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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopetolose

  1. hopetolose

    Mine will be lingerie!

    Not a bikini for me. I am looking forward to the new jeans that ride kinda low. I dont think I have worn jeans since they were the ones that were way up above your belly button. I am going to be 45 this summer, so I am hoping I can still pull those off without looking to riduculous. I think the hubby would enjoy a little sexy stuff to, so I will be visiting VS also
  2. Guilty. I told myself I was going to put it away. But I just cant bring mysef to do it. Im addicted.
  3. hopetolose

    Banded for 2 months

    Congrats, I just posted sometbing similiar today and im only 5 weeks out. Great job and im glad you are happpy with your decision.
  4. hopetolose

    Does anyone have any REGRETS! HONEST..

    So far no regrets, but only going on 5 weeks now. I do remember thinking "what did I do" when I was coming out of anstesia at the hospital. But I have heard alot of people say that after the first day or two. After that its not bad and after the third week I felt great. Im close to 20 lbs and I can notice alot of difference already in my back and ankles not hurting as bad.
  5. So I will be 5 weeks tomorrow, fill is scheduled for next wedensday. But had a small victory today and the scale finally moved in the right direction. Have been messing around with the same 2 lbs for the last 3 weeks. I think I have been losing inches because my clothes are alot loser and people are starting to comment at work. And I passed the 220 mark, was down to 219.2 this morning. I have kicked up my walking and pace and I think that is helping. Starting after next week, I want to start Zumba and I am very excited about that because it looks so fun. My goals for right now are to start getting mentally prepared to be a bandster with a fill. I still strugle with drinking while eating (getting a little better) Also I think I am eating to fast, because I tend to get a stuck feeling eating certain things and I am really scared to do that next week with my first fill. Anyway, just wanted to check in with small little victory. Hehe, funny I am excited about a two pounds. But I will take what I can get. And I feel really good. I dont know if it is the band and the small amount of weight so far or that I have cut out soda, but which ever it is I feel really good. Hope all is well with all the other April 2011 bandsters
  6. hopetolose

    What is this bump?

    I got one about two weeks after my surgery. I can feel my port just to the left of my belly button (feels like a baby foot if you ask me) But the other thing developed above my belly button. I went in and they said it was a seroma (spelling could be wrong). It is a little pocket of fluid and they said that the body should obsorb it. It is still there and it has gone down a little. I never really hurt that much. I think I will have them check it out again when I go for my next appt and get my fill (which is next week yea me)
  7. hopetolose

    1st Fill - Still Hungry & Frustrated

    I am right there with you. I have only lose 16 pounds and I am getting frustrated. But I keep coming here and reading about how everyone else is on the same boat. Then I read posts of people that are 4-5 months out that have lose considerably more afte a couple of fills. So I am sticking with it and hoping that it will happen for me as well. I got frustrated with myself yesterday because I ate about 1400 calories instead of 1200, but I know that is going to happen and now I need to get to the gym today and get some walking in. Let keep going. Its going to work. I have 1.5 weeks until my first fill. I am hoping for a miracle but am ready for a let down if I dont have good restriction. good luck
  8. I have the same feeling. It seems to get stuck right after it passes my throat. It is very uncomfortable. I happens when I eat chicken sometimes and a couple of other things. There was one day (this week) I couldnt get anything down and had to do liquids for the rest of day. I am a little over 4 weeks and I dont think they put a fill in me, but I really cant eat alot at one time. Im kinda worried about getting a fill. I wonder if it will be worse than it is now. But I really want to start losing more.
  9. I just past 4 weeks and will be 5 weeks on Thursday. I am hoping that I will start back up with the losing. I know what everyone says that you wont start losing again until maybe after the 6 weeks or after your first (or 5th) fill. But it is kinda frustrating getting thru those weeks of nothing. I am keeping my calorie intake at 1200 or so (went to 1400 today though). There are certain days that I am not hungery at all and there are days (like today) that I feel like I need a little more or want a little more. I am still working on the head thing and not to try to eat when I dont think I need it. Congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work.
  10. Congrats to you! I bet you feel wonderful! I to started at a size 18, and am waiting for the day I can be in a size 10. Cant wait. Good luck on your next goal!!!
  11. So I was doing laundry and I bent over and the area where my port gave a really sharp pain. Is the normal.
  12. I bent over when I was doing laundry and the area where my port is gave me a really sharp pain. Is this normal?
  13. So I am two weeks post op and am still not very hungry. I struggle to get in 1200 calories. I think I made it to 800 yesterday. I am getting in my protein and very little carbs. I am wondering if I still need to not drink during eating? It doesnt matter if it is washing it down I am still not hungry. Isnt the point of not drinking during meals is so that you can stay full longer.
  14. hopetolose

    1/3 of the way there!

