Congratulations, it looks like you've done very well at losing weight and I'm sure you don't regret getting your band. A surgeon is there for people who either need the surgery or have health concerns or emergencies resulting from the band. Quite often after most surgical procedures, nurses are the ones who are there for the patients. If you do have problems there is no doubt that he would be there for you. I'm sure Dr. C wants all his patients to be given the best care so he has staff and nurses to help him keep in touch with his patients. He recently came all the way out west to train my doctor to do fills and gave me and a few others a fill free of charge. He also gave free consults to anyone who wanted information on the lap band surgery so I know how dedicated he is to helping people before and after. I suppose you may want to think about what it is that you need to do to feel better about this and most of all celebrate this new you. Losing this weight is not all from the band, so be proud of your success and focus on the here and now. Don't be too hard on the doc, he's probably just like all of us, just doing his best.