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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Didn't plan to fast today as I did yesterday, but I've eaten very little due to the lingering sicky feeling after the migraine (which has now gone - yey). Prob came in around 650 cals and I didn't eat until gone 4pm, although I did have a cuppa soup at lunch time to see if I could tolerate the taste. Now I don't feel so blurgh I will have a good healthy eating day tomo and probably fast again Friday. Lets hope the scale rewards us all! Surgeon's goal is just around the corner for me! Funny thing though, I 'feel' smaller and tighter if that makes sense? A pair of work trousers are starting to feel really big and baggy too - weird what a difference a couple of pound makes eh? Good job CGJ - speedy recovery! My advise, do very little for as long as you can or your mind will allow. I felt brilliant for the first week after my TT and I over did it leading to a seroma! Take it easy!
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good stuff M2G! Call it, call it!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    thanks for your kind words ladies, hubby also thought about the sickness bug that is going around 'cos the nausea doesn't usually last this long...sigh Finished my fast day looking pretty good - cuppa Soups all the way as I couldn't face actually eating! No idea how many cals but under the 500 I would guess. Cathy, your relaxing weekend sound lovely... hope MIL in ok! Don't stress too much over the same weight, I have the same pattern... seems like I will lose 1-3 lbs over say a week or two, then hold and see a lil bounce for 2 -3 weeks then a few more will go - repeat as necessary! As long as it is coming off we are winning, right! And thanks for the cwtch (hug) twas lush! numbness is so weird - around my TT scar is the same, yet I have some sensation around my new belly button! Strange!
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    managed an hour in bed before the kids got home... still got a banging headache though! At least my appetite has hit the floor! Feeling blurgh!
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sounds like the weekend has been a minefield for a few of us! I was ok Saturday morning; carried on as usual... hubby cooked some food (kids were both out) and it was lovely. Within half an hour, i had a really bad Headache so I had a little lie down. The the Migraine from hell caught me and put me in bed for 6 hrs! I had a terrible night's sleep sat-sun and was tossing and turning; pain in my head, felt sick and dizzy. I haven't had a really bad attack like this for a long time (I do suffer Migraines, but usually I can cope with them!). Sunday I just felt blurgh, it really wiped me out. I wasn't really worrying about what I was eating as long as it didn't make me sick. I still feel nauseous today, so being a fast day I am hoping that it will go away and my lil tummy can rest. I've managed to finish work early, so I am going to go for a lie down before the kids come home and I have to run them around! Lets hope tomo is a better day!
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    M2G - you will know when you are ready (if)! But you are right, you have to like and trust your surgeon. 'Perfection' is not an achievable goal, with or without plastics! In my opinion. I went into it wanting better, not perfect. And I got better, a lot better. However, as you know, during the early recovery stages I started looking for perfection. As time went on and I healed I reflected and realised that after putting my body through so much by carrying all the extra weight for so long, that what I am now is probably as close to perfect as I will get! However, I gotta say, my apron wasn't just flappy skin - it stuck out and it was very round - I could grab it and jiggly it about and I mean proper handfuls! A lot of people were surprised when I said it was just over 3lbs in weight. A lot seemed to think that this wasn't a lot and some were shocked that it was so much! My surgeon told me it was one of the biggest that he has worked with! So, again, it is all relative and we/you/I/us have to do what is right for us!
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and I saw 158 this morning - not for the first time either...yey!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    How interesting... Shape is so important and standing at 5 2 even more so! However, I completely understand how the apron affects us... how we dress, how we feel and how it completely disfigures the achievements we have made. Last year I tried on a lovely dress for our school prom - it was something that I had dreamed of wearing and it fitted beautifully - however, the apron was all but waving at me. My friend was with me and she said that it looked amazing - I asked her about the mid section and she agreed - it apron looked bad. Later on that year I tried another dress on, this time one for work - it was a UK 14 and too big on the shoulders, back and waist - tight around the apron! That was the moment when I knew the skin had to go. I know a lot of us will be ok with the apron, will wear it as a badge of honor as it represents such success. Some of us will go through this with minimal skin left over. But to me it was an issue both physically - stopped me exercising cos it would bounce around and hurt my back - and mentally. Now it has gone. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a uber flat tummy and I am not perfect - still have stretch marks and some fat there, still have a (small) muffin top - but the difference is incredible. Truly! When I went to see my TT surgeon, I told him that I felt I sounded pathetic when I say the difference it has made to my quality of life... but he 'got it'! Our body image is all relative and subjective. The important thing is how the skin affects us on a day to day basis. I would go through it again - now!
