Okay I could have written this myself! I am right there with you. I stayed regular until my first fill in the beginning of May. Since then, I have been constipated like nothing I have ever experienced. After the first week, I was able to get things moving with some Ex-Lax and lost 7 pounds; then another week of nothing, took dulcolax and lost 9 pounds. At this point it's now been nearly 2 weeks of no movement at all. I have tried Milk of Magnesia, both those laxatives, benefiber, metamucil, salads daily, stool softeners, you name it. I finally called my nurse hotline Tuesday night who told me to head up for x-rays in case I was impacted. So I went to the hospital Tuesday night, they told me they didn't see an impaction, only that I was definitely constipated. They gave me a drink of Magnesium Citrate and told me to take 1/2 when I got home and that I'd be cleaned out within 30 minutes. They said if I needed anything more, which they doubted I could take the other half 12 hours later. So after drinking this, I went to bed with no progress made. Yesterday I had a visit with my surgeon, explained everything to him and he said to stop taking everything. He told me I need to drink a gallon of water a day for the next 3 days and if things haven't progressed to call him back. So far today, I have made a small amount of progress but I'll admit I have not been able to consume but half the amount he requested. Tomorrow I am going to try harder and be more dilligent with my water drinking. I think that water is seriously the key to this so despite being completely FOS (as my surgeons office put it lol) I am going to try the natural way and just drink like a fish and hope for the best. Good luck to everyone else who is also dealing with this!!