    That's so great! Gongrats
  15. hopetolose

    Jimmy John's unwhich

    I have one by my work. I will have to check that out. Sounds good and I need a good place to go for lunch
  16. hopetolose

    No Longer Banded!!

    Im so sorry that you had to lose your band. I wish you so much luck with your last 30 lbs. Please keep us updated on your journey
  17. So the only peope that new about my surgery last week was my husband and a couple of girls at work. So I told my mom and sister today and then told my step mom (who is suppose to tell my dad for me cause he kinda of hard of hearing). They all took it very well. They asked alot of questions and then said that they were proud of me that I did it and said they couldnt wait to see me skinny. I was kinda surpised by their reaction. I thought I would get a little bit more of why did you want to do this and you could do it on your own and other things. But they were very kind and supportive. My step mom actually wanted to me to talk to her daughter about it and see if i could talk her into it as well. So now I just have to lose the weight and make everyone proud of me BTW. Seven days post op and still have no hunger
  18. So I am pretty sure I know where my port is, as I have been able to feel it since surgery. It is located just to right of my belly button and I can still feel it there. But I have a new lump just above my belly button that has just appeared today. I dont know what it is It doesnt necessarily hurt but I am kinda concerned about it. I have felt pretty good the last couple of days and did a little bit of very much needed housework and some laundry. I made sure that I didnt pick up anything heavy. I am going to call the doctor in the morning, but wondering if anyone has heard of this as of yet. Post op is 10 days out.
  19. hopetolose

    PCP just approved me

    Congrats! I never knew what to ask my doctor either. I think I researched so much that he probably couldnt answer anything that I might have already known. I asked about how many people he has had that have slipped and flipped and what the procedures are for those.
  20. I was banded on Thursday the 14th, and I am still not hungry at all. I have to make myself eat my Protein shakes. Is this normal? I am having either alot of gas or restriction still. Sometimes it feels like I just need to burb, but it also feels like i wouldnt be able to fit anything down there even if I wanted to eat something. I remember hearing the doctor say that I wouldnt be hungry for the first three weeks, but I didnt think It would be like no hunger what so ever. I wonder if it is restriction or gas?!? My goal today is to hit 60 grams of protein, which I am hoping will help with my laziness the last four days. Good thing is that I have lost 10 lbs since the surgery day. (i know, i wasnt suppose to weight myself) Bad girl. I have been getting in about two Protein Shakes per day for about 30 grams the last few days, which I know is not good.
  21. Just wondering if anyone has done slim4life after you were banded. I did it last year and it worked good, but couldnt deal with all the pills. But the diet that my doctor is going to have me on afterwards seems alot like the slim4life diet. Lots of protein and some vegies.
  22. My incisions do not hurt anymore really, but the port area stings a lot sometimes. I am trying to do laundry (being very carefull with my bending) and It really stung for a couple of minutes. The doctor said that it is really hard to flip with the way he atatches it. He uses somekind of velcro stuff. Unfortunately there are somethings that I have to get done. Laundry is one them.
  23. hopetolose

    Is this common?

    I am having the same problem getting my protein in (banded 14th). I am trying to drink water through out the day and get 1/2 shake in 4 times a day. I only have to do this till wednesday and then I am on mushies, cant even imagine that I will want to eat anytime soon. Doctor said that I wouldnt feel hungry for the first three weeks. But I think i need to tell my stomach that because it is really mad at me and is growling at me constantly. It is really pissed off right lol
  24. hopetolose

    Has anyone done slim4life with the band?

    thanks Lena, I had surgery on Thursday. Feeling ok. I seem to have gas in my chest that makes me really want to burg, but I cant. Its funny how I am still not hungery after three days. I am having a hard time getting all my Protein, although doing a little better today. I might hit 45 today. I did slim 4 life awhile back and you can lose 3-5 lbs per week if you follow the plan. I have to go and find it. Its mostly protein, then veggies, then 2 servings of bread and 2 serving of fruit. I need to find it so that I can see if its possible getting that much food down. I will let you know if I find it. Thanks for the encouragment. I still cant beleive I did it.
  25. Had my surgery on the 14th and just now feeling a little better. Pretty much slept since thursday. Had a really hard time getting in all my fluids yesterday. But today I am going to really work at. I know if I dont get in the Protein I am going to feel weak. Having alot of gas in my chest, but none in my shoulders like some have mentioned before. Doctor said to use Mylanta, so I will see how that works today. Also, I wasnt suppose to get on the scale but I did and lost about 3 lbs since thursday. I know I was bad but couldnt help my self.

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