I was banded on March 4th... very, very, very sore and swollen for about 5 days after surgery. I experienced very little gas (unlike a lot of posts that I have read) but I also lived on Gas-X chewables because I was afraid I would have horrible gas pains. Really my only bad experience post-op was that I developed a stomach virus and it was HORRIBLE!! I know this is TMI BUT my stools were so soft/watery that I was not able to hold them... ugh!!! I felt like I was going to die from embarassment. I called the dr's office and he was able to call in a prescription... 5 days later I was good as gold .
I had my first post-op appt with my dr. 4 days after surgery. I was still soooo swollen that I could hardly sit in the car, let alone wear 'normal' clothes but my dr seemed satisfied. He explained to me that I could move on to mushy foods within the next day or so (which I thought was a little early) and he then said that I could start on 'normal' foods whenever I got to the point that I was eatting buckets and buckets of mashed potatoes and still feeling hungry... I remember thinking to myself... Oh Boy... I can eat buckets and buckets of something I love... well, after about 2 days of eatting potatoes I thought I was going to puke... just the thought of eatting another potato made me want to scream. Needless to say I progressed onto other foods quickly. I am now eatting pretty much whatever I like (just not the quantities I would have pre-banding) and have lost 26 pounds thus far. I go for my first real fill on the 28th (they put in 3.5 cc's during surgery) and am feeling a bit nervous about it... mainly because I am going to have to start watching what I eat a little more cautiously and I am afraid with pollen season right around the corner that I might have some issues... with all that said I am also looking forward to a little fill because I am getting to the point that I am getting hungry more often.
The main thing post-op is to listen to your body, take your pain meds, and walk (that helps with the gas)... I was up and making laps around the interior of my house within an hour of coming home after surgery.
Good luck on your surgery!!!!!!!