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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sista622

  1. sista622


    From the album: sista622

  2. sista622


  3. sista622


    From the album: sista622

  4. In case I don't say it enough....my man is AWESOME!!! I love you, Michael!!! And I TOTALLY love the new furniture, THANK YOU FOR BEING TOO GOOD TO THE KIDS AND ME!

  5. It's official...the house is paid off! Whoo hoooo!

  6. It's official, .... Our baby girl is going to be a Cardinal! Congratulations on your choice, Lex--we love you!

  7. Austin, "did you see the front of dad's car?"Alexis, "yeah"Austin,"do you know what happened?" [pause}Austin, "and it wasn't me this time!"[the whole truck burst out laughing]Oh, the curse of the white cars!LOL

  8. Lexie~ You were such a clown, and just as cute as EVERRRRR! I love you!

  9. I miss my Z, Addy Patty, and Joshie. And of course my best frannnnd and brother, too :0)

  10. You and I wake up in a psychiatric ward together. Using 4 words, what would you say to me?Note: If you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well.. Be a good sport and play along... 4 words is harder than you think

  11. Salary of House/Senate...$174,000. Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500. Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400. Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. Maybe our elected officials should make an average salary too, because this is rediculous! It's a time of sacrifice isn't it? Pass it along by posting on your wall if you agree!

  12. "Did you know that habitual mockery is a strong indicator of depression?" ~the Mentalist

  13. UGHHHHHH! cough cough weeze weeze hack hack .........

  14. Thanks for the shots, Doc!

  15. Evidently those antibiotics weren't strong enough...

  16. sista622

    The Sweetheart's Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Sista622 Age~ 38 Weight on January 31st~??? Goal Weight for February 28th~205 Exercise Goal for February~?? Dietary Goal for February~?? Personal Goal for February~Begin this challenge for March Date Banded~06/22/2009 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 64# Since I have obviously began this late, is anyone up for a March Challenge?
  17. Wow! I love reading all of this encouragement! I wish I had found this site prior to my procedure in June 2009! I had my band placed on my birthday in 2009 to signify a rebirth. I began at 274# and am now stalled between 200 - 210#. This is a choice, and it isn't for everyone. People that show their ignorance by being negative are best to remove from your circle of friends, in the end they could sabotage you. Try to keep in mind the 'why' of your choice...I know people that have been successful and unsuccessful on this journey--to be successful you MUST remember this is a tool to help you achieve your goal. Be realistic in your expectations, and most importantly--listen to your physician's guidelines! This journey will be difficult, but when you see the results--well worth the wait! I remember thinking that the scale wasn't moving, why did i make this choice above others, this is sooo hard...and before I knew it--my clothes didn't fit! Too big! Whoo hoooo! Time to reward myself with a little shopping! LOL Then I began to think, hmmm--I am still losing--sooo, I found a friend and we swapped clothes during this journey--FUN! I am currently looking into my 'remodel' because I don't ultimately want to be the 'skinny' weight that I had thought. To confess, I do need to get back with the program and quit cheating myself with my progress, or lack of...LOL So, here I am--ready to recommit, and finish what I started! Cheers to your decision on getting healthy--you won't regret it!
  18. sista622

    Recommend a surgeon in Michigan

    Dr. Chad Ringley in Saginaw Michigan is fabulous! His staff, and both pre and post op care is magnificent. He is with the Mid Michigan Surgical Group. 989.790.3268 , ask to speak with Kelley for a free seminar. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
