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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG GT! I would be a mess - stay safe my lovely!
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh Cathy - gutted for you, really I am! But positive out of negative, you had the courage and confidence to go for it and that is just as important as the outcome! Been a good day for me, not a fast day, and I'm determined to eat clean today as usually I get the Friday demons and let go a bit - gotta stay focused cos goal is so close!
  3. GT... good to see you back! Sounds like you are feeling positive and focused! Loving that! We can do this together... xx
  4. Great to see this thread again - can't believe how old it is! At one point I gave myself a year and then I said I would stop 'beating myself up'! Nah, I am way toooo determined to do that! Just 5-6lbs away from my surgeon's goal and I know I can do it now! Still enjoying Curves and back at the boxing gym too - been twice and no issues. I moderate the stomach exercises since I'm only 6 1/2 mths post TT and will increase the intensity as I feel I can, but no rush. Was measured in Curves today and in the last 5 weeks (since returning from my hols) I've lost 2 inches from my hips and over 2 inches from my waist just over an inch from under the bust! Loving that! I also asked her opinion on getting to my personal goal of 138 and she thought it would be too low for me - said to shoot for another 7lbs and re-evaluate then! So, that is what I am going to do. I'm also thinking that I am losing inches rather than poundage, so I will change my size goal. I am a UK 12/14 now so my new goal will be a comfortable 12 and then some 10s! Imagine that, me in a size UK 10! BRING IT ON!
  5. And Coops is so proud of you! Well done Georgia my lovely 5:2 inspiration!
  6. FYE - look at you BMI YEY!! Well Jel and amazeballs all rolled in to one! Georgia - get over to the gonna get to goal thread and post that you've made GOAL!!!! Girls, you are doing amazing! And M2G get the tape measure out and check - I agree I bet you are smaller - remember when I was in my stall from hell and I lost a dress size??? Do it! x
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hope you're ok Dee - getting burgled is no fun! It happened to a friend of mine whilst she was away and it took her a long time to get over it... sending you welsh cwtches (hugs) x
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow - the difference is incredible! Fair play.... motivates me to keep going for sure. I have just done my boxing class on a fast day! I honestly didn't think I would be able to get through the session on 400 cals but I did and I have to say, I wasn't fatigued as I thought I would be! It is amazing what the body can do. Had my Protein Shake and I've come in at just over 500 for the day so I'm pleased with that. I try to do the 16:8 too but don't make it everyday - I usually get between 14 and 12 hrs of fasting in.
  9. coops

