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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Pungosmama

  1. I was going to complain about how hot it is then I realized that at least: 1.) it isn't 115 degrees; 2.) I'm not 5,700 miles from home; 3.) I'm not dressed in a full BDU uniform and helmet and carrying 70+ lbs.; and 4.) there is very little chance that anyone will shoot at me or that I might drive over a bomb in the road today! Thanks to all who serve in our fine military! God Bless y'all. Re-Post if you agree!

  2. Stolen from Maggie Lapbandabear McCall:I have been to a lot of places, but I have never been in Cahoots. Apparently you can't go there alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone. I've also never been in Cognito, either. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport, you have to be driven there. I've made several trips and am planning one in the near future.

  3. *STOMPING FOOT* I hazzz lost no weight on this freakin liquid diet and I is pissed. You is not to like my status, you is to fix it. kthnx

  4. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes! I LOVE YOU!

  5. WOW. How in the world do I have 260 ish new friends that I met only through weight loss??? Since March, I think. What a blessing!

  6. <--------- Marnetta Miller here I is.

  7. @@ <---- me so tired. I wanna go home.

  8. I CAN'T SLEEP. Waah.

  9. GOSH ya'll quit doin stuff so I will quit lookin cause I have GOT to go to bed. Nite ya'll.

  10. I must be feeling overly sensitive today. But I feel like I'm always being supportive and commenting on people's status when they have problems. But I feel like I am ignored.

  11. So we're watching the 10 pm news and they were showing a hot dog eating contest. My hubby looked over at me and said "62 HOT DOGS? Now THAT can't be good for ya."

  12. OK, if you have the lapband, was it done outpatient, or did you have to stay in the hospital, and if so, how long?

  13. While you are off enjoying your 4th festivities, remember those that are away from home doing the dirty work so you can enjoy your freedom. Happy 4th to my great American Soldier, Zach Melvin, and all the others. Missing you. <3

  14. Put curains in washer, check Facebook. Put curtains in dryer, check Facebook. Find wayward dogs, check Facebook. Strip the bed, check Facebook. And so it goes.

  15. Lapbanders: If you are over 40, and even if you aren't, we have a group called Over 40 lapbanders. Come join!

  16. Please pray for my mom, Fleda Smith. She had a ct scan which showed blood in her lungs. She goes to her family doctor on Thursday, and we are hoping she will get to see her lung specialist soon. She has COPD and is 81.

  17. Wow. I actually went walking with a friend by the river this morning at 6:30. Yay me! Going to start walking every morning before work.

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