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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopetolose

  1. How has your first month been? Looks like you are getting a good start!

  2. hopetolose

    Had to get an unfill today!

    Yup, liquids today, mushies tomorrow!!! Fun Fun!!!
  3. hi girls. was ingredibly busy yesterday and didnt get a chance to update until late? how is everyone doing? I had to get a slight unfill today because of a major stuck episode. so ifbyou notice all liquid stuff on myfitness pal youll know whats up.
  4. I didnt see the friend requests, but I found the search part and tried adding you guys. I got Kitty added.
  5. hopetolose

    56 pounds down- before & during

    Yes, you did look greeeeaaatt! You rocked your jeans, which as we all know is a good sign that we are loosing!!!! Keep up the great work!!!
  6. Flower, I didnt see your email on your profile to add you on myfitness pal. I was able to add Kitty and I didnt see a request for you as a friend. Am I doing something wrong? Anyway, I am liking this so far, because I havent grazed yet today and I have been doing that alot lately, So Thanks pal!!! I weighed in at 189.8 this morning, which is the first time in the 180's, so kinda excited about that. I have been hovering at 190-191 for the last two weeks. Uggg. I will check in later and if I cant add you to the fitness site then I will give you a run down for the day. Be good today!!!!!! lol
  7. He is working in texas for an oil company. Im a bit luckier than military in the fact I get to see him about every month or so. Its been kinda fun seeing him so little because I keep changing every time I see him. But its still hard having him so far away. I cant imagine having a close family in the military.
  8. hopetolose

    Lost 12lbs, can't tell!

    18 pounds unfortunatly was not that bit of a difference. I could tell alittle bit, but you would think that would be huge. I look back at the pics that I did and I really cant tell a difference. But I remember feeling great joy that I was actually at 18 pounds and still moving forward. it will come dont worry. Its the inches that will make the difference, nit the scale. Im currently on a scale plateau, but I noticed that I am losing inches, which is when the clothes fit better keep walking!!!
  9. The nurse told me at my first visit that I must have smaller anatomy because my doc put the smaller band on me. I think she said mine was.a 10 or 11. Which a first kinda scared me since she pretty much filled it up the very first fill. But I am only at little over 6cc right now and im well over 1/2 way to my goal. So I am not to concerned about it now. After you hit your spot you get little tiny fills from there.
  10. I have myfitnesspal. I wil have to go on there and see how to add friends. I have not been using it lately, so it should be interesting where I am at on calories. Ive been on a plateau on the scale, but I think I am lising inches because the 14 pants I just fit into are getting baggie. Im so sorry that you had to have your unfil. that must be kinda frighening to lose that control that you get with the band. This will be good for us, I see my hubby in two weeks and hopfully I will lose a little bit before he gets here!!!
  11. YOU look amazing. Why did you have to get unfilled? You look like you are at your goal!!!! Thank you for your kind words about my pics. I hope we arent starting today! I just got back from a 40th birthday party and I had a couple of bites of cake I need to really get going on my Water as well. I have been doing more iced tea then I should be.
  12. I wouldnt mind helping you! Ive been on a plateau for almost two weeks now and need to see what I could do different. I think I am losing inches, but would love for the scale to move as well. Let me know what you need from me
  13. I promised myself I wouldnt do this.... But I am finding myself shopping way to much now. I am finally fitting into size 14's pretty good now and I can wear anywhere from a medium to a large on tops. I have been shopping at least three times this week alone. I am buying stuff that is fitting snug on tops knowing that they might fit pretty good in a month or so. But I need to stop until I get to my goal weight. I still have 30 lbs to go and I have no idea what I will be in. I have picked up some size 12's that have been on clearance. What if I am smaller than that when I am done. I can always get the 12's alterered (maybe even the 14's). Is anyone else going nutso on the shopping??? What am I going to be like when I hit goal. I am going to have to get a second job to support my habit...
  14. hopetolose

    Help!! Addicted to shopping

    butterfly queen, I was just kidding about the second job. I own my own business and make pretty good money. I wont put myself in the poor house over my shopping habits. thanks for your concern!!
  15. Do you really want everyone to tell you its ok to eat a half a pizza right agter surgery? Your stomach needs time to heal. Cheating might be starting mushies early, but not pizza! That could do so much damage to your stomach let alone the band. Please try and stick to the food you are approved for. We all know how how this is, but it will get better after the first weeks or so. good luck
  16. hopetolose

    Help!! Addicted to shopping

    Wow, you are doing so good!!! In both weight loss and not becoming a shopaholic!!! Your clothes must be falling off you. How are you keeping them up??? I was doing good until I hit size 14 and then all bets were off. Im not to worried about the tops because I like things kinda baggy anyway. You are getting so close to your goal for your vacation, I bet you are getting excited
  17. hopetolose

    2011 06 06 16.53.08[1]

    From the album: progress pics

  18. hopetolose

    2011 09 03 20.43.40

    From the album: progress pics

  19. woooohooo!!! way to go. welcome to onederland! its a great place to be.
  20. hopetolose

    The Harvest Moon Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Hopetolose Age~45 Weight on September 1st~ 190.6 Goal Weight for September 29th~ 180 Exercise Goal for September~ To add elipticle machine Dietary Goal for September~ Ive been doing good, keep it up Personal Goal for September~ to get all my projects done Date Banded~ 4-14-11 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~48
  21. hopetolose


    Woohoo! Congrats! I hit mine at the beginning of august and I have about half a pound to 189. I think that will be just as exciting. keep up the great work!!
  22. you should be drinking at least 80 oz a day now. Just remember to sip. You can still can get your fluids stuck if your not careful. Just have a bottle of Water with you all the time and sip. Good luck¡!
  23. you should be drinking at least 80 oz a day now. Just remember to sip. You can still can get your fluids stuck if your not careful. Just have a bottle of Water with you all the time and sip. Good luck¡!
  24. hopetolose

    Had my fluid taken out...bummer

    im so sorry that u had to have your fluid taken out. That would be hard. But I was just thinking today that I am getting into a pretty good routine. I dont go for a fill until the middle of september, but I kinda wanna see if I can go longer without one. I wanna be able to rely on my life style changes instead of on the band. It sounds like you are doing a good job so far and not going back to old habits. thats great!!!
  25. hopetolose

    The End of Summer Challenge

    hey all! I didnt quite meet my challenge but I set it kinda high! I am at 191.4. I lost 8 for the month, which I wil take in a heartbeat. good luck to all, see u on the september challenge!

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