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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sista622

  1. In case I don't say it enough....my man is AWESOME!!! I love you, Michael!!! And I TOTALLY love the new furniture, THANK YOU FOR BEING TOO GOOD TO THE KIDS AND ME!

  2. It's official...the house is paid off! Whoo hoooo!

  3. It's official, .... Our baby girl is going to be a Cardinal! Congratulations on your choice, Lex--we love you!

  4. Austin, "did you see the front of dad's car?"Alexis, "yeah"Austin,"do you know what happened?" [pause}Austin, "and it wasn't me this time!"[the whole truck burst out laughing]Oh, the curse of the white cars!LOL

  5. Lexie~ You were such a clown, and just as cute as EVERRRRR! I love you!

  6. I miss my Z, Addy Patty, and Joshie. And of course my best frannnnd and brother, too :0)

  7. You and I wake up in a psychiatric ward together. Using 4 words, what would you say to me?Note: If you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well.. Be a good sport and play along... 4 words is harder than you think

  8. Salary of House/Senate...$174,000. Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500. Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400. Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. Maybe our elected officials should make an average salary too, because this is rediculous! It's a time of sacrifice isn't it? Pass it along by posting on your wall if you agree!

  9. "Did you know that habitual mockery is a strong indicator of depression?" ~the Mentalist

  10. UGHHHHHH! cough cough weeze weeze hack hack .........

  11. Thanks for the shots, Doc!

  12. Evidently those antibiotics weren't strong enough...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
