 - that's more like it, so feeling a little happier! Normal day today, but I need to go back to where I was a week or so ago on my normal days - stay away from wheat and bread for sure!
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cheri, I get what you mean about the scales/weight being an easy target ... especially when we put in the leg work and no real movement happens! At least with the deployment postponed that is one less thing to worry about... for the time being! Yep teenagers are, well, unique! I've got two now - the boy turned 13 in May, and he is hitting the ground running...lol! My daughter is 15 now, and I bought her a onsie - do you have this craze in USA? It is like a baby suit for adults, looks ridiculous but they are warm and comfy! Anyway, we bought my daughter one for Xmas, age 14-15 - and she hasn't really worn it. It has the union flag on in love hearts, cheesy but cute. I am tapping here wearing said onsie... yes ladies, I might be medically obese still, but I fit into a 14-15 yr old's onsie...hahahaaaaaa! Life can't really get sweeter! BMI chart you can kiss my onsie-clad ass! End of my fast day and did well until the midnight hour where I broke and had a small packet of pork scratchings... just needed some to crunch on and for 100 cals I couldn't resist! Did the job too... so I am slightly over the 500 today. Did go to Curves though, so all is not lost! Onwards and downwards!
  20. Hiya, I can't advise you on cost cos I'm in the UK... I waited nearly three years before my op - still not at goal (9lbs away from surgeon's goal - 24/8 lb away from my ultimate goal)... I did have a TT and BL at the same time - I am now nearly 5 mths post op and I feel like a new woman! The recovery for the TT is long and arduous but the BL was a breeze (prob cos I focused on the TT!). I wouldn't have a problem recommending the two procedure together, based on my experience. But you need to check with your PS. If you are looking for experiences, stories and photos go and have a look on realself.com It is a really good and informative site that gives you real life reviews covering the good the bad and the indifferent! Good luck!
  21. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Glad you had a good time my skinny friend! Don't worry about the scales tomo - life is for living and when you are away, that is living. When you go back to your fast days, just remember to get plenty of fluids in and that should help with the hunger. Remember your BMI is perfect, so for you, this is now a maintenance thing long term ... never forget how far you have come and the success you have had!
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    thanks ladies... I am 42 now, all this peri menopausal stuff was 'diagnosed' when I was 39 but I had the symptoms for many years before, especially the irregular periods and they always put it down to being morbidly obese (by they, I mean the docs). Swizzly, I have deviated from the primal a little, mainly eating a bit of bread - that is going now, good point. But the areas of cramps is in the pelvis which is why I thought it was to do with Aunt Flo. GT - yea, sugar is a bi*ch! She won't get the better of me though... I just gotta keep the faith, right? Gonna fast today - want my head back in the game and I think that by fasting at the start of the week, it will help give me the control I want. Normally the week before I go away I wouldn't worry about what I eat - this year, I want it to be different!
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Right, question? So I saw 160 a week or so ago during the really hot weather, not I'm back to 162 - 163 - could that of been a loss via water weight, due to the heat? Or does the heat make you/me/us retain water? I did feel really bloated and my rings felt tight then, and now...? Another stupid (forgive me) question? As you all know I was told I was peri menopausal several years ago and I was told that my ovaries had all but pack up (GP, bless him!). I went for a very long time with no aunt flo - as expected. Also, I had no symptoms or moods or cravings that I would normally relate to hormones. Now, since my TT this has changed. I have had several visits from Aunt flo and I am getting all the pre menstrual symptoms again too - little spots around my nose (Yea, attractive I know), moodiness, feel like crying, craving for sweet things, tiredness even though I am not in work and the most worrying I suppose, tummy cramps and my tummy is super swollen (not TT swollen)! I am really at a loss to understand why and how this da*n body of mine actually works and it is really frustrating! I haven't been to see my GP - I thought that the operation might have nudged my body a little, even though my surgeon said he had never heard of it before... anyway, months later it is still going on. I am wondering if I should get more bloods taken to see how the hormone levels are panning out... will have to be after my hols. I am sticking to the 5:2 religiously and not seeing any movement; this coincides with the symptoms... could this be why there is a lack of movement? Can the cycle really return after being dormant for so long? All very strange, don't cha think!
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia you are my shining star! I want to be like yo (when I grow up...lol)! FYE - lowest number for how long... you deserve that holiday - enjoy! Laura, 160 - I remember that number before this bounce came back, feels great doesn't it! CLK, I agree with M2G - you are such the voice of reason. I always look out for your comments and have learnt a lot from them over the last 3 years... just an awesome lady! M2G - you and your daughters (hubby too) are beautiful inside and out, you don't need the scale to confirm that, for sure! I'm glad that the 5:2 has gone smoothly for you, and hopefully you are feeling the same benefits as us, with or without the scale dictating to you! Keep up the good work my lovely friend. Sorry if I've missed anyone!
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You lot are doing sooooo well.... this is really encouraging and puts a lil smile on my face! I'm really proud to be a member of this group! Busy day for me yesterday, went shopping for some holiday stuff - all the family got bits, but not me (sad face) still, that is just how it goes! Fast day went well yesterday...not rewarded on the scale though, still at the top of my bounce and I don't get why this is happening - unless it is just my pattern? Might be that I lose, regain a few, stay there and lose again! Arghhhh! Just when I thought things were working out nice and neatly! I am wondering whether, after my holidays, I will have to start logging.... just when I thought I had sussed it out enough not to log! I go away Friday for 2 weeks - all inclusive - and there is a part of me that is dreading the food side of things. Last year I gained but I really don't want to do that again, but I also realise that it is a massive likely hood! Oh well, we only go away once a year...lol!

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