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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bentonhuey

  1. bentonhuey


    I drink coffee with sf cream everyday (2 cups). My doctor is fine with it as long as I count the calories and drink enough water.
  2. bentonhuey

    DISGUSTED!! Waste of time!

    Dave, That link is a great one. I have read it a couple of times and Dr. Simpson says it well. Thanks for posting. Amanda
  3. bentonhuey

    DISGUSTED!! Waste of time!

    From my own experience, my band does control hunger. I have been a volume eater in the past and my band helps me control my portions, but I could still probably over eat if I wanted to, so in my mind, it helps by diminishing my hunger. For instance, I ate Chobani Greek yogurt mixed with Kashi go lean crunch cereal for breakfast this morning. That would not have been a pre-band breakfast for me at all. I have other "more tempting" foods in the fridge and pantry, but because I ate a good amount of protein in the yogurt/cereal mixture, I am not tempted to go get the tempting foods. To me, the band is helping with my hunger, because in the past (pre-band), even after I would have eaten my "healthier" breakfast, if there was something more apetizing lying around, I'd go back and get it even if I really didn't have room left for it. Now, it's much better because I feel satisfied. I may not be technically correct in how the band works, I just know it is working for me where nothing else has before. Good luck to you!!
  4. bentonhuey

    Nutri System Diet

    My Dr. says you need a fill if you cannot go 4-5 hours after a meal without being hungry, if you can eat 1/2 a sandwich, &/or you are scavenging for food.
  5. bentonhuey

    DISGUSTED!! Waste of time!

    While Weight Watchers and othe WL programs are great and many people are successful on them, a lot of times, the weight lost comes back because the hunger is never truly diminished. The band helps to fully diminish hunger so that Weight Watchers, counting calories, &/or other WL options work better and help us keep the weight off long-term. I, like many other people on here, have been very successful on certain programs, only to see my weight that I lost come back plus more because I was hungry, felt deprived, etc. With the band, I can eat what I want, just in smaller, controlled portions, so I don't feel deprived and see more success that will last. A lot of bandsters use Weight Watchers and other WL programs, with their bands. It's all up to you and your doctor how you work it. Good luck to you! quote name='schmidty42' timestamp='1309182031' post='1631525'] Hey everyone, I'm scheduled to be banded on 7/14/11. I'm wondering -- if we still need to journal and really watch what we eat, why not just do Weight Watchers or something. What does the band really do that it's worth putting all my money into it? Sorry, I'm just getting nervous and want to make sure I'm making the right choice to have surgery. Also, is it okay if I'm not working out right now? Should I be working out prior to surgery in case I could be losing weight on my own? So confused and nervous. Thanks.
  6. bentonhuey

    Pre-surgical tests..???

    Since I had no other co-morbidities, I had to have a sleep study (and pray I had sleep apnea) to convince insurance that they needed to pay for my lap band. Turns out that I have a mild case of weight-related positional sleep apnea. After that, I had to have a complete blood work up to make sure I was healthy enough for surgery. (I think I had the blood work up done twice, once for insurance and then once before surgery). Insurance required me to have a psychological exam to make sure I was psychologically "fit" enough to go through WLS. I was also required to meet with a nutritionist twice (once during the insurance approval phase and once right before surgery). My WL surgeon had me get an ultrasound to check my gall bladder to see if I had gall stones prior to surgery. Since I did, he removed my gall bladder when he placed the band. I guess that's it. Mine was pretty extensive, but well worth it. Good luck!
  7. I didn't feel the last couple of fills until about 2 weeks out, also. I, too, have heard this is common.
  8. I am glad you found a program that works for you. I think that's the key in weight loss--finding something that works and you can stick with, whatever that may be. Your weight loss is great. Again, sorry you had a bad experience. I wish you the best as you work towards your weight loss goal. Amanda
  9. Sorry to hear that you had a tough time, Rough2000. I was an insurance patient and have found Jamie, Dr. Wellborn, and the rest of his staff to be great. Your preliminary appointment comes after they have verified insurance coverage and when you are further along in the process. It took me 2 years from when I initially turned in paperwork and my deposit to when I met with Dr. Wellborn. Granted, a lot of that was due to my own fault because I missed a couple of doctor's appointments for my insurance verification, but the end result was worth it. Insurance is a tricky road to navigate through (and a headache and a half), but Jamie and I waded through the mess together and I was banded this past January. Good luck to you.
  10. Your gas pain is normal and it will go away. Walking every chance you get will help dissipate it. Also, I took gas x strips and they helped. Be sure to continue to drink your water (small sips) constantly. Don't be too concerned with weight loss right now (even though you are losing a lot) as this is a time for healing. Anything lost is a bonus during this phase. Hope the gas gets better. Take care.
  11. bentonhuey

