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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I don't like liver either...lol... and I had to eat it as a kid! My grandparents loved it though, as did my mother and father. They don't eat it now though. Saw 160 again this morning...yay! Another fast day today and I am a little over 600 cos I had some biscuits at my parents house earlier... boo! Too many calories for no real food. I am trying to use the 16-8 hr rule too... just started this week, so on a feed day I don't snack at night. The latest I've eaten is 8pm - so trying to stay away from food til 11-12 in the morning. Sometimes it is earlier, sometimes it is later but getting at least 12 hrs 'fast' between food. The first thing I eat is low(ish) cal; a Protein Bar, small pack of pork scratching or a piece of fruit, and like I said I try to eat that after 11 am - works well in work, will have to see how I manage over the weekend. I am hoping that this will prevent the big bounce, I don't mind the 1 - 2lb bounce but when it gets to 3 I don't like it! Oh and wouldn't it be good if it helped me see 15? ... lol!
  2. Start date: 11 June 13 Start weight: 168 today, 17th Sept 160lb So minus 8lbs in 3mths; including a school trip to Spain and 2 weeks all inclusive family holiday. Also, remembering that I was stuck for 20+mths before! So, even though it is really slow, there is movement... and if my calculations are right, by Xmas I will (hopefully) be at my surgeon's goal... that would be an awesome pressie!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I saw 160lb this morning - that is all! Amazeballs!
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    back on it today - a wee bit over 500 but I'm cool with that. scales are at the lower end of my new bounce, which isn't that new actually...lol. Reading 162 this morning... let's hope that having a week of freedom and now back on it pays off? I am gagging to see 159 - or 11 stone 5lbs! That would be amazeballs! Also went back to Curves, didn't go when the MIL was here, just felt like I needed to spend some time with her.
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    M2G - what a nightmare for you... hope the weather settles really soon and that you are all ok! Hugs from across the pond my lovely! Laura - good news on the thyroid! And good for you for getting some time away with you hubby! I long for that! One day, one day! Don't worry about the fast pick it up when you come back. Hi to everyone else, hope you are all well... x
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    good to hear everyone's progress... Congrats on your pearl wedding anniversary - a very big deal so enjoy London-baby and sod the scales! M2G, that is way too much rain! Hope it stops soon. Our weather has broke here too and it is getting colder and wetter by the day. I have already washed my winter coat and the boots will be coming out soon! MIL still here, so fasting is not going well...sigh! We took her out for tea on Tues and she had a 'funny' turn, ended in an ambulance ride to A&E! I have been with my hubby 20 years and I have never seen the woman ill; not once! SO this was very scary... luckily she is getting better and will stay here a little longer than planned. I am being uber cautious with the cals though, staying as low as I can without drawing attention to myself. I was mega proud of myself in work and passed up yummy cakes on treat Friday, but then let myself down by eating pizza for tea! MIL paid (very unusual) so I couldn't pass up the opportunity ...lol. scale hasn't been cruel to me yet and sat between 163 and 162 for the whole week so far. MIL goes on Monday, so I will be back on track, both in the diet and the gym!
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I kinda like the dresses Cheri, just unsure if I would kit out my brides maids in them... but we are all different! My MIL is here at the moment and I would normally fast today, but it ain't looking that way... will try again tomo. It is funny how just one person, albeit lovely, can change the dynamics and pattern! I'm still bouncing around but seeing 163 more than 160 - gutted! Will keep fighting the good fight though. Been told I 'look' like I'm losing weight again today, twice... ironic really cos I've only 'lost' a few pounds from my lowest! Still I'll take that over gaining!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good luck with the op GT! Keep us posted. FYE - sorry about the trip to the ER... my parents are getting older and they worry me but haven't had any serious stress from them yet! Remember to look after you too!
  9. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    YEY to you... as the cheer leader it is only right that you are at goal... what an inspiration! So proud of you Georgia! - and as I've said before a tad envious! Lush toe nails too by the way... x
  10. YAY Georgia... well done my lovely! that must be an amazing feeling! Soooo happy (and a little green with envy) for you my friend! x
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh sh*t - garlic bread 1 Coops 0! Fail!
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Coming towards the end of my fast day I think I've gone a little over, doing so well until I came home from Curves and my daughter had cooked pizza and garlic bread... couldn't resist a bit of the bread. She is currently baking cake and Cookies for her work placement - it is her last day today and she wanted a 'thank you'! Nothing better to say thanks than cake, right? However, the beautiful smell is killing me...lol I. Must. Resist! Saw 162 again this morning - getting bored of the new bounce range now... really want to see some scale movement as a thank you to me for following the 5:2...lol *sighs* oh well! Just having a 'blue - ish' day today!
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Glad you have access to some sort of food now GT... hope things are calming down for you a little. If there is anything I can do? x
  14. coops