  9. well aren't I crap at maths... should be 9lb gone...lol... OH! MY! my bad! =]
  10. well tickle me pink..... original stats: Start date: 11 June 13 Start weight: 168 holding at today 9th Oct sitting and at 159lb 4mths = 8lbs Now, some might read this and think that it is really slow.. but, let me tell you after nearly TWO YEARS of not losing this is the best thing I've ever done! Just 5lbs away from my surgeon's goal! And 3 1/2 years post op - I am happy to see the scale go down and I don't care how long it takes to get to his goal, and maybe even lower... It is a great WOE and I really think I can do this for the long haul. Thank you (again) Georgia for introducing and encouraging us all to have a go - amazeballs! I really am chuffed to beans!
  11. Defo get the arms done. I wish I could afford it 'cos I would have it done tomo and to hell with the scars!
  12. broke my set point - sitting at my all time low - surgeon's goal here I come!

  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    thanks for all the lovely comments about my pic! When I get in the zone, I just love to draw! It really does help get rid of stress and puts me in a really calm place! When I show my pictures to the kids in school, they all ask me why I don't teach art! Lol! They don't get it, that it is a great hobby! Non fast day today and I've kept it pretty good - been to Curves and enjoyed it once I was there. No fast for me tomo as I have a training day in Cardiff and they always do good food! I will fast again Friday instead. That is the beauty of this 5:2, very versatile! Sorry to hear about some of your problems, life sure is for living - warts and all! And GT, I would love to meet one day - imagine, we could just take one suitcase and share...! x
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and I saw the magic 159 again - do I change my ticker? Got through a fast day with no problems today and did a Zumba class after school, even though I didn't want to! Going to bed feeling more optimistic tonight!
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Glad to say yesterday's 'funk' has gone and I am feeling a bit brighter... took some time out last night and endulged myself in some drawing - I find it a great stress release, even though I wasn't really stressed. My job sometimes really dampens my creativity and I just needed to 'get it out' - any way, here's the pic I drew of my son! It ain't perfect but it was a great tonic for me and he loves it. We are going to redecorate his room soon and he want a graffiti theme, so I will try to replicate this on his wall... wish me luck!
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, I hope your hubby is ok... sending you cwtches x
  17. Jane, I really think you are going to be very happy with your PS results. Your tummy is a lot flatter than mine pre TT and from what I can tell it is mostly skin that you are concerned about. Seriously, you are going to be soooo happy! Keep us posted on your journey, I know it is very different for everyone. I am really pleased with my TT and BL and would love to get the arms looked at, but I know I can't afford any more, so I am dealing with it and dressing wisely! You really do look great and should be very proud of yourself! Well done you x
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thank you... funny you should say that - a lot of people underestimate my weight, saying I look a lot lighter than I actually am. I had a very interesting convo with a good friend. She gave me some jean (obviously too big for her...lol...hmmm) and asked me how my weight loss/training was going cos I was looking smaller. I told her my new weight, and she was surprised at how 'heavy' I was because when she was 'my size' she weighed 10lbs lighter than me! She went on to say that she was surprised that I wear UK 14/12 because I look the same size as her - she is a UK10. Nice to hear, but not true! hahahaa Oh and the jeans that were UK12 fit lovely, in fact a little loose on the waist!
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    don't know if these will help: http://authoritynutrition.com/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coconut-oil/ http://wellnessmama.com/5673/the-only-way-i-drink-coffee/
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Was supposed to fast today. All was well until lunch - had a small portion of cheese and pot pie (not a lot of cheese) - anyway, after lunch I just felt blurgh! Dizzy and lighted headed - like I was nearly drunk without the alcohol! I came home from work just feeling 'sad' - no reason to either, nothing has gone wrong... anyway, I haven't stuck to the 500 cals, will do it tomo instead. I don't normally feel like this, and I am not one for tea and sympathy, I suppose I'm just having an off day! Hope everyone else is a little more upbeat!
  21. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and I saw 159 AGAIN! Could I have another new low bounce range? Defo see a pattern forming here
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and I saw 159 AGAIN! Could I have another new low bounce range? Defo see a pattern forming here
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Has anyone heard of/tried putting coconut oil in their coffee and cooking with it to help weight loss? Been reading a bit about it and a lot of people seem to like it...
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Has anyone heard of/tried putting coconut oil in their coffee and cooking with it to help weight loss? Been reading a bit about it and a lot of people seem to like it...
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG GT! I would be a mess - stay safe my lovely!

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