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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopetolose

  1. Weesie, your reasons are great. I know my reasons and dont question them. I didnt even go into with this lady. I just smiled and said "yeah, I needed it" and changed the subject. All I know is, my back and feet are already feeling better and are only going to get better the more I lose. Yea me! Lol
  2. I know I did the right thing. It was just weird hearing it from someone that is suppose to be on my side because we are going thru the same thing. I did it so that I wouldnt get to a bmi of 40. Which is where I was heading if I did any more "diets". I finally feel as if this will be the end of it all. I dont really feel like I am dieting. Im not hungry, so I dont eat that much and although Im not losing that fast, its going down without so much frustration as all the other diets gave me. I hope that makes sense. I know im still early in my process, but it just feels good right now;)
  3. hopetolose

    Good Breakfast Ideas?

    When is your fill? I am always looking for stuff for breakfast also. My doctor said no more Protein shakes at all anymore unless it is the day after a fill. He said that i can do Protein Bars instead, just cant drink my calories anymore. At my fill someone mentioned a mini Quiche that you can make ahead of time. I will see if I can find it to post for you Good luck!
  4. Hey guys, glad everyone is doing so well. I am down 21 total. I lost my stats that were on my phone, so I dont know how much was in April. I know that a bulk of that was done in the 1st two weeks after surgery. I have lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks or so. Note: I found stats on my ticker. I lost 6 pounds before surgery, then gained that back after surgery then lost 16 total for april, so i have lost 5 pounds in May. I would love to be at 200 by July 4th, but my initial goal is 10 lbs for the month of June
  5. hopetolose

    no weight loss

    Sounds like a fill would help you with you hunger. Schedule an appt soon!!
  6. Oh, I learned my lesson. Ive trying to be so careful since getting filled last week. But that was just plain stupid.
  7. hopetolose

    July 4 Challenge 2011

    Im in for ten. My brother is visiting thst weekend. Hope I can do it!
  8. hopetolose

    did i make the wrong decision?

    Yup, it gets better. The first week is kinda awfu. Then each week gets better and better. Week 7 now and feel great. Just stick to the rules. Next phase will be platuea and you will be concerned about not losing. Normal also, which is frustrating. Hang in there.
  9. How exciting for the two of you to reunite. My husband had to move to texas to work and I am down here visiting tbis weekend and it is amazing. The intimacy is so much better and I have only lost 20 so far. Enjoy, he will love you no matter what and u can show him some new moves that you couldnt do 100 lbs ago lol
  10. hopetolose

    My first NSV

    Congrats! My hubby just moved down to texas to work for awhile and he is diabetic. He worked really hard to get himself off insulin and did that about 6.months ago, but since doing this new job where is walking around alot during the day and being away from the kids snack stuff he is numbers are continuosly below 100 and he is off all his meds. Congrats again. That is a great accomplishment
  11. So I have noticed that my clothes are really starting to get bigger on me. The girls at work and my mother are making comments that I am really starting to show some weight loss. But I just chalked that up to trying to be nice and supportive. So one of my parents (i own a daycare center) commented today that I really looked like I was losing weight and I looked really good. That one felt good cause it was someone that I dont really see to often cause she comes so early in the morning and I always miss her. The other one came from one of my 5 year old boys. I was standing there watching the kids play on the monkey bars and he just looked at me and said "Miss Connie you are so skinny". Wow, havent heard that word used for awhile. Granted, ive only lost 20 lbs and need to lose about 60 more, so he is a little ahead of himself, but anyway, I will take it when I can get it. I think that one meant the most so far, because it has to come from the heart if its from a 5 year old. Right?
  12. hopetolose

    The difference 1 cc (or less) can make.

    I went for my first fill yesterday and she put in 5.5 cc and I guess I already had 1 cc in there. But I could tell right away that was to much. I took one sip of Water and it would not budge. She took out .75cc out right there before I left and I felt much better. I can feel it going down, but it goes down without a problem. Mushies were today and did not have a problem with anything. Tomorrow I will eat normal and hopefully all will go well. I was not hungery at all today, just made myself eat every 4 hours or so. So I think I am at a pretty good spot for right now. That is amazing how so little can make such a big difference.
  13. I went for my first fill (which is a really wierd feing). And I guess I did have a little bit in there to begin with, which the nurse was surprised at. So she put in 5.5cc and I already had 1cc in there. My band is the small one 10cc. So she got me up and I took a little sip of Water and it got stuck right away. wasnt going anywhere. So she took out .75 and I could feel it trickle down. So my question is, will this be my sweet spot for awhile? I made an apointment fow two weeks, but she said I probably wouldnt need one then.
  14. Glad you got it taken care of. I found when I went for my fill thst I had some Fluid in there which was why I hsd restriction also. But I only had 1cc. I cant imagine 3cc during recovery. Poor thing. Good luck!
  15. I had problems with my two small inscisions also. The just started to feel better the last two weeks. I just got my first fill yesterday and was kinda tender all day yesterday, but doesnt feel to bad today. All is good. Good luck with your fill.
  16. I need to get this down as well. Just had my first fill and am not looking foward to eating tomorrow. I still have issues with drinking while eating also. Im such a bad bandster.
  17. Welcome to band land. Hope everything goes well for you. Congrats.
  18. Im kinda scared to start eating. I havent really had a stuck episode as of yet. Things will sometimes go down kinda slow, but it seems like im gonna go frkm one extreme to another. liquids today and soft tomorrow. So we will see how friday goes. Sorry about all the posts, dont know what I did:)
  19. The rn who does the fills has a lapband, so she says she is very aggressive the first time cause she knows how frustrating it is to not get to your spot quickly enough. So I guess I am lucky? We will see how it goes. She will only do tweeks from now on.
  20. The rn who does the fills has a lapband, so she says she is very aggressive the first time cause she knows how frustrating it is to not get to your spot quickly enough. So I guess I am lucky? We will see how it goes. She will only do tweeks from now on.
  21. The rn who does the fills has a lapband, so she says she is very aggressive the first time cause she knows how frustrating it is to not get to your spot quickly enough. So I guess I am lucky? We will see how it goes. She will only do tweeks from now on.
  22. Tomorrow is the day for my first fill. little bit worried. A freind that had the same surgeon said he puts in about 5 cc. Wow, seems like alot.
  23. hopetolose

    OMG! OMG! OMG!

    Congrats. Call my a baby's foot. thats what it feels like. L
  24. Uggg, I just started losing again and now I started my monthly. So it will probably be at least 4 days if nothing. I am hoping that if I an stick with my 1200 and workout, I will have a big drop then. First fill is on wednesay. Kinda scared cause I already have pretty good restriction. Or maybe I dont and its all in my head
  25. Its hard. Im going on my 6th week and am just again starting to loss weight. Its like a 3 to 4 weeks of being stagnant. Very frustrating, but stick with it and it will start again. If you read the posts, most everyone has done it. Keep up the good work.

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