    Well intentioned relatives

    So many chords have been hit here for me... I went out Saturday night - red skirt, black top - nothing too fancy. Look ok, felt great! My friend's husband was out and at the end of the night he told me that he 'had my back'. Being confused at this comment I asked him what he meant and he told me that there were me 'lusting after' me and 'oggling my legs'! This was followed by raucous laughter from me... he told me that I didn't realise how 'hot' I was! He also told my hubby - who gave us a lift home - and he agreed. He told me that he has never seen me looking so good. Hmmm, I don't see that! I know I look better; my God I couldn't look any worse (physically) and yea, I feel great. But I too see imperfections (even post TT and BL) and I am more than aware that I will never be perfect but that doesn't stop me wanting a body like Lara Croft! The other side of the coin for me is that if, one day, I become completely happy what will I strive for? What will be my next goal? And those questions kinda scare me... so I don't really mind chasing the achievable because it will keep me on my toes and at least make me stay where I am today 'hot' - apparently! LOL
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So - no fasting today - tomo is my next day and I'm quite looking forward to it. The scale is playing 'let's bounce around and do my head in' again! I'm going from 161 - 163 again! I also responded to Dee's post on 5:2 and women/hormones. My menopause symptoms are defo back, especially the hot flashes. I am also feeling really bloated over the last couple of days, despite being aware of the foods I am eating! Perhaps, as I've said before, I will lose a little...bounce around... and the lose a little. I'm ok with that!
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have no real experience of military life (BIL used to be in the army and was posted in Afghan and Iraq but that was a long time ago and has since left and is now a civvie). I have no real understanding of the stress that it causes both serving military personal or their families. If there is anything I can post GT - albeit from the UK...lol - please let me know; it would be my pleasure.
  17. This is really interesting for me, as it would appear that all my efforts to lose the final weight are hindered by hormones; my weight stopped in line with the symptoms and diagnosis of being peri - menopausal. I was told that it won't affect me; that I will continue to lose weight. I was told to eat less and move more; the ole calories in and calories out adage! (both by medical 'experts' and on here!). Neither methods worked. I stalled for over 18mths, never getting lower than 164 and sat comfy at 166 for most of the time. So the 5:2 has helped me... I have seen 160lb once. I now have a new bounce range of 161 - 164. When I started doing this - same time as Dee - I was up to 168, so yea, I have lost. I stick to it ... my fast days are not hard work or leave me with any physical or mental issues and I like the control it gives me. I use the two fast days to my benefit and in line with any occasions or events that might include food. However, in this time frame, my monthlies returned with symptoms and over the last several weeks, the hot flashes have returned too- both have been absent for many, many months prior to starting the 5:2. I don't know if there is a correlation between them. I don't know whether the ole hormones were gonna strike again anyway due to the decreasing hormones in my body! I just don't know. I will continue with the 5:2 and hope that I slowly keep losing, aiming for my surgeon's goal and praying for my personal goal.
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry GT! Completely understand why you feel hurt! I didn't understand the severity of it...no excuses m'love - just my apology xx
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes Cathy... same here, first day back after weeks weeks away and I feel that I have been hit in the face with a sledge hammer...lol! Still, all good as the pain keeps my mind off food, so today's fasting has gone really well. Laura, I love that pic - sexy mama! I was gonna post a pic of my overly muscular calves... but couldn't think of a reason as to why anyone would want to see them... I still get a lot of comments about them - I'm not sure if they are attractive or repulsive on a girl! Oh and losing weight in your 40s hurts like hell... well, it does for me anyway... prob due to menopause symptoms more than age? Talking of which, the ole hot flashes have come back... started around a month ago and are getting slowly hotter and longer - I hate this!
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    161 again this morning! Whoop! Let this low stick... I've seen 160 but now I really wanna see 159! I'm getting my mo-jo back! Hope everyone's ok!
  21. Being the slowest loser in town (lol) I am starting to feel grateful of the fact. As I've said before, I'm still not at goal - but of so close to my surogeon's goal - and I really think that this has stopped me regaining anything other than holiday weight. It has given me the, reluctant, opportunity to focus on my needs, the way my body responds to food and exercise and how my mind works ... I have had to do a lot of self reflection and self analysis to get to this point of acceptance. Ok, I am not going to fart and lose 50lbs over night! That's cool with me now, 3 years later. I never take me sleeve or my body for granted any more; it needs respect! I get that now, regardless of what the pesky scale says. Does all this mean I don't want to lose more - hell NO! I'm desperate to get to at least 154 - I'd love to see 135 but now I realise that if this doesn't happen I'm no less worthy of being a good person! The scale used to dictate my mood, not any more... don't get me wrong, when I see a low number, especially a new low I am happy... but if I see a bounce it doesn't put me in a a bad mood or a dark place anymore. I suppose what I am trying to say is that being a slow loser makes me/you/us appreciate each and every scale victory and non scale victory alike! Remember, the scenic route is beautiful!
  22. quick update - from 168 - 161. minus 7lbs so far - this includes two 'holidays' a trip to Spain with my school and a family holiday in Turkey. Not bad and I am pleased that I have broken my set point of 164. To reach my surgeon's goal I need to see 154. I will be thrilled to see 159 mind!
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh my, you lot put me to shame with all this lovely baking... I hate cooking and baking, mainly cos I'm crap at it. I can muster up a nice meal but anything baked or fancy - no chance! Did well on the low cal yesterday, came in at just under 750 - not an official fast day so happy with that. Oh and I actually logged what I ate! I know, check me out! Official weigh this morning in an just 161 (+3/4) but I am taking it at 161... yey! I'm expecting it to level out for a couple of days now, if not longer. Perhaps even stay here for a week or two (perhaps longer with my track record!). Next fast day will probably be Monday now, first day back on work after the summer hols! Off out tonight, for a few ciders - or I may swap to wine as it is lower in cals..lol Have a good day everyone!
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, I would pay to see 140 - my ultimate goal is between 133- 138 - but even when I was young I never used to be able to stay that low - I was 140 for most of my late teenage years *sigh* FYE - well done you on staying in you 500 zone! What an achievement. My parents are elderly but so far in good(ish) health. I dread the day that changes. So I saw 161 this morning, hope it sticks for tomo as Sat is my 'official' weigh day, gratifying to see my previous low end though, even if it is up a pound tomo morning that will still keep me in my low end bounce. I wonder if I will be like Georgia, stay here for a week or two - a new mini set point - then go lower? I hope that is how it will work. I don't mind losing slowly as long as I am losing.

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