Heavenlei, you seem to be a beautiful woman, and I know once you lose the weight you’ll be even more beautiful. Your friends and family care for you deeply, but when it all boils down, you are the one that has to live this life. I am in the beginning stages of the “lap band process”. I decided that I would only tell a few, trusted people about the surgery because people mean well but may not be wise.
No one is there with me when I don’t have enough energy to do my laundry, go to the park, or clean the house because of this fat body. Do you think they are coming over to lend me a hand? NO!
When I go to the Dr. and they tell me that I have an enlarged heart, High BP, and other crap going on because of this fat; is any of them helping me cook, going to the gym, or offering me encouragement? NO!!
When I look in the mirror and see these rolls of fat are they there with me? NO!
When I wake up 3-4 time a night because I have to pee (pre-diabetic) and I can’t breathe are they there? NO!
When I look into my daughters eyes and pray in my heart that I live long enough to see my grandchildren, no one feels that fear but me. So I have to do this for me.
Be encouraged Heavenlei, GOD has given you the wisdom to make the right decision.