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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopetolose

  1. hopetolose

    comment from my mom

    :lol:I think your mom was just commenting on that you could fit that much in. There are times when I can eat more than a cup of food and my mom is surprised by that. She always wants to split something, but I want it to take home for later. There are going to be days when you will be able to eat more than you probably should. And there are days when you wont be able to get hardly anything down. Its going to vary from day to day. I wouldnt read to much into it. Just do what you need to do and try not to worry what other people are saying.
  2. hopetolose

    On the brink

    If you are not there by your fill, you will be soon after it. You will usuaklyose a little bit right after your fills. I think because you do shakes for a day. good luck!!! you can do it!!!
  3. So are we talking naked in front of the mirror? If so I would say my face. if we are talking about with clothes on, it would be a toss up between my butt and my waist. haha I am loving the hourglass shape again, but am inpressed that I have lost so much of my butt!! Again this is with the clothes on. off, I can tell I am 45 years old!!!lol
  4. hopetolose

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    That in itself might be the problem. Finding a good surgeon that will help after someone else has done the surgery that is near to wherw she lives. It sounds like the people she has been working with hasnt been helping her like they should. Maybe we can do a shout out to anyone that lives in her area that might know someone good, so she wont have to travel so far to get some help.
  5. When you start to get to the lower sizes, how much does it take to lose a pants size? I am at 192 now and just fitting into a 14. It took me about 45 lbs to go from a tight 18 to a snug 14. Ive heard that once you get out of the bigger sizes it doesnt take as much to go down a size. I was wondering if anyone can give any insight on how much they lost between sizes at this stage.
  6. hopetolose

    How much weight loss to drop a size

    I need to get on the elyptical. ive been wanting to try it!!!
  7. hopetolose

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    Yes, its true how even the weather can affect our bands as much as food can. Its an everday struggle learning to live with this thing. I didnt mean to start anything bad about surgeries in Mexico. I just wish they had more support (medical wise) after the surgery where they live to elp tem. I cant imagine trying to do this without my surgeons office. again good luck to you!!
  8. hopetolose

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    This is the second thread about the not liking the band and both were done in Mexico. I dont mean to be cruel, just an observation, but it seems like people that have had their surgeries in Mexico have a harder time post op. Maybe because they dont have the support they need closer to home. Im sure there are tons of people out there that have had grest success with it done in Mexico, but It just seems like I read alot of failures done from there. Im so sorry that you are having problems and hope you can get to the place you need to be to make this work. Good luck!
  9. hopetolose

    Unfill to see...

    I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are the worst!! As to your unfill, just keep to the rules and you should be fine. I had an unfill a little bit ago and actuslly started loosing again. So maybe it will do the same for you! Good luck and feel better!
  10. 5 more pounds until I am 189! Cant wait to get there. I think that might be more exciting than onederlnd! And that felt pretty darn good. I still cant beleive I am 194 and still losing. Its been over 4 months and I havent given up and I would have if not for my the lapband! My initial goal is 160, but I am going to be very happy at 180. Speaking of the 80's, I miss legg warmers
  11. hopetolose


    My reaction to those ads now "i cant beleive I would that and fisnish it" or"i wonder how that would be like reheated" Im finally starting to look at portions and go "really", you can really expect me to even eat a quarter of that....
  12. hopetolose

    My band has slipped

    I hope it goes back by itself without the surgery. good luck.
  13. hopetolose

    The End of Summer Challenge

    im at 194.6, but I had a bad munchy day yesterday, so I probably wont stay there for long
  14. So I went in for a fill today. Was not even sure that she would give me a fill, but she ended up giving me .20 since I had .50 taken out the last time. So my first NSV was when the nurse was taking my vitals. She was looking up my BMI and I asked her how close I was to not being "OBESE". She looked at me and said that I was NOT obese. Hehe. liked that one... I have about 4lbs to go until I am officially declared "overweight" So then I saw the surgeon outside the room and thanked him again for doing my surgery!!! He just looked at me and said WOW what are you a 27. Im like huh!!! No im a 14. He just laughed and said he thought my BMI was a 27. The nurse laughed and said no she is a 30 and he said that I looked way smaller than that. He wanted me to go and talk to people at the next seminar that he is having in Septemember. He thinks I will be at my goal within 6-7 months of my surgery. I told him that was my goal too!!!
  15. so jeleous! cant wait to get there with you! congrats on all your hard work!!!
  16. My measurements say I am suppose to be an 18/20. But I am fitting into 16 and some 14's. 18's are way to big and fall off me. But according to the measuements of a 14, the shouldnt fit me. Anyone else experiencing this? I was going to order some stuff online, but dont know if I should.
  17. hopetolose

    Big day for my wife

    she will do great! try not to worry to much! be a good hubby and bring her flowers!!! best wishes!
  18. hopetolose


    woo hoo! congrats. gotta love those NSV's!
  19. hopetolose

    The End of Summer Challenge

    checking in. no change for me this week.
  20. Did you still need some clothes. I went through my entire closet and need to get rid of them. If you dont need them anymore, I am going to bring them over to goodwill. Can you let me know by Wednesday 8/17. Thanks
  21. hopetolose

    4 month Bandiversary

    Banded 4 months as of today! Im at around 40 lbs, but have been on plateau for over a week or so. But thats still averaging 10 lbs a month. I am still hoping to get to my goal weight by November. If I can keep up with my average, I should be able to make it. How are the other April bansters doing?
  22. So I started my TOM yesterday and had an awful day cheating. My first no-no was that I had a bite of my son's donut! Then I did ok for lunch and had a ceaser chicken salad. But then my family ordered pizza for dinner, so I had one peice of pizza and two chicken wings. And to top it off I had about 10 M&M's. Yuck, I felt awful! Luckily it only lasted a day and I was back to myself this morning.
  23. Nope, I jumped on the scale and almost broke it Congrats!!!
  24. hopetolose

    Uggg, TOM and cheat day!

    You guys are sweet. Yes it would have been worse pre-lapband. Every Friday night is pizza night at my house and I have been so good since being banded with those nights. But it just hit my TOM on the right day and the right mood. It really didnt do to much damage. But I really dont cheat that much, so I am being hard on myself. Tonight I had a scoop of ice cream, but I was still under my calories for the day and I walked an extra round the track to make up for it.
  25. hopetolose

    The End of Summer Challenge

    Hope everyone is doing well! Im at 196.8, down about 3 I think.

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