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About LadyVelvet

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    Expert Member

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  1. LadyVelvet

    Any Vegetarian Sleevers?

    I too am following the plant based way of eating. "Forks over Knives" and I feel wonderful. I was stuck in my weightloss for quite some time but when I started this new way of eating which was two weeks ago - I lost 9 pounds. I love the way it makes me feel and the reasoning behind plant based eating makes me feel like I am doing something really healthy for myself. I am sticking with it. Love the beans!
  2. LadyVelvet

    Reflux/heart Burn

    I take Dexilant prescribed by my doctor. It does get better with time. I started taking everyday after surgery but now I only take two per week. When I feel it coming on I sip water and sometimes that helps. Also avoid foods that can cause it. (coffee - chocolate - peanuts) Your body will tell you what foods cause the most reflux. Hang in there.
  3. LadyVelvet

    Special Day today

    That is so absolutely fantastic! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And congratulations on your accomplishment. 3 years...that is awesome. I am 56 and my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner.....but I was not ready sooner. Glad to see you say you did it for you. I know for myself that I had to do this for me and me alone. If I did it for anyone else I would cheat when they are not around. Built my life on faking for so long but this is for me and this is for real. Yes this sleeve is truly a blessing and I entend to see it through to goal and beyond. Much hugs to ya Suzanne!
  4. LadyVelvet

    Partners in Crime

    My sister (2sweetnSugarland) and I were sleeved on the same day by the same surgeon (May 13, 2011). While there was not a lot of competition on our part - there was definately a lot of support. We recovered on the same floor and would walk around the nurses station together. We work out together several times a week at the gym (we started long before we had surgery) It helped to have someone going through this same experience that you love and who loves you. I don't particularly like competition when it comes to weight loss because no two people are the same and there are so many variables that are a part of losing weight. It is too emotional of a process for me as it is without adding unecessary stress like why did I lose only two pounds and she lost three. Remember it is not a race it is a journey.
  5. I am on Omeprazole - once a day. I am trying to cut it back to every other day. I tried stopping cold turkey and the acid reflux/Gerd was too much for me. I am researching other ways to combat the reflux (naturally) so I am open to any suggestions that anyone has. I have read some pretty scary stuff about prolonged use of PPIs. I am going to talk to my General Practitioner on my next visit to see if she has any other suggestions. She is really into alternative medicines. I will share what I find out.
  6. LadyVelvet

    The best thing I ever bought!!

    Yep! Absolutely AMEN!
  7. LadyVelvet

    Lifetime Fitness?

    No way...uuh...uuh! Telling Mama you are trying to kill me!
  8. LadyVelvet

    The best thing I ever bought!!

    That's a great idea 2sweet! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  9. LadyVelvet

    Who knew???

    Yep you really have to take it easy until you get your strength back. But hey....your feet look great!
  10. LadyVelvet

    The cookie monster....

    Hey we all have our pitfalls. I can truly relate to the sweets! I am in the middle of my third week post op so I have not been exposed to any activities yet. I am not looking forward to it. I know from old Weight Watchers training that a couple of rules do help with those kinds of pitfalls. 1. Never go to a function hungry. Eat a close to time for the function as possible. 2. If you do eat something you had not planned to - the next time you eat should be on track with what you are suppose to eat. Now if I had listened to that advice or practiced it like I should I would not be as "fluffy" as I am now. But it did work for me when I worked the program. I myself am terrified to face my Mom's sweets but I know that day will come. Does anyone know where you can buy a muzzle - preferrably in pink so that I can atleast look cute when I wear it.
  11. Congratulations! I have 24 pounds to go to get to OneunderLand. Good for you!
  12. LadyVelvet

    Surgery Cancelled

    So glad to hear that you did get clearance for the surgery you wanted as apposed to the surgery the surgeon wanted. Sometimes surgeons push the sugery that is best for them as apposed to the patient. Good for you! Good luck. Keep us posted.
  13. LadyVelvet

    A little about myself

    Welcome Linda! I commend you on your decision to get healthy. I am 2 weeks post op and all I can say is even during the recovery period (about a week) there was never a time when I wished that I could reverse what I did. Let us share your journey...it really does help to get support from people who have been through this. Good luck to you! YaY Linda!!
  14. Congratulations. My surgery was May 13th. For me the hunger is diminished but I am also dealing with a lot of acid reflux so I can't tell if I am really hungry right now.
  15. LadyVelvet

    Major Complications

    So sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you guys. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
