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LAP-BAND Patients
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About fatboy-es

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/22/1962

About Me

  • Biography
    bachelor, live in western Pa.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    camping, motorcycles, travel
  • Occupation
    self employed painter, landlord
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  1. Happy 51st Birthday fatboy-es!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday fatboy-es!

  3. I had alot of gas and abdominal pain for the first few days too. I was thinking the same thing about all of the posts that say this was such a cake walk. I guess not everyone is the same, I am feeling much better now though, I am at oost op day 9. I still have some gas pains, although not nearly as bad. I met with a friend of my sisters that was banded 2 years ago and she said she couldnt believe how well I was doing. She said she couldnt even leave the house for 2 weeks after surgery. She had no regrets and looks great by the way. She told me that her husband told her to stop loosing weight, she was getting to skinny ! LOL. Hang in there!
  4. Fruit juice will help keep you hydrated. I was allowed full liquids after day 2. Cup of soup makes a cream of chicken that is pretty good. Also Tomato soup tastes pretty good. My Dr. told me gas X or Malox wouldnt help much because the gas wasnt in my stomach, it was in my abdomen, but I did take the strips and they did help some. Walking and time seem to work best. I am at post op day 9 and still have some gas, but not much. Good Luck !!
  5. I had my surgery 8 days ago and am feeling pretty good. I had alot of tightness in my abdomen i think from them being in there prodding and poking around. But nothing was unbearable, I just wasnt sure what to expect either. I have been walking about 3/4 mile a day and sleeping good though. I was out at the mall yesterday and could have went earlier, just didnt have a reason too.
  6. fatboy-es

    Dr Just Called ... Surgery Tomorrow At 11

    Thanks for all the Good Luck wishes !!!
  7. My Dr.s office just called and told me to be at the hospital at 9 tomorrow morning. Surgery is scheduled for 11. Yikes !!! I am not to worried yet, but im sure I will be a nervous wreck by then!!
  8. fatboy-es

    Pre-op Diet???

    I should have stressed.....Do what your Dr. says before anyone follows my advice. I was just stating what I have been doing myself .
  9. On my computer, when I start reading a topic, after several people have added posts, they are all jammed together at the bottom of the page. If there is a post with say 25 replies, I can only read the first 5 or so and just get interested, then they are all jumbled together and I cant read any of them. Anybody got any ideas what Im doing wrong, oir how to fix ? Thanks
  10. fatboy-es

    Pre-op Diet???

    I am on mine right now.... I am suppose to drink 5 Carnation Instant Breakfasts a day ( sugar free of course ) Then I can replace 1 a day with a cream soup, SF instant pudding, smoothie...etc I can have all the clear broth and sgar free drinks and popsiicles I want. My surgery is in 2 days, so tomorrow its clear liquids only. It gets easier after the first day or two. I really like the CIB, they raste pretty good, but I have yet to have all 5 in a day.They taste like Nestle' Quick My dietician said I could have tomato soup, too. I buy Cambells and use water to mix with it, and it tastes pretty good too when your hungry. I just had a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle soup ( light) I did cheat and leave in a few carrots and noodles. It tasted pretty good too. The whole can only has 140 calories. I also like the Poweraide Zero Sports drinks. 88cents, at walmart for a quart. I drank it before my liquid diet. Good Luck!!!
  11. fatboy-es

    New To Website

    Thanks Dannorox
  12. fatboy-es

    New To Website

    Hi... I also just friended you. I am scheduled to be banded in 3 day. ( Wed ) I am on my liquid diet, and have been getting tired of those shakes and getting pretty hungry. Getting this close to surgery I have thoughts racing through my head about if I am doing the right thing or not. Like do I really want to do this to myself? So, its glad to hear words of encouragement. I have tried all different diets, too. With not much luck. I asked my surgeon this past week if he honestly thinks it works, and he said look at it this way " Insurance companies will do anything to try and get out of paying for anything. So if it didnt work, insurance companies wouldnt even consider it. " Like shap said any tips or experiences you have had would be so helpful.. Thanks Eric
  13. fatboy-es

    My First Fill- Just 19 Days After Surgery

    thanks for the info angood luck !!!! Just curious, did the fill help with the hunger? Are you feeling full sooner ?
  14. I saw my surgeon yesterday and am scheduled to be banded on Jan 4. He made an appointment fo me to get my first fill on Jan 23 in the hospital while doing a barium swallow. I was suprised at how soon this was, but have to trust my Dr.....
  15. fatboy-es

    Pre Surgery Diet

    I started my liquid diet on Wed of this week. My surgeon and dietician have me drinking 5 carnation sugar free breakfasts ( Breakfast Essintials ) every day. He said to drink one every 3-4 hours. I can substitute once a day, a cream soup, a smoothie, SF pudding or yogurt. Really they are very good. Chocolate milk has always been a weakness for me. Also if you go to www.carnationbreakfastessentials.com you can get a coupon and a bunch of recipes. Good Luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