    Should I or shouldn't I

    Although I am significantly more overweight than you and have never been at a healthy weight, I say that researching your options well in advance will help you make the right decision. I am 38 years old and have been successful losing 90 plus pounds in the past before lapband, but it was keeping it off that was my trouble. I made my decision to have the lapband because I knew the likelihood of me losing 100 plus pounds again was little to none, and, if so, the maintenance of that loss would be impossible. Old habits die hard with me, and I knew the band was the right choice for me after speaking with several people, researching, and talking with my general physician. As I said, read the good & the bad about lapband and speak with your doctor(s). For me, it was the best decision and I am so glad I made it. Good luck to you and your decision.
  12. Vicki offered great advice. You will be fine. I rarely travel, but was sent away for business 2 weeks after surgery. I had just been on mushy foods one day when I flew several states away. I was very nervous about being so newly banded and so far away from home, but it was fine. I found food selection to be more than adequate, but I did take several protein shakes just in case and ended up bringing back most.
  13. Hi, Teri. Congrats on your band! The liquid phase is tough, but you can do it. Instead of chicken broth, try straining chicken noodle Soup and drinking that liquid. I know it's the same concept, but the chicken noodle soup broth tasted better to me than plain chicken broth. Have you tried Mio Water? It is a liquid flavoring that you can add to water. It's sugar free and zero calories and is really good (in my opinion). You can find it next to Crystal Light in your local store and they have all kinds of flavors Just be careful to not add too much. A little bit will suffice. Hope this helps a little.
  14. bentonhuey

    Please help!

    Oh, sorry. By the way, congrats on your amazing weight loss!
  15. bentonhuey

    Please help!

    I worry about it, too.
  16. I am cheering for you, too. I am glad you got a slight unfill and am praying you found your sweet spot. Good luck!
  17. I am sorry you have gall stones. I feel very fortunate that my doctor ordered an ultrasound before LB surgery & took out my gall bladder while putting my band in. He makes it a practice to remove diseased gall bladders during LB surgery (if at all possible) because he knows it's a matter of time before it has to come out & one surgery is better than two. I suffered for years feeling crummy and in serious pain (at times) and I'll tell you, LB surgery was great, but having no gall bladder has been fantastic. I never realized how bad I felt before. If your surgeon wants to take yours out, I say the sooner the better. It was definitely worth it (& more).
  18. bentonhuey

    Surgery on Monday 23rd!

    Good luck, Melissa. You'll do great! Keep us posted on your progress & remember to walk after surgery. I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Amanda
  19. I LOVE Reese's Pieces, pb cups, Butterfingers, etc. If I had a bag of Reese's, they'd be gone before you could even say "Reese's". However, I have found a way I can still enjoy Peanut Butter and feel no guilt because it is a healthy treat. If I have enough calories left over at the end of the day and still need Protein, I'll put 1/2 to 1 cup of skim milk in the blender (the amount depends on my leftover calorie allowance). I'll then add 2 packs of equal or splenda and either 1 or 2 tbsp of Simply Jiff peanut butter (again, depending on calorie allowance). I'll blend this up, pour in a glass and have a mock peanut butter milkshake. I like it (my husband doesn't). I'll have it once or twice a week.
  20. bentonhuey

    hurt when eating

    What's a prolapse?
  21. bentonhuey

    hurt when eating

    Are you chewing enough? Are you getting stuck?
  22. bentonhuey

    regret city....what have i done?

    As mentioned above, everyone is different as to what they can and cannot eat. I was banded Jan. 14th of this year and have not found a food yet that I cannot eat, including bread. Like others have said, you must eat slowly and chew, chew, chew, and then chew some more. I was also told by one of my 2-year banded friends that your food tolerance may change with every fill you get. So, be on the lookout for that as you progress through fills. It definitely gets better, and as you see the weight coming off, you will be glad you went through with the surgery. Good luck!!!
  23. bentonhuey

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Oh, sorry. I am ahuey on MFP.
  24. bentonhuey

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I have been using MFP since I was able to eat solids. I would love befriending others.
  25. Hi, fellow January bandsters. I was banded Jan. 14th & have lost 31.8 pounds so far (11 of those were pre-op). I had my 2nd fill yesterday (0.2 cc); my first fill 2 weeks ago (2 cc); & will have my third fill in 2 weeks. I have counted calories (staying between 600-800) and have felt restriction for the most part. The doctor put a standard band on me, since it fit, but he said it was tight enough by itself to give restriction from the beginning, so I guess I have been lucky in that regards. I know we can all do this and be successful. I am so glad to have had the surgery and am looking forward to more energy and less joint pain. Let's keep encouraging others!!!

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