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LAP-BAND Patients
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About NCBanded

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  • Birthday 09/17/1967

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  1. Happy 45th Birthday NCBanded!

  2. NCBanded

    March 2011 Bandsters

    I was banded on March 4th... very, very, very sore and swollen for about 5 days after surgery. I experienced very little gas (unlike a lot of posts that I have read) but I also lived on Gas-X chewables because I was afraid I would have horrible gas pains. Really my only bad experience post-op was that I developed a stomach virus and it was HORRIBLE!! I know this is TMI BUT my stools were so soft/watery that I was not able to hold them... ugh!!! I felt like I was going to die from embarassment. I called the dr's office and he was able to call in a prescription... 5 days later I was good as gold . I had my first post-op appt with my dr. 4 days after surgery. I was still soooo swollen that I could hardly sit in the car, let alone wear 'normal' clothes but my dr seemed satisfied. He explained to me that I could move on to mushy foods within the next day or so (which I thought was a little early) and he then said that I could start on 'normal' foods whenever I got to the point that I was eatting buckets and buckets of mashed potatoes and still feeling hungry... I remember thinking to myself... Oh Boy... I can eat buckets and buckets of something I love... well, after about 2 days of eatting potatoes I thought I was going to puke... just the thought of eatting another potato made me want to scream. Needless to say I progressed onto other foods quickly. I am now eatting pretty much whatever I like (just not the quantities I would have pre-banding) and have lost 26 pounds thus far. I go for my first real fill on the 28th (they put in 3.5 cc's during surgery) and am feeling a bit nervous about it... mainly because I am going to have to start watching what I eat a little more cautiously and I am afraid with pollen season right around the corner that I might have some issues... with all that said I am also looking forward to a little fill because I am getting to the point that I am getting hungry more often. The main thing post-op is to listen to your body, take your pain meds, and walk (that helps with the gas)... I was up and making laps around the interior of my house within an hour of coming home after surgery. Good luck on your surgery!!!!!!!
  3. Hey!! Surgery went well, I was in the hospital for 2 nights because I took the anesthesia so hard, but that's not anything out of the ordinary. Besides that, so far so good, I'm healing well! Energy is improving and Friday I started pureed foods. I've lost about 18 lbs since surgery, I've seen that slow now that I've started eating. How about you?!

  4. Do you work in Fuquay as well?

  5. My name is Suzanne. It would be cool to have some friends that can relate to what I am going through. I can be reached at suzyleep@yahoo.com... nice to meet you.

  6. I live in Raleigh and actually am trying to sell my house so that I can move to Fuquay... small world!!!

  7. I just read your other post. You were probably before me. He stopped after your surgery and said he was ready for me now that he had practiced. :) What part of the area do you live? I live in Fuquay. I'd love to find some "banded" friends to keep in touch with! Maybe even meet up with occassionally.

  8. My surgery was at 1pm. So far I have been doing ok with the weight loss (I replied to your topic in the forums with a little more detail)

  9. what time did you have surgery? Mine was at 2:30? How has your loss been so far?

  10. Too cool... I was banded the same date you were by the same doctor!!!!

  11. OMG... I was also banded by Dr. Bovard on March 4th in Raleigh... I bet you were the person right after me because when he stopped in after surgery he joked that he was able to practice on me before he operated on the next person. Too cool!!!!!! I've lost a little over 25 pounds but this morning when I got on the scale I had gained 3 lbs since yesterday. I am not all that worried because it is my T.O.M. My pants are fitting loose, even getting baggy so overall I feel great. I had a few complications a couple of days after surgery (I developed a stomach virus) which was NOT pleasant AT ALL but Dr. B prescribed an anitbiotic and everything seems to be cleared up.
  12. MoTown... I know we were scheduled to be banded on the same day. Just checking in to see how it all went.

  13. Just checking in to see how a fellow MARCHing Bandster is doing. Hope all is going well.

  14. Well, the big day is almost here... I get banded tomorrow, March 4 and I have found that the more that I read the more I am pschying myself out, lol... major information overload!! Good luck and best wishes to everyone!!
  15. NCBanded

    Calling all March Bansters

    March 4th is THE day, I'm having surgery on that day as well... my surgery is at 1pm so hopefully by this time on Friday I will be in recovery driving everyone nuts I wish you the best of luck MoTown and to everyone else!!!!!!

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