    I am a two year vet not at goal

    I'm 3 1/2 year out and not at goal! Just 5lbs away from my surgoen's goal and about 21lbs from my personal goal which would get me to a BMI of 25 (not sure I'll ever get there, but it doesn't stop me trying!) I try to focus on what I have achieved as opposed to what I haven't achieved! And having that positive mental attitude helps me focus on getting to where I want to be; not only in my weight loss but life in general! Good luck on getting back to the losing bench and well done on maintaining your loss
  10. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    M2G - I've got the same reaction - perhaps to a lesser degree - when I mention Curves! People completely under estimate it. I think it is because it is aimed at 'women'? I say that 'cos when I say I got the boxing gym, people seem more impressed! I, like you, can't be arsed to educate em so I just shrug or drop a whitty comment like, yeah, you don't get a body like mine sat on your ass...lol! Cathy, sorry about your elderly friend. I understand when you say how you've learnt from her - I can relate! And good luck with the interview - fingers, legs and arms crossed! Funny how losing 90lbs helps with confidence! Not only for the interview but for actually applying! Now I feel better in myself, I too have applied for internal posts - whether I get/got them or not is almost irrelavent cos at least now, I feel worthy to make the 'right noises'! Fast day for me today - going well so far. Small portion of beef Jerky and 2 chicken legs with salad so far... will have a bit more chicken later, before I go boxing and I have enough cals for a Protein Shake after. Holding at my low and saw 159 again, but it isn't sticking yet - feels close though! Going to make an extra effort to eat clean over the weekend, well Fri night and Saturday - they seem to be my 'problem' days at the moment - probably a relief that the working week has ended! However, Sundays seem to be really good - I don't look for food or snack even though I'm at home! Good to see Cowgirljane here too - and at a new low! Ladies you are making me go green with your numbers gong down and your low BMIs! I will join you one day!!
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good to see you back Cheri - sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment. Also good to see you focusing on you and if that means 5:2 then great! Everyone who is hitting struggles right now (M2G, OD, FYE? have I missed anyone?) I know where you are coming from. I think I have found my pattern - I seem to have a week where I lose say a pound or two, it a new low and bounce around there for 2 - 3 weeks, then I see that new low stick there for a bit. I will then seem to drop another pound or two and so on. I am currently still at 160 - 161; only seeing 159 once, and I have been here a while, so I am hoping that this new low becomes my norm and I can drop again soon. I don't mind this, cos I can see that I am losing, but I agree... it is very frustrating. I suppose we just have to plod along and remember that patience is the name of the game. Cathy, great to see you get to a new low too - do you see the same pattern as I? Laura and Georgia - look at you two getting lower and lower... fantastic! I suppose your questions will be how to maintain! I was supposed to fast yesterday but it went very wrong - so today I have been super vigilant and I'm happy with coming in at just over 500 - I'll take that! Tomo isn't a fast day, but I will have a low cal Soup dinner and a 'normal' sleever dinner. I am still trying to do the 16:8 but struggling to get a full 16hr fast in - I seem to be 12/14 hrs between food, so I am going to stay there for a while. Thursday is my next fast day - unless life throws me a curve ball! FYE - hope your dad is ok
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Aw! Laura, that is awesome! Non fast today, still saw 160 this morning *sighs* Had a lovely food day, plenty (sleeve plenty) of tasty food! Been nice to chew...lol Tomo I will do a semi fast day - lower than norm cal wise. Kinda works for me in between fast days!
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Now I've seen 11 stone 5 (something) or 159, I really WANT it and I want it to stay - that will make me just 5lbs away from my surgeon's goal - Imagine that 3 1/2 yrs later and I can say I'm at his goal weight - pinch me am I dreaming? Your're right though, the 150s is a tough boy!
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    fast day too! Just got in from work and so far so good... enough cals left for some Soup later on! scales holding fast at 160 (did see 159 3/4 yesterday so hopefully I can break the 160s for good!) that Protein Drink looks lovely... I'll have to see if they do it here, the ones I've tried ain't been that nice and are expensive!
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, sorry to hear about your friend - sad times. Thinking of you my lovely x
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    M2G - we are soooo on the same page again! I've done a double work out too! Did Zumba in after school (in-house with teachers and pupils - had a great laugh too) and tonight I took my daughter to the boxing gym! It is the first time I've been there since Jan, and the first time since my TT! What a difference. I felt great, like I've never been away. Didn't striggle for breathing, which was my main concern! I really feel good about this; like I'm getting my mojo back! Oh and 160 again this morning... just gotta break this new set point. I haven't fasted today as such but I haven't feasted either. Next fast day is Thursday for me now.
  17. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Welcome to the group ... glad you joined us and congrats on a successful start to the 5:2 way of eating! Yey, yey, yey! I completely get this! The 5:2 is the only way that I have got to and stayed in the overweight category! Doesn't it feel great not to be considered obese! Keep up the good work!
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    That food just sounds disgusting to me... just look at it and think, that will just make a sloppy dump!
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    FYE you are our resident celeb! You look fantastic; red is defo your colour! x
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hello all! Just checking in - saw 161 over the weekend, so up 1 lb but still in my low bounce. Not particularly worried about it as I've had a good weekend not worrying about food! Had a few treats Saturday and it is good to be able to do that without the guilt and knowing that Monday I will be fasting! However, Sunday (today) I have not looked for treats or sugar related loveliness, whereas in the past I would of done! This 5:2 is mind blowing how it somehow controls the urges that previously would have gone on for days! For some reason, dunno why, today I feel 'lighter' and 'smaller' even though I'm not, really. Can't explain it - a weird feeling but it does feel good non the less - anyone else had this? Perhaps I am going mad! Oh! Gotta tell ya! Had a funny moment whilst shopping yesterday. I was in a big clothes shop, looking for tops for work and as I was coming down the escalator I saw this woman staring at me... she was quite small... so, obviously I stared back! You probably know what is coming next! Well, it was ME! Durrrrr - I couldn't believe how 'narrow' I looked! I asked my hubby if he had noticed this and he said: 'Yes! Ages ago!' - Hmmm, thanks for telling me...lol! And that was my weekend! Hope yours was as, well, comical!
  21. coops

    5:2 Evangelist

    Nice one Cowgirljane.... I agree that the 5:2 isn't a diet - I hate the words diet! As you know, I was stuck in the same bounce range for over 20mths, and by following the 5:2 I have dropped past my old set point and I am currently in a new one. Like you said, to newbies reading this a few pounds seems ridiculous, but for us vets it is a big deal. I to am hoping that, with time, I will get to at least my surgeon's goal and hopefully beyond following this way of life. I am in for the long haul! Come and find the 5:2 thread, it really is a great place for support and encouragement!
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hahahahaaaa... that phone cover is too funny! And I never shut up! BUT, I don't have a British accent, I have a welsh accent - not that strong but it is welsh! Oh and my kids go to a welsh medium school, so they are fluent in welsh and english!
  23. fan-bloody-tastic! Glad to see the 5:2 is suiting you too... it has gotten me out of my set point and I feel, at last, like my weight loss isn't over - 3 1/2 yrs out that is no mean feat! Well done you...
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Show off...lol!! Living the dream there sweet cheeks! x
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Pork scratchings - I think you call them Pork rinds? Biscuits are like cookies! I know the differences are confusing...lol... would love to 'talk' too! Accents are another thing that I love!

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